Knees are burning: causes, possible diseases, treatment


Limb injuries are very common; you can simply trip, hit, or overexert yourself during sports training. Then swelling appears and the inflammatory process begins, often accompanied by a feeling that the knees are burning, possibly the appearance of pain and discomfort.

Damage to the knee area can be in the form of a dislocation, tear of the meniscus or ligament, sprain, and even a crack.

In such cases, it is recommended to immediately apply ice to the injury site, provide rest and give a light massage. Do not forget that before putting ice, you need to wrap your knee with a towel to prevent frostbite. The procedure should not last more than 20 minutes, and it should be repeated no more than 3-4 times a day. Significant injuries are a reason to consult a doctor.

Instability at the patellofemoral joint

One of the complications of total arthroplasty is instability of the knee joint in the area of ​​the patella. The reason is a violation of the normal sliding of the latter in the frontal plane due to incorrect orientation of the implant. During the first year after surgery, instability in the patellofemoral junction is detected in 1.5% of patients.

The incidence of complications does NOT depend on the type of prosthesis and the experience of the surgeon who performs the operation.

An example of incorrect installation of the femoral component and the consequences in the form of increased wear.

To eliminate patellar instability, the patient undergoes revision arthroplasty. During the intervention, surgeons eliminate errors in the orientation of parts of the implanted implant. At the same time, superficial prosthetics of the patella is performed.

Less common complications of the femoral-patellar joint:

  • damage to the patellar prosthesis;
  • aseptic loosening;
  • patella fractures;
  • rupture of the patellar ligament;
  • snapping patella syndrome.

Problems with the spinal column

This specific sensation cannot be confused with anything; a person is always clearly aware when his knees are burning. Pain in the knees, which is accompanied by a burning sensation, may confirm the presence of dysfunction of the spinal column. This could be pinched nerve endings or problems in the choroid plexus area.

If you experience prolonged discomfort, you cannot do without a serious examination. First of all, it is necessary to undergo magnetic resonance imaging. An x-ray will also be required to determine the severity of the disease.

The knees need to be rested and physical overload and hypothermia avoided.

In addition to pain and a burning sensation, other symptoms may occur:

  • numbness in the limbs;
  • weakness;
  • sensation of “pins and needles” in the affected limb;
  • irradiation of pain to the thigh or, conversely, to the lower part of the leg;
  • decreased sensitivity.

At the same time, changes occur in the spine, its curvature may be smoothed out and mobility limited. This condition requires medical intervention.

Other spinal injuries that can also cause burning in the knees can also fall into this category.

Lack of minerals and vitamins

Are your knees burning? Most likely you should reconsider your diet? Vitamin deficiency, bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle and constant stressful situations - all this can cause discomfort in the knees.

A deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body negatively affects the ligamentous apparatus and sometimes a burning sensation is felt, especially in the morning, and in the evening a heaviness is felt. Discomfort may be accompanied by redness in the joint area.

Such symptoms can be easily eliminated. It is necessary to intensify physical activity and do morning exercises. The diet should be completely revised and include the maximum amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter, synthesized supplements can be used to replenish the body's mineral and vitamin reserves.

Bacteria and viruses

If your knees are burning, perhaps these are bacteria that have already entered the bloodstream and, without proper treatment, quickly spread throughout the body. There is a high probability that infectious agents can settle in the knee joints and actively multiply there. It is in such situations that a burning sensation is felt. To avoid such a situation, it is very important to promptly treat any cold, even the mildest one.

Why are my knees hot and red? Why do my knees burn and turn red?

Vascular pathologies

If your knees are hot and painful, this may indicate a vascular problem.

  • Phlebeurysm. The disease is characterized by heaviness in the legs and swelling. At the end of the day, the legs swell and there is a burning sensation in the calves and knees. Initially, discomfort occurs in the afternoon, after lunch or after physical activity. Treatment is mandatory, otherwise people face serious consequences.
  • Diabetes. The disease lowers the level of insulin, which is responsible for the absorption and distribution of glucose in the blood between the tissues of the body. Elevated glucose levels lead to damage to small blood vessels in the foot. Subsequently, the pathological process spreads to the knee joints.
  • Gout. The disease is associated with metabolic disorders. The level of uric acid in the blood increases, the salts of which are deposited in the tissues. During attacks, severe joint pain, redness and swelling are noted. At night there is intense heat. Sometimes the pain syndrome is so severe that the slightest touch causes a burning sensation. Drinking regime and proper nutrition are mandatory for gout. In some cases, painkillers are taken and cold applied to the affected joints, but such measures are temporary. To stabilize the condition, examination and treatment are required.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. The disease is caused by a dysfunction of the nervous system. Main symptoms: dizziness, changes in blood pressure, migraine, fainting. Impaired heat exchange leads to an increase in skin temperature. Sometimes a red spot appears on the leg.

