Causes and treatment of lumbago in the neck: types, methods of diagnosis and prevention

Acute pain in the neck - lumbago, or cervicago.
Cervical lumbago, or cervicago, is a fairly common reflex syndrome of cervical osteochondrosis. The cause of acute piercing pain, which intensifies when turning or tilting the head, is also caused by protrusions, hernias, and previous injuries. Any of the pathologies can quickly progress and spread to nearby healthy vertebral structures. If you have a shot in the neck, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Types of neck lumbago

Shooting in the neck varies in the location of the discomfort, its severity and duration. Cervicago often occurs against the background of damage to vertebral structures - intervertebral discs, vertebrae, ligamentous-muscular apparatus. Depending on the area of ​​injury, cervicago clinically manifests itself in the upper, middle or lower part of the neck. Typically, very severe pain occurs in the posterior surface, described by patients as a “lightning strike” or “electric shock”. Despite the fact that its severity gradually decreases, the discomfort remains. This condition is called cervicalgia. In the absence of medical intervention, hypothermia or heavy lifting predisposes to cervical lumbago. Cervicagos are classified depending on their origin:

  • “shoulder-hand” syndrome is a symptom of glenohumeral periarthritis, which is characterized by irradiation of pain to the cervical spine;
  • pectoralis minor syndrome - referred pain in the neck occurs as a result of compression of the neurovascular bundle on the shoulder by the pathologically altered pectoralis minor muscle;
  • cervical sympathetic syndrome - a set of symptoms that manifest as pain in the back of the head, neck and upper extremities;
  • scalene muscle syndrome is a set of disorders that occur when the vessels and nerves passing between the scalene muscles are compressed.

Cervicalgia is more often vertebrogenic, caused by the involvement of nerve structures, usually spinal roots, in the pathological process. Instead of vertebrogenic lumbago, it is provoked by injury or inflammation of the connective tissue structures located in the neck area.

Causes of neck pain

Before deciding what to do if your neck hurts, you should accurately diagnose the nature of the disease. In some cases, it may be difficult for a person to distinguish a sore throat from discomfort in the cervical region, since the sensations can be intense and associated with pain in the entire neck. If at the same time the patient feels a rise in temperature or a sore throat, this may indicate the presence of viral infections, which include: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat, ARVI, etc. In addition, similar symptoms may occur when:

  • Insufficient intake of vitamins into the body;
  • In case of presence of foreign objects in the throat area;
  • Increased synthesis of cortisol by the adrenal cortex;
  • The presence of pathological neoplasms in the throat;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

But, as a rule, patients are able to distinguish diseases in the throat area from pain in the neck, which can be localized in the front, back and side of it.

Causes of pain in the front of the neck

The appearance of discomfort in the front of the neck or under the chin can be observed due to:

  • Inflammation in the area of ​​muscles associated with nerve endings and ligaments;
  • Pathological processes in the thyroid gland;
  • Acute insufficiency of blood supply to the myocardium;
  • In the presence of abscesses and cystic formations;
  • Destructive processes in the area of ​​lymph nodes.

It should be noted that the factors causing pain in this part of the body are quite difficult to determine. In such cases, it is better to see an experienced specialist for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

It is important to note that discomfort in the anterior part of the neck can occur due to compression of the nerve roots and pathological changes in the intervertebral discs.

Medical practice implements an integrated approach to eliminating the causes of this disease. We employ specialists with extensive experience who carry out a thorough diagnosis of pathology, draw up a competent treatment plan and carry out the necessary health measures in a clinical setting.

Causes of pain in the back of the neck

One of the frequently asked questions among modern people is: “What to do if the back of your neck hurts?” Indeed, physical inactivity, prolonged use of the computer, bad habits, and reluctance to practice a healthy lifestyle - all this can lead to pathological disorders in the vertebral area and, as a result, provoke the appearance of pain in the neck.

