Shoulder Fracture in the Elderly – Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatments

With age, health deteriorates. This is an inevitable process associated with wear and tear of internal organs and tissues. Elderly people often seek emergency care. The cause is injuries to the musculoskeletal system, such as sprains, bruises, dislocations and the most dangerous disorders - fractures. This pathology is especially dangerous in old age, since the older the person, the higher the risk of adverse consequences. Only timely medical care and competent care during the rehabilitation period will help to avoid complications.

Why is the risk of fractures higher in older people?

The first and main factor is bone fragility, caused by a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, a lack of calcium and a decrease in regenerative function - the ability to naturally repair damage. Every fifth man and every third woman after fifty years suffer from osteoporosis - a reduction in bone density. Any careless movement with such a disease can provoke a fracture.

Frequent falls are another serious cause of limb fractures in old age. Decreased visual and hearing acuity, dizziness, weakness, convulsions, sudden surges in pressure - all this leads to the fact that older people easily lose their balance and fall even out of the blue. At the same time, the nature of the fall changes with age: if young people fall forward or backward, then older people fall on their side, supporting themselves on their arms and hands. In this regard, cases of fractures of the femoral neck, shoulder, vertebrae, and wrist are becoming more frequent among the latter.

Add to this chronic diseases that drag on for years and significantly undermine the body’s ability to quickly recover.

Features of the anatomical structure of the shoulder

Unlike other joints, the humerus articulates with the shoulder girdle, which includes the clavicle and scapula, and not with other bones. And do not forget that in this case there is no fixation with rigid articular ligaments. The maximum free movement of the arm in different directions is ensured by the connection of the humerus with the scapula by four muscles called the “rotor cuff”.

It is worth noting that if in young and mature people the restoration of the functions of the glenohumeral joint occurs quite quickly, then in the elderly it can be significantly delayed.

In addition, a shoulder fracture in pensioners can cause such consequences as:

  • osteoarthritis of the deforming type;
  • periarthritis of the glenohumeral region;
  • adhesive capsulitis;
  • calcific tendinitis;
  • subacromial impingement syndrome.

It is worth noting that, regardless of age, a severe fracture of the humeral neck is very often a factor in the weakening of the shoulder joint, which means periodic dislocation even with adequate treatment.

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As you know, as soon as a person reaches 45 years of age, the aging process begins in his body.

As for the skeletal system, the manifestation of a slowdown in metabolism is expressed as follows:

  • the portion of mineral substances (compounds of potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium) that make up bone tissue, which in adulthood is only 30%, increases, and organic inclusions become smaller;
  • there is a decrease in the functioning of the periosteum, which is responsible for the reproduction of bone tissue cells and nutrition of their internal layers;
  • decrease in the amount of fluid in cartilage and bone tissues, resulting in loss of firmness and elasticity;
  • calcium begins to be absorbed worse, subsequently osteoporosis occurs, that is, loss of spongy substance density in the bones.

As a result of all these processes, the bones of older people become more fragile and do not heal well during fractures. In addition, it is necessary to make changes to the scheme of treatment measures, as well as the duration of their use.

What are the consequences of fractures in old age?

Severe injuries can only be treated with surgery. Conservative treatment is used in exceptional cases in the presence of serious contraindications to surgery, for example, chronic heart disease. Failure to undergo surgical treatment can lead to lifelong disability.

But even after the operation is performed, there remains a risk of incomplete bone restoration, which is again associated with osteoporosis. This insidious disease, even with a “harmless” fracture, limits a person’s motor activity, which, in turn, leads to stagnation in the intestines, circulatory disorders, loss of vision, kidney disease, and hypertension. Prolonged lack of physical activity leads to the formation of blood clots and embolism. The situation is complicated by the appearance of bedsores.

Forced immobility and a long period of treatment unsettle even a young, healthy person. What can we say about the elderly - for them, such a situation can cause a psycho-emotional breakdown, cause pressure surges, and lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The nature of treatment and recovery time after fractures in older people depend on the location of the injury and its severity.

