What sports nutrition is best for joints? Types, actions, tips.

How to maintain mobility and youth of joints for life? We choose sports nutrition for joints and ligaments, as well as the beauty of hair and skin. The most effective supplements, according to athletes and doctors.

Sports nutrition for joints

  1. Chondroprotectors. Sports nutrition for joints#1
  2. How does MSM or methylsulfonylmethane work?
  3. Collagen (gelatin) for joints in sports nutrition
  4. Note to beginners

Any increase in mass, no matter what type it is (be it fat deposits or muscle mass), is reflected in the condition of our joints. Unfortunately, exercise in the gym does not help in this matter when it comes to strength sports, where extreme loads on the osseous-connective apparatus are regularly applied.

Increased wear and tear is caused by such factors as lifting weights, squats and lunges with weights, working with regular extreme loads, high energy consumption of training, errors in calculating the mass of the projectile, and so on. In this regard, preventive measures are mandatory to reduce damage to bones, joints, ligaments and tendons. One of these effective measures is the use of sports nutrition for joints by athletes. It is not for nothing that it is included in the list of mandatory supplements in the diet of any professional athlete, since it is this support that helps prevent injuries (the athlete’s main enemy) and is the key to a long sports career.

Taking sports seriously involves both achieving a high level and avoiding possible problems that are always associated with it. Occupational risk is not the only reason for increased injury risk. The body's natural reserves are depleted simply from regular intense exercise, regardless of the level of strength of the athlete's musculoskeletal system. It's all about the most valuable microelements that nourish the bone and connective tissue, and the supply of which must be replenished in a timely manner, due to the fact that during intense physical activity they are consumed much faster. And in this regard, correctly selected supplements are the key to an athlete’s longevity in sports.

Chondroprotectors. Sports nutrition for joints#1

“Hodroprotector” literally translates as “protection of cartilage.” These drugs have proven themselves to be excellent in protecting bone and connective tissue, as they contain glucosamine and chondroitin. Both components are essential elements of cartilage tissue.

Glucosamine prevents exposure and friction of bones in the joint, thinning of the periosteum, and therefore slows down the aging and wear of connective tissue. It also helps to cool all components of the joint, is a natural lubricant, and is responsible for the strength, elasticity and integrity of cartilage.

It is especially valued for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It also has a beneficial effect on ligaments, tendons, and vessel walls. Relieves swelling, relieves crunching and discomfort.

The second important component is Chondroitin . It helps increase cartilage in size and has a similar effect to glucosamine. The components enhance each other's action.

Important! Chondroprotectors can partially or completely replace NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which will relieve patients from a number of side effects.

Glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen

Most ligament and joint supplements include glucosamine and chondroitin, collagen, and methylsulfonylmethane.

Glucosamine is a monosaccharide produced in cartilage. It is also a component of chondroitin and is part of the synovial fluid. Chondroitin is also a natural compound. More precisely, it is a glycosaminoglycan that forms cartilage tissue and is present in the synovial fluid. For those who don't know, synovial fluid bathes and nourishes joints. Therefore, chondroitin and glucosamine are included in sports nutrition for joints in order to improve their shock absorption.

Collagen is a fibrillar protein found in all connective tissues. It provides their strength and elasticity.

Methylsulfonylmethane is a sulfur-containing compound with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. In other words, it helps relieve inflammation and associated pain. It is included in sports nutrition specifically to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of the main components - chondroitin and glucosamine.

The effect of these components is that they not only remove pain and swelling in the area of ​​joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage, but solve the problem that provokes them. These compounds are actively involved in the restoration of connective tissues, since they are their valuable structural elements. They also accelerate metabolic processes in the ligamentous apparatus, accelerating the flow of nutrients to all tissues and, as a result, improving their function.

This distinguishes them from painkillers, which some drink by the handful, hoping to get better. Improvements come, but they don't last long. Pain reminds itself again and with triple force, since the function of anesthetics is only to suppress pain, they do not affect the causes of its occurrence.

How does MSM or methylsulfonylmethane work?

