Which is better, Artra or Teraflex for joints, doctors’ opinions, reviews of effectiveness


Next, let’s compare the chondroprotectors “Arthra” and “Teraflex” and find out which is better.

Chemical composition, types of release forms

The main active ingredients of these drugs are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. These components ensure the formation of the correct development of cartilage tissue in the joint. The synovial fluid, which is responsible for soft friction on the surface of the joint, also contains glucosamine.

The drug "Arthra"

The medication contains the following components:

  • – glucosamine (500 milligrams);
  • – chondroitin sulfate (500 milligrams).

There is a strengthened version of this medicine, “Arthra MSM Forte”:

  • – chondroitin (400 milligrams);
  • – glucosamine (500 milligrams);
  • – methylsulfonylmethane (300 milligrams);
  • – hyaluronic acid (10 milligrams).

Methylsulfonylmethane – provides an anti-inflammatory effect, and hyaluronic acid is responsible for the proper formation of cartilage tissue.

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The drug "Teraflex"

The medication contains the following components:

  • – glucosamine (500 milligrams);
  • – chondroitin (400 milligrams).

Strengthened version of the drug "Teraflex Advance":

  • – glucosamine (250 milligrams);
  • – chondroitin (200 milligrams);
  • – ibuprofen (100 milligrams).

Ibuprofen has an anti-inflammatory effect.

"Arthra" is produced in the form of tablets for internal use, and "Teraflex" in the form of capsules. Capsules easily penetrate the barrier of gastric acid juice.

Indications for use. Who is it prescribed to?

These drugs are prescribed to patients with the following diseases:

  • – arthrosis;
  • – all types of arthritis;
  • – osteochondrosis;
  • – joint injury.

Restrictions on use and adverse reactions

The effectiveness of these drugs remains clinically unproven, but they have a number of restrictions on their use:

  • – personal intolerance to one of the components;
  • – allergy to seafood;
  • – period of gestation;
  • – lactation;
  • – renal failure;
  • – children under 15 years of age;
  • – diabetes mellitus at any stage of development;
  • - bronchial asthma.

Taking medications can cause side effects:

  • – allergic rashes;
  • - stomach upset;
  • – pain in the abdomen;
  • – flatulence;
  • – heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • - headache;
  • - dizziness.

Reception scheme

The drug "Arthra" is taken one tablet twice a day for 21 days. Then reduce the number of doses to once a day. The duration of treatment is at least six months.

"Teraflex" should be taken one capsule three times a day for the first 21 days. Then one capsule twice a day. The course of therapy can range from 2 months to six months. The exact duration of therapy is determined by the attending doctor.

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Problems with joints, one way or another, threaten almost every person: when a certain age is reached, the cartilage tissue of the joints loses the ability to self-heal and its wear becomes irreversible. And this is where medications such as Teraflex come to the rescue. This “impact” ligament in the form of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, due to its active participation in the formation of connective tissue and the protection of cartilage from destruction, significantly expands the capabilities of cartilage tissue in terms of regeneration, which makes this combination an effective weapon in the fight against osteoarthritis. Thus, additional “feeding” of the body with glucosamine stimulates the synthesis of the cartilage matrix and provides the cartilage with reliable protection from damaging factors, including its protection from the destructive effects of other drugs (glucocorticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, glucosamine has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

If glucosamine is a catalyst for the formation of the cartilage matrix, then chondroitin sulfate acts as an additional substrate for this process. In addition, it is involved in the formation of hyaluron (in the form of acid, this substance is the main component of intra-articular fluid), proteoglycans (form the basis of connective tissue) and collagen.

Chondroitin sulfate maintains the required consistency of intra-articular fluid, stimulates cartilage regeneration processes and suppresses the action of “unfriendly” enzymes to cartilage, such as hyaluronidase and elastase.

