What do medical health groups for children mean in physical education, and what health group does your child have?

One of the main school subjects responsible for a child’s health is, as you know, physical education. Without it, the full physical development of our children is impossible - especially in a school environment, where children spend most of their time motionless at their desks.

As a rule, the whole class is “expelled” to physical education, offering exercises that, according to the development program, are “prescribed” for all healthy children. And few people today remember that there are 3 medical groups for physical education, and not all children end up in the main – healthy one.

They are important when a child participates in school physical education lessons:

  • Main. Healthy children who do not have serious health problems and meet developmental standards.
  • Preparatory. Children with minor health problems.
  • Special (A, B). Children with serious disorders in the functioning of the main body systems and with chronic diseases.

Many parents (and even teachers) do not know, but each physical education health group has its own contraindications, indications, set of classes and even the time allotted for these classes.

Not everyone understands that special medical groups differ from regular exercise therapy. And the difference is simple: exercise therapy is conducted by doctors, while physical education classes for medical groups are conducted by teachers, but taking into account optimal training methods.

Physical education groups

When a student goes to first grade, his medical record goes to school with him. It must indicate the physical education group. There are three of them: basic, preparatory, special.


Children with the first and partly with the second group of health, physically and psychologically strong and developed, without diseases. Or having minor deviations in which physical activity is not prohibited, for example, slight excess weight, or minor allergic reactions.

They study according to the main program, pass the established standards, they can participate in various competitions and all kinds of sporting events.


Children with the second health group. They have a delay in physical development and therefore cannot study as intensively as their healthy colleagues, although they go to lessons with the class.

The teacher’s task is to select special sets of exercises that will not harm health. He selects them in accordance with the medical certificate, in which the attending physician must indicate what exactly the schoolchild should not do (somersault, swim, bend over, jump, etc.)

The certificate must also indicate the deadline for the transfer. After the certificate expires, the student automatically gets into the main group.

In order to subject such schoolchildren to tests in physical education, it is necessary to obtain a doctor’s permission. His permission will also be required in order to involve a student in participation in mass sports events.


In order to transfer a student to a special group, the opinion of one attending physician is not enough. In this case, a commission (KEC) is assembled. The certificate is issued for a certain period.

The special group is divided into two more.

Special "A"

Children with the third health group. Those who have significant restrictions on physical activity. They cannot study with the class. For such children, schools should conduct separate physical education lessons and develop special programs. And classes should be taught by teachers or instructors who have undergone special training.

Such children are not allowed to attend sports clubs, participate in competitions and public sports events.

Special "B"

This includes children partially with the third and fourth health groups. They are allowed to attend theory classes at school. But the health risks of physical activity are so great that they don’t do physical education at school. That is, in essence, this is an exemption from school physical education lessons.

But no one is going to leave them completely without physical activity. They are recommended to engage in physical therapy exercises at medical institutions and physical education clinics, under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. As well as additional classes at home using a specially designed set of exercises.

Well, children with the fifth health group are most often in medical institutions and for them the opportunity to engage in exercise therapy is extremely individual.

What else do you need to know about physical health groups?

  1. The choice of a group for physical education is carried out before entering school - and must be indicated in the medical record.
  2. The child’s condition is assessed exclusively by the pediatrician (or therapist, adolescent specialist). It is he who determines the child after examination into one of 3 groups. When enrolling in a special group, the doctor is obliged not only to indicate the diagnosis, but to establish the degree of disturbance in the functioning of the body. In certain cases, a medical commission's opinion may be required.
  3. The health group must be confirmed annually.
  4. The health group can be changed if the annual examination reveals that the child’s condition has improved or worsened.

Distribution of children by physical education health groups at school
Children from the first 2 medical physical education groups usually study together, but for children from the preparatory group, both the volume of the load and its intensity are reduced.

As for the composition of the special group, it is formed by order of the school director and based on the conclusion of a visiting team of specialists. Classes for this group are held at school twice a week or three times, but for half an hour.

Physical education health groups for schoolchildren in Russia - statistics

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Medical indications

To assign a special group, the patient is examined by a council of doctors consisting of an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon, a cardiologist, a neurologist and a dentist. The final decision is made by the pediatrician or family doctor. When assessing health, acute and infectious diseases that the child has previously suffered from are not taken into account, unless they are chronic in nature. The division into health groups by physical education is based on the following principles:

  1. Heredity. During the initial medical examination, an anamnesis is collected, inherited diseases are identified, as well as the nature of the pregnancy in the child’s mother.
  2. Physical development. The main assessment criteria are height and weight. If the child is a newborn, different indicators (length of legs and arms, head circumference) are compared with a table of norms by month.
  3. Internal organs and systems. In the first year of life, the pediatrician monitors NPD (neuropsychological development) and heart function. To prevent the risk of developing severe pathologies, blood, urine and stool tests are regularly taken.
  4. Immunity. When the body's defenses are weakened, it is exposed to attacks from various microbes, viruses, and fungi. Untimely treatment provokes the development of complications that disrupt the usual way of life. The patient is assigned a SMG (special medical group).
  5. Physical and psychological condition. From birth, it is recommended to show the baby to a psychologist and neurologist.

