How to remove salt deposits from joints: treatment and prevention

“Salt deposition” in the knee joints is the common name for their arthrosis (gonarthrosis). Gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint, osteoarthritis of the knee joint, deforming arthrosis of the knee joint) is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the knee joint with progressive destruction of cartilage tissue, deformation of the joint and disruption of its function. With it, calcification (deposition of calcifications) occurs in the tissues of the joint. Gonarthrosis is widespread among elderly patients, more often women.

What is salt deposition

Gout is not limited to joint damage and affects other organs. The urinary system suffers more than others, since the kidneys cannot cope with the processing and excretion of uric acid, a product of the breakdown of purines. It is purines, which enter the body with food, that are the source of urate salts that accumulate in the joints.

Most often, gout causes salt deposition in the joints of the legs, and the first toes are the first to be affected. In most cases (95%), the disease is detected in middle-aged men over 40 years old. This is explained not only and not so much by food preferences, but also by the genetic characteristics of the male body.

It is worth noting that in recent years there has been a steady trend towards an increase in women among patients with gouty arthritis, but their pathology is diagnosed somewhat later - after 45-50 years.

Gout can be either an independent or concomitant disease. Salt deposition on the legs and other characteristic symptoms are often observed with heart defects, myeloid leukemia (chronic leukemia), as well as during treatment with diuretics and Riboxin. Large and small joints - knees, ankles, wrists, elbows and fingers - can be affected.

Massage and exercise

If you engage in swimming without being exposed to increased stress, it will be beneficial in the fight against salt deposits.
Not only medications and herbal treatments can bring joints prone to salt deposits back to normal. Massage and special physical exercises help normalize blood circulation, which leads to accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues and relief of pain symptoms. Simple and standardized swimming and other light sports have a positive effect on cleansing the body of salts. However, such therapy has many contraindications, so it is selected individually and only by a doctor, otherwise irreversible consequences may occur. If the problem affects the joints of the lower extremities, you should not overstrain your legs, and if possible, you should remove the load from the knee joint. Strengthening the muscles of the limbs with the help of physical exercises is carried out gradually, during the period of remission, and when the disease worsens, support bandages and corsets are worn.

What salts accumulate in the body

Metabolites deposited in articular areas have different compositions and arise as a result of complex biochemical transformations. This is typical for many diseases, including osteochondrosis, gout, and arthrosis.

A general urine test or visual assessment of the sediment formed in a container with urine during the day will help determine the chemical composition of deposits.

True salt accumulations form only urates in gout. Usually the joints of the legs are affected, including the knee, foot, and less commonly, the joints of the hands. In urine they appear as reddish crystals. They are produced for a long time.

Phosphates are deposited in intervertebral cartilage and ligaments, and are detected in daily urine in the form of a whitish precipitate. It is easier to get rid of these salts.

Oxalates damage not only joint formations, but also periarticular muscles; they are detected in urine as dark crystals; it is difficult for the body to cleanse them from them.

Calcium salts may be deposited in the area of ​​the synovium and other joint structures. Gradually becoming denser, they impede movement in the joints, and if left untreated, lead to complete immobility in them.


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Signs of the disease

The first symptom of damage to the shoulder joint is pain. At first it is unexpressed and occurs only after excessive physical exertion or prolonged monotonous hand work. But the further the disease develops and the more the joint becomes deformed, the stronger the discomfort becomes.

Soon other signs of the disease appear:

  • swelling and redness of the shoulder;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • crunch in the joint;
  • numbness of the limb;
  • muscle weakness.

The process of joint destruction can continue for many years. In the final stages of the lesion, the pain becomes constant, disturbing the person even in a static position. The range of joint movements is limited - the patient cannot raise his arm to the side or in front of him.

How is salt formed in joints?

Osteophytes arise as a result of the precipitation of alkali and acid. Redox reactions constantly occur in any organism. However, sometimes there is a glitch. In these cases, the elements may remain under-oxidized. These substances are slags. When interacting with acids, under-oxidized components form a precipitate.

Salt deposits end up in the gallbladder and kidneys. Here they form stones. But most of the sediment forms salt deposits in the joints. Osteophytes seriously complicate any movement. As a rule, this process damages small elements of the feet. Although it often affects the knee joint.