MSM is a natural source of sulfur reserves. The body needs the substance just like water or oxygen. Responsible for the growth of the epidermis and internal integuments, the synthesis of collagen and keratin (proteins), enzymes and hormones. Sulfur deficiency is indicated by poor condition of the skin, nail plates, hair, brittle bones and discomfort when moving.

Note! MSM enhances the effect of other sports nutrition preparations for joints and ligaments. Often taken in combination with Glucosamine, Collagen and Chondroitin.

How it works:

  • stimulates the production of insulin, thereby regulating sugar levels;
  • normalizes the supply of oxygen to cells;
  • removes toxins;
  • participates in the synthesis of collagen, promotes the timely restoration of connective tissues;
  • maintains carbohydrate balance;
  • prevents inflammatory processes in joints;
  • relieves pain, numbness and muscle spasms after vigorous exercise;
  • restores cartilage, has a wound healing effect;
  • promotes rapid recovery of ligaments after sprains;
  • reduces the risk of allergic reactions;
  • improves the condition of skin, teeth, nails and hair;
  • also prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The maximum permissible dose is 17 g per kg of total weight. The recommended dose is 2-5 g per day. Take in two doses. You can also get sulfur from food, but the needs of athletes are often higher than the content of the substance in the daily diet.

MSM is highly soluble in water, odorless, tasteless, and non-toxic. There are no contraindications in the indicated doses. It can be prescribed not only for preventive purposes to athletes, but also for diseases of people with various joint pathologies.

Briefly about the classification of vitamins - what they are and how they are effective

Formally, vitamins are organic compounds of various origins (those that we get from food products of various origins, and those that are synthesized from them).

These substances are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body, especially athletes. They must simultaneously maintain health and achieve success in sports, regularly experiencing enormous physical activity.

Vitamins (micronutrients in dietetics) are representatives of vital substances along with fats, proteins and carbohydrates (that is, macronutrients).

The human body is not able to synthesize them on its own, with the exception of a negligible amount of vitamin D, which strengthens the immune defense.

All vitamins are distinguished by the quality of their solubility, so they are divided into:

  • Water-soluble - freely mixed with water, easily dissolved in it. They are quickly eliminated from the body. Represented by vitamins B and C.
  • Fat-soluble - dissolves only in fats and does not interact with water. They are cumulative in nature, so they remain in the body longer. Represented by vitamins A, D, E, K.

The biologically active complex also contains minerals - macroelements (potassium, phosphorus and others) and microelements (iron, selenium and others). They contain 0 calories, so they do not provide energy, but they perform a key function in the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which are the main source of “fuel” for the body.

By the way, these same beneficial substances help restore muscles and synthesize proteins under increased loads, acting as coenzymes - a kind of catalysts for active metabolic processes.

For example, vitamin B performs this function. If there is enough of it in the body, training is highly effective. On the contrary, a deficiency of this element leads to difficulties with endurance and negatively affects the reserve of physical strength.

Collagen (gelatin) for joints in sports nutrition

Fibrillar protein, an important element of all connective tissues. There are fish, animal and plant collagen. Plant-based is considered the most suitable for humans. Better known as Gelatin. For independent synthesis, the participation of: sulfur, lutein, copper, iron, anthocyanidins, silicon, a number of vitamins A, F, C, E, D, zinc is required.

Close attention to collagen in the medical and sports environment is due to the fact that the protein provides the ability to stretch ligaments, tendons, and muscles under significant physical activity, with minimal risk of ruptures and injuries.

How it works:

  1. strengthens bones, joints and ligaments;
  2. nourishes cartilage;
  3. responsible for joint mobility;
  4. has an anti-catabolic effect
  5. necessary for the restoration and growth of tissue fibers;
  6. reduces the risk of sprains and tears.

It is especially important for people involved in weightlifting sports - bodybuilders, powerlifters. During training, protein consumption increases significantly. Depending on the intensity of the load, the athlete needs 5-10 grams per day. But fans of less intense sports also require 2 grams of gelatin daily.

Interesting! It has been proven that collagen promotes skin rejuvenation, prevents early aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Top vitamins for joints from the pharmacy: names of drugs

1. SustaNorm Life formula

One tablet of the pharmaceutical drug contains 375 mg of glucosamine, 600 mg of chondroitin, 25 mg of bromelain, 200 mg of vitamin C, 5 mg of manganese. One box contains 3 blisters of 10 tablets.