Therefore, if the back of your neck hurts badly, and you don’t know what to do with the unpleasant symptoms, first of all we recommend that you consult an experienced vertebrologist or chiropractor. The fact is that the above signs most often indicate serious pathologies of the spine, which include:

  • Osteochondrosis. Characterized by degenerative-dystrophic disorders in the area of ​​intervertebral discs, as well as a decrease in their strength and height;
  • Protrusions. We are talking about protrusion of the intervertebral disc, which increases the likelihood of pinching arteries and nerve roots;
  • Spinal disc herniation. In the absence of timely therapeutic measures, the nucleus pulposus can enlarge and penetrate into the spinal canal. This causes compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. In advanced stages, the contents of the intervertebral disc can separate and “float freely” along the spinal canal. This, in turn, can cause a complete lack of motor activity of the spine;
  • Spondylosis. We are talking about a disease in which pathological bone growths appear on the extreme part of the vertebrae. In this case, flattening of the intervertebral discs occurs, which can gradually provoke pathological connections of nearby vertebrae and a decrease in motor activity in the neck;
  • Myofascial syndrome. A pathological process characterized by the appearance of spasms in muscle tissue and, as a consequence, the occurrence of an acute pain syndrome during the period of movement;
  • Presence of compression fractures. This process occurs in the vertebral area in elderly people. It occurs as a result of whiplash or osteoporosis, and poses a serious danger to the human body;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis. It is accompanied by pathological fusion of the vertebrae, damage to all joints and a total decrease in motor activity.

In rare cases, pain in the back of the neck occurs due to osteomyelitis or tuberculosis of the spine.

What causes pain in the side of the neck?

As a rule, pain in the side of the neck is pulsating or tingling in nature. In addition, pain can radiate to the ear or shoulder joint, which often leads to curvature of the neck towards the affected side. Similar situations arise in the presence of the following ailments:

  • Vascular pathologies, including cholesterol deposition on the inner walls of blood vessels;
  • Muscle spasms that occur due to excessive strain on the neck, exposure to thermal factors, or a sudden change in head position;
  • The presence of malignant formations in the larynx, pharynx or thyroid gland.

Causes of cervical lumbago

In patients with complaints of episodic or constant lumbago, osteochondrosis is detected in most cases. This degenerative-dystrophic pathology is characterized by the formation of osteophytes (bone growths) to stabilize the cervical spine. They are hard, sharp, squeezing soft tissues and blood vessels when moving.

Osteophytes on x-ray.

Often, injury to connective tissue structures by osteophytes provokes the development of aseptic inflammation, which increases the severity of pain. Complications of osteochondrosis also cause cervicago:

  • protrusion - protrusion of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal without rupture of the fibrous ring;
  • intervertebral hernia - protrusion of the disc between the vertebral bodies with disruption of the integrity of the fibrous ring, and sometimes leakage of the nucleus pulposus.

The cause of the lumbago is injuries to the spine in the neck area - subluxations, prolonged compression, severe bruises. Less commonly, pinching of nerve endings results from the formation of malignant or benign tumors.

Preventive actions

To prevent the occurrence of pain in the neck, first of all, the patient should pay attention to the organization of his working day. If his work involves staying in one position for a long time, periodic gymnastics is a prerequisite for maintaining health. Obesity is often the cause of pathological conditions in the cervical spine. This indicates the need to introduce a proper diet, visit the gym and exercise in the swimming pool. During night sleep, you should use a special orthopedic mattress.

Risk factors for neck pain

Excessive physical activity usually leads to the development of pathologies clinically manifested by shooting in the neck. This includes lifting weights, intense sports training, and frequent monotonous head movements due to the type of work, for example, when working on an assembly line. Initially, minor microtrauma of individual fibers occurs, and then the affected area increases. The cartilage tissue of the discs is destroyed, which causes destructive changes in the cervical structures. Predispose to the appearance of acute pain:

  • staying in one position for a long time with your head bowed, including when working at a computer;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • congenital and acquired anomalies of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis);

  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism), accompanied by dysmetabolic processes;
  • frequent stress.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation in the cervical vertebral structures. Due to a deficiency of nutrients, trophism is disrupted, provoking the destruction of intervertebral discs with the further formation of osteophytes, protrusions, and hernial protrusions.

