What do Articles 68 (a, b, c d) mean on a military ID?

What is flatfoot, and what is the danger of this disease? In what cases will a conscript go to serve even with flat feet, and in what cases will he receive an exemption?

Since childhood, young people are confident that they will not have to serve in the army if the degree of flatfoot is detected. Yes, this disease does not seem terrible, and the wording “I got out of the army, I have flat feet” does cause an ironic smile, but nevertheless, boys are tested for the presence or absence of flat feet from kindergarten onwards. It turns out that this is a serious illness, it is carefully monitored so that not a single soldier with this orthopedic disease slips into the army.

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Imagine the surprise of young people when at the draft board they hear: “Suitable!” It turns out that everything that articles are written on the Internet is a hoax, and no degree of flat feet is important for exemption from the army?

Spoiler: important! They are not accepted into the army if they have a serious degree of illness, which guarantees a non-conscription category. In this article we will put things in order in the confusing relationship between conscripts with flat feet and release from the army.

What is flat feet?

Flat feet is an orthopedic foot disease. This is not just a pathology, but a real record holder; it accounts for millions of suffering people of all ages. You are probably among them. Of course, from the point of view of being released from the army, a conscript with flat feet has been very lucky in life, but in general there is little pleasant in this disease.

A healthy foot has a natural curve. It is needed to ensure a person’s stability while moving. The curve is formed by the heel bone and the bones at the base of the toes. If the bones move even slightly, the process of foot deformation begins and the first degree of flatfoot develops. As a result, the load on the foot begins to be distributed unevenly.

What types of flat feet are there?

  1. Longitudinal. Often occurs in young people under 25 years of age. With this disease, the foot comes into contact with the plane over its entire area, as a result the length of the foot and the size of the shoe increase. A conscript can recognize such flat feet even before going to the doctor; just pay attention to the shoes - if they are very worn on the inside, there is a high probability that there is already a foot deformity.
  2. Transverse. It often occurs in middle age - after 25 years, and young people are 2 times less likely than girls to encounter this flatfoot, so you can’t really count on it. The disease is accompanied by an expansion of the first part of the foot, when the big toe deviates inward, and the front bone, on the contrary, protrudes to the side. This is the most obvious symptom that will help a conscript recognize the presence of the disease.

In children and adults

The term “flat feet” is a collective one; most of all it corresponds to paragraph M21.4 from the International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-10 ) – “flat foot”. Visually, we can easily identify in both children and adults the absence of the internal longitudinal arch of the foot, automatically defining it as flat feet. However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For example, in children under 4 years of age, the internal longitudinal arch is not visually determined, but not because it is not there, but because before 4 years of age, the underarch space is filled with the so-called. "brown fat" Worried mothers, without going into details, begin to “treat” toddlers with insoles, hard backs of sandals and high boots for all seasons, but this makes no sense. Subcutaneous fat gradually disappears, the vault begins to be visualized. And for the correct formation of the foot, a child does not need rigid shackles, but, on the contrary, freedom of depreciation. That is, the more a child runs, jumps, jumps, the better the muscles of the foot and lower leg work, the better the arches of the feet, the better the posture, the fewer disorders will have time to develop.
Of course, the inability to run and jump on sand, grass and other soft surfaces minimizes the effect of stress, but this is better than depriving the child of them altogether. If a child is genetically predetermined to be flat-footed, he will have almost 100% probability of being flat-footed. If the chances are 50/50, then just the lifestyle will work here: physical activity will smooth out the influence of the preconditions, then wearing the right orthopedic insoles will compensate for the negative effect that involves drooping of the longitudinal arches. Massage, exercise therapy, and other methods of influencing the feet, of course, also won’t hurt, but they are secondary . In the case where the feet and ankle joints are locked into stocks almost from birth, flat feet will inevitably develop. For one simple reason - all these stabilizers do not allow the bones of the feet and ankles to move relative to each other; accordingly, the ligaments, tendons and muscles are not able to work, i.e. – strengthen. Without working, they atrophy . As they atrophy, they do not hold the bones in the desired position in the absence of external support. That is why in the vast majority of cases, when parents bring their growing flat-footed children to me, they tell me the same standard story: “We’ve been wearing insoles all our lives, orthopedic shoes almost from birth, we’ve been doing a set of exercises and massages - but there’s no result, it’s getting worse.” ! This is understandable, for the reasons described above.

