Diet for gout: studying allowed and prohibited foods

Diet for gout: what you can eat

The menu for this disease can be quite varied. To neutralize excess uric acid, your diet should include large amounts of alkaline foods. You can eat unlimited quantities of black and white bread, savory pastries, and for sweets you can indulge in marshmallows, marshmallows and jam. Vegetables, berries and fruits will also be especially useful. For example, citrus fruits, apples, pears, apricots and strawberries. Vegetables in your diet include potatoes, garlic, onions, cucumbers, beets, eggplants and zucchini.

Low-fat dairy products - kefir, yogurt and sour cream - can also be included in the menu. However, butter consumption should be kept to a minimum.

We advise you to treat meat with caution. It is better to give preference to chicken or turkey meat, and it is better to completely replace them with seafood. For example, mussels and squid. It is better to use them no more than three to five times a week. The restrictions will also apply to eggs, the daily allowance of which is no more than two. If you want to enjoy nuts, you can safely choose any type except peanuts. After all, they contain a whole complex of vitamins and beneficial amino acids.

Drinks allowed are green tea, various juices and compotes, kvass and pharmaceutical mineral water.


Eating large amounts of meat, fatty fish, and alcoholic beverages. It is very important to follow the rules of what you can and cannot eat if you have gout; as a result of drug treatment - antitumor therapy, which increases protein metabolism; kidney disease and, as a result, a violation of the secretion of uric acid; As well as diseases such as: hypertension, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. And hereditary predisposition.

Stages in the development of gout?

1. Asymptomatic course - can last for several years. People feel well and the disease does not manifest itself in any way. But, with a random examination, the concentration of uric acid will be increased in a biochemical blood test. 2. Acute gouty arthritis - an attack of severe pain occurs, as a rule, suddenly, at night, more often in the early morning hours. Characterized by throbbing, burning, unbearable pain in one of the joints. The joint most often affected is the big toe joint. It looks swollen, red and very painful. The attack lasts for several days, then the inflammation subsides. 3. The interictal period of this disease is characterized by the absence of any symptoms from the joint, however, the slightest provocative factor (eating errors, alcohol consumption, stress, taking medications) can provoke a new attack. 4. Chronic changes in the joints - with each new attack, the tissue structure of the joint is disrupted. The joint changes its shape 5. Changes in other organs - uric acid salts are deposited not only in the joints, but also in other tissues. This is what makes gout dangerous. 6. Tophi may appear on the skin - these are white-yellow formations. They can be detected both on the joints and on other parts of the body, for example the auricle. 7. Deposits of uric acid crystals in the kidneys can contribute to the development of urolithiasis. Stones, damaging the kidney tissue, cause chronic inflammation, for example, chronic pyelonephritis.

Diagnosis of gout

: Having assumed that the patient has gouty arthritis, a specialist (therapist, rheumatologist) will refer the patient for an x-ray of the hands and feet, as well as a biochemical blood test. The doctor will notice on x-rays of the hands and feet characteristic gouty “punches” in the periarticular bones. A blood test will show an increase in uric acid levels. Gout is very easy to treat and is not particularly difficult for a competent specialist, but without a diet there can be no talk of recovery! Therefore, over the next year, it is necessary to exclude from your diet the meat of young animals (lamb, veal), meat soups, broths and extracts, beef entrails, offal (liver, kidneys, brains, lungs), jellied meat, sardines, herring , mackerel and alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to limit the consumption of beef, lamb, poultry, ham, sausages (especially liverwurst), certain types of fish (sprat, sprat, cod, pike perch), porcini mushrooms and champignons, peas, beans, beans, radishes, cauliflower cabbage, lentils, spinach, sorrel, asparagus, figs, oatmeal, cocoa, coffee and beer. You can eat without restrictions: any porridge, except oatmeal; bread, pasta, other flour products; milk and dairy products, cheese of all types, sugar, sweets; eggs; any oil; a variety of fruits and vegetables; nuts of all kinds; vegetable and milk soups prepared from permitted vegetables, without meat and not based on meat broth. Treatment of gouty arthritis consists of two components: treatment of an acute attack and treatment of the gout itself. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve acute pain. And directly for the treatment of gout, in the absence of contraindications, a drug that reduces the formation of uric acid in the body is used for several months or years.

But never self-medicate, be sure to consult a rheumatologist or therapist.

What should not be included in the diet for gout?

Despite the large list of healthy foods, there are also limitations to this diet. This is especially true for meat products: sausages, sausages, canned food, lard and frozen semi-finished products. Canned fish or salted fish are also strictly prohibited.

Fatty butter, margarine and pastry cream can cause inflammation, so you should cross them off the menu. Among the prohibited foods are sharp cheeses, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms and even everyone’s favorite raspberries.

Particular attention should be paid to alcohol. When planning your diet, experienced specialists will definitely tell you how a fun evening with friends and a glass of beer will turn out. New pain and inflammation can occur the very next day, so it is better to avoid alcoholic beverages altogether. Alcohol slows down metabolism and interferes with the excretion of uric acid. Forbidden drinks also include coffee and strong black tea.

