Liability for a broken nose: severity of harm to health and description of the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The severity of the injury after the injuries are determined using a forensic medical examination. The fracture can be either with or without displacement. If the back of the nose has shifted during the impact, resulting in difficulties in performing respiratory functions, then such an injury is classified as a moderate injury.

A mild degree of harm is considered to be a nasal fracture in which the displacement has not been established. Severe injury is defined as when the face is deformed. If we take into account a premeditated attack, then the severity of the injury determines what punishment the attacker will suffer.

Signs of a nasal bone fracture

In the event of bodily injury in the nose area, the victim feels numbness at the site of impact, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding. If there is a fracture site, the bones become excessively mobile. The only correct decision in the presence of such signs would be to immediately seek help from the hospital so that the injury does not worsen.

The final diagnosis and examination results for a nasal fracture may vary.

This is due to the influence of the following factors:

  • Size of the damaged body part (nose). It is worth noting that this circumstance is directly related to the degree of damage.
  • The degree of the blow inflicted.
  • Localization location.
  • An object that caused damage to an organ.

A nasal fracture can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. The victim of a blow feels acute pain in the area of ​​injury, sometimes reaching a state of shock.
  2. Characteristic bleeding. Most often it stops without medical intervention.
  3. Accumulation of mucous fluid in the nose, which makes breathing difficult.
  4. Severe swelling at the site of the impact.

These signs are generalized and may vary depending on the nature of the damage, the presence of displacement or the occurrence of cuts and open wounds.

After some time, additional signs appear:

  • The swelling grows and covers more and more of the face.
  • The appearance of a hematoma at the site of impact.
  • The victim constantly feels pain, and breathing through the damaged organ becomes increasingly difficult.

There are several types of nasal fractures. It can be open or closed, and with or without offset. It happens that severe damage from an impact does not always indicate serious impairment of this part of the body.

Therapy and diagnosis

A comminuted fracture can only be treated with surgery. The fragments will be held together using different techniques. An x-ray will show how badly the nose is crushed and how many small fragments will have to be removed. Large fragments will be fastened together with tires, threads, and plates. A course of antibiotics is also prescribed. The person is given anesthesia, after which painkillers and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. A fixing plaster can also be applied.

Forecasts for the future

Recovery from a comminuted fracture of the nose will depend on the severity of the injury and the speed with which you go to the hospital. If the surgeon provided qualified assistance, the person will recover quickly; in about 1-2 months he will return to normal. But if the treatment was not performed immediately or incorrectly, then in the future you will have to have surgery again and seek help from a plastic surgeon. Cosmetic defects can also be accompanied by various health consequences.

What is the punishment for causing harm to health?

Most crimes and calls to the police are related to the impact of physical force on the victim. This could be fights, robberies, domestic violence. In half of such cases, the victim’s face, namely the nose, suffers. However, few people know that breaking the nose is a criminal offense. The offender can go to prison for the act he committed for a very impressive period.

Criminal liability

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for committing a crime of this kind.

According to the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a broken nose can be classified as a crime that involves causing harm to health.

Taking into account certain factors and features, they determine which article needs to be used.

The first thing people pay attention to is the severity of the damage , which can vary.

They broke their nose, they beat them on the body and head, what to do?

Matushanskaya Irina Valerievna Good afternoon! Adolescents over the age of 14 will be held criminally liable. The punishment will not involve imprisonment. For average severity (Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the court can determine the amount of moral damage in the range of up to 100 thousand rubles. in solidarity with the perpetrators. LLC "Legal Center AURORA" Hello! According to court practice, similar cases are considered with different amounts. Interval from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles. Moral suffering must be proven, and a long course of treatment is also important. You may need to obtain some other documents or conduct additional examinations from specialists. Be sure to contact an experienced lawyer in such cases, the amount will be significantly higher.

Is it possible to determine the approximate degree of severity based on the symptoms yourself (before a forensic medical examination)?

It is worth noting that the severity of the damage can only be determined with the help of a doctor. However, before visiting the hospital, you can protect yourself from causing more harm to your health.