Clinical symptoms

The lumbago is manifested by paroxysmal pain in the back of the neck, occurring suddenly. It is so intense that a person is afraid to even turn or tilt his head a little. The acute syndrome is gradually replaced by a dull boring pain, but one awkward movement is enough for a relapse of cervicago. Most often, painful sensations are localized deep in the soft tissues and then radiate to the surface. They also spread to nearby areas of the body:

  • shoulders and forearms;
  • upper back;
  • chin, temple area, forehead.

With osteochondrosis and its complications, pain radiates to the hand and is accompanied by muscle weakness (paresis), sensitivity disorder, and decreased reflexes. Cervicago is always accompanied by neck stiffness and increased skeletal muscle tone, which occurs in response to infringement of sensitive nerve endings. The pain intensifies when trying to change the position of the body, coughing, sneezing, or tensing the abdominal muscles. Patients with cervicago also experience clicking and crackling sounds when turning or tilting the head.

Treatment methods

What to do and how to treat if your shoulders and neck hurt a lot? Once the diagnosis is made, the person will be prescribed adequate treatment, which will include medication, exercises for shoulder and neck pain, and physical therapy.


Everything will depend entirely on what disease led to pain in the neck and shoulders. You may be assigned:

  • chondroprotectors that improve blood flow - “Teraflex” and the like;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs that will remove swelling - Meloxicam, Indomethacin;
  • painkillers – “Analgin”, “Baralgin”;
  • antispasmodic medications - “Mydocalm”, etc.;
  • local preparations - ointments that anesthetize the affected areas, improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation - Voltaren, Diclofenac, etc.

In addition to drug therapy, physical therapy is prescribed.

Diagnostic methods

The primary diagnosis is made based on patient complaints and external examination. The normal static position of the cervical vertebrae has been changed - there is a smoothing of physiological lordosis, forced position of the head, limitation of turns and bends. Upon palpation, compactions are detected, pressure on which leads to painful sensations. The diameter of these structures varies significantly - from a few millimeters to a centimeter, and sometimes more. The density of formations, usually localized in the trapezius muscle, depends on the degree of muscle spasms and the stage of fibrous changes affecting them.

X-ray of the cervical spine.

X-rays are used to detect vertebral deformities and bone growth. Using this study, it is possible to identify spinal abnormalities and the consequences of injury. MRI and CT scans are performed to assess the condition of the cartilage tissue of the disc and the degree of narrowing of the spinal canal. These diagnostic measures are most informative in detecting hernias and neoplasms.

MRI of the cervical spine.

Diagnosis of neck pain

So, in order to understand what to do if your neck hurts, first of all, you should find out the etiology of the origin of the disease. Most often, the cause of discomfort is a pathological process in the cervical vertebrae. That is why, when the first unpleasant symptoms occur, it is recommended to visit a vertebrologist, neurologist or chiropractor.

After listening to the patient’s complaints and performing the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor will give clear recommendations regarding further treatment. You will not only be able to understand what to do if your shoulders and neck hurt, but you will also be able to find out the cause of the discomfort.

However, it is pathological changes in the area of ​​the spinal column that most often provoke the occurrence of the above ailment. After all, even minor pathologies in the vertebral area can provoke disturbances in the process of transmitting nerve signals from the spinal cord to the internal systems of the body.

This is due to the fact that each section of the spinal cord controls the functioning of a specific organ, and in case of any disorders in the cervical region, the muscles of the neck and shoulder region, as well as the ENT organs and the thyroid gland are affected. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Therefore, if you have pain in the back of your head and neck, before looking for a solution, what to do, you should perform a comprehensive diagnosis. During it, the following activities are implemented:

  • A blood test is performed;
  • An ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, cervical vessels and salivary glands is performed;
  • A blood test is performed to determine the presence of thyroid hormones;
  • An X-ray of the cervical spine is taken;
  • Electromyography is prescribed;
  • MRI;
  • CT.

At the same time, the most informative method of diagnosis is to perform a detailed analysis of the condition of the intervertebral discs, study the condition of the blood supply organs, and identify symptoms of compression of the spinal roots. Thanks to this method, it is possible to judge the presence of a particular disease in advance, at its initial stages of development, which significantly increases the effectiveness of future treatment measures.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Which specialist should I contact?

