Back pain after trampoline background, therapeutic measures

What causes painful feelings

First pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

in the spine after jumping on a trampoline appear in those who:

  1. Has no initial sports training, previously led a completely sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Makes movements incorrectly, does not understand how to jump, has not worked with a trainer.
  3. I haven’t learned to fall on my back or stomach.
  4. He suffers from scoliosis, lower back pain, etc.
  5. Received a minor injury due to hitting a trampoline or base.

If pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
after a trampoline appears below the shoulder blades, this may be a sign of overstrain of a particular muscle group.
In the rarest cases, when severe pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
or numbness in the legs occurs, there is a possibility of spinal injury.

Jumping on a trampoline increases the load on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, so incorrect exercises in the presence of contraindications may be a sign of a compression fracture. It does not occur abruptly, but evenly, and can only be detected after MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging is a tomographic method for studying internal organs and tissues using the physical phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance)



To make a diagnosis of back pain, you need to make an appointment with a neurologist, take tests if necessary, and also undergo hardware testing as prescribed by a specialist.

  1. Blood tests.
    They allow you to determine the presence of infection, ESR (increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which indicates inflammation, infection). If an increased level of leukocytes is detected, then this is also a sign of inflammation and infection. Also, blood tests can determine iron deficiency anemia, the cause of which may be oncology.
  2. Hardware diagnostics.
  • Duplex and triplex ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the neck and brain. Allows you to anticipate the structure and patency of blood vessels, the presence of narrowing or dilatation, plaques, blood clots, as well as compliance of blood flow with standards. It is used in diagnosing the causes of headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, as well as in cases of suspected cerebrovascular accident, and in the early diagnosis of pre-stroke conditions.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The most accurate and effective examination method. Allows you to visualize tumors on the vertebrae, herniated intervertebral discs, compression (and its degree) of the spinal nerves and spinal cord, narrowing of the spinal canal, inflammatory changes, including post-traumatic ones. MRI is required before surgery and in the postoperative period.
  • CT (computed tomography). Detects vertebral fractures and their nature, allows you to find even very small fragments if they were formed due to injury. Based on the data obtained, you can create a 3D image of the desired area. CT “sees” what went unnoticed during radiography.
  • Radiography. Allows you to assess the condition of bone structures. It is carried out to diagnose fractures, arthritis, spondylolisthesis, and the degree of postural impairment. It can be performed with functional tests, that is, when the patient flexes and extends the spine during the examination. Visualizes inflammation of the joints in the spine, helps to identify the localization of compression of the nerve processes by indirect signs. The degree of color intensity of the vertebrae in the image allows you to evaluate their strength (with osteoporosis they are more “transparent”, and when healthy they are bright white).
  • Electromyography (EMG). A study aimed at determining the condition of nervous tissue. It evaluates the electrical impulses produced by the nerves, as well as the reaction of the muscles to them. Electromyography helps identify nerve compression caused by stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal or intervertebral hernia.
  • Bone scan. This test is necessary if the doctor suspects a bone tumor or compression fracture due to osteoporosis.

Methods for eliminating pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

If the pain after jumping on a trampoline is insignificant and appears below the shoulder blades, then they can be removed by slightly reducing the load. Additionally, a warm bath, a light sports massage and the use of special gels for pain in muscles and joints help to relax your back.

If pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)

appeared right while jumping on a trampoline, then you need to quickly slow down, catch your breath, you can contact a trainer.

If you constantly experience mild pain, you can try to strengthen the base of the spine with other overloads, for example, swimming, and also pay attention to warming up before training.
For some people in pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

Reducing the intensity and duration of training helps.
Jumping on a trampoline can be fun and simple, but the overload on the body is high, so that after exercise, severe pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
in the muscles, not only the back, but also the legs, arms and cervix.

Pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)

caused by scoliosis is more difficult to eliminate. You can try to correct the curvature of the spine using special corsets or by consulting an orthopedist.

Hello, Elena! I have a question about the trampoline. I apologize if my question is not new, and you have already answered it, and please just send me a link where I can read or see your opinion on this issue. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any more or less intelligible information on this topic on the Internet. I found out about you 20 minutes ago when I was looking for information on YouTube about relaxing exercises for the back. Based on what I saw on your website, it seems to me that only you can competently and clearly explain the benefits and harms of trampoline jumping. We went jumping twice with the whole family (husband, me and two children 2.5 years old and 5 years old) for about 40-45 minutes both times. But after both times there was simply unbearable pain the next day in the area of ​​the shoulders and neck, which did not go away for 4-5 days. The husband claims that jumping on a trampoline is harmful because... This is a big load on the spine, but if you jump not for a very long time and not often, then nothing bad will happen. Please tell us, are there any benefits from trampoline jumping for adults and especially children, and is there any harm? At what age or physical condition is jumping harmful and for how long is it safe to jump? Thanks to you, I realized that my husband and I do not have a muscle corset, so now I will start building up this corset with the help of your complexes. For some reason, I immediately believe that there will be an effect. You explain everything so clearly and most importantly, you don’t offer a golden pill! I am very glad that I found you and your wellness program. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Dilyara.

