Darsonval - an effective physiotherapy treatment for osteochondrosis

Astakhov Mikhail Valentinovich - anesthesiologist-reanimatologist


- a modern electric pulse massager, the therapeutic effect of which is achieved through high-frequency pulse currents. The method was developed by the French physiologist d'Arsonval at the end of the 19th century and was actively used in physiotherapy rooms for a century. After portable devices for darsonvalization were invented, the need for patients to visit health care facilities disappeared. Today, only a small part of patients continues to use the services of medical organizations. Most people who need electropulse treatment purchase and use individual Darsonval devices.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with the Darsonval apparatus

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the device must be used carefully, after the doctor's permission.
The Darsonval device became famous thanks to the French engineer Arsene D'Arsonval.

It refers to methods of physiotherapy, when the tissues and joints of the body are affected using alternating current.

Then you can achieve:

  1. Improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  2. Reducing pain;
  3. Restoring muscle tone and muscle elasticity.

And due to the general therapeutic effect, Darsonval can be used for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and spinal regions. Most effective in the early stages or chronic form of the disease.

Indications and contraindications for use

Local darsonvalization is most often used, and the indications for it are primarily:

  • various circulatory disorders and microcirculatory functions;
  • varicose veins (chronic venous insufficiency) disease and Raynaud's syndrome;
  • cardialgia;
  • neurogenic bladder and urinary incontinence;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • difficult-to-heal wounds and burns, frostbite.

This type of electrotherapy is widely used in dentistry for the treatment of periodontal disease and gingivitis, aphthous stomatitis and periodontitis. In dermatology, this technique is used in the complex therapy of psoriasis and itchy dermatoses, eczema and acne, alopecia and seborrhea. Darsonvalization is used on mucous membranes in gynecology and proctology.

To what extent can darsonvalization be used for discogenic complications of osteochondrosis, for protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs? In neurology, darsonvalization is indicated for various dysfunctions of peripheral nerves. These are neuropathy and neuralgia, autonomic disorder.

Hernia on MRI.

This type of electrotherapy is indicated for lumbago, myositis, and radiculitis. Accordingly, the indications will be osteochondrosis of any part of the spine with various syndromes. These are radicular symptoms, or radiculitis, reflex-tonic muscle syndromes (myofascial) and other conditions associated with complications of osteochondrosis.

It should be pointed out that darsonvalization, like any type of physiotherapy, has a symptomatic effect and reduces, or even eliminates, only the effects of the hernia on soft tissues. The hernia itself remains as a defect of a destroyed intervertebral disc. Over time, it will increase more and more, cause more and more symptoms, and physiotherapy, as well as any other methods of conservative treatment, will become less and less effective.

Therefore, from this point of view, darsonvalization is no different from the use of painkillers. The pain is eliminated, but the mechanism that led to the onset of the pain syndrome remains, and the cause of the pain itself also does not disappear.

What are the contraindications to any type of general or local darsonvalization? This:

  • childhood;
  • low blood pressure or sick sinus syndrome, manifested by persistent bradycardia;
  • insufficient blood clotting, bleeding gums, tendency to nosebleeds, hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • skin hypersensitivity associated with current intolerance.

These are also general contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures. These include cancer, fever, acute infection, some mental disorders, epilepsy and other conditions and illnesses.

Therapeutic effect of the device

This is what the device looks like

Darsonval's effect is aimed at transmitting alternating current to the patient's joints, muscles and spinal discs through a glass, gas electrode.

Pulse currents in the device are no more than 140 kHz with a voltage of up to 40 kV , which is safe for health and has a positive effect on the nervous system, effective for gynecological or urological problems.

The effect for osteochondrosis is achieved through a combination of current, corona discharge, a minimum volume of nitrogen, and vibrations in tissues with an oscillatory effect .

Useful video:

Principle of operation

Sharply decaying electric current pulses with the following parameters are used as a therapeutic factor:

· frequency - 110-400 kHz;

· active power - 20 kW;

· current strength - 100-200 mA.