Cleansing the body of toxins accumulated in the joints is necessary if:

  • proliferation of bone tissue, that is, the formation of osteophytes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

In addition to the listed diseases, joint cleaning is indicated for preventive purposes every six months if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, eats poorly, drinks alcohol, or smokes. People with disorders in the cardiovascular, genitourinary and endocrine systems are at risk. The first signs of the need for cleansing procedures are cracking joints, pain when moving, numbness of the limbs, swelling and limited mobility.

Main reasons

In reality, there are many reasons for the occurrence of the disease. However, doctors identify several main factors that can provoke salt deposits on the neck and joints:

  • Poor nutrition. Abuse of spicy and fatty foods, constant overeating, lack of vegetables in the diet, excessive addiction to alcohol (especially beer) - all this provokes an imbalance of salt metabolism. As a result, osteophytes begin to form in the body.
  • Inactivity, which leads to decreased blood circulation. The whole body suffers from this, including the joints. As a result, salts begin to settle on them.
  • Ailments. Some diseases of the circulatory system and skin can cause disruption of the water-salt balance. Interruptions in the functioning of the endocrine and exocrine glands can also change this exchange. The consequence of such disorders is usually gout.

Speaking about the reasons that provoke salt deposition, it should be noted that doctors consider the following categories of people to be at risk:

  • Overweight person.
  • Patients suffering from renal failure (after all, this disease makes it difficult to eliminate uric acid).

People who put excessive strain on their joints can also experience salt deposits on their feet. For example, women who are fond of high-heeled shoes often experience enormous discomfort in the corresponding joints. Tight or uncomfortable shoes can also cause problems.

Salt deposits on the neck can also occur as a result of heredity, especially if such a cause is aggravated by an unhealthy diet. More often, this disease is observed in people who have to work a lot with their heads down (typists, PC operators, engineers).

The main reason for the deposition of salts in the heel is considered to be irrational loads on this area. As a rule, people who are diagnosed with obesity or flat feet encounter this disease. The increased load causes an inflammatory process, in response to which a growth - a spur - is formed in the area of ​​the heel bone.


The deposition of salts in the joints of the extremities is manifested by painful attacks, during which the affected area becomes inflamed, red and becomes hot to the touch. A gout attack usually begins late at night and forces a person to wake up. The intensity of pain gradually increases and can be very high.

During an attack, body temperature often rises and the mobility of the damaged joint is greatly reduced. The first attack lasts several hours, subsequent attacks can last for several days or even more than a week. By the end of this period, no symptoms remain.

IMPORTANT: due to the complete disappearance of symptoms, a person thinks that he has recovered and does not consult a doctor. However, the disease progresses, and with each new attack its manifestations intensify.

In the shoulder joint

Salts are deposited in the shoulder joint due to a pathology called periarthritis. It develops most often in women whose activities involve physical exertion on their hands. The lesion is usually unilateral, since the dominant limb is always more heavily loaded.

In the early stages, the pain is insignificant and appears only during movement, becoming especially noticeable when raising the arm above shoulder level or rotating. In the future, the pain occurs more and more often and bothers you at rest and at night. Not only the joint itself, but also part of the cervical-collar area can hurt.

Salt deposition in gout is manifested by severe pain, which is not always relieved by analgesics

Signs of salt deposits:


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  • pain and tension in the shoulder muscles;
  • slight swelling, painful to the touch;
  • stiffness of movements of varying degrees of severity;
  • The x-ray will show calcifications - areas of calcification in the tissues of the joint.

IMPORTANT: in most cases, patients come to the doctor when pain begins to bother them at night and interferes with sleep.

In the hip joint

The cause of salt deposition in the hip joint can be gout or coxarthrosis - this is what arthrosis of this localization is called. It gradually destroys cartilage tissue, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

How to relieve a gout attack

  • pain in the thigh and groin area;
  • increased pain when walking, standing for a long time, getting up from a chair or bed;
  • limited mobility;
  • weakness of the thigh muscles, which atrophy over time;
  • changes in gait and lameness (in later stages).

Development mechanism

In order for salts to begin to be deposited in a person’s knee joints, it is necessary to provoke a circulatory disorder in the intraosseous capillaries. This causes a serious disruption in the nutrition of the cartilaginous membranes, which triggers degenerative-dystrophic changes. They cause pathology of the hyaline cartilage covering the femur and tibia.

At the very beginning of the development of the degenerative process, cartilage tissue is affected at the molecular level. In some places it becomes thin and cloudy.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, there is a possibility of cartilage delamination and cracks appearing on it. The greatest danger is the complete destruction of cartilage, which causes a person to experience severe pain. When the bone is completely deprived of the protection of such a shock absorber, it begins to rapidly deteriorate. Over time, joint deformation becomes visible.