Dilyara, 28 years old

Hello, Dilyara.

No, no one has ever asked me about the trampoline, you are the first. You are absolutely right about the muscle corset; you need to take care of it in advance and not wait until the spine starts to hurt.

Jumping on a trampoline, indeed, greatly increases the vertical pressure (compression) on the intervertebral discs, and if a person’s spine is not strengthened by a muscular corset, then after such an unusual and inadequate load, the weak points of the spine begin to respond in completely untrained people.

When muscles that have worked without a habit hurt, it’s not scary, and you shouldn’t pay attention to it, but if after exercise the joints of your neck and shoulders hurt, this should make you think, because. The innervation of the upper extremities comes from the cervical spine, and unusual movements could become stressful and provoke the manifestation of existing problems in the cervical spine.

Jumping on a trampoline is not harmful for children, they develop the vestibular apparatus and coordination, children develop physical movement, which is useful and very important for a growing organism! But it’s still better, of course, for both the children and you to work out purposefully with a professional to strengthen the spine, overall health and harmonious physical development, which increases immunity and resistance to colds.

Physically developed children are well oriented in space and are less injured, and you, Dilyara, and your husband are great for paying attention to the harmonious physical development of your children.

For my part, knowing modern problems with the spine, I advise children to strengthen their spine before school, before they sit for long hours of lessons. According to statistics, today every 3 primary school students develop an S-shaped scoliosis, and in adolescence, scoliosis twists the child’s unprotected spine within several months to the 3rd degree, because muscles cannot keep up with the rapid growth of bones.

Many parents, instead of actively forming a muscular corset for the spine, go to doctors to treat their child, miss precious time, let the situation get worse, and the child will suffer from back pain and a hump on the back in the future... I advise you not to repeat the mistakes of other parents and strengthen your children in a timely manner muscle corset.

I have already produced the necessary treatment and prophylactic complexes for both children and adults. You are absolutely right, I am not offering a “magic pill”, but I am suggesting that you make your own efforts to preserve your own spine and professionally selected, technically correct, safe exercises, by doing which a person gets real and guaranteed results in a short time.

Problems with the spine today in the age of computers, cars, elevators, etc. have a global scale, starting with primary school students, later these problems in adults result in serious health problems... which you could read about in the questions and answers on my website, and in the reviews you could read about the results after classes on my professionally selected and thoughtful complexes.

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the complexes, select and order them on my website, they vary in duration and the presence of a warm-up. Having strengthened the muscle corset for yourself and your children, getting rid of problems, jump on the trampoline without fear of harm and for pleasure.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with all my materials and lectures and expand your knowledge, links in the “Trainings”.

Sincerely, Elena Pluzhnik, therapeutic gymnastics coach, health aerobics coach.

When to see a doctor

You should go to the doctor after a trampoline session if you have the following symptoms:

  • powerful and sharp pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
    of a stabbing or pulling nature;
  • constant pain that intensifies after exercise or at night;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • the appearance of pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
    after a bad landing on the back or tummy;
  • loss of consciousness while exercising on a trampoline.

All of these are warning signs of injury, a likely sign of a compression fracture of the spine.

The benefits of trampoline exercises for the spine

Over a long period of time, medical scientists have conducted many studies proving the exceptional value of trampoline jumping for human health. Problematic issues arise regarding the load on the spine during trampoline exercises. Without a doubt, jumping in place, on a hard surface, cannot be compared in terms of usefulness with jumping on a trampoline. The value of the latter for the human skeleton is simply undeniable:

  • The spine does not receive excessive stress during trampoline exercises.
  • Regular exercise contributes to the formation of a muscular corset to support the spine, which significantly reduces the risk of developing bone and muscle diseases (not to mention injuries).
  • For patients with osteochondrosis and arthrosis of the joints, jumping on a trampoline improves blood circulation in the muscles, thereby strengthening them and relieving pain.
  • Regular exercise on trampolines improves the posture of both adults and teenagers, because joints become more flexible and the elasticity of ligaments noticeably improves. At the same time, pain in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra and lower back is significantly reduced.

According to traumatologists, the trampoline is simply invaluable in the role of exercise therapy for patients with injuries.
The recovery time for damaged muscles and joints is significantly reduced, and the limbs regain their original mobility much faster. And this is all due to the even distribution of the load during jumps. Parents of teenagers should listen to the advice of doctors who recommend regular exercise on trampolines so that the spine is formed correctly during the active development of muscles and skeleton. After all, the physical activity of children during this period will receive the desired direction. In order for the answer to the question: is a trampoline harmful to the spine to be exclusively negative, you need to take care of safety precautions during classes and a good instructor. Then the trampoline will be really useful.


Almost always pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

in muscles and minor bruises after a trampoline do not need special treatment
(a process for alleviation, removal or elimination of symptoms and diseases)
- the usual reduction of overload and correct technique is enough. But if it comes to a fracture, then you have to resort to healing in the doctor's office.

Healing a compression fracture of the spine is not very difficult, but it takes a lot of time. First, you need to limit your activity, that is, completely give up sports and trampolining. Decreased mobility occurs due to fixation of the spine using a special corset.

