Tourmaline belt: reviews from doctors, contraindications

Today, many people use alternative medicine methods that help get rid of various diseases. The most popular products from this area are products made from tourmaline, especially belts.

The tourmaline belt has many different reviews from both doctors and people who purchased this product, as well as some contraindications. Therefore, there is no consensus on whether it is worth purchasing such a belt with medicinal properties.

What is a tourmaline belt?

The tourmaline belt is rightfully considered the best home assistant for maintaining the health and tone of the whole body. The belt is made on the basis of a unique crystal – tourmaline.

This mineral is the rarest element on our planet; it is able to absorb all the benefits of solar radiation and release it as useful energy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The most commonly used tourmaline belts are:

  • Elements from the natural mineral tourmaline;
  • Therapeutic bioactive magnets;
  • Special threads, so-called “liquid crystals”, based on the same tourmaline.

The widespread use of this all-natural mineral for medicinal purposes began at the end of the 20th century and is still gaining more and more popularity every year among doctors and patients around the world.

Popular models, cost

To choose a truly high-quality orthopedic product, you need to know which brands to pay attention to. According to reviews from patients and doctors, the leaders among magnetic corsets are:

  • Magnetic Posture support (power model) is a corrector made by a Chinese manufacturer in the form of a wide vest with elastic straps and a belt. Magnetic plates are placed on the belt, as well as on the back of the product along the spine. This corset has a medium level of rigidity, it is available in two sizes S–M (up to 80 cm waist circumference), L–XL (from 80 to 102 cm). You can buy it for 1250–1440 rubles.
  • Cypress from Bradex is an analogue of the previous product; both models are similar in design and placement of magnetic inserts. The degree of fixation of the reclinator is average. The manufacturer produces 2 sizes: S–M (up to 81 cm waist), L–XL (from 81 to 117 cm). The cost of such a corset ranges from 420 to 550 rubles.

Corrector Magnetic Posture support

And the NovaMed biomagnetic corset is also popular. According to doctors, this model is the safest to use. You can buy it for about 650 rubles.

Patients can pay attention to the Power Magnetic corrector. It is made of durable fabric, fits tightly to the back, and fixes the spine in the correct position. This reliable and durable product can be purchased for about 1,500 rubles.

You can buy the above-described orthopedic devices in pharmacies or orthopedic salons in Moscow.

Beneficial effects of a tourmaline belt on the human body

A tourmaline-based belt has many useful properties. The most pronounced improvement is considered to be the improvement of the body’s biofield, which has a beneficial effect on the overall health of a person.

The tourmaline belt is capable of:

  • Regulate weakened energy balance in the body;
  • Give away all the accumulated, useful energy necessary for health;
  • They will emit a bio-magnetic field, which has a healing effect on the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system of a person;
  • Improve and strengthen weakened immunity.

The beneficial effect of the belt lies in the beneficial radiation of magnets and minerals that penetrate deep into the body at the place where it is worn.

The negative ions of the crystal fight free radicals in the human body.

The belt helps well when the body is dependent on the weather, relieving all unpleasant pain and ailments, improving overall well-being.

How and what it works on

The essence of the therapeutic effect of the tourmaline belt is based on 2 types of activity of the mineral: infrared and ionizing. When the stone is heated, polarization processes are launched, it begins to emit in the IR range, emit negatively charged ions, electrical charges arise at the opposite ends of the crystals, the crystal lattice is deformed, which further increases the ability of particles to enter into electromagnetic force interactions, generate and supply thermal energy to cells.

It has been established that the microcurrent circulating on the surface of the mineral corresponds to the human current characteristic of a healthy body. The use of the belt provides a healing effect, replenishing and normalizing the biocurrents of the body.

According to sellers, belts containing tourmaline with magnetic inserts act at the cellular and molecular level:

  • increase the temperature in the affected area, increase blood circulation;
  • restore blood microcirculation and lymph flow, impaired as a result of the development of the pathological process, improving the transport of various substances between the blood and tissues, ensuring the delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary for the sick organ, and promoting the rapid elimination of toxins;
  • destroy compounds harmful to tissues, promote the removal of salts from joints, neutralize the activity of free radicals, protecting cells from oxidation and reducing their vulnerability;
  • prevent the accumulation of fluid in the body, acting as a natural drainage of water, reduce pressure on nerve endings, relieve pain, reduce inflammation;
  • relax smooth muscles, relieve spasms;
  • eliminate tightness, stiffness of movements;
  • reduce dependence on weather conditions - chilliness, numbness, joint pain, aching bones, help to stay longer in a cold place without serious consequences for the body;
  • stimulate all synthetic processes - the production of synovial fluid, the regeneration of damaged cartilage, the restoration of other tissues;
  • speed up the healing process, improve drug treatment and other traditional methods of therapy.