Diagnostic methods

Several examination methods are used for diagnosis.

  • X-rays can detect deposits that have accumulated over 5-10 years.
  • Arthroscopy is a study during which a microincision is made and an arthroscope is inserted into the joint.
  • Computed tomography allows you to determine the size of the joint and the quality of its surface, changes occurring in its structure, the presence of osteophytes and cartilaginous growths, and edema.
  • MRI is prescribed to create a layer-by-layer image of bone structures and joint tissues. Tomography allows you to examine the structure of joints and surrounding tissues, as well as the pathological processes occurring in them.
  • Thermography is an auxiliary diagnostic method that determines the thermographic index, temperature gradient, thermal asymmetry and hyper- or hypothermia of the joints.
  • Laboratory tests are important in diagnosing salt deposits in joints. With their help, data is obtained on the content of uric acid in the blood serum and daily urine, the number of leukocytes in the blood, and the density of urine. Specialists examine synovial fluid from the knee joint, subcutaneous tophi, etc.

Diagnostic measures

The examination of the patient begins with the doctor examining and feeling the knee joint, asking about disturbing symptoms, and studying the medical history. To make a correct diagnosis, radiography is prescribed. This is the main diagnostic method for salt deposits.

X-ray images in the presence of pathology will show a narrowing of the cartilage gap from the accumulation of salt, and in the case of an advanced stage, the proliferation of osteophytes and destruction of the articular part of the knee are clearly visible.

Diet goals for salt deposits

Throughout life, joints experience significant stress. First of all, this concerns the skeletal elements that provide motor activity. Therefore, it is so important to avoid injuries, physical overload, hypothermia, and eat properly. Bad eating habits lead to obesity and contribute to the development of diseases due to salt deposition caused by an incorrectly formulated diet.

Therapeutic nutrition is determined by the nature and composition of deposits and has the following tasks:

  • reduce the intake of foods that contribute to the formation of salts;
  • gradually reduce the content in the blood of compounds from which salts arise;
  • accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

At the same time, the kidneys should be protected by adequate drinking regimen. You need to drink a lot - up to 3 liters per day, this will facilitate the removal of salt accumulations.

In addition, with the help of the right diet, damaged joint structures must be restored.

General dietary recommendations

Before starting the treatment course, it is advisable to free the liver and bile ducts from toxins, and, if possible, sanitize the intestines. For this, courses of choleretic and enzymatic drugs, therapeutic enemas, and tubages using heated mineral water are recommended.

To cleanse the body of salt deposits, you must adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. You cannot eat meat in any form, fried, spicy and salty foods, buns, cakes. Fermented milk products, herbs, vegetables, fruits and cereals are healthy.

Cleaning activities must be carried out at least three times a year. When you feel better, it is recommended to remove toxins at least once every six months.

Feature: you can’t use strict diets to dramatically lose weight. They will only harm the joint structures, depriving them of essential nutrients. A proper diet and a regularly performed set of physical therapy will bring much more benefit.

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If your joints are clogged with urates, you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, dairy dishes, and cereals. During the period of remission, limited (2 times a week) consumption of dietary meat is allowed - rabbit, turkey, chicken. It goes well with vegetable salads, such as carrot salads, to which you can add olive oil.

Low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, pasta, nuts and seeds are healthy. Unsalted hard cheeses are recommended.


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When oxalate deposits occur, experts advise eating fruits that remove these salts: apricots, pears, watermelon, bananas. Vegetables allowed: cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin. Eating cereals, vegetable soups, and lean meats in small quantities is beneficial.

When calcinosis is detected, a dairy-vegetable diet is used, and the consumption of legumes, seaweed, and nuts is also indicated.

If it is assumed that phosphate compounds have accumulated in the joint area, it is necessary to increase the consumption of oatmeal, buckwheat, eggs, wholemeal bread, vegetables and fruits.

What you can't eat

All patients with salt deposits should limit, or better yet completely eliminate, the following foods:

  • pickled, spicy, salty dishes;
  • fried food;
  • canned and smoked foods;
  • seasonings: tomato paste, ketchup, spices and various sauces;
  • baked goods made from butter or puff pastry;
  • coffee, tea, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • chocolate.