The most commonly used method for healing is vertebroplasty—the insertion of a narrow iron rod into the spine through a small puncture. This procedure is effective in 90% of cases and is used in all European clinics.

The second method, kyphoplasty, allows you to restore the height of the vertebra through 2 small incisions by introducing a special balloon.

When bones become misaligned, surgical intervention is required from time to time.

What does the owner of the trampoline say?

The owner of the trampoline, Sergei Babarin, claims that before Roman’s daughter went onto the trampoline, the operator invited her mother to accompany her daughter, but the woman refused this, citing the fact that the girl was independent.

Sergei is sure that the baby had an accident on the trampoline. He does not hide the fact that sometimes children get injured on trampolines.

– This is the first time the child has been injured at this site. On our other trampolines, there were cases when children landed unsuccessfully on their arms and legs - as a result they received injuries with dislocations and fractures. But usually, when an injury occurs, parents scream in panic and ask to call an ambulance. Here the mother and child communicated calmly, she did not ask for anything. From the outside it was not clear what happened - maybe the child was hurt, and his mother was calming him down? No one could have thought that the girl suffered a spinal fracture,” said Sergei Babarin.

According to the owner of the trampoline, the operator allegedly suggested that the girl’s mother call an ambulance.

“The girl’s mother said that she would call her dad, that he would come over now, and they would decide together what to do.” When dad arrived, they quickly took their daughter in their arms and left,” says Sergei Babarin.

Sergei said that in Voronezh the condition of trampolines is checked by Gostekhnadzor. The prosecutor's office also carries out checks from time to time.

- Checks are ongoing. Now we are obliged to carry out equipment certification once a year. This is done by a certified organization that inspects the equipment and issues an appropriate document on the suitability, safety and performance of the trampoline. I called specialists for certification, they allowed me to use this trampoline,” noted the owner of the trampoline.

According to Sergei Babarin, he is ready to participate in the treatment of the girl and provide financial assistance to her family.

“I did not refuse help and do not refuse,” noted the owner of the trampoline.

The owner of the trampoline also said that he was ready to remove the Sea Kingdom trampoline and put another one in its place. But while the investigation is underway, nothing can be done with the attraction - it is material evidence.

How to jump correctly

Even if you have previously been a master of sports, you should not immediately try to create a somersault or other complex tricks. First, you need to develop the necessary muscle groups and, under control, learn to do ordinary jumps on bent legs. All preliminary movements must be practiced virtually to perfection.

The jumping technique must be as follows:

  1. Stand exactly in the center of the net, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Do some easy jumping jacks.
  3. Try to focus your vision on the edges of the trampoline, but from time to time glance down to make sure you are in the center.
  4. Keep your back straight and your head straight.
  5. Do any elements, from basic to the most complex, with full concentration.
  6. After performing all the tricks, try to land in the center of the trampoline.

Trainers constantly pay special attention to the technique of falling, because your health and your life will depend on how you know how to fall. In trampoline halls there are pits filled with foam rubber around the trampolines themselves, but simply jumping into them is not allowed. The trainer will teach you how to jump and fall on your back, and only then can you start training.

Gymnastics for lower back pain

If there is no acute pain, then in order to alleviate your condition you simply need to perform a few simple exercises that can not only strengthen the muscle corset, but increase the intervertebral space. It is important to remember that all movements should be performed slowly and according to individual characteristics. This does not mean that you constantly need to spare yourself; try to do it until you get slightly tired. IMPORTANT! If, when doing exercises, you feel that your lower back hurts and radiates to your left or right leg, then stop the exercise and just lie down. If symptoms do not go away after a while, consult a doctor.

Below are exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles. Starting position - on all fours. How to do it:

  • The classic exercise is “cat”. Alternately arch your back and arch it. At the same time, watch your breathing. Up – exhale, down – inhale.
  • Lie on the floor, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raise your pelvis to the maximum possible height, stay there for a few seconds and lower it.
  • Alternately pull your knees towards your chest. Perform 10 times on each leg. After this, pull up 2 legs at the same time, also 10 times. You should feel the spine and especially the lumbar region stretching. Try not to suddenly lower your legs to prevent pinching.
  • Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back at the same time. It is quite difficult for an unprepared person to maintain this position, but if you try, over time it becomes a habit. Perform 15 times with one diagonal, and then 15 with the other.

Starting position: lying down. How to do it:

  • Twisting. Lying with your knees bent, try to lower them to one side and then the other at the same time. At the same time, the back fits tightly to the floor and does not come off it.
  • Same position, hands behind your head, pump up your abs, but don’t get up completely. Lift your head slightly off the floor and stretch your chin up. This movement will be an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Starting position: sitting on the floor. How to do it:

  • After charging, be sure to stretch your warmed muscles. Spread your legs wide, bend first in one direction, then in the other. Stretch your hands well towards your heel.