Why are people with flat feet not accepted into the army?

Flat feet is a serious disease that interferes with service. Its danger lies in the fact that it affects the entire musculoskeletal system and even the health of the conscript as a whole. Serious degrees of the disease reduce endurance and increase fatigue.

Have you ever thought about what shoes conscripts wear in the army? Far from being the most comfortable, the insole of army boots is absolutely flat. There is no talk of any orthopedic products. What happens? A young man with flat feet ends up in the army; during his service he is exposed to increased physical stress, and his foot begins to deform at an accelerated rate. Outwardly, this manifests itself as severe pain in the feet. So strong that sometimes it becomes impossible for the conscript to walk. Moreover, everything in the body is interconnected, so after the feet, the knee and hip joints and lower back begin to ache. A year of military service is quite a sufficient period for the development of complications such as arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, and finger deformities.

It is clear that the Russian army does not need such problematic conscripts, which is why Article 68 of the Schedule of Diseases provides for exemption from service for young people with severe flat feet and puts them in the non-conscription category.

Causes of the pathological process

Flat feet is a serious disease characterized by foot deformity. In ordinary life, no one pays attention to this defect. It is worth knowing the characteristics of the disease in order to take timely measures to correct it. The causes of the disease can be both external and internal. Considering the rhythm of life of a modern person and the disdainful attitude towards one’s own wardrobe, sometimes flat feet have a mixed etiology. Even everyone's favorite sneakers can cause foot deformation. Why? The sole of the sneakers is equipped with excellent shock absorption. They take on the entire load, fixing the heel. As a result, the muscles relax, creating all the conditions for the development of a problem such as flat feet. What flat feet are and how they arise is now clear.

Returning to the internal causes of the disease, it is worth noting a number of provoking factors. First of all, this is the presence of concomitant ailments. Among them, rheumatoid arthritis takes pride of place. It affects not only the cartilage, but also the ligaments that are responsible for supporting the foot. Injuries and mechanical damage to the leg also contribute to the development of foot defects.

Exposure to external factors can be easily prevented if you take care of your own health and carefully choose your shoes. The exogenous causes of flat feet include the following:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • insufficient activity due to work;
  • hormonal disorders, pregnancy;
  • incorrectly selected shoes.

Why are people with flat feet not allowed into the army?

You can find out whether people with a specific type of pathology are accepted into the army, and what category is needed for this, by studying the legislation. Flat feet are discussed in article 68 of the Schedule of Diseases. Contrary to stereotypes, a diagnosis made 10 years ago by a school doctor is not enough to be released from the army. The illness must seriously interfere with the conscript during his service.

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First, let us recall what categories of suitability for military service exist in Russia:

  • "A" - good;
  • “B” - fit with restrictions;
  • “B” - limited fitness (the conscript is enlisted in the reserve);
  • “G” - temporarily unfit (this means granting a deferment);
  • "D" - not suitable under any circumstances.

Now the most interesting thing is, do they take people with flat feet into the army? With this disease, a conscript can receive absolutely any of the above categories!

Suitability categories

All conscripts are required to undergo a medical commission, which includes military medical specialists. Each of them checks his direction, and based on the results of a general medical examination, admission to service or exemption from it is given. Having flat feet does not guarantee that a guy will be released from duty to serve. It all depends on what kind of diagnosis will be made.

The commission at the military registration and enlistment office cannot independently remove a conscript from the army on the sole grounds that he has complaints.

If there are suspicions of health difficulties that do not allow him to serve, the young man is sent to a medical institution to confirm or refute the diagnosis. The degree of suitability is determined in accordance with Government Decree No. 565, approved on July 4, 2013.

