Deforming arthrosis of the foot: treatment of small joints of the legs. Prevention and nutrition.

Osteoarthritis of the foot is a degenerative and inflammatory disease that affects the small joints of the foot. The lower limb is subjected to increased stress, so the joints quickly “wear out”. The disease develops very slowly, and in the initial stages of the disease, patients may not pay attention to the discomfort they experience when walking. Subsequently, as the pathological process progresses, the supporting function of the lower limb suffers. At the Yusupov Hospital, rheumatologists examine patients using the latest equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. This allows you to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Therapy for osteoarthritis of the foot is carried out using modern medications that are effective and have a minimal range of side effects. Rehabilitation clinic specialists provide massage, individual physical therapy sessions, and physiotherapeutic procedures. Severe cases of osteoarthritis of the foot are discussed at a meeting of the Expert Council with the participation of professors and associate professors, doctors of the highest category.

Leading rheumatologists, orthopedists, and rehabilitation specialists collectively develop treatment tactics for each patient. The medical staff professionally performs all procedures and is attentive to the wishes of patients and their relatives. Thanks to a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients, doctors are able to quickly stop the inflammatory process, prevent the destruction of articular cartilage and the development of disability.

Symptoms and diagnosis of foot arthrosis

The disease develops gradually, and as it worsens, new symptoms appear. This happens as follows:

  • During the first stage of the disease, the patient periodically feels severe pain in the forefoot. Pain syndrome usually occurs after significant physical exertion (sports, long walks, prolonged time on your feet).
  • At the second stage of arthrosis of the foot, the pain increases significantly, and the big toe bone thickens. After physical activity, the pain does not disappear for a long time, and the mobility of the foot is limited.
  • At the third stage, the pain syndrome progresses, the joints become deformed, and movement becomes difficult, which is caused by the inflammatory process. The skin on the joint turns red, the foot swells. In addition, the patient tries to transfer the load to another part of the foot and this is reflected in his gait - he begins to limp.

At the initial stage, symptoms may be mild. X-rays, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging may show changes in the joint. If arthrosis of the foot progresses, then an experienced doctor can diagnose it based on examination of the leg, palpation and analysis of the patient’s complaints.

How is defeat determined?

Symptoms and treatment of deforming arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot depend on the stage of development and localization of clinical pathology. The dynamics of neurological damage develops gradually. The initial stage is characterized by consistent thinning of the cartilaginous layer of the joint or joints and a deficiency of synovial fluid. As the disease progresses clinically, clear signs of damage appear.

1st metatarsophalangeal joint.

Before treating the feet, the patient must undergo a clinical and diagnostic examination. The degree of development of the disease with a clear radiological gradation and a set of symptomatic signs:

Disease stageSymptoms and signsX-ray indications
1st degreeThere is rapid fatigue after a long walk or run, heaviness in the legs, and occasional crunching. The disease is not accompanied by an acute course In the interphalangeal joint there is a slight narrowing of the joint space and growths in the form of small villi
2nd degreeJoint mobility is limited, swelling and redness of soft tissues are noticeableThe beginning of loosening of the joint with the appearance of bone growths is noted. The joint space has a pronounced narrowing
3rd degreeThe foot is severely deformed, lameness and constant pain of a sharp, aching or nagging nature occur during the day and at night.The articular head is loose, the gap between the joints is practically invisible, numerous bone growths (osteophytes)

Subsequent treatment of the foot joints begins taking into account the described complicating factors and symptomatic signs of the disease.

Treatment methods for foot arthrosis

The treatment of this disease should be approached comprehensively. The goal of all measures taken is to relieve pain and inflammation, restore motor functions, and stop degenerative phenomena.

The following treatment methods are used at all stages of the disease.

Physiotherapy combined with drug treatment gives good results. Typically, patients suffering from arthrosis of the foot are prescribed a course of electrophoresis, phonophoresis, UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, and laser treatment. Also, with this diagnosis, radon baths and mud therapy can be prescribed.

Shock wave therapy (SWT) method . Using a special apparatus, a sound wave of a certain frequency is applied to the affected joint. This causes increased blood flow, increased permeability of cell membranes, and activation of restoration processes in tissues. UVT also provides an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. The number of sessions in the course is determined by the doctor, but there should be at least five to seven. You can take a course of shock wave therapy under the supervision of highly professional doctors at the Health Plus clinics.

Exercise therapy and massage can also help relieve pain and strengthen the muscles around the joint. A set of exercises and therapeutic massage is prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine can also reduce pain. Some relief is provided by baths with a decoction of mint, burdock, wild rosemary, hay dust and other herbs. Walking barefoot on sand or loose soil is also recommended for arthrosis of the foot - this kind of massage improves blood microcirculation in the feet.

Changing your diet . With arthrosis of the foot, cartilage tissue suffers. Collagen helps strengthen it. It is found in jellied meat and jelly-like products. It is also recommended to consume fish oil, lean meat, berries, fruits, and vegetables. Carbonated drinks and alcohol should be excluded from the menu, it is advisable to minimize the consumption of flour and sweets.

The essence of the problem

The diagnosis is a chronic disease of the joints, caused by their deformation with limited mobility. In medical terminology, this condition of the distal supporting system of the lower limb is defined as degenerative-dystrophic damage to the joints associated with tissue destruction of the articular cartilage covering the head of the articulating segments and accompanied by an acute inflammatory reaction.

This is a progressive disease that leads to the loss of the strength and elastic properties of cartilage, the appearance of loose growths (osteophytes) on the articular surface, followed by its destruction and ossification.