If you review your diet and normalize your daily routine by including regular exercise not only in the morning, but throughout the day, you will forget about back problems forever. It is important to remember that we need to treat ourselves carefully and listen to what our body tells us. Provide it with healthy nutrition, vitamins and microelements, give it a feasible workout in the form of exercise and walking, and it will serve you for a long time without failure.


Vertical jumps, even more so than horizontal ones, are harmful to the spinal column. When vertically jumping, the spine is subjected to colossal overload, and all its parts, especially the vertebral column, suffer. This is connected with the very nature of the activity - the spine at first sharply stretches, then returns to its initial state, and then a sharp short-term vertical pressure follows, in fact, a blow (when landing).

At first, the vertebrae move away from each other, and there is little pressure on the discs. Then they sharply return to the initial position - at this moment the pressure is very, even higher than usual. The lumbosacral region is subjected to a stronger impact.

Pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage) when jumping

Occasional pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

in the back when jumping. During the process of jumping or landing. They develop for the following reasons:

  1. The spine is stretched unnecessarily in the presence of a weak muscle corset, short-term pinching of the nerves occurs;
  2. There is scoliosis, and when jumping, the curved section is subjected to increased uneven overload;
  3. There is radiculitis, another pinching in the acquired stage - when jumping, this pinching intensifies;
  4. Sudden discomfort is a sign of acquired injury.

A trampoline can cause an exacerbation of any acquired disease (disruption of normal functioning, performance)

musculoskeletal system. Therefore, they are strictly contraindicated for clients with such diagnoses.

After the jumps

If your back hurts after a trampoline, then the reasons are different:

  1. Pinched nerve (exacerbated chronic disease or new compression);
  2. Compression of blood vessels;
  3. Trauma, spasm, muscle hypertonicity;
  4. Vertebral displacement;
  5. Injury to the vertebra, intervertebral disc.

The lower a person's muscle tone, the higher the possibility of discomfort after using a trampoline. This is due to the fact that with a strong muscular corset, the muscles, to a greater or lesser extent, hold the vertebrae in their normal physiological position. If the corset is weak, then injuries are more likely. For this reason, visiting the attraction is not recommended for non-athletic people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Also, overweight people do not need to visit it. Excess weight itself puts stress on the spine. Jumping is even more unsafe for overweight people.

Back pain after jumping on a trampoline - what is the cause of discomfort

Standing, walking or running are natural states for the spine in which the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and muscles are in balance, stabilizing each other. When jumping, the back experiences increased stress. For example, during a jump, the spine sharply stretches, and when landing, on the contrary, it sharply contracts. Such sudden changes in voltage do not always pass without leaving a trace.

How jumping affects the spine

In a healthy person who leads an active lifestyle, the so-called muscle corset is in good shape and compensates for differences, acting like a spring. When you are sedentary, the muscles around your spine spend more time in a relaxed state and lose their function over time.

Even though the trampoline is elastic, the body interprets landings as a blow. This blow is taken by the spine, especially in the lumbar region. In this case, the discs experience great stress; a pinched nerve, pinched blood vessels, or even displacement of the intervertebral discs can occur, which causes pain. In most cases, the pain is minor and passes quickly, but there are sharp, severe pains that do not stop for a long time. This is an alarming sign that suggests it is time to contact a specialist.

Possible causes of pain

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle or are obese are not prepared for such stress as trampolining. Therefore, pain most often occurs in them. The most common causes of pain may be the following:

  1. Spinal curvatures such as scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.
  2. Short-term or chronic nerve entrapment
  3. Clamping of blood vessels. It is also short-term or chronic.
  4. Previous spinal injuries
  5. Muscle spasms.
  6. Vertebral hernias.
  7. Displacement of intervertebral discs.

How to relieve back pain

If, after exercising on a trampoline, mild pain appears in the shoulder blades or lower back, it is often enough to simply reduce the intensity of the jumping. If the pain is associated with muscle strain, you can try a relaxing massage or take a warm bath. Various warming ointments or gels help relieve pain. If classes are held in the gym, you can consult with a trainer and choose the optimal load, then the pain will not only go away, but will also stop occurring during the next classes.

All of the above methods are effective for minor and short-term pain. If simple methods do not help or the pain does not go away for a long time, becomes strong and sharp, this is a good reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps the cause of the pain is much more serious than muscle strain or short-term disturbances in the functioning of the spine.

In what cases is a doctor needed:

  1. For severe, stabbing or nagging pain that does not go away for a long time.
  2. When you feel numbness in your limbs. This happens when a nerve is pinched.
  3. When jumping, pain occurs when you fall on your stomach or back.
  4. In case of loss of consciousness.

The above cases are a serious reason to visit a medical institution. In some situations, problems can be solved with simple courses of treatment, in others, you may have to give up such entertainment as trampolining.

Recommendations for practicing on a trampoline

Jumping on a trampoline is not only entertainment, but also a sport. As in any other sport, there are certain techniques, rules and recommendations.