Other dietary restrictions vary depending on the nature of the salts. For gout, meat broths, offal, legumes, and alcohol are prohibited. If oxalates are detected, all foods containing oxalic acid are excluded from the diet: sorrel, chocolate, figs, cocoa, jellied meat.

Accumulations of phosphate compounds in the joints suggest a ban on the consumption of milk and its derivatives, as well as raspberries and Victoria. If contaminated with calcium salts, spicy dishes, smoked foods, dough products, and cocoa are contraindicated.

Sample menu for the day

When cleansing the body of salts, you need to correctly create a daily diet, correctly distributing it throughout the day.

  1. For breakfast: apple and carrot salad, flavored with olive oil, chicory tea or freshly squeezed orange juice.
  2. After a few hours, drink one glass of warm decoction of medicinal herbs or dried fruit compote.
  3. For lunch you can make milk soup, eat boiled potatoes, drink fruit jelly.
  4. During the afternoon snack, an apple (fresh or baked) or other fruits will be useful, as well as green tea as a liquid.
  5. For dinner, prepare vegetable stew or cottage cheese pancakes with jam. One glass of mint tea. If you feel hungry between meals, it is recommended to eat 1-2 teaspoons of sprouted wheat seeds or bran.

Proper nutrition

Removing salts from the body using folk remedies gives results if you follow the rules of dietary nutrition. During cleansing procedures, alcoholic beverages, meat, canned food, and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. You should also avoid fried foods and choose recipes for stewed and boiled dishes. Consumption of black tea, coffee, sugar and salt is minimized or eliminated altogether. The basis of a healthy diet is vegetables and fruits, cereals and low-fat dairy products (in moderate doses). In a state of remission, lean boiled meat (chicken) is gradually introduced. Monitor your drinking regime: you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Drinking regime

In case of purine metabolism disorders, you need to receive at least three liters of fluid per day, as this speeds up the release of urate deposits from the joints. In addition to clean water, it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral waters, vegetable and fruit juices, and infusions of medicinal plants.

Herbalists recommend using rose hips, mint, bearberry, and birch buds. Dried fruit compote is very useful. It is better to postpone taking any liquid for 30-45 minutes after a meal. This will improve the digestion process.

The exception is alkaline mineral water, which should be drunk warm before meals or regardless of meals.

General recommendations for restoring salt balance

Restoration of water-salt metabolism must be comprehensive and systematic. In addition to adjusting your diet and using folk remedies, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • replace chlorinated water with purified or bottled water;
  • drink 2–2.5 liters of liquid daily, not counting soups;
  • monitor the shade of urine - it should be transparent or slightly yellowish;
  • Use table salt at the rate of 2 grams per liter of liquid consumed.

For various diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart, before restoring water-salt metabolism, you should consult a doctor, since some of the measures discussed may affect your health. So, it is not advisable for people with heart disease to drink a lot of fluids.

Folk remedies to combat salt deposits

There are many folk recipes for freeing joints from salt deposits.

For calcinosis, it is recommended to consume various sour fruits for 20 days while drinking plenty of fluids. You can use diuretic teas containing bearberry, parsley, horsetail, birch buds, or just clean water. It is believed that an acidic environment helps dissolve calcium salts and remove them from the body.

Bay infusion is very popular. You need to pour 5 g of bay leaves with 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos. The healing drink is ready in 12 hours. It is recommended to drink it a day, taking a few sips every 2 hours. The procedure is used daily for three days.

After a week's rest, the treatment course is repeated. To consolidate the effect, you need to be treated in this way quarterly. Next year, it is enough to drink the laurel infusion once. It is believed that this remedy helps get rid of any salts.

Parsley and dill have a good cleansing effect:


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  1. A mixture of parsley and lemon. Take parsley roots and greens in equal proportions (200 g each), cut 3 lemons, and pass through a meat grinder. Add 350 g of honey, stir. Drink 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course may vary, but you need to completely drink the entire prepared volume. This treatment can be carried out quarterly.
  2. Dill tincture. Pour one glass of dill seeds into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 7 days. Strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day between meals for two weeks.

Making homemade ointment

The medicine will require the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons mustard;
  • 2 spoons of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil.

All components of the ointment must be mixed. If the composition turns out to be too liquid, you can add a little mustard. The consistency should be thick sour cream, making it easy to rub in.

Rubbing procedures are best done at night. Rub directly into areas where there are salt deposits.

Sea salt mask

You can apply a mask of the following ingredients to your foot or knee:

  • Sea salt;
  • Honey.

