How to remove uric acid from joints: effective medications, diet

10.02.2021 09:00


Uric acid is present in the body of every person. But exceeding the standard value can cause serious health problems. This is why it is so important to strictly control the level of uric acid in the blood: get tested periodically, and also avoid excessive consumption of foods that increase its concentration.

Uric acid is present in the body of every person. But exceeding the standard value can cause serious health problems. This is why it is so important to strictly control the level of uric acid in the blood: get tested periodically, and also avoid excessive consumption of foods that increase its concentration. Today we will talk about what foods can cause an increase and decrease in urea levels in the body.

What is it about?

The relevance of knowledge about how to remove uric acid from joints is due to the ability of this chemical compound to form crystalline elements that accumulate in the human body. If the body is healthy, then this does not happen. The appearance of crystals is usually associated with gout, although similar processes can be observed in some other diseases. To check the danger of the appearance of crystalline structures, you need to undergo special tests to determine the acid content in the body. If the results do not fit within the normal range, the doctor will select an appropriate method for correcting the condition.

To remove uric acid from joints using folk remedies, you will have to drink water more actively, introduce special foods into your diet, and eliminate dangerous foods. Experts may recommend taking herbal infusions and doing simple procedures, including hygiene procedures. If the condition is advanced, such methods cannot be used; you will have to take medications. More often, the pathological condition develops in people over forty years of age, often in those who already suffer from some kind of disease. This forces us to choose methods and approaches especially responsibly so as not to harm the body.

How to lower the level in the body

If the pathology was identified in the early stages and the increase in uric acid concentration is insignificant, you can regulate its level with folk remedies without resorting to medications. For example, use for these purposes:

  • Apple vinegar. This product restores the alkaline balance in the body and effectively removes excess urea. To prepare a healthy drink, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and dissolve in a glass of clean drinking water. The total volume should be divided into three servings and drunk throughout the day;
  • citruses. Their action is similar to apple cider vinegar, so you can replace the latter with lemon juice. Squeeze one medium lemon per glass of water. The infusion should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • baking soda. Effectively neutralizes uric acid and prevents kidney stone formation. To prepare the medicine, you need to take half a tablespoon of soda and dissolve it in a glass of water. The maximum course of treatment is 2 weeks, since soda has a side effect in the form of increased blood pressure.

The simplest and most effective way to prevent an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the body is to drink clean drinking water without gas. It improves filtration processes in the kidneys, resulting in toxins being eliminated naturally. The daily norm is 30 grams of liquid per 1 kg of weight for women and 40 grams per 1 kg of weight for men.

However, it is important to understand that any of these methods must first be agreed with your doctor. It is unacceptable to self-medicate and prescribe yourself certain medications or nutritional supplements.

Relevance of the issue

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been forced to think about how to remove uric acid from joints using folk remedies. As medical statistics show, the frequency of cases of gout diagnosis increases every year. Presumably, this is due to poor nutrition and an unbalanced diet. An increase in the content of acid crystals in the body often indicates kidney disease. More often, the problem plagues people who excessively consume purine-enriched components in their diet.

It is noted that the accumulation of acid crystals often worries those suffering from leukemia, psoriasis, and excess weight. The risk of their formation is higher against the background of kidney diseases, genetic predisposition, and high blood pressure. Certain risks are associated with frequent drinking.

About the diet

People are often interested in herbs that remove uric acid from joints. This therapy is used for a relatively mild form of the pathological condition, which is almost always explained by an incorrectly selected diet. The body probably receives excess proteins through diet. This is typical if the diet is enriched with dairy products, eggs and meat dishes. Proteins are transformed in the body, and usually the products of these reactions are eliminated naturally. If there are too many of them, the joints become sites where acid crystals accumulate.

To correct this condition, you need to review your diet. To quickly remove uric acid from the joints, doctors advise reducing the consumption of fish and meat, eliminating seafood from the diet or greatly reducing their volume. It is known that the risk of accumulation of acid crystals is higher if a person eats legumes, bananas, and mushrooms. Certain dangers are associated with consuming large quantities of pineapple and avocado.

Therapeutic diet

Nutritionists know several methods for removing uric acid from joints. The first and main method is to create a menu so that as little saturated fat as possible enters the body with food. You need to give up smoked and fried foods. Instead, the emphasis is on grains, fruits, and vegetables.