To avoid possible injuries and reduce excessive stress on the spine, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The intensity of exercise should be increased gradually, observing your condition and listening to the body.
  2. Before starting a lesson, warming up is important. These can be light exercises to warm up muscles, joints and stretch the spine.
  3. It's better to start with a few low jumps.
  4. If classes take place in the gym, it will not be superfluous to have the supervision of a trainer.
  5. Jumps should be performed in the center of the trampoline.
  6. Try to keep your back and neck straight.
  7. Learn to land correctly.
  8. The first lessons should not exceed 30 minutes in duration. Then the training time can be gradually increased.

Benefits of a trampoline

With the right approach to exercise, a trampoline is not only fun, but also beneficial for the body. Firstly, during jumping, not only the muscles of the legs develop, but also the muscles around the spine, the so-called muscle corset is strengthened. Regular exercise improves blood circulation and helps with arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Jumping on a trampoline increases the elasticity of cartilage tissue in joints and intervertebral discs, which has a beneficial effect on posture. Recovery from injuries is faster if you periodically exercise on a jumping device.


In fact, jumping on a trampoline is fun and useful. But this also needs to be done correctly. Unprepared people should not start training suddenly. Those who are obese should also avoid intense exercise, because extra pounds already put unnecessary stress on the spine, and improper use of the jumping device can be harmful to health.

If you experience back pain after jumping, do not be alarmed.
Perhaps this is a short-term effect of muscle strain or minor pinching. In this case, you need to reduce the load, undergo a massage, bask in the bath or use warming ointments. If the pain is severe and does not go away for a long time, then you should consult a doctor to avoid more serious problems with the musculoskeletal system. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Elimination of pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

If you experience unpleasant symptoms while jumping, you need to brake and leave the ride. If you work out in a gym, in the presence of a specialist, it is recommended to consult with him. From time to time there is a fairly insignificant reduction in overload.

Muscular discomfort is relieved by massage, heat (warm bath, pepper patch). This helps reduce spasm, hypertonicity, and relax the back.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments help relieve the unpleasant feelings that arise as a result of pinching. Voltaren, Nise or Diclofenac are applied topically to the painful area. The procedure is repeated as necessary. If the discomfort does not decrease, then you can take 1 pill of Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac or Nise orally.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If the nasty symptoms do not go away for a long time, it is better to visit a specialist. Why does my back hurt after jumping on a trampoline for more than 1 day? This could be a sign of severe injury. Visit a doctor if you have pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)


  1. Long;
  2. Very rich;
  3. Accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  4. Accompanied by numbness of the limbs;
  5. Appeared after landing on the tummy or back.

These signs may indicate a severe systemic injury that must be diagnosed by a doctor.

Treatment of a bruise in the back area

Regardless of the severity of the injury, the patient is prescribed bed rest. In the future, it is important to alternate a state of rest with minor physical activity.

Painkillers are used and anti-inflammatory ointments are applied. After a few days, it is permissible to use heat compresses and carry out physiotherapeutic procedures. These activities can be carried out independently, without visiting a doctor.

If there is a suspicion that the bruise is accompanied by any complication, you must seek the help of a qualified specialist. The doctor will examine the patient and, if necessary, send for an x-ray or computed tomography.

If the examination shows the presence of complications, then specific treatment is applied depending on the nature of the injury, up to and including surgical intervention.

A bruise in the back is not a common, but very dangerous injury. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and get diagnosed.

How to jump correctly?

If you jump correctly, the possibility of unpleasant symptoms can be significantly reduced. The rules are:

  1. Make a jump in the central part of the net;
  2. Fix visually on the body of the device, but from time to time look down, making sure that you are still in the center;
  3. Legs apart, slightly bent;
  4. At first, do five or six light, low jumps;
  5. The back is level, the neck is straight;
  6. Master the technique of falls, because a huge number of injuries occur specifically during them.

What causes painful feelings

First pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

in the spine after jumping on a trampoline appear in those who:

  1. Has no initial sports training, previously led a completely sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Makes movements incorrectly, does not understand how to jump, has not worked with a trainer.
  3. I haven’t learned to fall on my back or stomach.
  4. He suffers from scoliosis, lower back pain, etc.
  5. Received a minor injury due to hitting a trampoline or base.

If pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
after a trampoline appears below the shoulder blades, this may be a sign of overstrain of a particular muscle group.
In the rarest cases, when severe pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
or numbness in the legs occurs, there is a possibility of spinal injury.

Jumping on a trampoline increases the load on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, so incorrect exercises in the presence of contraindications may be a sign of a compression fracture. It does not occur abruptly, but evenly, and can only be detected after MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging is a tomographic method for studying internal organs and tissues using the physical phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance)


Trampoline exercises to strengthen the spine

Many trampoline exercises put stress on your back muscles. To increase it, do this exercise:

  1. Standing on the trampoline, lean forward so that your body is parallel to the floor and at the same time move one leg back so that together with your body they form a straight line. To complicate the exercise, bend and straighten your supporting leg at the knee, as if springing. You can do this exercise while holding a fitball in your hands. Standing on your supporting leg, lower the ball down with both hands and lift it back towards you.
  2. Jump and try to reach your legs from behind with your hands, arching your back as you jump.
  3. Try doing a regular plank on a trampoline. This is an ideal exercise for maintaining back muscle tone.