The source is connected to a glass electrode, which can have various shapes. “Drop” is used for the treatment of dermatological inflammatory processes, “fungus” is used for preventive skin care. A “fork” is used to treat the extremities for osteochondrosis; a “comb” is necessary to treat the scalp. The electrode cavity contains residual air molecules.

Under the influence of electricity, the rarefied gas inside the glass container is ionized and acquires good electrical conductivity properties. The energy is transferred to the patient's body through the electrode wall. This occurs in the form of a silent or spark discharge. During the procedure, the electrode begins to glow purple, which makes darsonvalization a fascinating and interesting manipulation for pediatric patients.

Note: darsonvalization allows you to achieve a trophic, vasodilating, antipruritic, metabolic, protective effect. However, the device is not powerful enough to be used as the only treatment method. Darsonval is used either for prophylactic purposes or as part of a complex treatment regimen.

The therapeutic effect depends on the method of the procedure. When the electrode comes into contact with the skin, a silent discharge occurs, irritating the skin receptors. An axon reflex-type reaction occurs, in which the impulse is transmitted exclusively along the long processes of the neuron without involving its body in the process. First, a local vascular spasm occurs, the duration of which does not exceed 5-10 seconds, followed by a reflex expansion of the vascular network. The sensitivity thresholds of tactile and pain receptors increase, which allows for a mild anesthetic effect.

A spark discharge is formed if the distance between the patient's skin and the electrode reaches 1-4 millimeters. The reactions that occur during such therapy fall into the category of true reflex reactions. Information about irritation enters the spinal cord, after which systemic responses occur. With the help of a spark discharge, it is possible to achieve activation of the immune system, stimulation of metabolic processes, expansion of the vascular network and improvement of venous outflow, and the release of some biologically active substances.

When is Darsonval prescribed for osteochondrosis?

Usually the drug Darsonval is prescribed for osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine, but not in an acute form.

The main task of the device is to relieve pain and restore blood circulation .

Because when you get sick you can:

  • A metabolic disorder develops;
  • Nerve irritation appears;
  • Vertebrae exit;
  • Bone deformation;
  • Loss of joint elasticity;
  • There is stiffness and tension.

Photos on the topic:

Loss of joint elasticity

Stiffness and tension

Bone deformation Vertebral exit

Nerve irritation

Metabolic disorder

All these manifestations can be removed by the Darsonval apparatus.


Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and if the disease starts, you can encounter an acute and severe form.

Therefore, the effect of the Darsonval apparatus will be aimed at treating the root causes of the appearance, when patients can count on:

  • Vasodilation, and as a result, restoration of nutrition and oxygen metabolism in cells;
  • Activation of nutrients and vitamins;
  • Prevention of cartilaginous hernia and vertebral protrusion.


Typically, people with lumbar osteochondrosis suffer from pain, heaviness, pinched nerves, spasms, decreased physical activity, and even hernia.
To get rid of such manifestations, you can use the Darsonval device, which relieves patients of symptoms.

The Darsonval device will be most effective in combination with manual therapy, medication and massage.

Thoracic department

To dilate blood vessels, restore breathing, prevent deformation of the thoracic vertebrae, and get rid of inflammation, tightness and pain in the shoulder blades due to osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, the Darsonval apparatus is prescribed.

Although pregnant women and people with heart disease and hypertension should undergo therapy with the device for osteochondrosis under the supervision of a physician .

Types of darsonvalization

Depending on the problem, the age of the patient, the stage of osteochondrosis and the physiological characteristics of the patient, several types of darsonvalization with the device may be prescribed:

  • Local;
  • General.

If the first darsonvalization is aimed at treating a specific area, then the second type is able to carry out general restoration of the body, increase immunity, and relieve diseases of the nervous system.

You can choose one of the types of darsonvalization only after passing tests and developing a course of treatment.

Local darsonvalization

Local darsonvalization involves passing current through a vacuum electrode, where there is almost no air. Secondary ionization occurs and the air is burned by a spark.

Then the current is passed through the skin on the affected area (chest, neck or back), without harm to other body systems.

Local darsonvalization is characterized by eddy currents that affect the circulatory system, cartilage, and vertebrae.

