Which is better: Piaskledin 300 or ARTRA

Mechanism of drug action

According to the instructions for Piaskledin 300, the product belongs to herbal preparations. The main purpose is to regulate metabolism in cartilage tissues.

Taking capsules helps:

  • relieving pain and inflammation in joints;
  • inhibition of destructive processes in cartilage;
  • restoration of motor activity;
  • stimulating collagen production in joint tissue cells.

The medicinal effect occurs due to unsaponifiable compounds of avocado oil and soybeans, which:

  • increase the volume of collagen produced in cartilage tissues, due to which their firmness and elasticity increase;
  • reduce the synthesis of collagenase, an enzyme that can break down collagen;
  • regulate the activity of plasminogens, thereby preventing the destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • promote the synthesis of periodontal tissue and serve as a preventive measure for tooth loss.

The unsaponifiable part of the oil contains vitamins, carotenoids, minerals, acids, phytosterols and other biologically active substances. The presence of unsaponifiable lipids helps suppress the inflammatory process that accompanies the destruction of cartilage tissue when affected by arthrosis or arthritis.

Piaskledin 300 mg 30 pcs. capsules

pharmachologic effect

Anti-inflammatory agent.

Composition and release form Piaskledin 300 mg 30 pcs. capsules

Capsules - 1 capsule:

  • Active ingredients: avocado oil unsaponifiable compounds - 100 mg, soybean oil unsaponifiable compounds - 200 mg;
  • Excipients: butyl hydroxytoluene 0.03 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide 7 mg;
  • Capsule body: titanium dioxide 2%, gelatin up to 100%;
  • Capsule cap: titanium dioxide 2%, gelatin up to 100%;
  • Binder solution (composition for sealing the capsule): polysorbate-800.25 mg, gelatin 5.75 mg;
  • Composition of TekPrint ™ SW-9008 Black Ink for capsule marking: shellac, ethanol isopropanol, butanol, propylene glycol, concentrated ammonia solution, potassium hydroxide, black iron oxide.

15 capsules in a blister made of aluminum foil coated with heat-resistant resin and polyvinyl chloride film.

1 or 2 or 4 blisters along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Capsules (type I) with a white cap and an opaque white body marked “P 300”. The contents of the capsules are a brown paste.


A symptom-modifying drug of plant origin that regulates metabolism in cartilage and bone tissue.

Directions for use and doses

Take 1 capsule per day orally, preferably in the morning during meals, with 250 ml of water. The course of treatment is 6 months. Increasing the duration and carrying out repeated courses of treatment is possible after consultation with a doctor.


A herbal preparation that regulates metabolic processes in cartilage tissue. It has a symptomatic anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on joints. Helps slow down the degenerative process in the cartilage tissue of joints, reduces joint pain associated with this process, and restores motor function.

In experimental studies, it was proven that the drug has a regenerating effect on cartilage, stimulating collagen synthesis in articular chondrocytes. The action of unsaponifiable compounds in soybean oil and avocado oil increases collagen production and inhibits the stimulating effect of interleukin-1 (IL-1) on collagenase synthesis.

Unsaponifiable compounds of soybean oil and avocado oil:

  • increase the production of plasminogenesis activator inhibitor, thereby reducing cartilage damage both indirectly through stimulation of metalloproteinases and through direct effects on cartilage, activating the degradation of proteoglycans, which prevents cartilage destruction;
  • increase the effect of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF) in chondrocytes, which has powerful anabolic properties;
  • regulate the synthesis of macromolecules of the intercellular substance of articular cartilage, are a powerful stimulator of the synthesis of macromolecules of hyaline cartilage, as well as periodontal tissue, preventing tooth loss.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug are not provided.

Indications for use Piaskledin 300 mg 30 pcs. capsules

Complex therapy of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints of stages I-III; adjuvant therapy of periodontitis.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; period of pregnancy and breastfeeding; age up to 18 years.

Application of Piaskledin 300 mg 30 pcs. capsules during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended.

special instructions

At the initial stage of treatment, taking Piascledine 300 can be combined with taking NSAIDs and/or analgesics.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


To date, no cases of overdose of Piaskledin 300 have been reported.

Side effects Piaskledin 300 mg 30 pcs. capsules

Allergic reactions are possible.

It is extremely rare that the following laboratory parameters may increase: transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.

Drug interactions

Not described.

Benefits of Piascledine for athletes

The joints of athletes and people whose work involves heavy physical labor experience increased stress. In addition, playing sports is often accompanied by injuries, inflammation and pain.