Methods for eliminating pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

If the pain after jumping on a trampoline is insignificant and appears below the shoulder blades, then they can be removed by slightly reducing the load. Additionally, a warm bath, a light sports massage and the use of special gels for pain in muscles and joints help to relax your back.

If pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)

appeared right while jumping on a trampoline, then you need to quickly slow down, catch your breath, you can contact a trainer.

If you constantly experience mild pain, you can try to strengthen the base of the spine with other overloads, for example, swimming, and also pay attention to warming up before training.
For some people in pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

Reducing the intensity and duration of training helps.
Jumping on a trampoline can be fun and simple, but the overload on the body is high, so that after exercise, severe pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
in the muscles, not only the back, but also the legs, arms and cervix.

Pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)

caused by scoliosis is more difficult to eliminate. You can try to correct the curvature of the spine using special corsets or by consulting an orthopedist.

Miracle Fitness

An extraordinary novelty for lovers of trampoline jumping is a new type of fitness that came to us from abroad and is gradually gaining popularity in our country. Its name is Skyjumping, in other words jumping on a trampoline with a handle. Its merit is that it helps strengthen the deep muscles of the spine without loading the joints and improves metabolism in the intervertebral discs. Indeed, due to the absence of veins and arteries in the discs, the exchange process is carried out through diffusion and leakage (when the discs are compressed and decompressed during trampoline jumping). Moreover, this happens much more often than during running or ordinary walking. This acceleration of the metabolic process in the discs prevents their destruction, thereby relieving numerous problems.

In addition, the trampoline has the ability to absorb shock, therefore, helping to reduce the load not only on the spine, but also on the joints of the legs. Skyjumping is jumping for the health of the spine of both adults and children under the guidance of an experienced instructor!

When to see a doctor

You should go to the doctor after a trampoline session if you have the following symptoms:

  • powerful and sharp pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
    of a stabbing or pulling nature;
  • constant pain that intensifies after exercise or at night;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • the appearance of pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
    after a bad landing on the back or tummy;
  • loss of consciousness while exercising on a trampoline.

All of these are warning signs of injury, a likely sign of a compression fracture of the spine.

Almost always pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)

in muscles and minor bruises after a trampoline do not need special treatment
(a process for alleviation, removal or elimination of symptoms and diseases)
- the usual reduction of overload and correct technique is enough. But if it comes to a fracture, then you have to resort to healing in the doctor's office.

Healing a compression fracture of the spine is not very difficult, but it takes a lot of time. First, you need to limit your activity, that is, completely give up sports and trampolining.

Decreased mobility occurs due to fixation of the spine using a special corset.

The most commonly used method for healing is vertebroplasty—the insertion of a narrow iron rod into the spine through a small puncture. This procedure is effective in 90% of cases and is used in all European clinics.

The second method, kyphoplasty, allows you to restore the height of the vertebra through 2 small incisions by introducing a special balloon.

When bones become misaligned, surgical intervention is required from time to time.

Lower back pain in men

The most common diseases are the following:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • radiculitis;
  • problems arising from incorrect posture and a curved spine;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • increased load on the muscular system.

Such ailments cause pain much stronger than in women, and they tend to descend into the groin area and cause significant discomfort. In this case, painful urination and problems with potency are observed. In this case, the main doctor becomes a urologist, a visit to whom should not be postponed.

How to jump correctly

Even if you have previously been a master of sports, you should not immediately try to create a somersault or other complex tricks. First, you need to develop the necessary muscle groups and, under control, learn to do ordinary jumps on bent legs.

All preliminary movements must be practiced virtually to perfection.

The jumping technique must be as follows:

  1. Stand exactly in the center of the net, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Do some easy jumping jacks.
  3. Try to focus your vision on the edges of the trampoline, but from time to time glance down to make sure you are in the center.
  4. Keep your back straight and your head straight.
  5. Do any elements, from basic to the most complex, with full concentration.
  6. After performing all the tricks, try to land in the center of the trampoline.

Why does your back hurt after a trampoline and what to do?

In the last couple of years, for residents of large cities across the country, jumping on a trampoline has become a wonderful opportunity to unwind, warm up and take a break from such an annoying sedentary lifestyle.
This is precisely why almost all people strive to purchase a trampoline for their home or purchase subscriptions to special trampoline centers. However, such a hobby, especially if you do various exercises on a trampoline, can lead to very unpleasant consequences, for example, to a spinal injury. Remember, trampoline jumping is considered a rather traumatic sport. And pain in the spine after jumping on a trampoline first affects people who:

  • do not have special initial training;
  • make movements on the trampoline incorrectly;
  • cannot fall correctly on their back or stomach while jumping on a trampoline;
  • have spinal injuries, even minor ones.

In this case, if after jumping on a trampoline a group of muscles located slightly below your shoulder blades hurts, this indicates that your back has suffered a fairly heavy load.

Therefore, before you start doing exercises on a trampoline, you need to warm up well and do some training to strengthen the muscular frame of the spine.

Unfortunately, it also happens that a person jumping on a trampoline suddenly:

  • sharp pain occurs (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation)
  • the ability to move is lost;
  • there is no sensation in the legs.