Patient reviews are contradictory. Many were satisfied with the purchase of the belt and noted an improvement in their well-being due to the safety of this type of treatment, simplicity and ease of use. Some people describe the tourmaline belt as a useless purchase and call it a “dummy”.

From the point of view of official medicine, there is a biological effect from the use of tourmaline products, but it is insignificant. According to doctors, there are less expensive synthetic and natural pyroelectrics and ionizers with proven effects that are not inferior to, and in some cases even superior to, tourmaline. In their opinion, the effect is clearly insufficient for medicinal purposes; it is limited only by warming up. Any positive changes are explained mainly by the placebo effect - self-hypnosis, the ability to heal practically with the power of thought.

Features of a tourmaline belt

The main distinguishing feature of this healing device is the speed of its action. You can feel the effect of the tourmaline belt 10-15 minutes after putting it on.

The use itself is very easy and practical; the belt can be worn at home, at work or while walking in the park, which will not affect its effectiveness in any way.

There is no cost to use, all you need to do is keep the belt in sunlight for four hours and wait until it charges, usually such a recharge lasts for almost a week.

A belt made of tourmaline and magnets perfectly fights all unfavorable electrical and bioimpulses that can worsen human health

It promotes better blood circulation at the site of application, which helps to cope with stagnation in muscle tissue. Created on the basis of natural ingredients, the belt carries only beneficial properties.

Which belt is best for the back with radiculitis?

To break the vicious circle of radiculitis pain, it is necessary to use a belt that not only warms the back, but also maintains the correct posture . The Intex anti-radiculitis belt is made from wool blend threads, cotton, latex and polyester fiber that strengthens the structure.

Wool threads in the belt provide the effect of a warm compress that stimulates blood circulation. As a result, intervertebral discs and muscles receive adequate nutrition and recover faster. Thanks to latex fiber, the belt acquires elasticity and compression properties. External pressure unloads the back muscles, relieving their spasm. This reduces muscle pain and gives the person the opportunity to straighten up. As a result, the vertebrae shift less and the pressure on the intervertebral nerve roots decreases. This opens the radiculitis vicious circle.

Cotton threads give the belt softness and also isolate latex from the skin, which avoids allergies to synthetics. Polyester fiber provides strength and durability , allowing the fabric from which the Intex belt is woven to be made so thin that it can be worn discreetly under clothing.

Indications for use of the belt

The tourmaline belt perfectly fights diseases of the musculoskeletal system, treats various injuries to muscle tissue (bruises, abrasions, swelling) and improves positive bioenergy in the body.

Tourmaline products also fight well against diseases such as:

  • Arthrosis of the joints;
  • Helps in the treatment of osteochondrosis, both thoracic and lumbar;
  • Reduces pain from herniated intervertebral discs;
  • Reduces many pain sensations in the back, neck, legs and arms;
  • Helps relieve stress and overexcitement, reduces fatigue;
  • Regulates blood circulation, relieves swelling and numbness;
  • Fights prostatitis and cystitis;
  • Can help in weight correction in case of obesity.

The use of a belt has a beneficial effect on the entire body and is an excellent tool in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and pathologies of human internal organs.

Indications and contraindications

The tourmaline belt is used for back pain of various etiologies , diseases of the spine, joint damage, and migraines.

Indications for use of the product are:You should not wear products made from this mineral if:
  • Osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Sciatica.
  • Pinched nerve roots.
  • Hernias, protrusions of intervertebral discs.
  • Muscle sprains, ligaments, bruises.
  • Bone fractures.
  • Headache caused by muscle spasm.
  • Arthrosis, arthritis.
  • Varicose veins
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Deterioration of sensitivity in fingers and toes.
  • Poor bowel function.
  • Decreased thyroid function.
  • Impaired blood circulation.
  • Overwork.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Long flights, transfers.
  • Deterioration of health when weather conditions change.
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis. Tourmaline patch works on the principle of mustard plasters.
  • Pyelonephritis, cystitis.
  • Skin damage.
  • Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of rash, urticaria.
  • An installed pacemaker, since the magnetic field can disrupt the process of impulse transmission.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Having suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Ovarian cyst.

