Diet for gout: how to eat properly if you have gout?

Diet for gout is one of the most important components of treatment. As you know, it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, but it is quite possible to make periods of remission longer. Following a diet for gout is very important to prevent exacerbations and maintain good health in the patient.

For gout, as well as for urolithiasis with the formation of stones from uric acid salts (uraturia), a gout diet (diet No. 6). This diet helps normalize purine metabolism, reduce the formation of uric acid and its salts in the body, and alkalinize urine. What does a patient’s diet for gout ?

Diet for gout: diet

If you have gout, it is very important to follow a proper diet. You should eat regularly, 4 times a day. Overeating and starvation are unacceptable - this can provoke an attack. Patients with gout need to fight excess weight, but sudden weight loss is undesirable.

The diet for gout must include a sufficient amount of fluid - at least 1.5 - 2 liters, and during an exacerbation - up to 3 liters. This can be mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, weak tea. Rosehip decoction is very useful. It is advisable to drink between meals.

How to relieve pain if it strikes at the wrong time

Fir bath salt helps relieve joint pain and restore damaged tissue. It penetrates deeply into the skin and launches accelerated regeneration processes. You can also try special ointments to reduce swelling; they will numb the inflamed area. Moreover, such products often have a complex effect and help restore damaged bone and cartilage tissue.

Despite the abundance of approved foods, meat-eaters diagnosed with gout will not have an easy time. We advise you to create a menu from the products you like and replenish protein reserves to maintain muscle mass and body tone.

Foods prohibited for gout

So what does the gout diet ? First of all, restrictions apply to meat products. The patient should give up meat, fish and mushroom broths, meat of young animals, offal (liver, kidneys, lungs), smoked meats and sauces, and animal fats.

Salted and fried fish, canned fish, and caviar are excluded. In case of exacerbation, fatty fish of any kind are also excluded.

When following a diet for gout, you must avoid all types of legumes (lentils, peas, beans, beans, soybeans), and various spices (pepper, horseradish, mustard).

Alcohol, including beer, is strictly prohibited.

Strong tea, coffee, cocoa are not recommended. Chocolate, cream cakes and pastries, raspberries, figs, and grapes are excluded.

Salty and spicy cheeses are also prohibited.

Gout: symptoms and causes

The main factor causing the development of gout is renal failure, which affects the filtration of uric acid and purine metabolism. Typical signs of the disease include acute attacks of arthritic pain and the formation of gouty tophi (nodules), in which uric acid crystals are deposited.

There is a distinction between primary gout (the disease itself) and secondary gout, as a result of the body’s reaction to mononucleosis, anemia, carcinoma and other diseases.

What can you eat if you have gout?

The best diet for gout is a vegetarian diet. These are various vegetable and milk soups, fermented milk products, fruit infusions.
From meat to diet for gout It is recommended to include primarily dietary species - chicken, turkey, rabbit. Chicken eggs, boiled fish, squid, and shrimp are allowed.

When following a diet for gout, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes made from it, low-fat varieties of cheese are very useful. Porridges from various cereals and pasta are recommended. Porridge is cooked in diluted milk. Use whole milk with caution.

Almost all types of vegetables are recommended - white cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant. Somewhat limit cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, rhubarb, celery, peppers, radishes. Greens are useful, but green onions and parsley - in small quantities.

Non-chocolate candies, jam, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows are allowed as sweets. Fruits are very useful - apples, plums, pears, apricots, oranges, as well as various berries, all types of nuts, seeds.

A diet for gout involves limiting salt intake.

The gout diet allows the following drinks - green tea, tea with lemon, milk, chicory, rosehip infusions, wheat bran, fruit juices, berries, vegetables, fruit drinks, kvass, compotes. Drinks made from lingonberries and cranberries are especially valuable. Cucumber juice (up to 1 glass per day), alkaline mineral waters (low mineralized) help remove excess purines from the body.

White and black bread are allowed. Vegetable oil is better (olive, flaxseed is a must), but butter is limited.

When the disease worsens, meat and fish are limited or even completely eliminated, and every other day they arrange fasting days (fruit and vegetable days - 1.5 kg of permitted vegetables or fruits); curd-kefir (400 g low-fat cottage cheese +500 g kefir); milk or kefir (1 - 2 liters). This diet promotes alkalinization of urine and increases the solubility of uric acid.

Outside of an exacerbation, meat and fish are allowed (no more than 3 times a week), but only boiled ones, since more than half of the purine substances go into the broth. From boiled meat (fish) it is good to make cutlets, meatballs, soufflés; you can also steam and bake dishes. Vegetables and potatoes are boiled or steamed.

During all periods of the disease, gout diet No. 6 and periodic fasting days (compote, cottage cheese, milk, apple, carrot, watermelon) are recommended.

How to pamper yourself: what foods you can eat without fear

Dietary restrictions for gout are not as strict as they might seem at first. It is mainly built on the principles of healthy food. All prohibited foods can be eliminated from the diet by simply replacing them with others. What can you eat if you have gout?

  • dietary meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • fermented milk products, milk for making porridge, adding to tea;
  • low-fat varieties of boiled fish, seafood;
  • any vegetables and fruits that are not on the lists of prohibited and not recommended products;
  • a moderate amount of cereals and pasta;
  • vegetable oils, preferably olive or flaxseed;
  • eggs, but no more than one per day;
  • Sweets include marmalades, jams, marshmallows, candies without chocolate, marshmallows, honey and dried fruits (except raisins).