If one of these symptoms occurs, trampoline jumping should be stopped immediately and an ambulance should be called.
The fact is that only experienced specialists are able to find out the cause of such a symptom and provide first aid to the patient. Don’t forget that while jumping on a trampoline, the pressure on the vertebrae and spinal discs increases significantly. In connection with this, the possibility of a compression fracture increases. Confirm this diagnosis (medical report on the existing disease)

Only magnetic resonance imaging
(obtaining a layer-by-layer image of the internal structure of an object)
, as well as consultation with a specialist.

Mini-encyclopedia for gambling trampoline lovers

Jumping on a trampoline has long ceased to be something unusual and fantastic. City residents leading a sedentary lifestyle appreciated this entertaining sport. The opening of numerous entertainment centers with trampolines and the purchase of equipment you like for personal use completely solve the problem of constant trampoline training. Of course, it’s not always possible to work with a coach or instructor, so quite often trampoline fans are faced with a certain list of questions that they want to get answers to.

1. Why does my back hurt after jumping on a trampoline?

Painful sensations in the back area are familiar not only to beginners who have just started jumping on a trampoline, but also to old-timers for whom this sport has become a fairly familiar activity. The main cause of back pain after exercise is (in most cases) a person’s inability to calculate the load on the spine and muscular frame. She turns out to be too much for him. This is where the presence of a trainer in the classroom comes in handy, because the student himself will not be able to cope with the problem. Among the main reasons that cause spinal pain when jumping on a trampoline are:

  • lack of initial skills when performing jumps;
  • incorrect execution of a number of movements;
  • lack of skills in falling on your back or stomach while jumping;
  • the presence of scoliosis or pain in the lumbar spine;
  • receiving a minor injury during exercise (hitting a frame or trampoline);
  • excessive load on a certain muscle group (pain below the shoulder blades).

To ensure that jumping on a trampoline does not harm your spine, you should listen to the opinion of experts and be sure to do a warm-up. It includes several exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle frame.

2. How to eliminate pain yourself?

If painful sensations (minor in nature) are observed below the shoulder blades, the load should be corrected, namely, reduced. An excellent remedy would be a warm bath, a light massage using gels for muscles and joints with a pain-relieving effect.

If pain occurs while jumping on a trampoline, the only correct solution is to stop moving and contact a trainer.

If minor pain symptoms occur quite often, one might say regularly, then in this case it is necessary to go swimming to strengthen the spine, and do not forget about warm-up exercises before training.

For some trampoline lovers, an effective remedy for back pain will be simply reducing the load and shortening the training time.

3. When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If a person suffers from scoliosis, he simply needs to consult an orthopedist, because most often the patient will receive a recommendation to purchase a special corset to correct the curvature. This is the only way to eliminate pain.

Calling experienced specialists is necessary in the following cases:

  • in case of sudden sharp pain (sharp or drawing pain);
  • in the absence of the ability to move;
  • if there are complaints of loss of sensitivity;
  • in case of loss of consciousness.

When jumping, the compression of the spine is repeated, and the pressure on the discs increases several times. And a compression fracture of the spine may be inevitable. Only an MRI can show an accurate clinical picture, and consultations with a neurologist and traumatologist will be simply vital.

4. How to properly jump and fall during training?

Quite often, an incorrect fall during training on a trampoline causes sprains, dislocations, fractures, and serious neck and head injuries. To avoid dangerous complications while practicing on a trampoline, you should read the instructions for performing tricks such as falling on your stomach or back. It is advisable to practice practical skills and acquire skills. To prevent an awkward landing from causing serious injury, you need to work with a trainer and follow his instructions unquestioningly.

When you first get on the trampoline, you need to start jumping with your knees bent. Only then do we start jumping with our legs spread apart. Two skills are practiced until they become automatic. The most interesting thing in learning is learning to fall. Specially equipped centers have pits filled with foam rubber where beginners learn to jump. A particularly difficult trick is falling on your back, because the person’s body involuntarily moves forward. In order not to jump off the trampoline and hit yourself, it is important to calculate every movement when falling on your back. Persistent repetition of successive movements (before and after a jump) will help a person learn to group, then any trick will become completely surmountable and safe for him.

Are there any contraindications for trampolining?
Doctors believe that a healthy person should not be afraid of jumping on a trampoline. It is important to do everything correctly and listen to the instructor. However, if people have medical conditions such as osteoporosis, pinched nerves, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, or fractures, they should consult a professional and get guidance regarding trampoline activities.

6. What should parents do if their child complains of back pain after using a trampoline?

A certain part of mothers and fathers will think about whether a trampoline is really harmful to the child’s spine. Experienced pediatric neurologists strongly recommend undergoing an examination. In the absence of serious injuries, special attention should be paid to both the level of general physical fitness and the development and improvement of the muscular frame. Renowned osteopaths of the world, whose prerogative to deal with back and neck injuries, as well as with injuries to athletes, attribute trampoline injuries in adults and children to only a few causes: overuse of the trampoline, collisions and falls. And the way out of the situation is this: use the trampoline correctly, be safe and follow the instructions of the trainer. But under no circumstances should one be inclined to think that a trampoline is dangerous for children and poses harm to the spine of young citizens.