One tablet of the complex contains 250 mg of calcium, 50 IU of Vitamin D3, 2 mg of zinc, 0.5 mg of copper, 0.5 mg of manganese, and boron.

Orthomol Arthroplus

The main substances in this complex are: glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, collagen hydrolyzate, N-acetyl-L-cysteine. And also a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for joints, namely: vitamins B, A, D, E, C, K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, molybdenum.


The advantage of sports nutrition for joints and bones is that it contains not only 100% of the working components, but also a complex of necessary minerals to stimulate your own protein production. A deficiency of one or more components significantly reduces collagen reserves, and with age, its synthesis decreases significantly.

Sports nutrition containing the above-mentioned components is advisable not only for heavyweights, but also for lovers of active recreation to prevent microtraumas. Helps people who suffer from joint pain and stiffness of movement, as well as athletes during recovery in the post-traumatic period.

What foods contain vitamins to strengthen joints?

Even the most balanced diet is not able to provide the body with the required amount of the above substances, and heat treatment will destroy most of them. But it is still believed that natural vitamins are absorbed much better than synthetic ones, so you should not neglect natural sources, for example, beekeeping products. A large number of substances for joints are also found in various medicinal plants, for example, in dandelion roots.

List of foods with the maximum vitamin content:

  • Vitamin C – black currant, rose hips, raspberries, citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin A - dairy products, fish oil, apricots, pumpkin, carrots.
  • Vitamin B1 – grains, legumes and green vegetables.
  • Vitamin B6 – meat, eggs, green vegetables.
  • Vitamin B5 – eggs, milk.
  • Vitamin B12 – eggs, meat, lettuce.
  • Vitamin D – egg yolk, fish, meat, offal.
  • Vitamin E – sunflower oil, grains, meat and green vegetables.
  • Sulfur – beef and turkey meat, soy, milk powder.
  • Selenium – meat, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, nuts, seafood.
  • Calcium – milk, parsley, garlic, eggshells, dairy products, cheese.
  • Omega-3 – fish and seafood.
  • Omega-6 – oatmeal, safflower oil, walnut and wheat oil, sesame oil, mayonnaise, olive oil.

Note to beginners

Sports nutrition for joints is an option adapted to the needs of athletes, rather than pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment and prevention of problems with the musculoskeletal system.

However, all drugs contain the above-mentioned components, which are identical to the vital components of bone and cartilage tissue, ligaments and tendons. You can buy sports nutrition for joints at www.muscul-shop.ru, in the Chondroprotectors section.

Buy complexes for joints and ligaments at a discount in the online store of sports supplements Muscle. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or chat, we will advise you!

For review - the top best vitamins for athletes

We repeat, it is important to choose a complex of vitamins for athletes with a specialist - a nutritionist or personal trainer (it is advisable that the latter has knowledge in the field of nutrition).

This way, you won’t buy vitamins at random, but with a clear understanding of the state of the body and the level of upcoming stress, where the drug should work exclusively for your benefit.

Ideally, it is better not to be lazy and get tested - to check whether there is a deficiency/excess of certain substances in the body. These simple steps will help you choose the best vitamin complex to meet the body's needs.

Vita Jym (JYM Supplement Science)

It ranks first in the ranking of effective supplements for athletes, since it contains the maximum adjusted dosage of the necessary substances to achieve great results.

Features of the drug composition:

  • The supplement contains vitamins A, B, C, K, micro- and macroelements, which are perfectly absorbed in the body.
  • Vitamin A is represented by beta-carotene.
  • Vitamin K - menaquinone (K2). This is the most effective combination of substances for the endurance and vigor of an athlete.
  • The manufacturer did not include substances such as calcium, zinc and magnesium in the complex, since they create obstacles to the absorption of amino acids and some trace elements.

Strictly not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age.

Release form and dosage: vitamins are produced in tablets, which are taken during breakfast - 1-2 pieces per day.

The price tag is very affordable: a pack of 60 tablets costs an average of 1,292 rubles (depending on the pharmacy chosen, as well as the region of sale).

