Lumbar osteochondrosis: treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis at home

Lumbar osteochondrosis ( osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region ) is a very common disease. Almost every third person has experienced lower back pain at least once in their life, and the most common cause is lumbar osteochondrosis. It affects men and women equally.

What is lumbar osteochondrosis? Like other types of osteochondrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis is damage to the cartilage tissue of the spine, which, as the disease develops, leads to damage to the vertebrae themselves. With lumbar osteochondrosis, destructive changes are observed in the lumbosacral spine.

Causes of lumbar osteochondrosis

The causes of lumbar osteochondrosis are most often back injuries and a sedentary lifestyle. At risk for lumbar osteochondrosis are people whose profession involves stress on the back: loaders, builders, even waiters, as well as those who have a sedentary job: drivers, computer technicians and other office workers.

Unfavorable heredity plays a significant role in the development of the disease. The relative contribution of hereditary factors to the development of neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis is approximately 68%, the rest is unfavorable external influences on the spine.

Pain in lumbar osteochondrosis can be of a different nature - aching, occurring after prolonged sitting or sleeping at night, or sharp shooting pain that catches you in the most uncomfortable position and does not allow you to straighten up. All of them are associated with pinched nerve roots, irritation of the spinal column’s own nerves, as well as swelling and irritation of the muscles and ligaments in the innervation zone of the lumbar spine.

It is worth noting that in practice it is very rare to encounter isolated lumbar osteochondrosis; more often it is observed simultaneously with cervical osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

With lumbar osteochondrosis, the onset of pain or its exacerbation is most often preceded by physical overload, and a painful reaction to it can occur both after the load and a day after it. Most often, patients experience dull, aching pain in the lower back (lumbodynia), sometimes radiating to the leg. Complaints of pain in the leg are possible, which intensifies when trying to lift something heavy, when shaking, sneezing, coughing, changing the position of the body, and also if it is in one position for a long time.

With exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, patients complain of the inability to straighten up or move - since any movement increases the pain, and of strong and constant tension in the back muscles. Even after a short stay in the cold, acute pain in the lower back (“lumbago”) may occur.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis are also:

  • loss of sensitivity in the buttocks, thighs and legs, sometimes in the foot,
  • goose bumps and tingling in the legs,
  • chilliness of the legs, spasm of the arteries of the feet - sometimes even the pulse disappears,
  • sweating disorder
  • dryness and flaking of the skin in areas of pain or loss of sensitivity.

If, with lumbar osteochondrosis, the spinal cord is pinched, there is a disturbance in urination or defecation, as well as a disturbance in the sensitivity of the bladder or genital organs.

The most unpleasant complication of lumbar osteochondrosis is vertebral instability. The disc no longer secures the vertebra, and when loaded under the influence of gravity, the lumbar region “slides” from the sacrum. And this already provokes dangerous disorders in the internal organs, especially in the genitourinary system: women have problems with the appendages, uterus, ovaries; in men - with potency.

User reviews

Plates with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, according to patients, are useful for osteochondrosis, they are affordable, easy to use and relatively safe. Buyers have already appreciated the Chinese patches, but due to the fact that there are many fakes on sale, I advise you to order them directly from China.

According to user reviews, their advantages are as follows : relieve pain and inflammation in arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis; contribute to their prevention; help with varicose veins, prostatitis, sinusitis and headaches.

As for the various variations of pepper patches, buyers note the following positive aspects::

  • They warm up well, relieve muscle tension, and are easily removed with a regular tonic.
  • Useful for exacerbations of osteochondrosis, even in pregnant women.
  • They relieve pain in the knees, wrists, and neck; they act faster and better than ointments.
  • Relieves “lumbago” in the lower back.
  • They help fight the main symptoms of early osteochondrosis, when systematic pain in the neck, back, headaches and even loss of vision occur. But they do not eliminate the need for complex treatment.