If there is a problem of excess weight, the presence of acid crystals indicates the need for an urgent solution. The greater the weight, the higher the risk of developing gout, the more severe the pathology will be. It is recommended to include physical activity in your daily routine and leave bad habits in the past. The diet must contain cucumbers, which cleanse the body. Avoid alcoholic beverages. The more alcohol a person drinks, the higher the risk of gout. If crystals have already begun to appear, you need to completely eliminate alcohol.

Diagnosis of gout and complications

If you suspect gout, you should consult a rheumatologist. During an exacerbation, the disease is easy to identify. First of all, the doctor examines the inflamed joint, assesses the condition of the skin, the degree of swelling, and other signs.

To diagnose gout, the following is prescribed:

  • General blood analysis. During an attack, an increased ESR is noted.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Determination of serum uric acid level.
  • X-ray of the joint. Changes appear after a few years and indicate advanced disease and complications - gouty polyarthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Puncture to identify sodium urate and microflora in the synovial fluid.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys to detect stones.

Gout is hereditary, so it is important for all family members to be examined regularly, even if there are no signs yet. The development of gout can be avoided if measures are taken in advance.

Tasty and healthy

If you ask a specialist how to remove uric acid from the body and joints, but the condition of the body is not so severe that drug therapy is required, the doctor will probably advise you to include a pleasant drink made with ginger and lemon in your diet. To do this you need a small piece of fresh ginger rhizome. The product is thoroughly crushed, a small spoon of the gruel is mixed with a glass of just boiled water, left for 10 minutes and a couple of large spoons of fresh lemon juice are added. You can add 50 ml of grapefruit juice. Drink the finished drink whenever you want. It is tasty and healthy, not only helps get rid of acid crystals, but also stimulates the immune system.

A carrot drink is beneficial. To prepare it, you need to take a couple of root vegetables and half a glass of water, a stalk of celery and a large spoon of fresh lemon juice. The vegetables are chopped and all the ingredients are combined. It is advisable to drink this drink twice a day. The maximum benefit will be if you take it half an hour before a meal.

Tomato juice will help remove uric acid salts from joints. This simple and beloved product perfectly cleanses the body of harmful crystals. It is advisable to prepare the juice yourself using fresh berries. You should not count on the benefits of industrially produced juice.

Answers on questions

What sports can a person suffering from gout engage in?

If there is salt deposits in the periarticular tissues, extreme sports are contraindicated, especially those involving stress on the legs. It is optimal to engage in race walking, jogging, swimming, but overload is unacceptable.

Can therapeutic mud be used for gout?

This type of heat therapy is widely used in the treatment of all joint diseases. The greatest effect is achieved when treating outside of exacerbation. The mud should be slightly warmed up. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes, after which the joint is wrapped in woolen cloth. Mud therapy prolongs the period of remission, improving local blood circulation and metabolism.

Do potatoes help remove uric acid salts?

The root vegetable contains a lot of potassium and has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. This explains its external and internal use for gout. Fresh juice from raw potatoes quickly removes urates, a compress of grated raw tubers, left overnight, relieves inflammation, swelling of the joints, and reduces pain. Eating potatoes is also beneficial.

Simple and affordable means of combating the disease

If you ask a healer how to remove uric acid from joints, a traditional medicine specialist will advise taking onion decoction. To prepare it you need one medium-sized root vegetable. First, remove the husks, then combine a liter of clean water and the onion in a container, place on medium heat and wait for the liquid to boil. Boil the onion for three minutes, leave for another 10 minutes. You should take 150 ml of the prepared decoction for food. It is advisable to drink it three times a day. If the taste is very unpleasant, you can improve it a little by adding a small amount of honey.

Another universal method involves using fresh cucumber. A simple recipe will help remove uric acid from joints, according to which you combine a medium-sized vegetable with a couple of celery stalks and a small slice of lemon. Additionally, a small spoon of peeled fresh ginger rhizome, crushed into a pulp, is added to the medicine. All components are crushed using a blender. The prepared product is used on an empty stomach. As soon as the homemade remedy is ready, it is drunk completely. This is a fairly simple method that has worked well in combination with diet adjustments and changes in daily habits.