The components must be taken in equal proportions, mixed until smooth, placed on the problem area and wrapped with cloth.

Exposure time – 1 hour. After the time has passed, the skin needs to be cleaned, you can even rinse it with water. Insulate.

Drinking grape tea

To combat salt deposits in the joints, you can take a decoction or tincture of young grape shoots. To do this, you need to cut off the young shoots, wash them and pour boiling water over a tablespoon of raw material.

The course of treatment is a month. This tea should be drunk 4 times a day, 50 ml. It is good to combine the method with the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Tincture of cinquefoil

To prepare the medicine, you need to prepare the herb, fill a glass container with it, and then add vodka. The drug must be infused for 14 days.

The duration of treatment is agreed with the attending physician. You need to take the product three times a day, one spoon at a time.

Bay leaf decoction

To prepare the composition you will need 5 sheets and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pour the raw material, add a tablespoon of honey and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break and repeat the course.

Oil compresses

You can cope with osteophytes by applying compresses to the affected joints. Before bath procedures, it is good to apply a bandage with the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil;
  • Juniper oil;
  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Ginger;
  • Lemon;
  • Tea tree;
  • Almond oil.

Almond or olive oil can be used as a base; other ingredients should be added in small quantities. Moisten a napkin in the prepared mixture and apply it to the sore joint. After a few hours, rinse the skin.

Ingredients for the dressing

Chamomile baths

You can speed up the process of removing salts from the body by taking baths with chamomile. For 3 liters of boiling water you will need 20 g of flowers. Let it brew for 45 minutes, then strain.

You need to take baths for 20 minutes. It is important to do this regularly, in courses. Greater results can be achieved by performing the procedures at night before bedtime.

How to remove salts from joints

Treatment of this pathological condition is very long and complex. First of all, doctors recommend changing your usual diet. Fatty, spicy, fried foods are excluded from it. As well as foods that provoke excessive formation of urates (meat, fish, spinach, grapes, sorrel). More dairy and plant products are being introduced into the menu. Eating plums, melons, watermelons, persimmons, parsley and dill has a particularly good effect on the body.

It is worth giving up bad habits and playing sports. The level of physical activity is determined individually, but a sedentary lifestyle is under no circumstances allowed.

Saline dressings

Similar procedures have been practiced in folk medicine for quite some time. Bandages are used to treat:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • periarthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • as well as from spinal pain.

For the procedure you will need a hypertonic salt solution with a concentration of 8-10%. You should not make it more saturated, otherwise you will not avoid harmful effects on the body. Fabric (cotton, linen) is also needed. It should be loose and hygroscopic, for example, a waffle towel works well.

  1. You need to mix 100 g of salt (not iodized) in 1 liter of water.
  2. Fabric folded in several layers is immersed in this solution.
  3. It is left there for 2-3 hours.
  4. Then the solution along with the fabric is heated to 50°.
  5. The flap is removed and easily wrung out.
  6. It must be applied to the joint immediately.
  7. A bandage or another piece of cotton fabric is placed on top.

Salt acts locally, effectively drawing out toxins and pathogenic microorganisms from the subcutaneous layers and tissue fluid. It cleanses the sore area, renewing the deep and subcutaneous layers of the lesion, so the bandage must be applied exactly to the sore spot.

The course of procedures is 12-14 sessions without breaks. It is better to perform them at night. The peculiarity of this compress is that you cannot use paper and polyethylene, since the bandage must “breathe”.

Treatment of joint inflammation with snow and salt

  • Take ½ cup of snow out of the freezer.
  • Add 1 tsp to it. salt.
  • The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on the sore spot.
  • This kind of compress with snow is kept for no more than 4 minutes.
  • To relieve pain, as a rule, 7-10 procedures are sufficient. These measures are great for relieving signs of inflammation and soreness.

Honey and salt for sore joints

  1. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. honey and regular rock salt. It is worth noting that it is better to take natural honey.
  2. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to a clean cloth, preferably linen.
  3. Then it is applied to the inflamed area.
  4. Compress paper or cellophane must be placed on top.
  5. After this, a piece of woolen cloth is applied and fixed so that it holds well and warms the sore spot.
  6. It is recommended to perform this procedure at night.
  7. In this case, the bandage is not wrinkled, but kept until the morning.
  8. After waking up, the limb is simply washed with running warm water.

Calcium gout

Inflammation of the joints can occur as a result of the deposition of calcium pyrophosphates. In this case, they talk about such a phenomenon as calcium or false gout. This disease is accompanied by arthritis in the ankles, hips or arms.