There are several rules that must not be broken in the event of a fracture:

  1. Never tilt your head back to stop bleeding.
  2. It is forbidden to blow your nose.
  3. Do not try to self-medicate. Attempting to set a fracture yourself can cause irreparable harm.
  4. Do not delay your visit to the hospital, but rather seek help immediately after the incident.

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One of the types of facial injuries is a comminuted fracture of the nose. This is a complex situation that requires urgent intervention. The very name of the injury makes it clear that a fracture causes the nose to break into fragments. This is very clearly visible on an x-ray, which the doctor will definitely take to make a diagnosis and for rehabilitation. The nose will not heal itself correctly, after which many health problems will arise in the future. One of them is the difficulty of breathing. A fracture can only be treated in a hospital and it is best to go there no later than 10 days from the date of injury.

Actions of the victim after the attack

Due to a state of shock or for other reasons, not everyone is aware of what needs to be done if a person finds himself in the place of the victim and his nose is broken. First, you should go to the hospital to get the beatings removed and the injury recorded. After your doctor has examined you, you will usually need to take an X-ray of the fracture.

All results obtained and the severity will be described in detail in the doctor’s report. In this way, the resulting harm to the victim’s health is determined.

After completing the examination, the results obtained in the form of a statement with a medical report are sent to the police.

The medical report contains the criteria by which the severity of the injuries sustained as a result of the fracture is determined:

  1. Minor harm to health indicates a slight displacement of the nasal septum and the formation of small cracks in the bone tissue, which results in loss of ability to work for up to three weeks.
  2. The most common result of imprisonment is loss of ability to work exceeding 21 calendar days. This is due to the fact that the bridge of the nose is quite fragile and treatment takes a long time, and applying plaster is not possible.
  3. Complete disability after such an injury is not common. This entails not only damage to the nasal bones, but also problems with the respiratory system. Such injuries cause serious harm to the general health of the victim.

Court hearing

If a suspect is caught committing a crime, a trial is held. During this process, the judge makes a decision on the imposition of punishment on the defendant. Depending on the circumstances of the case and the severity of the injuries inflicted, the victim is given a fine or a term of imprisonment.

A claim is also filed by the victim against the accused in order to compensate for damages in monetary terms.

The accused can reduce the punishment or prove his innocence by independently contacting the police to give evidence before the victim makes a statement.

Such cooperation with the investigation can significantly improve the situation of a citizen who caused harm to the victim’s health using physical force.

If the accused proves that there was no deliberate intent to cause bodily harm, a competent line of defense can be built, pointing out that the actions directed against the victim were committed through negligence.

To do this, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced lawyer in advance. Moreover, this option is possible if the degree of damage to the injuries inflicted is classified as minor harm to the victim’s health. Indeed, in such circumstances, the accused only faces payment of a fine, and not imprisonment.

Thus, the conclusion of the forensic expert and the severity of the injuries inflicted play a decisive role in determining the punishment for the accused.

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Writing an application

As soon as the victim receives first aid and undergoes an examination, as a result of which a doctor’s report is drawn up, it is necessary to visit law enforcement agencies. The police will ask the victim to file a statement about the attack.

The document should describe in as much detail as possible all the details of what happened (scene of the crime, cause, location of possible witnesses). If the identity of the attacker has not been established, then it is necessary to describe in detail his appearance and distinctive features.

The completed statement along with the medical report is submitted to the investigator for the purpose of investigation. In addition, the victim must provide evidence for the investigation in writing with a personal signature. The testimony must include a description of the assailant, the nature of the injuries sustained, and all relevant circumstances of the case.

After the victims testify, law enforcement officials begin to carry out activities in order to find and capture the criminal for prosecution. All documents collected and involved in the case are sent to the court for consideration.


  • What is the punishment for a displaced broken nose?
  • What is the moral damage and in general what is the punishment for a displaced broken nose?
  • What punishment will a person suffer for a broken nose (open fracture of the nasal bones)?
  • The question is: What is the punishment for a broken nose?
  • What punishment will a person suffer for a broken nose and a knocked out tooth?
  • What punishment do I face for breaking the victim’s nose?