Treatment of injuries in the elderly

When treating such defects in pensioners, surgical intervention is performed only in particularly difficult cases. This is associated with long-term rehabilitation and an increased risk of developing infections. Thus, the occurrence of thromboembolism in an elderly person can cause the death of the latter. Most often, for a humeral neck defect in an elderly person, conservative treatment is sufficient. In case of an abduction fracture, before immobilizing the limb, traction is performed.

There are limitations in reducing pain in older people. To avoid side effects, the dose should be minimal. Treatment is carried out with the use of additional drugs - for example, containing calcium, to improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of bone tissue fusion. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the person’s feelings, his activity, and the presence of other diseases (diabetes, etc.).

Femoral neck fracture

A hip fracture in old age is one of the most severe and painful injuries that requires long-term treatment. It is more common in women because their bone tissue is more susceptible to osteoporosis. The obvious symptoms of such a fracture are acute pain that occurs when trying to lean on the broken bone, and the inability to move the leg. In this case, there may not be a hematoma, since the hemorrhage is minimal. A hip fracture in older people is treated promptly, as this is the fastest and most effective way of recovery, preventing possible complications. Conservative treatment - skeletal traction or plaster casting - has a high mortality rate and is extremely difficult to tolerate in elderly patients.

Surgical intervention involves endoprosthetics - replacing damaged bone with an implant. Osteosynthesis - fixation of broken bone fragments in the correct position - is usually used in younger patients.

After surgery, an elderly person requires full home care. Recovery time is different for everyone. With proper care, they return to their normal lifestyle within a year. In some cases, definitive rehabilitation is not possible.

Physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy for rehabilitation of the shoulder joint in elderly people after a fracture

The benefits of therapeutic massage and physiotherapy for fractures of the neck of the shoulder are undeniable. But if young people and middle-aged people can do without such help, then for older patients, visiting a physiotherapy room is vital. Sessions of massage and other types of physical influence during the rehabilitation of the shoulder joint in older people help stimulate the regeneration of bone tissue, prevent the danger that the bone may not heal, or, conversely, prevent the formation of a pathological callus or false joint.

Already while wearing an immobilization bandage and even in the presence of osteosynthesis plates or pins, the doctor can prescribe a number of procedures to the patient as a course of therapeutic rehabilitation:

  • ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF);
  • ultraviolet therapy (UVR);
  • drug electrophoresis;
  • classic therapeutic massage;
  • acupuncture.

Even if you constantly visit the treatment room, you should not forget about the effectiveness of simple self-massage techniques for an injured arm. It is better to start from the lower part of the limb: lightly stroking and rubbing the fingers, hand, wrist. Then continue the same movements along the forearm and shoulder. A light massage is required not only for the hand, it must be done along the damaged side from the waist to the armpit. The session should be completed with circular movements around the shoulder joint, and with light pinches, walk from top to bottom along the back of the neck.

The doctor selects physical therapy exercises for rehabilitation of the shoulder joint in elderly people personally. The choice depends on the individual skeletal structure, severity and type of injury. In addition, the condition of the neuromuscular system is taken into account and the fact that the healing process in older people is slow is taken into account. Therefore, changes and additions to the standard exercise therapy scheme, both individual and general, are quite acceptable.

The muscle fibers of the diaphragm undergo age-related changes much later and to a lesser extent than the rest of the body. However, breathing exercises for the rehabilitation of the shoulder joint in older people is the main component of exercise therapy after a dislocation or fracture. You need to start exercising literally the next day after the injury was sustained, and not stop even when the treatment as a whole is over and the recovery process has begun.

Methods of exercise therapy for fractures of the humeral neck in the elderly, promoting rapid bone healing and subsequent rehabilitation of the shoulder joint:

  • breathing exercises;
  • special gymnastics for an injured arm, passive and active movements, the number of which gradually increases;
  • mechanotherapy;
  • very effective gymnastics for the arms using various objects: it can be a ball, a gymnastic stick, dumbbells, an elastic band;
  • restorative morning exercises and evening cool-down;
  • measured Nordic walking with poles, better in the company of enthusiastic peers;
  • Individual movements and poses from wushu, yoga, and exercises from the qigong complex are available for execution.