Vascular pathologies

Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and a number of other vascular pathologies can cause many unpleasant symptoms in the limbs, including burning in the knees.

As home help, you can use venotonics and take strengthening drugs and phlebotonics. It is also recommended to choose orthopedic insoles and shoes. You can do gymnastics and take a massage course. And naturally, you should contact a phlebologist so as not to start pathology before surgery.

Prevention of complications in the first month

In the first 5-6 days after, the patient is in the hospital, where he receives all the necessary medications and procedures. To prevent thromboembolic complications, the patient is given anticoagulants to avoid infection - antibiotics. In the early stages after surgery, the patient is recommended to wear compression stockings.

The day after endoprosthetics, doctors remove drainage from the wound, which served to drain fluid. Afterwards, walking with elbow crutches or walkers is allowed. The medical staff helps the patient get up and explains how best to walk and what exercises to do. Early physical activity and exercises help avoid the development of contracture.

Arthromot provides passive development of the joint.

If the patient does not experience any complications, he is soon discharged from the hospital. Working people are given sick leave. The length of sick leave can range from 1.5 to 3 months. Upon discharge, doctors give the patient a number of recommendations for caring for the postoperative wound. After two weeks, the patient will need to come to the hospital to have the stitches removed.

For 5-6 weeks the patient is forced to walk with crutches. After this period ends, he will no longer need them. However, you can return to long walks, swimming and other vigorous activities in 5-6 months. The question of playing sports is decided together with the attending physician. Orthopedists prohibit heavy physical activity.

This is what the suture should look like 3-4 months after surgery.

A follow-up examination of the patient is usually carried out 2-3 months after surgery. If, during the examination, doctors identify signs of instability, infection, thromboembolic or other complications, the patient is given the necessary assistance. After the first scheduled examination, a person visits a doctor once every 2-3 years.

Other reasons

Are your knees burning? There are situations when the cause of burning and burning is a rare symptom or a specific disease:

  • Allergic reactions. Most often this occurs due to the use of certain foods and medications. When you have an allergy, your knees become very red and itchy.
  • Polyneuropathy. The cause of this disease can be kidney failure, intoxication of the whole body, or diabetes mellitus. As a rule, due to a failure of autonomic, sensory or motor function, sensitivity in the knee disappears and pain may be felt in the entire limb.
  • Joint diseases are often the reason why the knee burns and hurts. This could be bursitis, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, synovitis.

Main symptoms

Arthritis is not a separate disease, but various inflammatory processes in the joints. It can be a consequence of autoimmune tissue damage, occur after an infection, against the background of an allergic reaction and in other conditions. Here are six main signs that can detect arthritis:

  • Pain is a key symptom of joint inflammation. Intensifies at night, during physical activity, after hypothermia.
  • Redness of the skin around the joint.
  • Swelling of the skin and soft tissues around the affected organ.
  • An increase in local temperature - the skin over the joint becomes hot.
  • Stiffness in the joint. In the initial stages of arthritis development, the range of motion decreases slightly. Over time, the disease progresses, and the joint completely loses mobility.
  • Crunching is a late sign of arthritis. It occurs when cartilage, the layer between the bone structures of the joint, is destroyed. The crunching indicates that the disease is progressing and a complication is developing - arthrosis.

This is what a joint affected by arthritis looks like.
Symptoms of arthritis often occur after injury, physical activity, or hypothermia. This links joint inflammation to the specific cause of the disease and helps the doctor determine the correct treatment tactics.


Discomfort in the knee area should be a reason to consult a doctor. Today, a number of manipulations are provided aimed at identifying the cause of the disease:

  • MRI, CT;
  • allergy tests;
  • general examination of urine and blood;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • Ultrasound;
  • biochemistry of blood fluid.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which usually consists of drug therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, you can get rid of pain using traditional medicine recipes.

Why are my knees hot and sore? The knee is hot and hurts. What is the reason and what to do

Pain is a symptom of damage to the joints themselves, but this does not always occur. The main provocateurs of pain are, for example, arthrosis of the knee joint, which, if prolonged, leads to deformation and deprives the joint of mobility. It is a degenerative process of destruction of joint tissue.

In addition, a person can be affected by arthritis of the knee joint, which is an inflammatory disease and can act as an independent disease, or be a sign or complication of another disease.

Damage to the meniscus is called meniscopathy and it is characterized by sharp pain that appears after the injury, which, by the way, may be minor. If you do not attach importance to this pathology, it can become chronic and hello to deforming arthrosis.