If you suspect that previous injuries are the cause of the lumbago, you should make an appointment with a traumatologist. But usually vertebrologists and neurologists treat cervicago and cervicalgia. It wouldn't be a mistake to see a therapist. This doctor will conduct a diagnosis and, after assessing its results, refer the patient to a specialist in the appropriate field.

First aid

During an attack of cervical pain, you should lie down on a hard surface, taking a body position in which the intensity of pain is minimized. In some cases, this requires outside help. Usually the pain subsides when lying on your back with your knees slightly bent. For convenience, a thin pillow or small cushion should be placed under them. Taking a tablet of any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) - Nise, Celecoxib, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen - will eliminate pain. If they are not in your home medicine cabinet, then regular Paracetamol will help.

Before the doctor arrives, it is strictly forbidden to apply ice packs, heating pads, or rub warming ointments to the neck. Such procedures can significantly worsen the patient’s well-being.

Treatment options

The choice of treatment method for lumbago in the neck depends on the cause of its occurrence. If cervicago is provoked by an endocrine pathology, then its treatment is carried out simultaneously with the lumbago. Cervical osteochondrosis at the initial stage of development, small hernias and protrusions respond well to conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment

To relieve acute pain, NSAIDs are used in the form of injection solutions. If they are ineffective, drug blockades with anesthetics and hormonal drugs are carried out. As the severity of the pain syndrome decreases, NSAIDs in injections are replaced with tablet forms, and then with gels, ointments, and creams.

Blockade of the cervical spine during shooting.

Therapeutic regimens include systemic chondroprotectors - agents with chondroitin and (or) glucosamine that stimulate the regeneration of cartilage tissue. These are Artra, Teraflex, Dona, Alflutop, Structum, Rumalon.

As the active ingredients accumulate in the cervical vertebral structures, the analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects of the drugs appear.

Clinical and pharmacological groups of drugs used in the treatment of lumbagoNames of medicinespharmachologic effect
NSAIDsNimesulide (Nimesil), Ketorolac (Ketorol), Diclofenac (Ortofen), Meloxicam (Movalis), Lornoxicam (Xefocam)Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antifever
GlucocorticosteroidsTriamcinolone, Flosterone, Kenalog, Diprospan, DexamethasoneAnti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antiallergic
Muscle relaxantsMydocalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud, TolperisoneReducing skeletal muscle tone, eliminating muscle spasms


If a hernial protrusion or tumor is detected, complicated by neurological disorders, patients are indicated for surgical intervention. Operations are carried out using the following methods:

  • laminectomy;
  • disectomy;
  • foraminotomy;
  • decompression of the spinal canal.

Absolute indications for surgical intervention are discogenic myelopathy, persistent radicular syndrome, destructive changes in the carotid artery, and malignant neoplasms.


To improve the patient’s well-being, electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis with hormonal agents, analgesics, NSAIDs, and chondroprotectors is prescribed. After relief of acute, piercing pain and aseptic inflammation, the following physiotherapeutic measures are carried out:

  • UHF therapy;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy.

Treatment of cervical spine pathologies with laser.
In the treatment of cervicago, medicinal leeches, applications with paraffin and ozokerite are used. Methods of manual therapy, balneotherapy, and acupuncture have proven themselves well.

Folk remedies

Not a single folk remedy can relieve acute pain from shooting. It is not advisable to use alcohol rubs, oil compresses and herbal teas to treat cervicago. The weak analgesic effect of folk remedies during the remission stage becomes the reason for postponing a visit to the doctor. And this is very dangerous, especially if the lumbago provokes malignant tumors.

Help a child

Attacks of cervical pain in a child occur extremely rarely, so their cause must be established. Even isolated cases of lumbago associated with muscle spasms become a signal for immediate consultation with a doctor. First aid is provided to a child in the same ways as for an adult. Only to relieve pain it is necessary to give medications intended for children - syrups with nimesulide or paracetamol.