After treatment of osteochondrosis with the Darsonval apparatus, the following effect can be achieved:

  • Vasodilation;
  • Tissue restoration;
  • Prevention of intervertebral disc deformation;
  • Elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • Improved blood circulation.

Photo gallery:

Vasodilation and improved blood circulation

Tissue repair

Elimination of inflammation

General darsonvalization

During general darsonvalization, the patient is placed in a “D'Arsonval cage” - a coil of an oscillatory circuit in order to get rid of:

  • Headaches and migraines;
  • Spasms of muscles and joints;
  • Restore immunity;
  • Improve the functioning of the nervous system.

General darsonvalization is especially recommended for cervical osteochondrosis of any stage.

Efficiency and reviews

When using the Darsonval apparatus in the treatment of osteochondrosis, a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition was noted. The physiotherapeutic procedure improves blood circulation, nutrition, and relieves swelling. The device can be used independently only after a comprehensive examination and consultation with a specialist.

Regular use of the Darsonval apparatus helps eliminate not only the main symptoms of the disease, but also helps restore damaged cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs.

Patients who have completed the therapeutic course leave mostly positive reviews about the effectiveness of darsonvalization. A positive effect will be observed if the treatment is carried out systematically. You should not skip a single procedure.

Darsonval is considered an addition to conservative treatment of osteochondrosis. It enhances the effectiveness of medications and can instantly eliminate pain. The procedure is very effective; it will help return the patient to his usual course, remove discomfort and pain caused by osteochondrosis.

The patient can feel an improvement in his condition from treatment with Darsonval after at least 5 procedures, depending on the severity of the disease. Electrical therapy is also the main method of physiotherapeutic treatment, used as an addition to a course of medication. Thanks to the use of Darsonval, the source of inflammation resolves, stagnation in it is reduced, tissues receive more useful substances, due to which accelerated regeneration occurs.

Alternative course of treatment

Speaking about an alternative to the treatment of osteochondrosis with the Darsonval apparatus, we can highlight similar procedures that have the same therapeutic effect.

Usually this is ultrasound, vibration, detensor therapy, balneotherapy.

The average course of treatment is three to five weeks , but the issue is regulated only by the attending physician and depends on the results when using Darsonval, the effect on the patient’s body with osteochondrosis.

Video on the topic:

How does the procedure session work?

To treat osteochondrosis with the Darsonval apparatus, a remote non-contact method is used. Typically the patient lies on his stomach and the electrode is attached to the affected area of ​​skin.

The electrode needs to be spread out on both sides along the spine to treat a larger area of ​​the body. The Darsonval apparatus is placed from the neck to the tailbone or in the opposite direction.

It is also recommended to carry out darsonvalization of the back to improve metabolism and accelerate skin regeneration. The procedure lasts no more than 15-20 minutes without additional preparation, but under the supervision of a nurse.

If there are wounds or inflammations, it is not recommended to use the Darsonval device for osteochondrosis, as well as during pregnancy and the presence of contraindications. Also, do not treat the skin with alcohol or antiseptics to avoid fire.

Use at home

If you wish, you can save time on visits to the clinic and carry out the darsonvalization procedure yourself. But do not forget the basic rules of operation:

  • Make sure that moisture does not come into contact with the device while it is running.
  • Before each new procedure, wipe the nozzle with an antiseptic. Especially if several people use the device at once.
  • Remove all metal jewelry.
  • Carry out the procedure on clean and dry skin. It is permissible to use a specialized medical gel to improve gliding.

Rules for choosing a device

There are no specific rules regarding the choice of device brand: the devices have the same operating principle and only slightly differ in external design and the number of attachments included. The last point deserves special attention. If you want to cure cervical osteochondrosis or carry out preventive procedures, choose sets with a mushroom-shaped and T-shaped nozzle included.

Important! To prevent burns and damage, make sure that the device is in good working order and properly grounded.