The main symptoms of the disease include spontaneously occurring pain (quite severe) and swelling that disappears in the same way.

The causes of false gout lie in the following provoking factors: old age, the presence of hypothyroidism, hemophilia, manifestations of amyloidosis, heredity.

Correct diagnosis requires laboratory testing of joint fluid. The disease is confirmed when calcium poriphosphate is detected in the sample.

Cleansing joints with walnuts

How to remove salts from joints using folk remedies? This question interests many. And not everyone knows that this can be done using a walnut. In fact, this fruit has excellent ability to cleanse the body. A medicine based on it can be prepared in two ways.

1. Infusion of leaves. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry nut leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for at least an hour in a warm place under a lid. Drink 80 ml of medicine 3-4 times a day.

2. Alcohol tincture of nut partitions. It is no less effective for removing salts. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour vodka (0.5 l) into 1 glass of partitions and leave for three weeks. Reception is carried out in 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening for a month.

Where can I buy

offers to purchase medicinal herbs and other drugs for preparing decoctions, syrups, tinctures, tea, juices that can remove salts. You will be pleasantly surprised:

  • competent assistance from specialists;
  • free delivery by Russian Post to any corner of the country (for residents of Moscow and the region, the goods can be received by courier);
  • quality assurance and compliance with all storage rules;
  • affordable prices;
  • the opportunity to purchase goods in one of the herbal pharmacies in Moscow.

Remember, timely removal of salts from the kidneys is a preventive measure that prevents the development of serious diseases.

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Visit to the doctor

Much has been said about the need to visit a doctor if the described pain occurs. I would like to summarize, if you want to receive correct and effective treatment, salt deposits in the joints or neck should be observed by a professional. Therefore, let’s move directly to the question: “Who should I contact with my illness?”

The first doctor you need to visit is a therapist. Of course, ideally every conscious person should undergo an annual examination. This makes it possible to detect diseases in the early stages. So, the therapist can give directions for testing. Or send it to a specialist.

Neurologist. Consulting this doctor for pain and crunching in the back is simply necessary. It is within his competence to assess the cause of these symptoms. The neurologist interprets the results of studies such as magnetic and computed resonance imaging, electromyography, and encephalography.

Rheumatologist. This doctor specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of various joint pathologies. Its specificity also includes types of arthritis.

Traumatologist-orthopedist. Such a doctor is referred for consultation in case of injuries or congenital features of the skeletal system. If necessary, the orthopedist will be able to select special braces to hold the back or joints in the required physiological position.

Rehabilitation doctor. The competence of this specialist includes the selection of restorative treatment. He recommends the necessary complex of physical education. Prescribes physiotherapeutic and sanatorium treatment.

Chiropractor. The doctor's specialty is “hand treatment.” It works with the position of ligaments, muscles, bones, joints.

It is quite difficult to determine on your own which doctor you should contact. Therefore, it is best to make your first visit to a therapist.

Answers on questions

Which doctor should I contact if I have salt deposits?

Several different specialists deal with the problem of salt accumulation in the body. Which one should I go to? It all depends on the location of the inflammation.

If crystals are deposited in the hip, knee and other large joints, it is better to consult a traumatologist or orthopedist. Salt deposits in the cervical spine will require a visit to a neurologist.

If there are no highly specialized specialists in your local clinic, you should make an appointment with your local physician. The doctor will refer you for tests and advise on the possibility of using traditional recipes.

What natural diuretics can be used to remove salts?

There are many foods and drinks that help stimulate urination. For example, beets, watermelon, strawberries, zucchini, and leafy vegetables are excellent diuretics. They cleanse the kidneys and help the urinary tract remove salts from the body. Dandelion root tea is very beneficial.

To prevent mineral or vitamin starvation during heavy diuresis, it is recommended to take complexes with a high content of magnesium and potassium.

What can Chinese doctors offer to remove salts?

Everyone knows that a huge number of biologically active points are concentrated on the soles of the feet, affecting the functioning of all organs. And if you steam your feet with sunflower root, and then lubricate your feet with concentrated lemon and grapefruit juice, you will be able to get rid of a large amount of salts.

A balneotherapy session will be more effective if you complete it by applying clay cakes to the center of the sole, where there are many points.

A mixture of clay and ground herbs is kept on the foot for an hour. By the way, this procedure perfectly relieves swelling and fatigue of the legs after a hard day at work.

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