The regulations on military medical examination determine that the assignment of a category determines what a person can or cannot serve.

Suitability categories are divided into 5 types, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Category “A” means that the conscript is fit without restrictions.
  • Category “B” implies minor restrictions; a conscript can serve, but not in all branches of the military.
  • The letter “B” indicates that the conscript is of limited fitness; he receives an exemption from conscription, but will serve in the event of war.
  • Category “G” means that the conscript is temporarily unfit for military service. After a deferment of up to a year and a second medical examination, he may be declared fit and go to serve.
  • In category “D”, a young man is completely exempt from military service.

Regardless of the subgroup, all conscripts with category A can serve in various types of elite troops. For example, Marine Corps, GRU special forces, Airborne Forces, Navy, etc.

Flat feet and military service: when every degree counts

We urge you not to despair, because the verdict depends on the severity of the disease, which in turn depends on specific indicators of foot deformation.

Longitudinal flatfoot

To determine the degree of pathology, you need to know the angle and height of the conscript’s arch. Normally, the angle ranges from 125-130 degrees. If the angle increases and, accordingly, tends to a flat surface, that is, to a value of 180 degrees, they speak of the presence of a pronounced degree of pathology. The normal height of the arch is 39 mm. Likewise, with a greater degree of neglect, the height of the arch becomes smaller.

There are three degrees of the disease:

  • 1 corresponds to category A. Recess angle 131° - 140°, height 35 - 25 mm.
  • 2 corresponds to category A or B. Angle 141° - 155°, height 24 - 17 mm.
  • 3 corresponds to category B. Angle from 155°, height up to 17 mm.

The answer to the question of what type of flatfoot is not accepted for service is obvious - with the third degree of longitudinal flatfoot, you will receive a saving non-conscription category.

Transverse flatfoot

To determine the degree of pathology, you need to know the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones and the degree of deviation of the big toe. Normally, the angle should not exceed 10 degrees. The greater the distance between the bones, the more pronounced the pathology is in the conscript. The degree of deviation of the thumb should normally be no more than 15 degrees. Likewise, the larger the angle, the more advanced the case you have.

There are four degrees of the disease:

  • 1 corresponds to category A. Angle 10 - 14 degrees, thumb deviates 15 - 20 degrees.
  • 2 corresponds to category B-3. The angle increases to 15 degrees, and the finger “walks” by 30 degrees.
  • 3 corresponds to category B. The angle reaches 20 degrees, the finger deviates up to 40 degrees.
  • 4 corresponds to category B. The angle exceeds 20 degrees, the finger deviates more than 40 degrees.

Now you can see whether people with longitudinal flat feet are recruited into the army. If you have 3 or 4 degrees, the non-conscription category is guaranteed.

Types of pathology

There are congenital (extremely rare) and acquired flat feet.

According to another classification, flat feet can be:

  • longitudinal – the longitudinal arch is flattened, as a result of which the foot lengthens;
  • transverse – the transverse arch is smoothed out, causing the foot to become wider;
  • combined, or longitudinal-transverse - both arches are violated.

Depending on the cause of the pathological changes, flatfoot is classified into static (observed in 82% of cases), rachitic, paralytic, and traumatic.

How is diagnosis carried out?

To understand flat feet and the prospects for service, first the doctor asks questions and examines the conscript, not only the feet, but the entire musculoskeletal system, gait, posture, and spinal curvature. Using a medical protractor, the angles of the arch and the degree of deviation of the fingers are determined. The doctor also determines the degree of pain in different parts of the foot and even pays attention to the conscript’s corns and calluses - they also indicate an abnormal structure of the foot. To get a complete picture, the doctor uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • express method of plantography. It involves analyzing the print that remains on a sheet of paper after contact with the foot on which a contrast agent was applied,
  • podometry. Involves computer diagnostics of the load on the foot and assessment of the conscript’s step while walking,
  • radiography in three projections. Allows you to accurately diagnose and determine the degree of neglect of the pathology,
  • CT scan. Most often used in advanced cases to identify not the disease itself, but those osteochondral complications that it caused.