Theraflex is available in capsules, taken with a small amount of liquid, regardless of meals. The regimen for taking the drug in adults and adolescents over 15 years of age is as follows: 1 capsule 3 times a day (in the first 3 weeks), 1 capsule 2 times a day (all subsequent days). Teraflex is a drug for long-term use: the optimal duration of the therapeutic course is from 3 to 6 months. In a number of situations, in consultation with the doctor, it is possible to repeat courses of treatment with Teraflex, the duration of which is decided on an individual basis.

The appearance of side effects from the digestive tract is not a reason to completely discontinue the drug: it is enough to reduce its dose by half. And only if there is no improvement, the course of treatment is stopped. Theraflex can be combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids. Moreover: when taken together, it reduces the need for the former.


Cost of the drug Artra:

30 pcs.60 pcs.120 pcs.
Pills900 – 1300 rub.1450 – 1650 rub.2200 – 2500 rub.
MSM forte tablets1750 – 2100 rub.

Cost of the drug Teraflex:

30 pcs.60 pcs.100 pieces.120 pcs.200 pcs.
Capsules1400 – 1600 rub.1800 – 2100 rub.3300 – 3500 rub.
Advance capsules700 – 900 rub.1600 – 1800 rub.2100 – 2300 rub.

What is better for joints: Arthra or Teraflex?

When comparing these two medications, you should understand the difference between them. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material.

The effectiveness of all chondroprotectors is still unproven. This decision was announced by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In the USA and European countries, the substances glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are considered biological additives (dietary supplements), and not medicines. During all this time, not a single test was carried out that would confirm the effectiveness of treatment of joints with chondroprotectors.

Given these data, it is simply impossible to say which medication is better. After all, there are no objective criteria for assessing the effectiveness of their use. Theoretically, it can be argued that the drug “Arthra MSM Forte” is more effective in the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis. This product contains significantly more chonroprotective components.

A good anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug is Teraflex Advance. This effect is made possible thanks to ibuprofen, which is contained in the medicine. From a financial point of view, it is more profitable to purchase ibuprofen. Its packaging will cost 20 rubles. Instead of the enhanced drug with the Advance prefix, you can buy a simple Teraflex.

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Teraflex Advance

Teraflex Advance is a three-component drug containing two stimulators of tissue repair (sulfate salts of chondroitin and glucosamine) and the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. Chondroitin is one of the structural components used in the reproduction and regeneration of cartilage tissue: it protects it from destruction and increases the range of motion in the joints. Glucosamine stimulates the formation of substances that are part of the synovial membranes, synovial fluid and cartilage tissue. Ibuprofen has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects due to non-selective inactivation of the cyclooxygenase enzyme types 1 and 2. At the same time, glucosamine and chondroitin enhance the analgesic effect of ibuprofen. Glucosamine has low (about 25%) bioavailability, because a significant part of it is inactivated due to hepatic metabolism. The substance accumulates in the largest quantities in the liver, kidneys and joint cartilage. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, by the intestines. The half-life is 68 hours. Two-thirds of chondroitin is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Its bioavailability is even less than that of glucosamine - about 13%. The peak concentration when taking a single dose is recorded 3-4 hours after administration. Excreted by the kidneys. Ibuprofen is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is completely excreted from the body within 24 hours.

Teraflex Advance is indicated for degenerative-dystrophic lesions of large joints, vertebral osteochondrosis with moderate pain syndrome. Theraflex Advance is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to one or more of its components, hypersensitivity to aspirin or other NSAIDs, stomach or duodenal ulcers, hemophilia, bleeding in the digestive tract, severe kidney and liver pathologies, during pregnancy and breastfeeding . The drug is not used in pediatric practice. Single dose – 2 capsules. Frequency of application – 3 times a day. The optimal time to take it is after a meal. The duration of treatment should not exceed three weeks. The need for a longer course of medication is discussed with your doctor. During a long course of pharmacotherapy using Theraflex Advance, it is necessary to monitor hematological parameters and functional activity of the liver and kidneys. When signs of NSAID-determined gastropathy appear, constant medical monitoring is required, including instrumental (examination of the esophagus, stomach and the initial part of the duodenum - esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and laboratory (blood test, including determination of hemoglobin and stool analysis to identify hidden intestinal bleeding) studies. The drug is not compatible with alcohol.