The “positive” aspect of arthrological damage is that the clinical condition does not extend beyond the foot joint, but the destruction of cartilage integrity causes an inflammatory reaction in the soft tissues, which worsens the overall clinical picture. The general articular circulation and metabolic processes in the ligamentous-muscular apparatus are disrupted. Degenerative changes in small joints or the thumb develop progressively: a period of remission alternates with exacerbation, which has pronounced symptoms.

Prevention of foot arthrosis

There is probably no universal way to avoid this disease. However, a number of factors can reduce the risk of foot arthrosis:

  • body weight control;
  • balanced diet;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • physical activity;
  • wearing comfortable shoes - the heel should be no more than 4 cm. Flat soles and high heels can become an impetus for the onset of pathological processes;
  • timely treatment of foot injuries and follow-up with a specialist.

If an unpleasant diagnosis could not be avoided, take action as quickly as possible. Modern treatment methods will help avoid many problems. Effective help can be obtained from medical institutions. Ultrasound therapy is carried out by highly professional specialists, and prices for services are lower than in other Moscow clinics without compromising the quality of treatment.

Causes of foot osteoarthritis

The likelihood of the appearance and development of osteoarthritis of the foot increases in people exposed to regular, long-term influence of provoking factors. If two or more risk factors apply to you, the chance of developing the disease is 80% in women and 50% in men. Osteoarthritis of the foot can occur and progress under the influence of the following risk factors:

  • Defects and diseases of the foot (flat feet, club feet, congenital anomalies of the foot);
  • Fractures, bruises and damage to the ligamentous apparatus, complicated by deformities of the bones of the foot;
  • Occupational hazards (being on your feet for a long time);
  • Excess body weight.

The development of osteoarthritis of the foot can be provoked by multiple pregnancies, regular frequent hypothermia of the feet due to wearing shoes that are not selected for the season. Osteoarthritis of the foot affects patients with diabetes mellitus, another endocrine pathology, in the presence of which the blood supply is disrupted due to blockage of the capillaries. Provoking factors include bad habits: a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor diet with a predominance of fatty foods, and uncomfortable shoes. In women, osteoarthritis of the foot occurs when wearing high-heeled or platform shoes, in men - too tight shoes with an uncomfortable last. The cartilaginous tissue of the joints of the foot can be damaged due to family history.

The combined effect of several factors increases the likelihood of developing the disease. Typically, osteoarthritis of the foot develops in those joints that are subject to greater impact. When regularly walking for a long time in uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, the joint of the big toe most often suffers. Signs of the disease appear on both lower extremities. With arthrosis, which is caused by injuries and fractures, the disease can be one-sided.

The progression of osteoarthritis of the foot occurs due to autoimmune factors. Infection plays a key role in the development of the disease. The structure of bacterial antigens is similar to the structure of human proteins. The immune system begins to produce antibodies to them, which attack the body’s own tissues, including the cartilage tissue of the foot joints.

Specialist recommendation

The process of joint degeneration that has begun cannot be resisted. The only way to finally get rid of it is through surgery. However, every effort must be made to ensure that the process of joint destruction begins as late as possible.

All you need is an active life position and adherence to simple rules of therapeutic prevention:

  1. Avoid infection and hypothermia of the body, in particular the joints of the feet.
  2. Wear comfortable shoes appropriate for weather conditions.
  3. Observe dietary norms (do not starve), do not abuse sweet, salty, fatty, smoked foods. Actively saturate your body with vitamins and beneficial minerals.
  4. Exercise and watch your own weight. Most often, the problem of arthrosis of the feet is extra pounds of fat.
  5. At the first signs of pain, immediately contact a specialized specialist.

All diseases begin in childhood, so engage in therapeutic prevention with your children. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Physiotherapeutic assistance

Physiotherapy for early-stage osteoarthritis forms the basis of complex therapy and is a reliable assistant in the treatment of DOA.

Modern medicine has a sufficient range of physiotherapeutic treatments to slow down joint degeneration:

  • UHF therapy;
  • high-frequency magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electrophoresis, paraffin;
  • mud baths.

Treatment is a long and sometimes painful procedure that requires effort and patience from a person. However, if you follow all the doctor's instructions, there is hope of avoiding surgical intervention.

In case of inaction or unwillingness to cooperate, the patient is doomed to surgical treatment - arthroplasty, arthrodesis or endoprosthetics.

Anton Epifanov about physiotherapy for joints:

Drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis

To improve the mobility of the joint region of the foot, it is necessary to balance the diet, that is, to provide the body with access to vitamins and mineral components. It is important to do therapeutic and preventive gymnastics and massage regularly. However, this is not always possible due to acute pain attacks in the articular segments.

Drug combinations with various pharmacological activities are effective:

  • painkillers, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs – Prednisolone®, Diclofenac®, Ibuprofen®, Indomethacin®;

  • chondroprotectors with the main active ingredients glucosamine and chondroitin – Movex® Active, Teraflex Advance, etc. This group of drugs is aimed at the regeneration of cartilage tissue, stops the destruction of the articular head, restores the biochemical balance in the synovial fluid;

  • glucocorticoids are used to block acute pain sensations - Diprospan®, Kenalog®;

  • Muscle spasms can be eliminated with the help of muscle relaxants.

General strengthening drugs are important in complex treatment. For this purpose, mineral and vitamin combinations are introduced into the body: Materna® , Vitrum® , Teravit® .

In the initial phase of deforming osteoarthritis (DOA) of the foot joints, warming ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, for example, Viprosal® , Menovazin® , Ungapiven® .

All medications are presented for informational purposes.

The selection of a therapeutic treatment regimen occurs according to an individual program, taking into account the physiological, anatomical, age and gender characteristics of the patient.

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