The most effective form of shoulder rehabilitation in older people is swimming. Unfortunately, with age, this sport becomes inaccessible to many. However, if you have managed to maintain your physical shape and your general health allows it, then exercising in the pool under the supervision of a trainer will not only help restore the mobility and elasticity of your broken shoulder, but will also generally strengthen the vitality of the body.

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Broken arm

Fracture of the radius bone of the arm occurs most often at any age. This is due to the fact that when a person falls, he instinctively leans on his palm. There is usually no severe pain, the hand does not swell, and pain occurs when trying to move the hand and fingers.

This type of injury is the least dangerous for an aging body. A plaster splint is placed on the arm for a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Already on the third day after applying the bandage, it is recommended to slowly move the fingers, and after removing the cast, to develop the wrist.

To alleviate pain, which may persist for several months after the cast is removed, warm baths or alcohol compresses are given to the hands, and painkillers are taken at night.

Types of humeral neck fractures in the elderly

Experts identify the following types of shoulder neck injuries:

  1. Adduction. They usually occur when you fall on your arms with your elbows bent. An angle is formed between the central and distal fragments, which opens inward. Sharp fragments often damage the axial nerve or deltoid muscle.
  2. Hammered. A closed fracture with a transverse fracture and the entry of a peripheral piece into the articular humeral head. Rarely seen.
  3. Abduction. Possible when falling on outstretched arms. The distal fragment is located in the abduction position, the central one in adduction. External corner.

Shoulder fractures

Features of a fracture of the humerus in older people are swelling, pain and crunching when moving the arm. First of all, you need to take a painkiller and a sedative, then apply a splint or splint with a roller in the armpit to fix the shoulder, and take the victim to the hospital.

Depending on the complexity of the fracture, the doctor prescribes either a cast or complete immobilization of the shoulder with fixation to the body.

When the pain disappears, the patient is prescribed physical exercise and physiotherapy. After 1-1.5 months, the plaster is replaced with a supporting bandage.

Trochanteric femur fractures

These are fractures of the part of the femur closest to the pelvis. At the slightest movement, the legs are accompanied by sharp pain, after some time swelling and bruising appear. The hip bones heal very slowly, so the optimal solution in this situation is osteosynthesis surgery.

Conservative treatment, as in cases of hip injury, is used only in the presence of serious contraindications and can lead to serious complications. For example, the formation of blood clots and blood clots in blood vessels, which threatens the death of the patient. Therefore, massage and rubbing are mandatory, with the exception of the damaged area of ​​the body.

The recovery period after surgery takes 6 months or more. At this time, an elderly person requires full care and assistance in the simplest daily procedures.

Symptoms and diagnosis of fracture

The most severe manifestations are characteristic of displacement injuries, when a compressive effect occurs on the blood vessels and muscles surrounding the edge of the bone. Manifestations: paralysis, soft tissue neurosis, swelling of the extremities, aneurysm. With an impacted disorder, on the contrary, the pain syndrome is not expressed. Often a person does not even suspect a serious violation for several days.

In other types of injury, people immediately feel severe pain in the area of ​​the neck fracture, which does not subside when using commonly available painkillers. Swelling of the shoulder joint appears, turning into a hematoma - it descends along the chest wall or goes to the forearm and shoulder. The functions of the hand in the injured area are impaired.

If you suspect a fracture, you should immediately contact a traumatologist. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe special examinations to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound (for intra-articular injuries);
  • X-ray examination of the shoulder girdle;
  • CT scan if radiography does not provide accurate information.

Knee and ankle fractures

A fracture of the knee or ankle in old age is quite common as a result of twisting the feet or falling on bent legs.

A knee injury can be complicated by hemorrhage into the cavity of the knee joint. The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the fracture: the doctor either applies a plaster cast, needles, or prescribes surgery with the installation of screws and plates. Rehabilitation lasts at least 6 months and is accompanied by massage and physiotherapy.

If the ankle is fractured, a plaster splint with a metal rod is applied, thanks to which the patient can lean on the injured leg without a crutch. In most cases, the person recovers after 2 months.