In what cases should you limit the use of the product?

The vegetable contains oxalic acid, which provokes the development of gout attacks and affects the kidney tissue, promoting the formation of oxalate stones. To avoid complications, patients with gout can consume beets in small quantities.

You should limit your consumption of this root vegetable in the following cases:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • people who have frequent loose stools;
  • patients with low blood pressure;
  • with gastritis with increased secretory function;
  • persons with low calcium levels in the body;
  • patients with urolithiasis.

How to relieve pain if it strikes at the wrong time

Fir bath salt helps relieve joint pain and restore damaged tissue. It penetrates deeply into the skin and launches accelerated regeneration processes. You can also try special ointments to reduce swelling; they will numb the inflamed area. Moreover, such products often have a complex effect and help restore damaged bone and cartilage tissue.

Despite the abundance of approved foods, meat-eaters diagnosed with gout will not have an easy time. We advise you to create a menu from the products you like and replenish protein reserves to maintain muscle mass and body tone.

How to use it correctly

People suffering from gout are recommended to eat root vegetables after heat treatment. It is baked, boiled, steamed. The daily consumption rate is 150 g. Juice is obtained from the fresh product, which must be diluted with water 1:1 before use (in concentrated form it has a strong diuretic effect).

Reference ! Beetroot juice is diluted not only with water, but also with other juices. At the same time, the benefits of the product will increase.

Variations of dishes with beets are varied: they prepare borscht, stew, baked with potatoes.

Dietary recipes with beets

Here are recipes for dishes allowed for patients with gout.

Warm salad


  • beets – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.25 kg;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Grind the vegetables on a coarse grater.
  2. Place in a plate, season with oil.
  3. Squeeze the garlic and add salt.

Advice . Do not overuse salt, as it retains fluid in the body and disrupts the exchange of purine bases.

Vegetarian borscht


  • beet – 0.2 kg;
  • carrots – 50 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • potatoes – 0.2 kg;
  • cabbage – 0.2 kg;
  • fresh tomato – 0.1 kg;
  • sour cream – 30 g;
  • greens to taste.


  1. Boil the beets and grate them.
  2. Cut all other vegetables into strips.
  3. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and add water.
  4. Cook over low heat until done.
  5. Place into serving bowls, add sour cream and herbs.

Cooking methods for illness

Patients suffering from gout can eat the vegetable boiled or steamed. You are allowed to eat no more than 150 grams per day. You can cook dietary borscht in low-fat broth or vegetable stew with chicken. As a second course, red beets are especially useful with other vegetables (cucumbers, potatoes), as well as with cottage cheese, honey or nuts.

You can make juice from fresh root vegetables. To enhance the effect, it is combined with carrot or apple juice.

If you grate the beets on a fine grater, they can be used externally as a compress.

Vegetarian borscht

You can include borscht without meat in the menu of a gout patient. To prepare it you will need:

  • beets – 160g;
  • potatoes – 160g;
  • carrots – 60g;
  • white cabbage – 140g;
  • onion – 40g;
  • fresh tomatoes – 100G;
  • greens – 25g;
  • sour cream – 40g.

First, boil the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Next, place the chopped vegetables in a deep container, add water and cook until tender. The borscht is seasoned with sour cream and parsley before serving.

Other dishes for gout patients

You can make a delicious and healthy salad from beets and potatoes. Required ingredients:

  • beets – 500g;
  • potatoes – 250g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

Boiled root vegetables are peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Season the salad with oil, chopped garlic and add a little salt.

Another cold appetizer can be prepared with chicken. For this you will need:

  • beets - 3 pieces;
  • chicken fillet – 400g;
  • walnuts – 100g;
  • unsweetened yogurt – 100g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Root vegetables and meat are boiled or baked in foil in the oven (separately). Everything is cut into small cubes. Garlic and nuts are finely chopped. All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl and topped with yogurt. You can add a little salt to taste.

Beet juice

For gout, you can drink fresh juice squeezed from raw beets. It removes excess urea from the body well, thus preventing gout attacks. Freshly squeezed juice is allowed to sit in the refrigerator for several hours. Unpleasant-tasting foam is removed.

In order not to cause stomach irritation, the drink is diluted with water in half.

To improve taste, it can be mixed with apple juice. It is better to take this remedy in the evening, 70 ml. You can learn more about the benefits of beet juice from the video.

External vegetable compresses for the treatment of illness

To relieve acute pain and swelling in the joints during a gouty relapse, you can make a compress from the raw root vegetable:

  1. Grate a medium vegetable on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting mass is placed on gauze or a clean napkin.
  3. Apply to the sore joint.
  4. Cover the top with polyethylene and put on a warm sock.
  5. Leave the compress for 3-4 hours.

It is not recommended to do this procedure for people who suffer from vegetable intolerance or have open wounds, ulcers and burns in the affected area.

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