How to choose the right shoes for healthy foot joints

Differences between natural and artificial materials

At any time of the year, you can wear shoes made of natural material, which will help your feet breathe and improve heat transfer. Optimal materials - genuine leather, nubuck, suede, textiles. Leatherette is especially dangerous in summer, because under the influence of high temperatures the chemical components of the material interact with the skin, and it does not allow air to pass through. The immediate prospects are diaper rash and fungus.

When choosing artificial materials, pay attention to the following:

  • the lining should be made of genuine leather or textile, because it is in contact with the foot;
  • the insole should absorb unpleasant odors, remove moisture and kill bacteria;
  • Ideally, the insole should be impregnated with an antibacterial composition.

Unlike artificial materials, natural ones wear out over time and take the shape of the foot. This is especially true if you are going to wear shoes in the summer, when your feet swell slightly and increase in size.

Shoes made from natural materials are the best option for people of any age.

Team of Doctors

It is important to wear a corrector during surgical treatment of hallux valgus - before surgery it serves to prepare the foot, and in the postoperative period it is necessary to ensure smooth rehabilitation by unloading the foot and preventing recurrence of the deformity. Correctors differ depending on their design features and the material from which they are made.

What shoes to choose for different seasons

  • In summer, it is undesirable to wear patent leather shoes, as they do not allow air and moisture to pass through well. It is suitable for a one-time exit, but not for every day. For constant wear, choose shoes made from natural materials or open sandals.
  • Shoes for autumn and spring should not allow water to pass through and at the same time should “breathe”. If there is a zipper on demi-season shoes or boots, it should not start at the very sole, but a little higher, otherwise moisture will get inside even when stepping on a shallow puddle. Autumn and spring shoes should also not fit tightly to the foot, since they must be put on over the toe.
  • For winter shoes, the main thing is the sole, which is thick enough, with a tread that prevents slipping. The best option for icy conditions is boots with different tread patterns, for example a combination of stripes with rounded protrusions. The protector should also be present on the heel, always rubber and not plastic, so that the foot does not slip.

The optimal winter shoes are leather, lined with natural fur and have a fur insole.

Characteristic signs of flat feet

To check how correctly a child’s foot is forming, you can use this home diagnostic method: lubricate the baby’s feet with paint or rich cream and ask him to take a step on a clean sheet of paper. This way you will get a clear imprint of the child's foot and will be able to analyze it for any deformities.

If the characteristic notch at the inner edge of the foot on the print occupies less than half the width or is displayed entirely on the sheet, then you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and receive recommendations for correcting the defect.

Attention! Until the age of 3, this diagnostic method does not make sense to use, since children still have an impressive fat pad in the sole area.

In adolescents and adults, flat feet can be suspected if the legs get tired quickly, after physical activity there is pain in the feet, the ankles constantly or periodically swell, there is a feeling that the width and length of the feet have increased.

The dangers of too fashionable shoes

In pursuit of fashion, many forget about safety, health, and proper nutrition. One cannot do without such sacrifices when choosing shoes. Of course, shoes with narrow toes. stiletto heels and platforms look more stylish and feminine than classic boots with thick soles. However, sooner or later this will definitely come back to haunt you.

In addition to high heels, platforms also pose a danger, because it is easy to trip on them and twist your ankle. Frequent injuries and microtraumas due to wearing uncomfortable shoes on a high platform lead to post-traumatic arthrosis, and since ligaments and muscles remain idle while walking, flat feet also develop.

No less harmful to the joints of the legs is the pointed toe, which squeezes the toes. The thumb and little finger are lowered, the rest are raised. All this contributes to hallux valgus, the development of transverse flat feet and painful corns on the sole. There is no need to talk about healthy joints with such a clinical picture.

If you drive a car, avoid fashionable stiletto heels or high platforms

Benefits of wearing shoes for problem feet

If you choose the right shoes for your feet with bones, you will immediately notice a number of positive aspects. Among them:

  • maintaining the foot in the desired position;
  • prevention of flat feet;
  • prevention of various types of deformities, including hallux valgus;
  • protection against compression and excessive stress;
  • fixing the toes in the desired position;
  • relieving pain;
  • maintaining normal blood circulation in the feet.

It is worth noting that wearing such shoes has a beneficial effect on the spine, hip joints and the entire musculoskeletal system. In addition, your legs don’t get tired in it at all.

Benefits of wearing shoes for problem feet

How to choose shoes for a child so as not to harm the joints

Despite the fact that arthrosis of the knee or hip is a disease of middle-aged and older people, it is necessary to take care of joints from childhood. At a young age, it is especially important to wear the right shoes, because the foot is still developing, and uncomfortable shoes can interfere with this physiological process.