There are also vascular pains that are not related to joint pathologies, and painful sensations are a consequence of the disorder. This condition can accompany a person throughout his life.

In some cases, periarthritis (inflammation of the tendons of the knee joint) is observed, which manifests itself as discomfort and pain in the area of ​​the inner side of the knee, these feelings intensify when climbing stairs and descending. Here, women who are over forty and overweight mainly suffer.

If, during movements, chronic dull pain occurs, which is more pronounced in the morning after waking up, and a crunching sound is observed in the joint, this is most likely arthrosis.

The presence of swelling in the affected area and a local increase in temperature, at which the knee feels hot, most likely indicates arthritis.

Constant or frequent aching pain, which often manifests itself as night sweats, may be a symptom of thrombosis of the leg veins. This is a rather serious pathology that can be life-threatening. If you feel such manifestations, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

The sudden and unexpected occurrence of severe pain may indicate damage to the meniscus.

Symmetrical, noticeable pain can occur with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, and other general diseases of the body.

If you do not treat the underlying disease, you will not be able to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations. In other words, the first thing to do is see a doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen, which may include both treatments for the underlying disease and local symptomatic medications and painkillers. You may need physical procedures and therapeutic exercises.

Immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary if there is sudden sudden pain in the knee joint, when it is impossible to step on your leg, pain after an injury, when there is deformation of the knee, as well as any discomfort in the knee, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Warming compresses and ointments can have a good pain-relieving effect; many of them can be prepared at home.

For example, you can mix a teaspoon of salt and soda and add seven drops of iodine to this powder. Apply the resulting mixture to your knees, but first steam them in any known way. Next, you should wrap your feet for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure, rinse the mixture with water and lubricate the problem areas with vitamin cream. The positive effect can be felt after the fifth procedure.

Mix one hundred grams of camphor oil and dry mustard, add two beaten egg whites to the mixture. This remedy should be applied to the sore spot before bed, and the knees should also be wrapped in a woolen cloth. The course lasts until the discomfort stops.

A tincture of hot pepper is also used, the pods of which are crushed and placed in a container to half. The container is topped up with alcohol or vodka and left for a week. It makes a wonderful rub.

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Traditional therapy

The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the burning sensation. At the same time, painkillers and drugs aimed at restoring normal functioning of the joint are prescribed. Most often, chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Along with this, courses of massage or manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and physical education are prescribed.

If the patient has a lot of weight, he will definitely be advised to reduce it, since obese people put a lot of stress on their joints, including the knees.

It should also be understood that the treatment of pathologies associated with the fact that the legs are burning above the knees, a burning sensation is felt in the knees themselves and below, takes a long time. Even if remission occurs at some point, the course of treatment still cannot be interrupted.

As an additional treatment, a visit to the pool, mud or radon baths may be recommended.

Traditional methods of treatment

The main methods of treatment “from grandmothers” are aimed at removing salts and warming. To remove salts, you can use soda lotions on your knees, but you will have to do them daily and for quite a long time. First, soda is diluted in 1 liter of water, gauze or cloth is moistened in this mixture and applied to the sore knee. The procedure should last 15 minutes. Afterwards, it is recommended to rub a nourishing cream into the skin. A wool bandage should be applied at night.

In parallel with local treatment, you should consume black radish juice. By the way, it even helps with crunching knees. The radish is grated to obtain juice, which is drunk several tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

In some recipes you can see the mention of honey and medicinal bile, which are good for knee pain. You can rub in beef fat. You can also make baths from medicinal herbs: chamomile, rowan bark, straw or hops.

The main thing to remember is that the sooner the patient seeks help, the greater his chances of achieving a good effect from the treatment and not causing a severe form of the pathology to develop.

Implant dislocations and ways to solve the problem

Dislocations after knee replacement are very rare. The hip and shoulder joints are less favorable in this regard - their endoprostheses are displaced much more often.

This may be due to inappropriate design of the prosthesis, incorrect installation, or incorrect behavior of the patient during rehabilitation. The components of the implant may become dislodged in the early postoperative period when the patient first attempts to move the leg. Dislocations occur more often after revision arthroplasty than after primary arthroplasty.

Most often this is the result of a fall or other injury.

Displacement of the implant parts causes severe pain in the patient and leads to impaired joint mobility. The patient cannot move normally. A dislocated part of the endoprosthesis injures nearby tissues.

Implant dislocations can be treated using several methods. The simplest and cheapest of them is closed reduction. After it, relapses often occur. In case of repeated dislocation, the patient is recommended to undergo primary total arthroplasty or open revision prosthetics.

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