How to jump on a trampoline correctly

If you want to jump on a trampoline for the first time, you should not immediately try to perform some difficult trick, for example, a somersault. Only a specially trained and well-trained person can do this. You should start training by performing the most common movements, for example, jumping with legs tucked.

After you have mastered this skill well, you can try jumping with your legs wide apart. And only after this you need to learn to land correctly on your back and tummy. Remember that no matter what trick you try to perform on a trampoline, your main goal is to be able to group perfectly. Otherwise, you will not only be able to do various tricks, but also fall in such a way as not to harm your spine.

And all because falling on your back, in its essence, is a forward movement. This particular movement is performed by a person who jumps by inertia. Therefore, in order to avoid accidentally flying off the trampoline or getting a serious back injury, you should pay special attention to the sequence of your own movements, both before and after the jump.

Athletes who master trampoline jumping are advised to do a fall on their back in a semi-tuck, in other words, literally the same as when performing a somersault. This means that during the fall you should not squeeze too much.

What's happened?

The daughter of Voronezh resident Roman Zavyalov, Katya, is 4 years and 9 months old. The active little girl had recently taken up dancing; her parents were planning to enroll the girl in the sport. But the child’s sports future is now in question. The girl’s life was divided into “before” and “after” by an unsuccessful trampoline jump.

On July 12, the little girl was walking with her mother in her favorite park at the Arena shopping center and, seeing a large, beautiful inflatable trampoline called “Sea Kingdom,” she asked her mother to let her jump on it. Mom agreed.

To get to the tower with a slide, children need to climb an almost vertical rise, with a small angle of inclination, inserting their feet into the loops. Having overcome the height, the little one slides down the slide.

CCTV footage shows that children often do the opposite - they climb up a gentle slide and then jump down. Katya, apparently, also wanted to jump from the tower on her feet, but the angle of inclination did not allow her to do this - the girl landed unsuccessfully on her butt. The force of the impact on the tightly inflated trampoline was such that the child, as it turned out later, broke his spine. After the fall, the baby was thrown up - and she fell again.

– It is very easy to get injured on an inflatable trampoline. If a swimmer jumps from a height of 20 meters in a pool, a newspaper is placed on the surface of the water, he will have a fracture of the cervical vertebra. If a child falls from a height of 2 meters onto an inflated trampoline, this is the same newspaper on the water, explains Roman Zavyalov.

After the fall, the girl took a few steps towards the exit, but then fell from pain, unable to walk. The girl’s mother approached her and placed her daughter on an inflatable “pallet” at the entrance to the trampoline. According to Roman, the girl’s mother herself, who had once graduated from medical school, and one of the mothers, who was nearby and introduced herself as a doctor, were able to determine the compression fracture of the child’s spine.

“They tested their daughter together and came to the conclusion that the fracture was in the thoracic region,” Roman noted.

The girl's father claims that the trampoline operator did not react to the child's fall, did not approach the girl's mother and did not offer help. Moreover, no one stopped the attraction - the operators continued to let other children onto the trampoline.

Soon the girl's father arrived at the scene. The parents did not call an ambulance - according to Roman, they would have had to wait for several hours. Taking the baby in their arms, they took her to Children's Regional Hospital No. 2.

An X-ray showed that the child had four broken vertebrae in the thoracic region. Doctors allowed the baby not to go to the hospital, but to stay at home and prescribed strict bed rest: she could only lie on her back and stomach. Sitting and standing are contraindicated, and you cannot turn to one side. The baby needs to lie in this position at least until September.

According to Roman, doctors now assess the baby’s condition as stable, it is not serious and life-threatening. At the same time, doctors are in no hurry to make predictions - it is not yet clear how the girl’s body will behave further.

“The X-ray shows that one vertebra received obvious damage, while the other three “played” - they compressed and unclenched. If everything goes according to a good scenario, we will get by with little bloodshed - three vertebrae will probably recover. But a damaged vertebra will not recover. It’s scary if subsidence begins in the vertebra - the body at this moment recognizes the injured area as harmful and begins to resolve it. In this case, the destruction of bone tissue will begin. Therefore, until there is a clear understanding of how the body will react, it is premature to talk about forecasts,” explained Roman Zavyalov.

The girl's father also added that, as the examination showed, the baby's injury led to impaired blood circulation in the extremities, and the child experienced changes in the blood supply to the brain.

After the girl can get up, she will have a long recovery and rehabilitation. According to Roman, from September the baby in a corset will learn to stand up. On the first day, Katya will stand up for one minute, on the second day - for 2 minutes, and so on, adding a minute per day.

“We definitely won’t be able to send our daughter to kindergarten before the New Year,” Roman noted.

Katya will not be able to play sports or dance. She is prohibited from putting any serious strain on her back for life. The consequences of jumping on a trampoline can appear years later, when the girl grows up.

Following the girl’s fall, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in negligence in causing serious harm to human health.”

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