Traditional medicine

Advice from traditional healers is an element of complex therapy for gout. The use must be agreed upon with the attending physician. To reduce the formation of urates and remove salt deposits, there are many recipes with available ingredients.

Bay decoction

Pour half a liter of cold water over 4-5 laurel leaves. Boil for 7 minutes, the finished broth is infused for 4 hours. Drink 150 ml of warm solution in the morning and evening, regardless of meals, for two weeks.

Lingonberry fruits and leaves

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over medicinal raw materials (50 g), boil for 15 minutes. The resulting healing solution should be drunk a day. The course of treatment is about 2 months. After a three-week rest it can be repeated.

Black currant

Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the dried leaves, leave in a warm place for 3 hours, then strain. Drink a warm infusion of 100 ml 3-5 times a day. Therapy lasts about 2 months.


Wash the fruits, chop finely, boil for 7 minutes, leave for about 3 hours. Drink slightly warmed instead of tea. You can simply brew chopped apples with boiling water.

Local procedures are also used to relieve pain and accelerate the resorption of tophi.

Honey-salt compress

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of salt and honey, mix thoroughly, heat a little over low heat. Apply a compress to the sore joint. The duration of the procedure should not exceed an hour. After a treatment session, hypothermia should be avoided.

Baths with sage infusion

Pour 100 g of dried plant into 3 liters of boiling water, keep on fire for at least 10 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature. Place the affected limb in the resulting solution until the water cools. Then wrap the joint in woolen cloth. It is better to carry out procedures before bed, every other day or daily for two months.

Hops ointment

Mix one tablespoon of crushed cones of the plant thoroughly with the same amount of butter or Vaseline. Before applying the product, degrease the skin over the affected joint with alcohol or vodka. Rub the product in smooth circular movements, avoiding any pain. Then insulate the joint with woolen cloth overnight.

To reduce pain and as a general health remedy, freshly squeezed celery juice is used - take 2-3 dessert spoons half an hour before meals.

Water and food

Recommendations on how to remove uric acid from a joint usually begin with a drinking regimen. Persons suffering from the formation of uric acid crystals should receive two liters of clean water or more daily. You can supplement your drinking regimen with a decoction of medicinal herbs. To prepare it, take lingonberry, nettle leaves, horsetail greens, and elderberries. All ingredients are combined in equal quantities. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a couple of large spoons of the herbal mixture, put it in a container, pour a glass of boiling water into it and leave for at least half an hour under a closed lid. The finished drink is used orally shortly before a meal.

You can remove uric acid from your joints by following a special diet. In medical reference books it is presented under number six. Such a healing table requires the exclusion of animal offal and dishes prepared using them, as well as broths cooked with fish, meat, and mushrooms. Canned food, smoked foods, beans, sorrel, spinach, and marinades are prohibited. You can't eat rhubarb. Sweets are included in the diet in very limited quantities. It is forbidden to eat chocolate, you cannot eat cakes and pastries. The following items are prohibited: liver, dried fruits, baked goods. It is necessary to give up coffee, cocoa, cranberry drinks, alcohol, and strong tea. If meat is cooked, it is thoroughly boiled (about half of the purines go into the broth).

Features of the daily routine

If you need to review your diet and daily habits to combat problems caused by the accumulation of uric acid, you need to come to terms with the importance of fasting days in advance. Their frequency will be determined by the attending doctor. Dishes with meat components are allowed to be included in the diet twice a week or less. Alkalinizing foods are beneficial. It is worth including apples in your diet, eating cucumbers and carrots, and cottage cheese more often. You can drink kefir. It is recommended to visit the bathhouse regularly. Such procedures have a positive effect on the health of the joints and allow these parts of the body to be cleansed of acid crystals and other toxic compounds.

Pharmaceutical products

When understanding what drugs are available that remove uric acid from the joints, you should pay attention to Allopurinol. This medicinal product slows down the generation of urate, having a beneficial effect on the chemical composition of body tissues. To increase the rate of elimination of nucleic acid transformation products, you can take Benzobromarone. The solubility of crystals formed by uric acid molecules increases if the patient receives a therapeutic course of Blemaren. Sometimes the doctor considers Etamide to be the best option for treating pathology. Pharmaceutical products such as Sulfinpyrazone and Urodan show good results in the fight against gout.