Causes and symptoms of shoulder neck injury

In addition to direct traumatic situations, there are also a number of diseases and age-related factors that contribute to injury in the unfortunate event of circumstances:

  • Osteoporosis and other abnormalities in bone structure. Such disorders can occur both as a result of the diseases themselves in both sexes, and due to menopausal processes in the female body.
  • Lack of protein in the body. The consequences of such a deficiency negatively affect the structure of the bones - the cavity inside the bone tube increases and the thickness of the bone wall decreases.
  • Tuberculosis of bone tissue.
  • Metastases, tumor.
  • Osteomyelitis.

Any of the above ailments can lead older people to injury to the neck of the shoulder even with light loads on the shoulder joints, not to mention falls, blows, collisions, etc.

Having dealt with the causes and factors of the injury, let’s move on to its symptoms - after all, a shoulder can hurt for another reason (including due to the deviations stated above). How do you know if the pain is due to a fracture of the humeral neck? This can be determined by the following symptoms:

  1. swelling of the shoulder joint (subcutaneous hemorrhages are also possible);
  2. severe pain (when contacting the shoulder or trying to use the joint: abduct or raise the arm);
  3. visual changes in the shoulder area (shoulder displacement, also the limb may be shorter or longer than its usual state);
  4. reduction in the amplitude of movement of the limb (the hand makes small movements or is completely immobilized - in case of severe injury);
  5. a crunch in the area of ​​the fracture (may not be heard, but will be felt by the patient);
  6. local paralysis (with severe injuries, local failure of the shoulder joint and limb may occur).

These are the main symptoms of a shoulder injury, and when they appear (as with others), you should seek qualified medical help.

A few words about the types of humeral neck fractures:

  • Impacted fracture of the neck of the humerus. Characterized by injury when the arm is in a hanging position. In this case, the fracture occurs slightly below the junction with the joint, and the bone is wedged into it.
  • Adduction fracture of the humeral neck. Occurs when falling on a bent elbow, when the maximum load moves from the elbow to the shoulder joint, and the arm is tucked under the body, thus creating a lever with ends in the form of the shoulder joint and elbow. Since the head of the shoulder joint is securely secured by its bursa, the bone itself breaks.
  • Abduction fracture of the humeral neck. This type of injury can occur when you fall on your outstretched arm. In this case, there is a large load on the limb and, as a result, a fracture.

In all types of humeral neck fractures, two fragments are formed: peripheral and central. Each fragment in a certain case is displaced to a certain place.

Compression fracture of the spine

A spinal fracture is especially dangerous in old age, since it can only be treated surgically. Due to health problems, such an operation is not always possible.

With a compression fracture, compression and deformation of the vertebrae occurs, and cracks are very likely to appear. All this can lead to spinal displacement and bone marrow damage. The injury makes itself felt by a sudden sharp pain that occurs during sudden movements, bending, and turning the body. Over time, the pain intensifies and is accompanied by numbness of the limbs. Without treatment, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, muscle dystrophy, etc. develop.

The main task in case of a spinal fracture in older people is its maximum recovery and the patient’s return to their usual way of life. Treatment of spinal injuries at this age is very painful, so novocaine blockades and analgesics are mandatory.

Causes of clavicle fractures

Often, a clavicle fracture occurs at home, and if symptoms of a clavicle fracture , you should immediately consult a traumatologist. Clavicle injury can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Direct mechanical impact on the bone. Due to direct trauma (for example, a sharp or strong blow) to the collarbone area, sharp pain in the collarbone may occur - a characteristic symptom of its damage. Direct trauma causes oblique, transverse and comminuted fractures of the clavicle. Situations in which a direct injury to the collarbone occurs are completely varied: a fall of a heavy object, a collision with a protruding part of a structure at work, a fight with the use of bats or large metal objects.
  2. Indirect bone injury. A broken collarbone can result from a person falling on an outstretched arm, shoulder or elbow. This mechanism causes the formation of oblique and oblique-transverse fractures. Often, indirect injuries occur during difficult weather conditions (ice), as well as when a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In addition, sudden muscle contraction can be a rare cause of a clavicle fracture. Such situations are observed in patients with epilepsy: after a generalized convulsive attack, the patient notes pain under or above the collarbone, as well as symptoms of limited motor functions of the arm.