You can take Piaskledin 300 to prevent sports injuries to joints and cartilage, to quickly relieve the inflammatory process to prevent it from becoming chronic. For sprains and injuries to the knee and hip joints, the capsules will help you recover faster.

To reduce the severity of inflammation, as well as the natural restoration of the joint and cartilage tissue, Piascledine should be taken in the postoperative period.

PIASCLEDIN 300 (capsules)

“But”, after all, this is a surgical intervention under anesthesia.
Therefore, she takes chondroprotectors and periodic painkillers - NSAIDs. Recently, at the clinic, she learned about a new chondroprotector of plant origin called “Piaksledin” and told me. Having read the information about it on the Internet, in particular on our website, I decided to purchase a “test” package of this drug. Here it is: A package with 30 capsules of the drug “Piascledin” at a dosage of 300 mg. On the back of the package there is information about the active ingredients of the drug: - avocado oil unsaponifiable compounds 100 mg - soybean oil unsaponifiable compounds - 200 mg: That is, the composition is truly natural if you do not take into account the auxiliary components and components of the capsule shell, which are also indicated on the box . Conditions of release: without a prescription. Storage conditions: temperature +15+25C. Shelf life: 3 years. The manufacturer of the drug is a French laboratory: The package contains instructions for use with a detailed indication of the composition, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, side effects of the drug, methods of use and doses and other equally important information: The indications for this drug include osteoarthritis of the knees and hips joints: the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, individual intolerance to the components. Here is the method of taking the drug: 1 capsule per day with a glass of water: The recommended course duration is 6 months. The package contains 2 blisters of 15 capsules each:

On the reverse side, the blisters contain information about the name and dosage of the drug: The capsules of the drug are small, smooth, and do not cause any discomfort when swallowed. So, my mother bought this drug because its manufacturers in the advertising brochure promised two effects at once - pain relief and strengthening of cartilage, and all this only due to the action of the natural components of Piaxledin. Mom started taking it 1 capsule per day, and after a week she noticed a decrease in pain, even without additional painkillers. The pain, of course, did not go away completely, but became less intense, and allowed her to carry out everyday activities, and practically did not interfere with full-time sleep. In general, my mother drank 1 package and asked me to buy her 2 more to continue the course until at least 3 months. She had no side effects - be it an allergic reaction, problems with stool, heartburn or others. The drug has only one drawback - the issue price. So in the Forte pharmacy, a package with 30 capsules of Piaxledin 300 costs 1,100 rubles, the drug can be bought a little cheaper in the Zhivika pharmacy chain, where I found it for 1,050 rubles. Considering the good effect of the drug, the herbal composition, the absence of side effects, even despite the high cost, I can recommend “Piaksledin 300” for use. But don't forget to consult your doctor. Do not be ill. Thank you for attention.


Experts speak positively about the drug: the capsules are highly effective and have a natural composition. Easy to use, as one piece per day is enough. The drug helps reduce pain in chronic diseases of the spine and lower back pain. The disadvantages are the high cost of the course of treatment and the need for long-term therapy, since the drug has a cumulative effect.

Patients note a decrease in pain, swelling of the joints, the disappearance of crunching, the return of the ability to move without pain, and the disappearance of the dependence of the condition on weather changes.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Piascledine 300 and Arthra

The effectiveness of Piascledine 300 is quite similar to Artra - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Piascledine 300 is more pronounced, then using Arthra, even in large doses, will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Piascledine 300 and Arthra. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Comparison of addiction between Piascledine 300 and Arthra

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “syndrome o” in Piascledine 300 is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Arthra. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Piascledine 300 has a fairly low value of “syndrome”, however, the same as for Arthra.

Comparison of safety of Piascledine 300 and Arthra

The safety of a drug includes many factors.

At the same time, in Piaskledin 300 it is quite similar to Artra. It is important where the drug is metabolized: drugs are excreted from the body either unchanged or in the form of products of their biochemical transformations. Metabolism occurs spontaneously, but most often involves major organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain and others. When assessing the metabolism of Piascledine 300, as well as Artra, we look at which organ is the metabolizing organ and how critical the effect on it is.

The risk-benefit ratio is when the prescription of a drug is undesirable, but justified under certain conditions and circumstances, with the obligatory observance of caution in use. At the same time, Piascledine 300 does not have any risks when used, just like Arthra.

Also, when calculating safety, it is taken into account whether only allergic reactions occur or possible dysfunction of the main organs. In other matters, as well as the reversibility of the consequences of using Piascledine 300 and Arthra.

Comparison of side effects of Piascledine 300 and Arthra

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Piascledine 300 has almost the same level of adverse events as Arthra. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Piascledine 300 is similar to Artra: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

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