All of these drugs have a significant effect on the human body. If you are planning to start a course of medication that removes uric acid from the joints, you must first consult with your doctor. The doctor will explain how to take the medicine correctly so as not to harm yourself. Most modern medications cause side effects that are significant to varying degrees. The specialist will explain how to reduce the risk of such reactions.

Medicines and features

Sometimes people think about how to remove uric acid from the joint with drugs against the background of a therapeutic program that includes diuretics. As doctors point out, you need to be extremely careful with diuretics. Taking these pharmaceutical products carries an increased risk of sodium salt accumulation in the human body. You need to be careful with various products that activate the generation and excretion of urine. Cranberry fruits, alcohol, and coffee have these abilities.

If a person is forced to take niacin, vitamin B3, he needs to consult with his doctor before starting any additional course of pharmaceutical products. Options for how to remove uric acid from joints with medications involve taking medications that can affect the human body, especially in combination with the intake of synthetic vitamins of these groups. It is usually necessary to include additional measures in the program to maintain the functioning of the liver, heart, and blood vessels. Vitamin compounds, as observations have shown, are highly likely to lead to hyperuricemia with long-term use.


This medicine was developed specifically to combat gout. Its main ingredient is benzbromarone. One capsule contains 100 mg of this chemical compound. The drug is available in packages containing 60 capsules of the product. The pharmaceutical product is classified as uricosuric, hypouricemic. Its distinctive ability is the inhibition of reabsorption of uric acid in the renal tubules. The activity of urate elimination by the kidneys and intestinal tract increases. The concentration of these substances in the human body decreases. In addition to gout, the drug product is prescribed for the treatment of hyperuricemia.

"Dezurik" cannot be used during pregnancy and feeding; it is not prescribed to minors. Gout caused by blood diseases is a contraindication. The drug should not be used if the kidneys are weak or against the background of hyperuraturia or urolithiasis. The therapeutic course may cause prolonged loose stools. If the patient receives indirect anticoagulants, the strength of their influence can increase due to Dezurik.

Means that promote the removal of uric acid and the removal of urinary calculi (stones)

Home Medical Encyclopedia Medicines Medicines that affect kidney function

AVISAN (Avisanum)

Contains a sum of substances obtained from the fruits of Ammi Visnaga L..

Pharmachologic effect. It has antispasmodic (relieving spasms) properties. By relaxing the muscles of the ureters, it promotes the advancement and passage of ureteral stones.

Indications for use. Spasm (sharp narrowing of the lumen) of the ureters, renal colic.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.05-0.1 g 3-4 times a day after meals for 1-3 weeks.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, it is recommended that the patient be given a large amount of fluid while taking Avisan. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient drinks 1.5-2 liters of water or tea within 2-3 hours. This technique is repeated after a few days. The patient should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effect. In some cases, dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

Release form. Film-coated tablets, 0.05 g in a package of 25 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place, protected from light.

ALLOPURINOL (AUopurinolum)

Synonyms: Milurit, Apurin, Zilorik, Allopur, Atizuril, Foligan, Goticur, Lisurin, Petrazin, Prinol, Piral, Purinol, Uridoside, Uriprim, Xanthurate.

Pharmachologic effect. By inhibiting xanthine oxidase, it inhibits the synthesis of uric acid, which helps reduce the urate content in the serum and prevents its deposition in the kidneys.

Indications for use. For the treatment and prevention of diseases accompanied by hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood) and the formation of urate stones (consisting of uric acid salts): primary and secondary gout, urolithiasis with the formation of calculi (stones) containing urate, primary and secondary hyperuricemia.

Method of administration and dose. Orally after meals, 0.1 g 3-4 times a day, the daily dose can be increased to 0.8 g (in four divided doses).

In severe cases of gout, with significant deposits of urate in tissues and high hyperuricemia (over 7 mg%), up to 0.6-0.8 g is prescribed in fractional doses (no more than 0.2 g per dose) for 2-4 weeks, then switch to maintenance doses (0.1-0.3 g per day), which are given long-term (for several months).