Prevention of fractures

To prevent fractures in older people, there are a number of recommendations you should follow. Firstly, start preventing osteoporosis as early as possible: move more, do yoga, physical exercise, and spend time outdoors more often.

Secondly, provide adequate nutrition, rich in calcium, protein and vitamin D. To do this, it is necessary to include in the diet lean meat, eggs, dairy products, sea fish, cabbage, nuts, oatmeal, liver, etc. In combination with vitamin and mineral complexes , strengthening bone tissue, the best result will be achieved.

During the rehabilitation period, rapid fusion of bones is facilitated by eating jellied meat, jelly, and fruit jelly.

To minimize the risk of falls and fractures in old age, all conditions for comfortable and safe living in the home should be created. For walks, it is better to take a cane with you, and buy shoes with non-slip soles.

Relatives who can take care of them and come to their aid in time play a huge role in the lives of older people. If possible, you should take walks together as often as possible, and provide all possible assistance in household chores - cleaning, shopping, cooking. This will not only brighten up an elderly person’s everyday life, but will also protect an already weakened body from everyday injuries and overload.

What to do for various types of pain

The shoulder joint has a complex structure; surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments take part in its work. When various structures are affected, shoulder pain appears, having different localization and character. To save the patient from suffering, you need to find out the cause of shoulder pain. This can only be done by an orthopedic traumatologist or rheumatologist. The patient must correctly describe his condition, tell where it hurts, when the pain appeared and what he associates with its occurrence. So, the pain can vary.

Shoulder pain due to coronavirus and other viral diseases

Coronavirus infection is absolutely unique, as it manifests itself differently in each patient. In this case, heredity obviously plays a big role. For example, if a person has close relatives suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, then the risk of developing this disease after suffering from Covid-19 increases many times over.

Moreover, the disease in many patients begins with damage not to small, but to large joints, including the shoulder. During the course of the disease, some patients may also experience symptoms of acute arthritis with severe pain in the shoulder joint. After recovery they completely disappear.

Many viral infections can be accompanied by acute arthritis (influenza, rubella, infectious hepatitis, etc.). As a rule, they have a benign course and end with complete recovery. But it is better to treat them under the supervision of a doctor.

Shoulder pain when moving your arm

When the periarticular tendons and ligaments are damaged, acute short-term pain in the shoulder appears during movement. After this, even at rest, some people are still bothered by aching waves of pain. The reasons for their appearance can be different from acute injuries and microtrauma to unnoticed chronic arthritis and arthrosis. To eliminate such pains, you need to find out their nature. Only a doctor can do this.

Pain in left or right shoulder

The causes of shoulder pain on the right or left can be different. One shoulder can hurt during inflammatory processes, after injuries, in old age against the background of degenerative-dystrophic disorders in the tissues. In acute arthritis, pain in the shoulder joint is intense and constant, accompanied by swelling and redness of the tissues, and an increase in body temperature. After an injury, severe bursting pain in the shoulder often appears, associated with intra-articular hemorrhage (hemarthrosis). When ligaments or tendons rupture, pain is combined with impaired movement.

Sometimes acute pain in the left shoulder is a symptom of myocardial infarction or cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. It can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, since osteochondrosis pain is practically indistinguishable from infarction pain. Such patients are hospitalized and in the hospital they figure out what exactly happened.

The cause of pain in the right shoulder may be acute cholecystitis. It radiates to the right shoulder girdle along the phrenic nerve.

The doctor’s task is to identify the causes of the painful symptom and provide pain relief therapy. This can only be done in a clinic!

Shoulder pain when inhaling

When a tendon ruptures, dislocates, or fractures, taking a deep breath increases the pain. The victims require emergency surgical care.

But pain in the shoulder when inhaling can also be a sign of a serious illness of the internal organs. Thus, with myocardial infarction or pleurisy, pain waves often radiate to the shoulder and intensify with inhalation. These patients also require emergency care and hospitalization.