Video: “Feedback on the use of pepper patch”

Diseases contributing to the development of lumbar osteochondrosis

Many diseases of the internal organs contribute to the occurrence of lumbar osteochondrosis and the appearance of pain. Thus, more than 28% of patients with clinical manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The reason is that in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, etc., the flow of pain impulses causes tension and spasm of muscles and blood vessels. This leads to oxygen starvation and the development of a degenerative process in the corresponding areas of the body. The process aggravates the metabolic disorders observed in these diseases. Diseases of the pelvic organs can also provoke lumbar pain: in women - inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis), in men - inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). Congestion in the pelvic cavity, observed with these diseases, as well as with hemorrhoids, chronic colitis , constipation, also contribute to the manifestation of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Types of manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis

The most complete and systematized classification of vertebrogenic (spine-related) diseases of the peripheral nervous system was proposed by I. P. Antonov. According to this classification, the following clinical syndromes of lumbar osteochondrosis :

  1. Reflex - lumbago, lumbodynia, lumboischialgia.
  2. Radicular - vertebrogenic (discogenic) lumbosacral radiculitis with damage most often to the fifth lumbar or first sacral root.
  3. Radicular-vascular syndromes - radiculoischemia, or compression of blood vessels (radicular artery, vein) together with the root.

Lumbago - acute, lumbago-type, lumbar pain. It usually occurs after heavy lifting, awkward movement, and sometimes coughing or sneezing.

Lumbodynia is subacute or chronic pain. It occurs gradually after physical activity, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, or sitting.

Lumboischialgia is lower back pain that spreads to one or both legs. It can occur with muscular-tonic, vegetative-vascular and neurotrophic manifestations.

Radiculitis (radicular syndromes) manifests itself as signs of compression of one or two roots. Along with radicular pain, they are characterized by motor (weakness of the flexors or extensors of the big toe or the entire foot) and sensory disorders associated with loss of function of the damaged root.

Radiculoischemia occurs as a result of compression of the radicular spinal arteries. The clinical picture is dominated by gross motor (paresis, paralysis) and sensory disturbances in the presence of mild pain, and often its absence.

Pain relieving patches for the spine: types and applications

Numerous scientific and laboratory studies have proven that this already quite popular drug is highly effective and has an analgesic effect. It is most often used by people who complain of chronic back pain.

For whom is it intended?

Various therapeutic patches are a godsend for people who constantly suffer from back pain, but for some reason do not turn to specialists. They are not only convenient, but also quite effective. Of course, the patch will not eliminate the causes of the disease and will not cure it completely. It is an effective remedy if used as part of a general course of treatment. But for those who want to relieve pain immediately without going to a medical facility, the patch will be the best choice. In addition, it does not have a negative effect on any other organs, but acts precisely and directly on target.

Useful properties of patches and their prevalence

The product has a fairly large number of advantages. Among them:

  • easy to use;
  • comfortable (remains almost invisible to others, and also does not restrict movement at all);
  • acts purposefully and quickly on the area with the most severe pain syndrome;
  • beneficial substances are instantly absorbed and do not in any way affect the liver, stomach and other organs, which often suffer the most from taking medications;
  • it is possible to use the patch together with other medications, physiological procedures or treatment methods;
  • due to its rapid effect, it helps to reduce the dose of other medications, thereby reducing the level of side effects on the body.

Due to so many benefits, these patches are gaining popularity at an astonishing rate among people with spinal problems.

. Quite a lot of products of this kind are currently registered, but Russia is not yet so rich in such a valuable product. If we take all the existing patches, they can even be divided into groups, since some of them need to be used only in combination. They complement each other, providing a better effect. Now in any pharmacy you can find patches from different manufacturers at an affordable price.

Different types of patches

These adhesive tapes cannot be reused, and those already used must be disposed of. Before gluing the tape, you need to clearly understand where the pain is localized, since the patch can no longer be torn off. In order to properly attach the product, the skin must be dry and clean. The tape should remain on the body for as long as prescribed by the specialist.

Instructions for use state that:

  • Pepper patch can provide healing properties only for 2 days. They also sometimes cause a burning sensation and irritate the skin. Reuse of this type of tape is possible only after a break.
  • The gel patch must be applied to the painful point in a fairly thin layer. After complete drying, you need to remove the film.
  • Doctors recommend attaching thermoplasters to more or less dense underwear.