When allopurinol is stopped, uricemia (increased uric acid in the blood) and uricosuria (increased excretion of uric acid in the urine) return to baseline levels, so treatment must be long-term. Gaps in taking the drug for more than 2-3 days are undesirable.

When treating with allopurinol, it is necessary to maintain diuresis (urination) at a level of at least 2 liters per day; It is desirable that the urine reaction be neutral.

Side effect. At the beginning of treatment, an exacerbation of the disease, sometimes dyspeptic symptoms (digestive disorders), eosinophilia (increased number of eosinophils in the blood), skin rashes, fever (sharp increase in body temperature).

Contraindications. Renal failure with impaired excretory function, pregnancy.

Release form. Tablets of 0.1 g in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a place protected from light.

BENZOBROMARON (Benzobromarone)

Synonyms: Normurat, Khipurik, Dezurik, Azabromaron, Exurat, Maksurik, Minurik, Urikonorm, Urikozurik, Urinorm.

Pharmachologic effect. Benzobromarone has a strong uricosuric effect (increases the excretion of uric acid). The effect is mainly due to inhibition of the absorption of uric acid in the proximal (located in the central part of the kidney) renal tubules and an increase in the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. In addition, the drug inhibits (suppresses the activity) of enzymes involved in the synthesis of purines. Under the influence of benzobromarone, the excretion of uric acid through the intestines is enhanced.

Indications for use. Used for hyperuricemia (increased levels of uric acid in the blood) (for arthritis / joint inflammation / with hyperuricemia, hematological diseases, psoriasis, etc.) and gout.

Method of administration and dose. Prescribed to adults orally during meals, starting with 0.05 g (50 mg = '/2 tablets) 1 time per day, and if the urate level in the blood is not sufficiently reduced - 1 tablet per day.

For acute attacks of gout, it is sometimes prescribed in short courses of 1/2 tablet 3 times a day for 3 days.

During treatment, to prevent the deposition of calculi (stones) in the urinary tract, the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Side effect. The drug is usually well tolerated. In some cases, gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea) and allergic skin reactions are possible. With gout, joint pain may intensify in the first days; in these cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Contraindications. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe liver and kidney damage. The drug should not be prescribed to children.

Release form. Tablets of 0.1 g in a package of 30 pieces and tablets containing 0.08 g (80 mg) of micronized benzobromarone (hipuric).

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light.


Synonyms: K-Na hydrogen citrate, Soluran.

Pharmachologic effect. Helps neutralize urine, allows you to maintain pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) within 6.6-6.8, which creates optimal conditions for increasing the dissolution of uric acid. Long-term use of the drug leads to the dissolution of uric acid stones and prevents their appearance.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis with a predominance of urates, prevention of the formation of uric acid stones.

Method of administration and dose. Doses are set individually, on average 3-6 g (1-2 dosed spoons) 2-3 times a day after meals. The drug is diluted in water or fruit juice. Treatment is carried out under the control of urine pH 3 times a day using the indicator included with the drug.

Alkaline urine (pH above 7.0) should be avoided, as this promotes the formation of phosphates.

Side effect. Rarely - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications. Chronic urinary tract infection with urea-splitting bacteria

acute and chronic renal failure, circulatory failure.

Release form. In a package of 300 g with a dosed spoon, a control calendar and an indicator for determining pH. Composition per 100 g of granules: anhydrous citric acid - 39.90 g, potassium bicarbonate - 32.25 g, anhydrous sodium citrate - 27.85 g.

Storage conditions. In a well-closed container in a dry place.

Knotweed (Herba Polygon! avicularis)

Contains flavonol glycosides - quercetin, hyperoside, avicularin; tannins.

Pharmachologic effect. Anti-inflammatory and promoting the removal of calculi (stones).

Indications for use. As an anti-inflammatory agent that promotes the passage of stones for stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Method of administration and dose. Used as an infusion (10.0:20.0-15.0:20.0) 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

During treatment, to prevent the deposition of stones in the urinary tract, the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Release form. Packaged in 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place.