If there is pain when inhaling, you need to call an ambulance: this patient may need to be hospitalized.

Shoulder pain after injury - fracture or dislocation

Injuries are always painful. But sometimes the victim cannot assess the severity of his condition and does not immediately seek medical help. This significantly complicates the condition and often leads to the appearance of chronic glenohumeral pain syndrome. Main symptoms of traumatic injuries:

  1. An intra-articular fracture of the humeral head is usually combined with a fracture of its neck.
    The most common cause is a fall on an outstretched arm. Symptoms: severe pain in the shoulder girdle, crunching, deformation of the injured area and limitation of movements. Emergency hospitalization required.
  2. Dislocation
    - often combined with rupture of the joint capsule and tendon-ligamentous apparatus, so there is a risk of dislocation becoming habitual, recurring with minor injuries. Since the shoulder joint is very mobile, dislocations often occur due to falls or impacts. Sometimes a person gets dislocated while lifting a heavy object. Symptoms: swelling of the periarticular tissues, inability to move the arm, pain in the arm from the shoulder. It is necessary to reduce the dislocation followed by rehabilitation to prevent habitual dislocation.
  3. Bruise
    - even a minor bruise causes damage to soft tissue cells - synovium, ligaments, tendons and muscles. An aseptic inflammatory process develops. During a bruise, acute pain appears in the shoulder, which after a while becomes aching. Then the aching pain in the shoulder goes away, but there is a risk of acute inflammation becoming chronic with a gradual loss of joint function. Therefore, after bruises it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures.
  4. Ligament rupture
    is the most common injury, which initially occurs acutely, with severe pain, tissue swelling and impaired movement. Then the symptoms decrease or disappear, and after a while slowly increasing pain and limitation of movements appear. Therefore, it is very important to carry out proper adequate treatment of such injuries with subsequent rehabilitation.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Joint pain at rest

Shoulder and arm pain

Shoulder pain radiating to the arm may be due to:

  • acute arthritis or exacerbation of chronic arthritis with swelling of tissues compressing nerve trunks; pain in the shoulder is acute and can radiate throughout the arm to the forearm, hand and fingers; Depending on the type of arthritis, it is treated by a surgeon or rheumatologist;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis - inflammation of periarticular (surrounding the joint) tissues - muscles, tendons, ligaments - this is the most common cause of the development of chronic pain syndrome; pain in the arm from the shoulder is aching, debilitating, often appears at night or after any physical activity; tissue swelling can lead to compression of nerves and irradiation of painful waves in the forearm and hand; The cause of such pain in the shoulder can be both purely inflammatory processes and the consequences of injuries, ruptures of tendons and ligaments; long-term speech and rehabilitation are required;
  • cervical osteochondrosis - it can cause pinching of the spinal nerve roots; pinching at the C5 – C6 level leads to severe pain in the shoulder with irradiation to the right or left forearm and hand; requires treatment from a neurologist;
  • coronary heart disease with attacks of angina or myocardial infarction; a sharp spasm of the coronary arteries (vessels supplying the heart with blood) causes severe pain in the heart, often radiating to the left shoulder girdle, as well as pain in the arm from the shoulder; in order to remove the spasm, you need to take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue; if there is no effect, call an ambulance.

Neck and shoulder pain

Often strong pain waves occur simultaneously in the shoulder and neck, so it is difficult for the patient to figure out where they begin. Sometimes the pain starts in one shoulder and radiates to the neck. The cause of such shoulder pain is shoulder arthritis or glenohumeral hyperarthritis with tissue swelling and compression of the spinal nerves. In other cases, the pain begins in the neck and shoulders on both sides. This is a sign of cervical osteochondrosis with pinching of the spinal nerve roots and radicular pain. To remove pain and help the patient, you need to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Shoulder pain radiating to the scapula, elbow, collarbone, back, head

Many patients complain of such symptoms. They are characteristic of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis with entrapment of the spinal nerve roots at the level of 5 - 7 cervical vertebrae (C5 - C7) and 1 -2 thoracic vertebrae (Th 1 - Th2). First, pain appears in the back and side of the neck, then severe pain in the shoulder. The pain can spread from the shoulder to the elbow, move to the collarbone, radiate to the frontal region of the head and down to the scapula area.