Vita Formula (Ironmam)

Created on the basis of natural ingredients without the addition of dyes and other additives - this is the main feature of the manufacturer.

Features of the drug composition:

  • The complex contains a full spectrum of B vitamins, which are represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic (B5) and folic (B9) acids and others.
  • They contain an effective combination of minerals and enzymes that contribute to the complete absorption of all components of the complex. Vita Formula makes the athlete energetic, resilient, and promotes accelerated muscle mass gain.

Release form and dosage: small tablets, taken 1 time per day, 1 piece.

The price tag is attractive: a pack of 60 tablets can be purchased from 310 to 380 rubles (depending on the availability of discounts at a particular pharmacy).

Orange Triad (Controlled Labs)

The complex protects ligaments and joints from destruction, promotes accelerated recovery of muscles and tendons after training.

Features of the drug composition:

  • The complex includes almost 50 useful substances - from vitamins of key groups A, B, C, D, E and K, micro- and macroelements to extracts of berries and fruits, which are aimed at supporting the immune system and psycho-emotional state.
  • Phyto-extracts improve digestion, increase immunity, keep the body in good shape and give a boost of energy.
  • Hyaluronic acid in combination with bromelain, which is part of the drug, creates an anti-inflammatory effect.

While taking this drug, it is recommended to organize a protein diet - this will enhance the results of training.

Release form and dosage: tablets - from 270 pieces per package. Take 2 times a day, 3 pieces.

Price tag: the average cost of a package is 2,200 rubles

Armor-V (Muscle Pharm)

The name “Armor-V” literally means “armor,” which is no coincidence: the constituent components were carefully selected taking into account the intensity of training and the ratio of load in competitions (psycho-emotional, physical).

The complex significantly increases the athlete’s performance and promotes rapid recovery of the body after exercise.

Features of the drug composition:

  • The drug organically combines omega fatty acids (B vitamins) with probiotics, folic and pantothenic acids, vitamins A, C, D, E and dozens of other beneficial substances.
  • Provides muscle tone, protects muscles from pain (or catabolism, when complex substances are actively broken down into simple ones).
  • The complex is created on the basis of fruit and vegetable concentrates, which are represented by natural antioxidants, minerals, polyphenols, enzymes and other necessary compounds to maintain health.

Release form and dosage: capsules - 120/180 pieces in one package. It is recommended to take 6 capsules per day once during breakfast or divide the dose into two doses - 3 capsules 2 times a day.

Price list: the average cost for a package of 120 pieces is 1,290 rubles.

Animal Pak (Universal Nutrition)

The complex is designed specifically for bodybuilders, powerlifters and other categories of athletes who want to get powerful dedication, at the same time maintain endurance and get a surge of strength.

The manufacturer calls this multivitamin complex No. 1 among sports supplements. Reviews about it show that the statement is not unfounded - the effectiveness of the drug is highly appreciated by both men and women involved in sports.

Features of the composition of the drug. The composition includes 11 minerals, 19 amino acids and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, which support high performance during intense training and competitions.

Release form: powder for preparing a drink with a variety of pleasant flavors (by the way, the drug is suitable for combination with other sports supplements - check with a nutritionist).

Dosage: take 1 sachet per day 30 minutes after meals (before the upcoming workout).

Price list: the average cost of a minimum set of 20 bags is 2,436 rubles.

Opti-Men (Optimum Nutrition)

The complex actively participates in the regeneration of muscle tissue and promotes muscle growth. Designed specifically to meet the needs of the male body. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to recover after high-intensity workouts.

Features of the drug composition:

  • Food enzymes in the composition accelerate metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to fully absorb sports nutrition.
  • The complex contains minerals, vitamins A, C, D, E and K, plant and marine extracts, enzymes and amino acids necessary for the body.

Dosage: 3 pieces per day with meals.

Release form: capsules and tablets.

Price list: One package contains from 90 to 240 tablets (or capsules), the cost of which varies from 1,590 to 3,280 rubles on average.

Animal Parade Gold (Nature's Plus)

Multivitamin complex for the youngest athletes. The most important thing is that the child knows how to chew - you can take vitamins from the age of 3.