MADDER EXTRACT DRY (Extractum Rubiae tinctorum siccum)

Extract from rhizomes and roots of perennial herbaceous plants, madder (Rubia tinctorum L.) and Georgian madder (Rubia iberica Fisch.), fam. madder (Rubicea). Contain at least 3% anthracene derivatives.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) and diuretic effect; promotes loosening of urinary stones containing calcium and magnesium phosphates.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. Orally 0.25-0.75 g 2-3 times a day in 1/2 glass of warm water. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Side effect. Colors urine reddish.

Release form. Tablets of 0.25 g in a package of 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a well-closed container.

TABLETS "MARELIN" (Tabulettae "Marelinum" obductae)

A combined preparation containing dry madder extract, dry horsetail herb extract, dry goldenrod extract, single-substituted magnesium phosphate, corglycon, kellin, salicylamide.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) and anti-inflammatory effect. Promotes the removal of kidney stones (stones), consisting of calcium oxalates and calcium phosphates. Reduces or relieves pain in renal colic. With an alkaline reaction of urine, the pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) shifts to the acidic side.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. If stones are present, take 2-4 tablets 3 times a day orally (before meals) daily for 20-30 days. Treatment is carried out in repeated courses with an interval of 1-1.5 months.

To prevent relapse (re-deposition of stones) after surgical removal of stones or their spontaneous passage, 2 tablets are prescribed

3 times a day every day for 2-3 months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 4-6 months.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, increased fluid intake into the body is recommended simultaneously with taking the drug. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient should take at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (mineral alkaline water, tea, fruit juices).

For patients with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is prescribed after meals (dyspeptic symptoms /digestive disorders/ and exacerbation of peptic ulcer are possible).

Contraindications. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis (kidney disease).

Release form. Tablets containing: dry madder extract - 0.0325 g, dry horsetail herb extract - 0.015 g, dry goldenrod extract - 0.025 g, single-substituted magnesium phosphate - 0.01 g, corglycon - 0.000125 g, kellin - 0, 0025 g, salicylamide -0.035 g, coated, in glass jars of 120 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place, protected from light.


Pharmachologic effect. Antispasmodic (relieving spasms), anti-inflammatory and diuretic (diuretic) agent.

Indications for use. Urolithiasis disease.

Method of administration and dose. Orally, half an hour before meals, 3-4 drops (for an attack, 20 drops) on a piece of sugar; for frequent attacks, 10 drops 3 times a day.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, increased fluid intake into the body is recommended simultaneously with taking the drug. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient should take at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (mineral alkaline water, tea, fruit juices).

Contraindications. Glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), severe renal dysfunction, gastric ulcer.

Release form. In bottles of 10 ml. Ingredients: madder root tincture - 0.093 g, magnesium salicylate - 0.14 g, essential oils - 5.75 g, ethyl alcohol - 0.8 g, olive oil up to 10 ml.

Storage conditions. Under normal conditions.

MAGURLIT (Magurlit)

Pharmachologic effect. The drug is designed to shift the pH (an indicator of the acid-base state) of urine towards an alkaline reaction, as well as to inhibit the formation and dissolution of stones consisting of calcium oxalate, as well as a mixture of uric acid with calcium oxalate.

Indications for use. Magurlit is used to dissolve and prevent the re-formation of urinary stones in cases with persistent acidity of urine (pH less than 5.5).

Method of administration and dose. Taken orally. The average dose for adults is 6-8 g per day (2 g early in the morning, 2 g in the afternoon and 2 or 4 g late in the evening). Take with water (or fruit juice).

To further clarify the dose, the urine pH is determined daily using the indicator paper included with the drug, comparing the color with the attached color scale; The pH of fresh urine, determined in the morning, afternoon and evening before taking the drug, should, with the correct dosage, be in the range from 6.0 to 6.7-7.0. Exceeding this value is necessary

avoid, since alkaline urine (pH above 7.0) can form phosphate stones. To maintain the pH at the specified level, the dose of the drug must be selected individually.

To facilitate the removal of stones from the urinary tract, increased fluid intake into the body is recommended simultaneously with taking Magurlit. In the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the patient should take at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid (mineral alkaline water, tea, fruit juices).

The drug can be used for a long time - continuously or intermittently.

Treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

Side effect. During treatment, disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract may be observed, usually resolving without stopping the course of treatment.