Children from this group are allowed to…

  1. Passing the GTO standards.
  2. Full training sessions.
  3. Passing standards.
  4. Training in sports sections.
  5. Participation in competitions, tournaments, olympiads. How to pack your child for a trip to a competition in another city?
  6. Participation in hiking trips.
  7. Classes at Youth Sports School and Children's Sports School.

Of course, it is also important to remember, when allowing children to play sports, about relative contraindications.


The children's doctor of the educational institution forms groups for physical education based on the conclusions and recommendations of medical specialists who take part in the preventive medical examination of children. This takes into account:

  • presence of disease;
  • its stage;
  • severity of the disease;
  • risk of complications.

If necessary, the child is referred for additional types of examinations or for consultation with doctors at the medical and physical education clinic. Children who have not undergone a preventive medical examination are not allowed to participate in physical education.

Children from this group are recommended:

  1. Alternating complex exercises with special breathing exercises.
  2. Replacing running with walking.
  3. Carrying out calm games without sudden movements.
  4. Increasing rest breaks.

A commission conclusion is not required to assign a child to this group - just a certificate from the local pediatrician is sufficient, which must be attended by:

  • Stamp and signature.
  • Recommendations based on the recommendations of a specialized specialist, as well as specific limitations.
  • Diagnosis.
  • As well as the period for which the child is assigned to the preparatory group.

Student assessment

Assessment of schoolchildren who are included in the first or second health group is carried out on the basis of passed standards. The assessment is given according to the general principle. If a child is part of a special or preparatory group, then it is necessary to take into account his attendance at classes, the quality of performing exercise therapy exercises, and knowledge of theory.

The guys from the special group prepare an essay, report or presentation on a sports topic. They are shown relief from physical exercise.

The Ministries of Health and Education are developing various medical examination programs. Their goal is to conduct free preventive medical examinations in order to prevent mass diseases among the population. It is recommended to undergo tests and examinations annually even without a negative clinical picture. Timely diagnosis of pathologies in women and men of reproductive age makes it possible to prevent the development of hereditary and other diseases in children.

A similar classification of civil law is provided for in universities, where one of the subjects is physical education. If a teenager has significant developmental disabilities, then he can forget about entering a sports school.

Children from special group B are allowed to:

  1. Exercise therapy classes.
  2. Classes according to a comprehensive special program developed by a specialist - at home, independently.

A child can be assigned to this group only by decision of a medical commission, and the certificate is issued exclusively for a certain period, after which it must be re-issued with a commission and examination of the child.

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Children's health

The characteristics of health groups for children are described in Order No. 1346 of the Ministry of Health. The main criteria for assessing the state of the body include the presence or absence of a chronic disease, the performance of systems, the degree of resistance of the body to the external environment, and the level of physical development.

After examination and medical history, a child under five years of age, a schoolchild, or a teenage patient is assigned to one of 5 groups.

The first includes healthy individuals. Their physical development is within the age norm. This means that they can fulfill the standards developed by the Ministry of Education in physical education. The second group includes children:

  • with functional impairments;
  • after a moderate to severe illness;
  • with short stature or other delay in physical development;
  • often suffering from acute respiratory infections;
  • with a physical disability after injury or surgery.

The third group includes people with chronic diseases in remission, dysfunctions of organs and systems. The fourth category includes patients with chronic pathological processes, frequent exacerbations, and physical disabilities. The fifth group is assigned to severe chronic disease, when the child requires constant therapy, as well as significant physical limitations.

Exemption from physical education

In some cases, a child is unable to attend physical education classes due to health reasons. The basis for this is an official document received at the clinic at the child’s place of residence. A medical worker’s certificate of exemption from physical education is issued:

  • Solely treating doctor. For a period of two to four weeks after suffering mild illnesses, such as acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, pneumonia and others.
  • By decision of the medical commission of the medical organization. For a period of more than a month after severe pathologies (liver diseases, stomach diseases, tuberculosis, etc.), surgical interventions or injuries (brain contusions, fractures). Exemption from physical education can also be issued for the entire academic year for medical reasons. A discharge summary from the hospital and a medical worker's report included in the child's outpatient record with appropriate recommendations are submitted to a special commission at the clinic. Based on the submitted documents, the medical commission makes a decision, the results of which are communicated to the child’s legal representative. In each specific case, the issue is resolved individually.

A properly selected set of exercises and regular exercise, regardless of which physical fitness group your child belongs to, will help keep all the muscles of the body in good shape and develop properly.

Who goes where: main group

In order to understand on what grounds they can be assigned to different groups, and also to determine how correct the assignment to a specific one was, it is worth taking a closer look at what the conditions for inclusion in all categories are. For example, the main one includes children characterized by:

  • absence of health problems;
  • mild violations.

The latter usually include:

  • overweight;
  • dyskinesia;
  • mild allergic reactions;
  • VSD.
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