We recommend that you contact a specialized specialist as soon as possible. If your goal is to disown the army and not get into the service, and you assume that you are a conscript with flat feet of a non-conscription degree, then you need to make sure that the diagnosis is made to you not on the eve of the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, but several years before this.

Symptoms that indicate the probable presence of flat feet:

  • fatigue, pain and discomfort in the legs even after a short walk or exercise,
  • cramps in the leg muscles, especially often observed at night,
  • swelling of the legs, worsening in the evening,
  • external manifestations of deformation - the appearance of a so-called “bone” in the thumb, its deviation from the rest of the fingers,
  • any shoe creates discomfort, rubs, and often wears down.

Did you find anything from this list? Don’t be lazy, go to the doctor and fix the problem at the very early stages, and then compare it with the table above and find out whether they accept you into the army with flat feet of your type.

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Supportive treatments


  1. Walking on your heels and toes, on the inside and outside of your feet.
  2. Shifting small objects from one side to the other with your toes.
  3. Circular movements of the foot left and right.
  4. Shifting from foot to foot on a scratchy massage mat.
  5. Fanning out the toes.
  6. Rolling a needle roller or ball with your feet.

Self-massage for flat feet

  • Stroking the feet from top to bottom.
  • Rubbing, kneading, tapping with knuckles.
  • Light massage of the legs.
  • It is more effective to use a massager.

You need to massage regularly for 10-15 minutes a day, and after it - a warm salt bath for your feet.

Why is it important to diagnose flat feet as early as possible?

Doctors at the medical board do not study the health of conscripts. In fact, the only thing they do is study medical issues, look at the documents that young people bring, listen to complaints and decide whether to join the army or not. To avoid being immediately sent to serve, you need to come to the commission with a full package of documents that will convince the doctors of the military registration and enlistment office that the conscript will not be able to serve. You understand that the goal of the military registration and enlistment office is to fulfill the plan and conscript as many young people as possible. Doctors at the medical board use any loopholes to recruit the required number of conscripts.

For example, one of their favorite techniques is a distrustful attitude towards very “fresh” diagnoses and medical verdicts made by specialists in private clinics. It is believed that doctors from paid hospitals are easier to “motivate” to make the necessary diagnosis.

What difficulties may arise during the medical examination?

If you follow the algorithm, you will be sent, without questions, not to the service, but to additional medical examination. Don't be alarmed - this is the norm, this is how it should be! Whether you are accepted into the army or not, the doctor at the hospital to which you will be sent will help you decide. He will conduct an x-ray to determine the parameters of the foot. This is where you may encounter difficulties.

  • Arch angles and even the degree of deviation of the fingers can change even within one day. This is due to the changes that occur under the influence of uncomfortable shoes. Simply put, your foot swells and swells throughout the day, which can affect your results.
  • The quality and technology of the X-ray machine can also have an impact on the study.
  • Human factor. A doctor’s banal inattention can easily deprive you of the chance to receive the coveted category and send you to serve.

What to do if additional examination does not confirm the diagnosis?

The conscript, of course, must insist on his own and seek another examination in another medical institution, independent of the military registration and enlistment office and with modern equipment. The lawyers at Povestok.Net will tell you how to justify the request to send you for another examination. Remember, if you do not agree with the decision of the draft commission and do not want to serve, you can and should appeal it!

Do you want to know if people with flat feet or other diseases are accepted into the army? Contact our company's lawyer in your city. Call or leave a request on the website to sign up for a free consultation.


Prevention of flat feet also includes:

  • The use of orthopedic insoles (even for healthy people) because they compensate for the flat surface and train the foot muscles.
  • Limiting long-term static loads
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes (more than 5 cm) no more than 2 times a week. For daily wear, a heel of 3-4 cm is allowed.

There is no need to wait until your feet become deformed and severe regular pain associated with flat feet appears. It is better to consult an orthopedist in time. The doctor will conduct an examination and suggest optimal therapeutic and preventive measures.

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