If allergic reactions are not severe, then it is possible to wear a tourmaline belt while taking antihistamines. Also, the use of a tourmaline belt is prohibited for children under 16 years of age. .

Instructions for using the tourmaline belt

  1. Before using a tourmaline belt, you must first moisten it with warm water, which will improve its healing properties and increase its potency;
  2. The belt is put on the place where there is pain and discomfort. In just a few minutes you can feel the effect of the belt; warmth and a slight burning sensation will appear at the site of application. Long-term use can cause obvious redness of the skin, which quickly disappears after the end of the tourmaline belt treatment session;
  3. The duration of the first session starts from 10-15 minutes, then the treatment time increases with each use by 5-10 minutes for 3 months.

Note! If there is severe redness and possible burns, use should be limited to a maximum of half an hour. Also, if you have cardiovascular diseases, the duration of sessions should not exceed 30 minutes

Warming belt from Hao Gan company

The way to sell is network marketing, and this network is thriving, to put it mildly. Not only tourmaline healing belts are sold there, of course, hence the success. Reading reviews about these products on the Internet is both funny and boring, since all of them were probably written by marketers who need a bloody nose for someone to “sell” this extremely useless product for some reason. They come up with so many things for this purpose: this is such a healing belt that having at least two copies will not hurt any person on earth, and there is no disease that this product cannot cure.

Marketers are clearly lacking generally accepted medical diagnoses. If you buy the belt they offer, you can get rid of intestinal pollution (!), liver sludge (!!) and even increase microcirculation (what, interesting?). You can imagine the bewilderment on the faces of doctors who suddenly read this. Their glasses will probably go up on their foreheads. There are no such diagnoses, they do not exist. And I wonder how to determine weak microcirculation? Or slagging? Since the disease is mythical, the treatment should be appropriate. This means that everyone needs to buy a tourmaline belt, because there is no person in the world whose body is not to some extent polluted.

These products are sold only as a set - four components each: you will have to buy a belt for the lower back (for sciatica?), pads for the neck and knees. It rarely costs less than four thousand rubles. Instructions for use also add weight to the purchase with their extraordinary complexity. This is not just a camel wool belt for you to buy. Here, wearing a tourmaline panacea is a whole art, and if the treatment does not help, the patient did everything, therefore, it was wrong.

First week: wear only for fifteen minutes. Second week: three times a day for twenty minutes. Then do the same three times a day for no more than half an hour for three months, while the knee pads can be left on even overnight. Buyers are warned that they have almost a weapon at their disposal: tourmaline, it turns out, gives off strong infrared radiation that threatens real burns. Previously and to this day, such cases, however, have not been observed, and physicists laugh loudly, but marketers from Hao Gan do not pay attention to this.

Reviews from experts

Marina Alekseevna, neurologist, 12 years of work experience

In my practice, the tourmaline belt works very well as an additional treatment for the sciatic nerve. This helps especially effectively if the patient has any contraindications to the use of medications.

I often recommend the use of a tourmaline belt to my patients based on personal positive experience and the opinion of doctors I know.

Dmitry Stepanovich, urologist-endocrinologist, 22 years of work experience

I have received a lot of positive feedback from doctors with whom I communicate and work in the same hospital.

Everyone has mostly only positive impressions of this device.

Of course, I cannot say that this is a panacea for all diseases, but as an additional way to fight for your health, products with tourmaline perform very well. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from doctors and patients themselves.

Oleg Yurievich, therapist, 17 years of work experience

Since the beginning of my work in the field of healthcare, I have heard a lot about miraculous tourmaline belts. For a long time I did not pay attention to them, considering them just another way to fool customers, until a man with arthrosis of the knee joint came to see me.

He treated the patient with traditional methods and drugs. At the insistence of the patient himself, he allowed him to use a tourmaline knee brace, which his relative already had.

Since I was skeptical about these products, I did not pay much attention to this. But as it turned out in practice, the patient recovered much faster and easier than those whom I treated as before using traditional medicine.