If the motor fibers of the roots are damaged, paresis or paralysis of the upper limb may occur. Treatment by a neurologist will help.

Shoulder pain when flexing and extending

Pain that increases with flexion and extension of the shoulder joint is a symptom of damage to nearby muscle tendons. These are 4 tendons that are part of the rotator cuff and the biceps tendon. When they become inflamed (tendonitis), movements in the shoulder joint become impaired and become painful. Damage to the biceps muscle (biceps) also manifests itself in severe pain when bending the elbow. Tendinitis can be the result of injury or inflammation in the joints. The treatment is carried out by an orthopedist-traumatologist; the pain can be removed after high-quality rehabilitation.

Shoulder pain at night

Night pain in the shoulder is characteristic of inflammatory processes in the shoulder joint and periarticular tissues. During sleep, the body warms up, blood vessels dilate, the liquid part of the blood leaks into the surrounding tissues, forming swelling and squeezing nerve endings. To get rid of night pain in the shoulder joint, you need to treat the underlying disease.

Shoulder pain after exercise

Training accompanied by severe pain is unacceptable. They contribute to the exacerbation of the pathological process and its chronicity. Severe pain in the shoulder during exercise should be a reason to stop training. You can resume classes only after it has stopped. The load should be reduced in this case.

Shoulder pain with swelling

These signs are characteristic of acute arthritis and exacerbations of chronic arthritis. In addition, shoulder pain and tissue swelling appear after injury. In both cases, urgent assistance from a specialist is required.

This cannot be left to chance: a slow and imperceptible decrease in joint function with the formation of pain is possible.

Pain in the shoulder joint due to inflammatory processes can be eliminated

Shoulder pain and numbness

The causes of shoulder pain in combination with numbness are pinching of the spinal nerve roots of the cervical spine due to osteochondrosis and herniated intervertebral discs. Sometimes this is combined with movement disorders - paresis and paralysis. A similar symptom can appear with plexitis - inflammation of the nerves of the brachial plexus. The pain can be very severe, so you should not delay your visit to a neurologist.

Pain when raising your arm

This symptom is characteristic of pinched tendons of the rotator cuff and biceps muscles between the acromion and the head of the humerus. Severe pain appears in the shoulder when raising the arm up to a level below the shoulder joint. An orthopedic traumatologist treats injuries.


On average, rehabilitation after a fracture in older people lasts from 8 months to a year. During this period, they require careful care and attention; only under this condition will recovery proceed successfully. Relatives need to monitor the implementation of all doctor’s orders, organize physical therapy classes and massage, take on the responsibilities of cooking and other household chores.

Today, not everyone has such an opportunity; in this case, it is worth thinking about the services of a nurse or a private boarding house, which will provide high-quality round-the-clock care and rehabilitation after fractures for older people.

The network of boarding houses "Doverie" has created all the conditions for a comfortable stay and successful recovery of your loved ones:

  • clean, comfortable, spacious rooms;
  • regular examination by a doctor and medical staff, monitoring the timely intake of medications;
  • special equipment for patients with disabilities: wheelchairs, anti-decubitus mattresses, walkers;
  • full 6 meals a day, dietary and individual menus;
  • daily skin hygiene;
  • rehabilitation measures - physical therapy, massage, development of fine motor skills and much more.

The boarding houses employ highly qualified doctors who draw up an individual treatment and rehabilitation program for each resident. We provide not only comprehensive care, but also professional psychological support, interesting leisure time and warm communication, which is so necessary for older people.

Treatment in children

The main method of therapy is strong fixation, that is, immobilization of the limb. In children, the immobilization time is 2-3 weeks. To firmly hold broken bone fragments, special Delbe rings are often used. Pediatric clavicle fractures often occur as a “greenstick” type, that is, with preservation of the integrity of the periosteum. In this case, a fixing bandage on the collarbone is used. A fixing bandage is sufficient even if the clavicle injury is not accompanied by displacement.

In cases where the fracture is characterized by displacement of fragments, reposition is performed.

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