The child should wear shoes of his own size - not too big and not too narrow. It should have a hard, moderately ribbed sole and a firm upper part. Demi-season and winter - should be high and fit tightly around the ankle joint.

The optimal material is natural, the shape must have a small heel, a fixed heel and a soft heel, an orthopedic insole and a wide toe. Children under 4-5 years old may be recommended special orthopedic shoes at an appointment with an orthopedist to prevent foot deformation.

Making custom orthopedic insoles is a complex process that begins with taking an impression of the foot. See how this happens in the video below:

Children's shoes help the foot develop, so you can't skimp on them.

Where to buy orthopedic boots

In large cities there are specialized stores that distribute orthopedic shoes. You can also meet official representatives from the manufacturer’s brand.

Very often, such shoes are sold or made to order at a treatment center. In this case, the specialist puts a special last on the deformed leg, takes the readings, and then makes the shoes that the patient will wear in the future. Such boots and shoes will not be able to negatively interfere with the treatment process, so they can be worn even after surgery to remove Hallux Valgus.

Another option is to purchase orthopedic shoes online. In this case, you must be confident in the quality of the product, and also have the opportunity to try it on before paying.

What shoes to choose for sports

During training, the likelihood of injury is very high, and this often happens due to uncomfortable sneakers and constant discomfort, which acts as a powerful distraction. Sneakers or sneakers should be selected specifically for your sport and reliably protect against injuries - twisting of the foot. They should provide the leg with maximum stability and fix the ankle well.

The optimal material is leather, which ensures normal air exchange. Be sure to have an insole, because it can be removed and dried. There should be a small distance between the toe and the toes.

Sneakers for sports should have a flexible sole, a rigid heel and light weight

Correctors for hallux valgus

In addition to shoes and insoles, there are special orthopedic corrector pads for fixing the big toe in the anatomically correct position. This corrector is attached to the inner surface of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe and is fixed in the space between the first and second toes. This ensures that the first toe returns to its anatomical position. When wearing the corrector for a long time, the joint restores its physiological shape, pain and discomfort are gradually relieved.

What happens during bunion removal surgery?

Surgery on a sore leg rarely lasts more than 1 hour, but the duration still depends on the degree of deformity. There are different options for surgical treatment of bunions, using both open and percutaneous surgical techniques. When using the closed method, artificial “fractures” called “osteotomies” are performed, which restore the normal position of the bones of the foot. With the open method, an incision about 5-7 cm long is made along the inner surface of the foot, which allows you to accurately determine the required angle at which to operate and the degree of displacement of the bone fragments. If the surgeon is experienced, the osteotomy can be performed in a closed manner. With such interventions, large scars are not left, and postoperative pain is usually less. But sometimes in such cases there may be incomplete correction of deformity and delayed consolidation of osteotomies. It is also possible to combine closed and open methods, for example, surgery on the 1st metatarsal bone is performed openly, and on the small rays and phalanges closed.

The first practices of surgical treatment of a diseased leg bone

At the beginning, the operations to treat the diseased bone were terrible. The orthopedic surgeon simply removed the protruding part of the bone. After a while, the disease appeared again, and in a more acute form, and the pain became even stronger.

The next step in treatment was the Wreden operation, which was named after the man who created it - the famous Russian surgeon R.R. Harmful. The patient experienced less pain during this operation. The method involves completely removing the inflamed metatarsal bone on the big toe. As a result, the big toe ceases to be connected to the foot and is supported only by soft tissues. Oddly enough, when everything heals, people feel relatively well, the pain goes away, and the ability to walk and lead a normal life returns. This practice still exists today. It would seem that there is no need to further develop the treatment of a diseased bone, but medicine continued to progress.

Size chart for men's models

Characteristics Male models
Metric system (see) 25,5 26 27 27,5 28 29 30 30,5 31 32
Shoe size 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Full calves

No: sandals and any other shoes with thin straps and small details are undesirable - this will only increase the contrast with full calves. A categorical “no” to gladiators and ankle boots. It is undesirable to wear boots that end higher than three fingers above the ankle (they shorten the legs) and boots whose top top falls on the widest part of the calf.

Yes: sandals and boots with massive soles and shoes with stable heels will visually balance the proportions between full calves and feet. Cowboy boots just above mid-calf will do. Black ankle boots, pumps, oxfords, loafers in combination with thick black tights or trousers will elongate the silhouette. T-strap shoes and sandals are ideal.

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Size chart for women's models

Characteristics Female models
Metric system (see) 22,5 23,5 24 24,5 25 25,5 26 26,5 27 28
Shoe size 35 36 37 37,5 38 39 40 40,5 41 42
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