Cost of devices

All devices for darsonvalization have the same technical characteristics. Pricing directly depends on brand recognition and the number of attachments included. On average, the price for a device varies from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the general positive effect of the Darsonval apparatus on the patient’s body with osteochondrosis, there are a number of contraindications, which are reported to the doctor in advance:

  • Problems with the heart and respiratory system;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Epilepsy and asthma;
  • Oncology and tumors;
  • Anemia or problems with blood clotting;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Pacemakers in the heart.

Also, some patients experience rare adverse reactions in the form of body numbness, increased body temperature, and skin inflammation when pre-treating the skin with alcohol solutions.

Therefore, before carrying out the procedure with the Darsonval apparatus for the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is better to consult a doctor. A general allergic reaction in the form of skin redness , rash, and burning is also observed

Cost of devices

The price of the Darsonval apparatus for the treatment of osteochondrosis may vary, but it all depends on the manufacturer, the number of attachments and power.

The average cost is 1200-3500 rubles. And if necessary, you can choose an alternative type of treatment for osteochondrosis when darsonvalization does not produce results or there are contraindications.

Device typeNumber of nozzlesPrice
Darsonval "Crown"Three nozzles1500 rubles
Carat DE 212Four nozzlesFrom 2000 rubles
Ultratech SD 199Three nozzlesFrom 2300 rubles
Gezatone BT 201Five attachmentsFrom 3000 rubles

You need to buy the Darsonval device only in specialized stores, if you have certificates and after consulting a doctor.

And before carrying out the Darsonval procedure yourself, do not forget to follow the operating rules. Then you can achieve improved well-being and complete relief from osteochondrosis and its symptoms.

Where to buy and prices

It is recommended to purchase Darsonval in specialized medical equipment stores. The average cost of devices for home use is about 1,460 rubles or more, depending on the configuration, number of attachments, and country of origin:

  • Karat Plus (DE-212) made in Russia will cost approximately 2690₽;
  • Ultratek produced in Russia – about 3000₽;
  • French-made Gezaton Biolift costs about 3399-3699 rubles;
  • A crown made in Ukraine will cost approximately 1680₽;
  • Spark ST-117, produced in Russia, costs about 2290 rubles.

Patient reviews

Ivan, 45 years old : “To be honest, I would never have thought that the Darsonval device would help me get rid of chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. But that's how it turned out. The device was recommended after another exacerbation, when severe pain had passed, but muscle tension and stiffness remained. I underwent the procedures on the hospital premises for about a month. The complex used painkillers, massage, physiotherapy and even acupuncture. Therefore, the first improvement in well-being was achieved within a week. I can only say good things about the procedure with the Darsonval apparatus for osteochondrosis, especially with the general effect.”

Alla, 38 years old : “I was recommended the Darsonval device after the acute phase of thoracic osteochondrosis. True, first I had to inject a lot of painkillers and remove the blockade of the joints. Next, I was prescribed massage, acupuncture, vibration therapy, and then darsonvalization. They selected a local type of procedure for me, but with an additional effect on the spinal region. They said that this was necessary to prevent osteochondrosis and generally improve well-being. The course lasted about two weeks, although the first symptoms disappeared after a couple of days. I would recommend the Darsonval device to everyone, even for the prevention of osteochondrosis, but in combination with other methods of therapy.”

Opinions of doctors and patients

Catherine. Yaroslavl writes:

“After I changed from active work to sedentary work (in the office), constant, aching pain in the neck appeared. Neither massage nor aerobics helped. The doctor diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis and prescribed physical therapy. Not long ago I attended my fifth darsonvalization procedure and I can say for sure – there is an effect! The pain is no longer as intense as before and movements have become less constrained.”

Hope. The city of Kursk writes:

“My husband constantly drives and, as a result, he regularly suffers from severe headaches, and sometimes even loses his hand. A therapist he knew, knowing about his problem, gave him Darsonval. At first we were biased towards the device, but after the third session my husband felt much better. Now he doesn’t go to the medicine cabinet for painkillers as often.”

Lyudmila. Moscow writes:

“As a professional cosmetologist, I often recommend darsonvalization to my patients for wrinkles and skin rashes. But this device can also be used to relieve stiffness in the muscles of the shoulders and neck. It relieves pain and dilates blood vessels."

You can see a review and rating of popular devices for home use here:

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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