This interested me very much, and I decided to conduct research on the effectiveness of tourmaline in treating my patients. As an experiment on 14 of my patients showed, products based on tourmaline had a clear positive effect. In addition, the patients felt better and were in better mood.

Since then, I have been using such additional agents in treatment and prevention on an ongoing basis, because the actions of tourmaline have been fully confirmed, and I can speak with full responsibility about their benefits in treating patients.

Rules of application

You should wear a magnetic lumbar belt and a thoracolumbar corset only after consulting a doctor. The duration of wearing the corrector can reach several months. An orthopedic device is used according to the following scheme:

  • During the first week, it is recommended to wear the magnetic belt up to 2 hours per day.
  • From the second to the fifth week, the time of use is gradually increased by an hour per week. The corset should be worn for no longer than 6 hours without a break.
  • The duration of the next stage is 3 months. The maximum time of continuous wearing of a corrector with magnets does not exceed 6 hours.
  • At the fourth stage, the time of exposure to magnetic waves is gradually reduced to 2 hours per day. Then you should completely stop using the reclinator.

The exact scheme for using a bandage with magnetic plates is drawn up by a doctor. He will tell you how much time a day to wear it, at what intervals. In this case, absolutely all patients must remove the device before going to bed.

Attention. If, during regular use of a magnetic corset, the patient feels weak or feels worse, then it is better to stop using it for now and consult a doctor.

For the corrector to have a therapeutic effect, you need to wear it correctly.

Not all patients know how to put on a corset correctly. As a rule, the product comes with instructions that describe this process in detail. Usually it looks like this:

  • Place the straps of the corset over your shoulders like a backpack, straighten it so that it touches your body as much as possible.
  • Wrap the belt tightly around the body and secure the fasteners.
  • Adjust the straps on your shoulders so that the corrector leans back a little.

At first, patients feel discomfort while wearing a corset, as it pulls the neck and torso back.

It is recommended to put on the corrector for the first time under the supervision of a doctor; he will help to correctly adjust and secure the straps of the device so that the patient is comfortable and the therapeutic effect is maintained.

It is recommended to wear the reclinator in the morning, while the muscles are relaxed and the spine is predisposed to forming correct posture. The corset must be fixed after the back is fully straightened. And it is also important to ensure that the straps do not twist and that their tension is moderate. If there is pain, loosen the straps a little, and if they are loose, tighten them. At first, there will be discomfort while wearing (especially if there is a curvature), since the back is not accustomed to the correct position.

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Other tourmaline products

There are other medicinal devices based on this mineral:

  • Elbow pads – for the treatment of sore elbow joints. For diseases such as arthrosis, bruises and for recovery after fractures;
  • Knee pads – for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the knee joints. Regulates blood supply to the legs and muscle stimulation;
  • Devices for the shoulder girdle – reduce fatigue, are used for the prevention and treatment of the cervical spine, relieve headaches;
  • Bandages for the ankle, thigh and lower leg - for injuries and bruises, used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

Such a large selection of tourmaline products will easily make it possible to choose a therapeutic assistant for many existing diseases just for yourself.

Recommendations for selection

If the corrector is chosen incorrectly, it will have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, when choosing a magnetic corset, you need to pay attention to important parameters :

  • Degree of hardness . Selected depending on the task at hand. Corsets with rigid inserts are used for treatment. For prevention purposes, semi-rigid corsets are used.
  • Size . To fully perform its functions, the corset is selected individually. An incorrectly sized corrector will be ineffective and uncomfortable.
  • Anatomical features . The product should fit the body, not hamper movement, not put pressure on the armpits and not tighten the waist.
  • Normal heat exchange . Wearing a corrector will not be very comfortable if it cannot release excess heat.
  • Absence of allergens in the material . The fabric from which the corset is made should not contain substances that cause allergic reactions.

With the right choice, a magnetic corrector will definitely have a healing effect. It will eliminate or prevent back problems, and also ensure normal functionality of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications for a tourmaline belt

Despite all its simplicity and harmlessness, a tourmaline belt still has some contraindications.

The use of a belt is prohibited when:

  1. High temperature;
  2. If there are open wounds and damage on the surface of the skin at the site of use;
  3. If you have a pacemaker, the use of a belt is strictly prohibited;
  4. During pregnancy and lactation, you should avoid using tourmaline products.
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