What do patients say about the drugs?

Reviews about the drug "Arthra" are quite contradictory. Patients who take it as part of complex therapy and who have been involved in therapeutic exercises note a positive effect. However, a full course of therapy is quite expensive. There are also patients who did not see any results after treatment with this remedy.

They say about Teraflex that the drug causes many adverse reactions. Most often these are allergic manifestations. The cost of the medicine is quite high. At the same time, due to long-term use in combination with other medications, it is impossible to understand which particular medication helped.

Doctors' opinion

Experts say that both drugs have questionable effects. Most often, a positive result is explained as a placebo effect.

Doctors write the following theses about Arthra:

  • – for preventive purposes, use is more justified;
  • – the effect can occur only after complex treatment;
  • – the duration of treatment should be at least six months;
  • – poor tolerability of the drug;
  • – many patients cannot afford this medication due to the high price.

About Teraflex:

  • – lack of positive dynamics;
  • – helps prevent joint diseases;
  • – the high price and long duration of treatment deters most patients;
  • – many adverse reactions (indigestion, heartburn).

TERAFLEX (capsules)

I went to the pharmacy and bought these and these capsules, 120 pieces in a jar.
I thought... I’ll drink it and that’s it... I’ll feel healthy)) How naive I was)) Honestly, Teraflex Advance muffled the pain, but that’s only for a while. Reducing the sensation of pain is most likely only from ibuprofen (painkiller). But after taking it everything came back. I took the usual Teraflex (recommended 2-3 capsules a day, after meals, with water) but did not get a noticeable effect. I took the same course six months later - the same result. Although I still took the bait... made in the USA, there are certificates, it is sold freely in any pharmacy, as long as you have the money. After I didn’t get a positive result, I stopped taking it. I think it's a waste of money. But we can assume that you need to drink it for 5-10 years (1-2 times a year) and then it might help, but I’m not sure. Of course, the synovial (joint) fluid takes a very long time to recover, but I’m not sure that this drug will help in any way. If it did help someone, I’ll be glad to read it.

Most likely, this drug can help when some minor problem is at an early stage or simply taken as a preventive measure. But it’s better to eat jellied meat, all sorts of jelly... something that is natural and not artificially produced, like these drugs. After all, it is unknown whether that protein capsule actually contains the powder that matches the description on the box... we don’t know...

After I did not feel any positive effect, I have the opinion of some doctors that they only know how to prescribe various drugs. But the drugs themselves - they do not help at all, but on the contrary, they clog the body, because it all passes through the kidneys and liver. You know, sometimes it even seems that all drugs are just an opportunity to make money for pharmaceutical tycoons. Now this is manifested in various advertisements... Runny nose - take such and such a drug, you have a cold, but you drink powder, you get enough sleep - and here is such and such an ointment for you)) And all this is in advertising on TV)) People want to make money on other people's problems for me it seems so)) But this is not the case when psychologists help nervous people, massage therapists help them cheer up and relax. If you think about it this way... the manufacturer of some drugs invests a lot of money on production, advertising for what? To cure everyone for free? No, of course not)) The seller advertises his product in order to make money on it, recoup the investment, and remain profitable. If there were drugs that really work, they wouldn’t even have a price...

Good health to you, never get sick. First try to solve your health problems with harmless methods, and if it doesn’t help, then try other methods. For me, Teraflex did not help and its real effect is not noticeable for me, not taking into account the one with the addition of ibuprofen. But this is only the effect of the painkiller. I don't think I can recommend it. Probably, of all pharmaceutical drugs, Hematogen is more valuable to me)) Delicious bar with the taste of childhood)) Thank you all for your attention))

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