Contraindications. Chronic urinary tract infections, circulatory failure (due to the large amount of sodium and potassium in the drug).

Release form. In bags of 2 g of the drug in a package of 100 pieces with the attachment of indicator papers, a color scale and tweezers.

Storage conditions. In a well-packed container.

OLIMETHIN (Olimetinum)

Synonyms: Enatin, Rowatin, Rovahol.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic (relieving spasms), choleretic effect.

Indications for use. Kidney stones and cholelithiasis.

Method of administration and dose. Orally before meals, 2 capsules 3-5 times a day. For the purpose of prevention (after stones pass), 1 capsule per day for a long time.

Contraindications. Urinary disorders, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), hepatitis, gastric ulcer.

Release form. Capsules of 0.5 g in a package of 12 pieces. Composition of one capsule: peppermint oil - 0.0085 g, purified turpentine oil - 0.01705 g, essential calamus oil - 0.0125 g, olive oil - 0.46025 g, purified sulfur -0.0017 g.

Storage conditions. In a dry, cool place, protected from light.


50% solution of the heavy fraction of essential oils (from pine or spruce needles) in peach oil.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an antispasmodic (relieving spasms) effect on the muscles of the urinary tract, and a bacteriostatic (preventing the proliferation of bacteria) effect.

Indications for use. Kidney stone disease, renal colic.

Method of administration and dose. Orally, 5 drops 3 times a day with sugar 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks; for renal colic, up to 20 drops of sugar once.

Side effect. Large doses of the drug can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, hypotension (lowering blood pressure).

Contraindications. Nephritis, nephrosis (kidney diseases).

Release form. In bottles of 25 ml of a 50% solution in peach oil.

Storage conditions. List B. In a cool place.

SULFIN PYRAZONE (Sulfmpyrazone)

Synonyms: Anturan, Anturanil, Anturidin, Enturan, Pirocard, Sulfazon, Sulfison, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. It is an active uricosuric (uric acid-removing) agent.

Indications for use. Used to treat gout. Increases the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys, especially in the first stage of treatment.

Method of administration and dose. It is usually prescribed orally in a daily dose of 0.3-0.4 g (in 2-4 doses). Take after meals; It is advisable to drink it with milk.

It should be taken into account that small doses of salicylates weaken the uricosuric effect of sulfinpyrazone. The drug enhances the effect of oral anticoagulants, oral antidiabetic agents, sulfonamides, and penicillin.

Side effect. Sulfinpyrazone is usually well tolerated, but exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers is possible.

At the beginning of treatment for gout, attacks may become more frequent. When “prescribing a course of treatment, first of all it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of fluid into the body and acidify the urine (taking sodium bicarbonate); With an acidic urine reaction, calculi (stones) may fall out in the urinary tract.

Contraindications. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hypersensitivity to butadiene and related drugs, severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

Release form. Tablets 0.1 g.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light.

URODAN (Urodanum)

Pharmachologic effect. The lithium salts and piperazine included in the drug in combination with uric acid form easily soluble compounds and promote its removal from the body.

Indications for use. Gout, urolithiasis, chronic polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints).

Method of administration and dose. Orally before meals, a teaspoon in /2 glasses of water 3-4 times a day. Use for a long time (30-40 days). If necessary, the course is repeated.

Release form. Granules 100 g. Composition: piperazine - 2.5 g, hexamethylenetetramine - 8 g, sodium benzoate - 2.5 g, lithium benzoate - 2 g, disodium phosphate (anhydrous) - 10 g, sodium bicarbonate - 37.5 g, tartaric acid - 35.6 g, sugar - 1.9 g.

Storage conditions. Regular.

UROLESAN (Urolesanum)

Pharmachologic effect. Combined herbal preparation. It has antiseptic (disinfecting) properties, increases diuresis (urination), acidifies urine, increases the secretion of urea and chlorides, enhances bile formation and bile secretion, improves hepatic blood flow.

Indications for use. Various forms of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, salt diathesis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis (kidney disease) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholangiohepatitis (combined inflammation of the liver and bile

ducts) and dyskinesia (impaired mobility) of the biliary tract.

Method of administration and dose. 8-10 drops per lump of sugar under the tongue 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts from 5 days to 1 month. For renal and hepatic colic, a single dose can be increased to 15-20 drops.