Features of the composition of the drug. The composition is represented by components necessary for the development of the baby: vitamins (including D3), minerals, micro- and macroelements, probiotics, enzymes and other natural substances from whole foods.

Release form: the complex is presented as chewable tablets in the shape of colorful animals with pleasant tastes.

By the way, the drug is completely hypoallergenic and does not contain gluten (but as reviews have shown, in rare cases a severe allergic reaction occurs - be sure to consult a doctor before purchasing).

Dosage: 2 tablets per day.

Price tag: One package contains 120 chewable vitamins, the cost of which is 1,950 rubles on average on the market.

Teenager (Alphabet)

Inexpensive Russian-made vitamins for teenagers are distinguished by excellent quality and a lot of positive reviews. The complex is recommended for children from 14 to 18 years old.

Helps cope with mental stress, stabilizes the emotional background, and maintains physical strength during active sports.

Features of the composition of the drug. The basis of the drug is vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, minerals, and antioxidants.

Regular use of “Alphabet” means maximum effectiveness during sports competitions, support of the musculoskeletal system, protection of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening of the immune system.

Release form and dosage: chewable tablets with vanilla, orange and cherry flavors. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The separate form of the substances ensures complete absorption of the daily norm of all necessary components.

With the first tablet, the teenager receives calcium, with the second - antioxidants, and with the third - iron.

Price list: One package contains 60 tablets, the cost of which is 328 rubles on average.

Sustamin (Academy-T)

The drug is designed specifically for athletes to make joints and bones stronger and speed up recovery from various injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Reduces muscle pain.

Suitable for athletes with different activity levels. As a preventative measure, it is recommended for physically active people over 40 years of age.

Features of the drug composition:

  • Contains natural substances in balanced quantities, which have a complex effect on metabolic processes within cartilage and bone tissue, ensuring their normal functioning and restoration.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins B, C, D and E, minerals, collagen and other biologically active compounds.

Release form and dosage: capsules from 120 pieces in one package. Recommended dosage: 3 capsules 2 times a day for 2 months (2-3 courses are acceptable within a year).

Price tag: average cost is 863 rubles.

Ultra Men's Sport Multivitamin Formula (VPLab Nutrition)

Vitamins provide the athlete with endurance, promote the high-quality production of male hormones, and build muscle mass. Reviews suggest that the complex really works - you feel better, gain strength, and strengthen your immune system.

Features of the composition of the drug. The basis of the drug is represented by vitamins A, C, D, E and K, an amino acid mixture, extracts of fresh vegetables and fruits, substances to improve memory functions, as well as elements to maintain male potency.

Release form and dosage: capsules. The recommended dosage is 1 piece 2 times a day.

Price list: One package contains 90 capsules costing 1,150 rubles.

Alpha Men (Myprotein)

Vitamin complex to increase energy, performance and endurance. Vitamins also help to gain and maintain muscle mass.

Features of the drug composition:

  • Selenium, which is part of the composition, increases immune defense, vitamin B5 gives strength and relieves fatigue.
  • They contain the daily requirement of calcium and phosphorus and are aimed at protecting bones and joints - making them stronger, reducing injury.

Release form and dosage: tablets. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.

Price tag: One package contains 120 tablets, costing 990 on average.

CONDROnova (Panacea Biotek)

Vitamins promote the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid and provide an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of the drug composition:

  • Glucosamine sulfate (building element for cartilage tissue, supports healthy joints).
  • Chondroitin sulfate (another structural component of cartilage tissue and ligaments, makes joints strong, ensures the production of special lubrication, which helps avoid painful friction between joints under increased loads).

Release form and dosage: capsules. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules 2-3 times a day.

Price list: One package contains 120 capsules costing 1,310 rubles on average.

Other components in the dietary supplement

In addition to the above components, there are small additives from the category of dyes and sweeteners, without which it is difficult to imagine the functioning of the Animal Flex chondroprotective complex:

  • glaze;
  • glycerol;
  • dicalcium phosphate;
  • silica;
  • distilled water;
  • gelatin;
  • caramel;
  • maltodextrin;
  • soybean oil;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Whey Protein;
  • stearic acid;
  • shark cartilage tissue;
  • cellulose.

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