1. What is the punishment for a displaced broken nose?
1.1. Good day! It depends on the circumstances. May qualify as beating or causing minor harm to health. I wish you success and all the best!

1.2. Everything depends on the results of the forensic medical examination. There could be just beatings, but most likely minor harm to health. Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the first one is involved, then most likely a fine.

1.3. Battering or committing other violent acts that caused physical pain, but did not entail the consequences specified in Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if these actions do not contain a criminal offense, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand to thirty thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for a period of ten to fifteen days, or compulsory labor for a period of sixty to one hundred and twenty hours.

2. What is the moral damage and, in general, what is the punishment for a displaced broken nose?

2.1. Hello, it all depends on the severity of the injury, which will be determined by an expert. The amount of compensation for moral damage can only be determined by you, based on the physical and moral suffering that was caused to you. Good luck and all the best

3. What punishment will a person suffer for a broken nose (open fracture of the nasal bones)?

3.1. Hello, a broken nose is usually regarded as harm to health of moderate severity, accordingly, depending on the circumstances under which the bodily injury was caused, then from this it is already possible to specifically say what punishment awaits, it is important that the punishment is influenced by the attitude of the victim to what happened and the characterizing data of the harm-doer.

4. This question is: What is the punishment for a broken nose?

4.1. Most likely, this will be qualified under Article 115 Part 1 – Intentional infliction of minor harm to health. The sanction provides for either a fine of up to 40,000 rubles, or compulsory work for up to 480 hours, or correctional labor for up to a year, or arrest for up to 4 months. But it all depends on the medical examination, how doctors characterize the harm caused.

5. What punishment will a person suffer for a broken nose and a knocked out tooth?

5.1. the punishment will depend on qualifications, and qualifications will depend on the severity of harm to health, which is established during a forensic medical examination

6. What punishment do I face for breaking the victim’s nose?

6.1. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and this is the intentional infliction of moderate harm to health, not dangerous to human life and not entailing the consequences specified in Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but which caused a long-term health disorder or a significant permanent loss of general ability to work by less than one third, is punishable by arrest for a term of three to six months or imprisonment for up to three years. I recommend that you meet with the victim and resolve the issue of voluntary compensation for harm; therefore, when transferring money, you must take receipts that indicate your full name. passport details of the person to whom the money is being transferred, as well as for what the money is being transferred. SUCCESS!

7. A classmate threatens me at school. Everything is complicated by the fact that she repeatedly beat people for any little thing, which for the victims ended with broken noses, broken bones and bleeding eyes. There was never any punishment. What if I have the opportunity to influence the school's opinion about the problem? (This has been going on for 4 years). And do I have the right to somehow defend myself when she attacks?

7.1. Kristina, you need to file a complaint directly with law enforcement agencies (at the police department at the location of the school) yourself or with the help of your parents. The school, unfortunately, will not do this; most likely, the main thing for them is, on the contrary, “not to wash dirty linen in public,” that is, to pretend that nothing is there and everything is in order. But law enforcement agencies are required to consider the application. You have every right to defend yourself from attack.

7.2. So the child has a broken nose, and his parents didn’t do the basic thing - didn’t file a report with the police? You can file a complaint with the police yourself; the duty department must accept it. You can hire a lawyer (you, not your parents), file with him and formulate it.

8. There was a fight between a 16-year-old boy and an adult. As a result, my nose was broken. What punishment might there be for this?

8.1. It all depends on the specific circumstances of what happened.

9. What can the victim and the initiator of the conflict demand for a scratch on the nose (which did not result in health problems) and broken glasses? The court has already sentenced me under 6.1.1 5000 rubles. I don’t want to pay anyone more, or within 1000.

9.1. Good afternoon, Oleg! Taking into account the court's decision to admit your guilt, the victim can file a claim in court for compensation for moral and material damage. Namely, the court must assess the moral suffering of the plaintiff, and the victim must assess the damage to his property and provide evidence of this value, taking into account market value and temporary markdown. Everything depends to a large extent on the cost of the glasses, but moral damages, according to the practice of our courts, are not particularly great. And will the injured person file such a complaint in court?

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