It is forbidden to cut this product, as it may lose its medicinal properties and become unsuitable for use. You need to use it all at once. The treatment course using adhesive tapes should not exceed 21 days.

  • There are also anesthetic patches that are used for acute pain. Such tapes can be cut and can be used simultaneously. They have a very quick effect, but are used only for 2 hours. You can resort to their help again only after 12 hours.
  • Nanoplaster is a tape containing vitamin B1 and glucosamine. Useful components help regenerate tissue and protect cartilage, which produces the cartilage matrix. The tape eliminates back pain as much as possible.
  • Versatis is an anesthetic patch that contains 2 antiseptics. The effect of anesthesia remains for another 120 minutes after the drug is removed from the body. Also used before surgeries or injections.
  • Chinese plasters are adhesive tapes whose main components are medicinal plants. Experts classify this product not as a medicinal product, but as a cosmetic one. Perhaps this tape is the most harmless, because it contains only natural substances. Among the disadvantages are the risk of allergies to some plants, as well as a large number of counterfeits on the pharmaceutical market. They are used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.

What are the contraindications?

  • Peppers. Contraindications to this product include the presence of open wounds, moles, and various skin defects.
  • Nanoplasty. It is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy, for those who cannot tolerate at least one component of the composition, as well as for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.
  • Thermal patch. It is prohibited for those who suffer from diabetes, have chronic heart disease, or have just undergone surgery.
  • Patches containing NSAIDs. They are contraindicated for people suffering from stomach ulcers, heart problems, and erosions; they should also not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Today, this is another way to eliminate the symptoms of diseases.
And thanks to innovative technologies, people can alleviate, and in some cases even cure, a disease that has bothered them for many years. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Lumbar osteochondrosis: treatment with NANOPLAST forte therapeutic patch

In the therapeutic treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, various drugs are used, such as NSAIDs, muscle relaxants and other drugs. All these remedies are effective, but if used for a long time they can cause harm to the body. Therefore, it is very important to minimize side effects and increase the effectiveness of treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis. A new generation drug can help with this - the pain-relieving anti-inflammatory medical patch NANOPLAST forte.

In the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the therapeutic plaster NANOPLAST forte is very effective, it allows you to relieve pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation in the area affected by lumbar osteochondrosis, and allows you to reduce the dose of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For lumbar osteochondrosis, the therapeutic plaster NANOPLAST forte is applied to the lumbar region. To achieve maximum effect, the patch must be applied transversely to the spine. It is usually recommended to use the patch in the morning for 12 hours, but it can also be used at night. The course of treatment is from 9 days.

High efficiency, unique composition, long-term (up to 12 hours!) therapeutic effects, ease of use and affordable price make NANOPLAST forte the drug of choice in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Read more about NANOPLAST forte

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

As a rule, cervical osteochondrosis begins in a mild form and at first does not cause a person any particular inconvenience. Drug treatment at this stage is usually not required; it is enough to prevent further complications, improve working conditions, and revise the lifestyle in favor of a healthier one.

To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, you should lead an active lifestyle, do morning exercises, follow a moderate-calorie diet, get rid of bad habits and avoid lifting heavy objects. Straight posture, correct posture while sitting and sleeping, and a comfortable bed are also important factors in its prevention. Courses of therapeutic exercises will also be useful.

However, with age, cervical osteochondrosis progresses and can develop into more serious forms. In this case, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out using conservative methods. Among them: wearing special collars, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage. In more severe cases, the patient may require drug therapy - analgesics, antispasmodics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed (paraffin, medicinal electrophoresis, etc.)

For the treatment of chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical spine , chondroprotectors are indicated, as well as B vitamins (B6, B12). Preparations for external use are widely used - ointments, creams, gels that contain NSAIDs, local irritants and tissue regeneration stimulants.

Recently, a new drug has appeared in pharmacies that can provide serious assistance in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis - the therapeutic pain-relieving anti-inflammatory patch NANOPLAST forte.

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