Errors in nutrition provoke an exacerbation of the disease, so you will have to develop healthy habits. The diet must be followed on an ongoing basis; it must become a way of life. A short-term cessation of prohibited foods will bring slight relief, but will not help in treatment.

Diet for gout No. 6 - nutritional recommendations for gout

General characteristics of the diet for gout No. 6.

Diet for gout No. 6 suggests:

  • exclusion from the diet of foods containing many purines and oxalic acid;
  • moderate salt restriction,
  • increasing the amount of alkalizing products (dairy, vegetables and fruits) and free liquid (in the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system).
  • reduction of proteins and fats (mainly refractory), and with concomitant obesity - carbohydrates.

Culinary processing is common, but boiling meat, poultry and fish is mandatory.

The food temperature is normal.

Diet for gout: recommended and excluded foods and dishes

  • Diet for gout allows: soups. Vegetarian: borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, cold (okroshka, beetroot soup), dairy, fruit.

Excludes: meat, fish and mushroom broths, sorrel, spinach and legume soups.

  • The gout diet allows: bread and flour products. Wheat and rye bread, made from 1st and 2nd grade flour. Various baked goods, including those containing ground bran.

Limit products made from butter dough.

  • Diet for gout allows: meat, poultry, fish. Low-fat types and varieties. Up to 3 times a week, 150 g of boiled meat or 160-170 g of boiled fish. After boiling, it is used for various dishes - stewed, baked, fried, and products made from cutlet mass. You can combine meat and fish in approximately equal quantities.

Excludes: liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, meat of young animals and birds, sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, canned meat and fish, caviar.

  • The gout diet allows: dairy products. Milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, sour cream, cheese.

Excludes: salted cheeses

  • Allowed: eggs. 1 egg per day in any cooking method
  • Diet for gout allows: cereals. In moderation, any food.

Excludes: legumes.

  • Allowed: vegetables. In increased quantities, raw and in any culinary processing. Potato dishes.

Excludes: mushrooms, fresh legumes, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower, purslane; limit - salted and pickled;

  • The gout diet allows: snacks. Salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, from fruits, vinaigrettes, vegetable caviar, squash, eggplant.

Exclude: salty snacks, smoked meats, canned food, fish caviar;

  • The gout diet allows: fruits, sweet dishes and sweets. In increased quantities, fruits and berries are fresh and can be used for any culinary processing. Dried fruits. Milk creams and jelly. Marmalade, marshmallows, non-chocolate candies, jam, honey, meringues.

Excludes: chocolate, figs, raspberries, cranberries.

  • Allowed: sauces and spices. With vegetable broth, tomato, sour cream, milk. Citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon, bay leaf. Dill, parsley.

Exclude: sauces based on meat, fish, mushroom broths, pepper, mustard, horseradish.

  • The gout diet allows: drinks. Tea with lemon, milk, weak coffee with milk. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, fruit drinks, water with juices, kvass. Decoctions of rose hips, wheat bran, dried fruits.

Exclude: cocoa, strong tea and coffee.

  • Diet for gout allows: fats. Butter, cow's ghee and vegetable oils.

Excludes: beef, lamb, cooking fats.

Limit pork fat.

Sample diet menu for gout No. 6

First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, soft-boiled egg, carrot pudding with apples and millet, tea.

Second breakfast: rosehip decoction.

Lunch: milk noodle soup, fried potato cutlets, jelly.

Afternoon snack: fresh apples.

Dinner: baked cheesecakes, cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables and rice, tea.

At night: decoction of wheat bran.

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Possible contraindications and harm

Despite the fact that it is not prohibited to use onions and garlic for joint diseases, to obtain a positive result you should follow the doctor’s recommendations and take into account the restrictions.

  • It is not recommended to eat your favorite vegetables in the following cases:
  • serious pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia;
  • epilepsy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis.

It is also not recommended to consume garlic and use folk recipes based on it for people with peptic ulcers and damage to the gastric mucosa, as well as for pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Since onions and green onions cause discomfort in the stomach, irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as pressure surges and worsening of an asthmatic attack, it is not recommended to take it for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Important! If there are problems with the stomach, the amount of garlic in the diet is reduced to
a minimum.


Medicinal tinctures are highly effective for gout. They can be made using different ingredients - alcohol, vinegar, garlic. Such substances help cope with the symptoms of the disease.


To make such a tincture, you need to take 1 onion and 100 g of alcohol. The vegetable should be chopped and poured with alcohol. Close the container tightly and put it in a dark place for 10 days. Drink 10 minutes before meals. This should be done three times a day. Single dose – 10 drops.

You need to be treated with this remedy for 2 weeks.


For this recipe, you need to take 2 large heads of garlic and 500 ml of apple cider vinegar. The components must be mixed and left for 2 weeks. Strain and squeeze through cheesecloth. The product is used for compresses. They should be kept on all night. For hypersensitive skin, 2-3 hours will be enough.

Garlic: for colds, gout and vampires

Garlic is rightfully considered a strong and brave warrior in the fight against this insidious disease. Its action is to reduce the level of acidity in general and neutralize uric acid salts that accumulate in the body tissues in the form of crystals. Additionally, garlic and its constituent phytoncides, essential oils and vitamin C can:

A specially designed diet based on foods low in purines can reduce the number of gout attacks and reduce their intensity.

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