Side effect. Slight dizziness and nausea are possible. In this case, plenty of hot drinks and rest are prescribed.

Release form. Orange glass dropper bottles, 15 ml. Composition per 100 g: fir oil - 8 g, peppermint oil - 2 g, castor oil - 11 g, alcohol extract of wild carrot seeds - 23 g, alcohol extract of hop cones - 32.995 g, alcohol extract of oregano herb - 23 g , trilona - B 0.005 g.

Storage conditions. In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding +20 °C.

PHYTOLYSIN (Phytolysinum)

A mixture of aqueous herbal extracts and essential oil containing flavone derivatives, inositol, silicates, saponins, cineol, borneol, terpineol, camphene, etc. Contains plant extracts: parsley root, wheatgrass rhizome, horsetail grass, birch leaves, knotweed grass, etc. ., as well as oils - mint, sage, pine, orange and vanillin.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and bacteriostatic (preventing the proliferation of bacteria) effect, and also facilitates the loosening and removal of urinary calculi (stones).

Indications for use. Inflammation of the urinary tract, kidneys, renal pelvis and bladder, loosening of urinary stones and facilitating their excretion in the urine.

Method of administration and dose. A teaspoon of paste is dissolved in 1/2 cup of warm sweet water. Take 3-4 times a day after meals. Take for a long time.

Contraindications. Acute inflammatory kidney diseases, nephrosis (kidney disease), phosphate lithiasis (phosphate kidney stones).

Release form. Paste in tubes of 100 g.

Storage conditions. In a cool place.

ETAMIDE (Aethamidum)

Synonyms: Etebenecid.

Pharmachologic effect. Inhibits the reabsorption (reabsorption) of uric acid in the renal tubules, promotes its excretion in the urine and reduces its content in the blood.

Indications for use. Chronic gout, polyarthritis (inflammation of several joints) with impaired purine metabolism, urolithiasis with the formation of urates.

Method of administration and dose. Orally after meals, 0.35 g 4 times a day for 10-12 days. After a 5-7-day break, treatment is continued for 7 days. If necessary, the dose is increased as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effect. Possible dyspeptic and dysuric (digestive and urinary disorders) phenomena that go away on their own.

Release form. Tablets of 0.35 g in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. In a dry place.

print versionThis information is not a guide to self-treatment. A doctor's consultation is required.


The medicine is administered in the form of suppositories. One copy contains 400 mg of the active ingredient - clofezone. The drug is sold in packs of ten suppositories. It belongs to the class of analgesics, fever-reducing drugs, anti-inflammatory and anti-gout drugs. The drug is intended for the treatment of degenerative processes and inflammatory lesions in the joint area. "Clofezon" is prescribed not only to people suffering from gout, but also for rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism outside the joint area.

The drug "Clofezon" is prohibited from being used against the background of a peptic ulcer, during a period of psychosis and in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the medicinal product. This medication is not used if there is insufficiency of the liver, kidneys, high blood pressure and a tendency to edema. Contraindications include: leukopenia, the period of bearing and feeding a child. The medication is not used until the patient reaches the age of fourteen years. Systemic lupus erythematosus is contraindicated for use. "Clofezone" is prohibited for hyperplasia of the glands responsible for generating saliva.

Suppositories are intended for rectal administration. It is recommended to use a suppository once or twice a day. Maintenance dose – from half to a whole candle per day. The duration of the course is from a week to 10 days. Longer use in a row is prohibited. The drug can be used only after consulting a specialist.

Complications without proper treatment

Lack of treatment in the early stages almost always leads to complications. They can appear after years and even with an asymptomatic form of the disease.

Gouty insoluble nodes (tophi) are deposited in other joints or periarticular tissues, and the inflammatory process begins. Chronic gouty arthritis develops, in which articular cartilage and ligaments are damaged, joints are destroyed, and bones are deformed. The person loses the ability to move normally, the pain becomes constant.

Urate salts can be deposited in the kidneys, leading to urolithiasis , nephropathy and gouty nephritis. Over time, kidney failure is possible. The kidneys cannot cope with their work, which becomes the cause of persistent arterial hypertension.

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