Treatment for neck pain

To understand what to do if the left, front or back side of the neck hurts, you should take into account individual points, which include the intensity of the pain syndrome, the severity of existing changes, the presence of chronic pathologies and the corresponding conclusion of a specialist. Moreover, for patients with the same type of disorders, different therapeutic measures may be recommended, since in this case the age factor and individual characteristics of the body are taken into account.

However, even if a person has very bad neck pain in the back, there is no specific way of what to do to correct the situation. Recommended therapeutic measures are always comprehensive and aimed at both eliminating the negative manifestations of the disease and combating its causes.

Key components of the treatment include:

  • Use of medications;
  • Manual treatment;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Massage treatments;
  • Use of physiotherapeutic methods;
  • Visit to a rehabilitation specialist.

In addition, if a pathological process in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae is detected, the patient needs to adjust his usual lifestyle. For example, office workers and drivers are recommended to introduce regular physical exercises and change body positions more often during the working day.

You should also enrich your diet with healthy foods. This will make it possible to speed up the body's recovery process.

Medicines for neck pain

The nature of the prescribed medications depends on the diagnosis and the presence of chronic pathologies. Below we provide a list of medications that are recommended for most patients to take when diagnosing such a disease:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have a powerful anesthetic effect and stop inflammatory processes;
  • Corticosteroid hormones. Helps cope with inflammation in situations in which non-steroidal drugs are ineffective;
  • The use of drugs that eliminate muscle spasms, which can significantly reduce the intensity of pain;
  • A group of drugs whose main components are glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate (chondroprotectors). Promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue, have increased effectiveness in the early stages of spinal diseases;
  • Vitamin D. Helps restore brain function, improves the condition of the skeletal system;
  • B vitamins. They help improve the process of transmitting impulses from the spinal cord to internal systems, as well as normalize their normal functioning;
  • Antibacterial drugs, antihypertensive drugs, hormonal drugs, etc.

In case of painful manifestations of significant intensity, a solution containing an anesthetic drug and a corticosteroid hormone is injected into the area of ​​the nerve endings in the neck. However, when implementing a blockade, there is a possibility of injury and infection of the nerve, which requires high professional training from the specialist.

Our medical center employs experienced doctors who are ready to implement the most complex and effective treatment procedures with the utmost care.

Manual treatment of the neck

One of the most effective methods of eliminating pain in the neck and the causes that provoked its occurrence is manual therapy. The method is based on a direct effect on the spinal column and nearby tissues. The key difference between this procedure and therapeutic massage is the possibility of working not only the muscles of the neck and back, but also influencing the spine.

When manual treatment is carried out by a competent specialist, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of a large person after the first procedures. It is possible to obtain a healing effect due to:

  • Bringing the vertebrae into the correct position and restoring the axis of the spinal column;
  • Expanding the intervertebral space and releasing compressed vessels and roots. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the internal systems of the body, in particular the brain;
  • Relief of muscle spasm and stiffness in the neck, which reduces the intensity of pain;
  • Restoring blood supply to tissues.

Physiotherapeutic treatment for neck pain

The key goal of physiotherapeutic procedures is to increase the effectiveness of the implemented therapeutic measures. They are resorted to only outside the acute stage. With a competent professional approach, physiotherapy has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves blood flow in tissues and restores muscle tone.

Most often, the patient is recommended to take courses that include 10-15 sessions. These include:

  • Ultrasonic method;
  • Use of laser radiation;
  • Exposure of the affected area to direct electric current in combination with the administration of medicinal substances;
  • Shock wave therapy;
  • Spinal column traction;
  • Treatment with mud, etc.

The number of procedures and frequency of their implementation is determined individually. Some methods of influence can be carried out simultaneously, others must be carried out at set intervals.

Effect of UVT on neck pain

You should refuse the possibility of any self-medication, since this can not only worsen your condition, but also lead to irreversible consequences. For example, if you have pain in the back of your neck at the base or a pinched nerve, it is better to contact an experienced specialist in a trusted clinic.

Our medical center implements modern and effective treatment methods, thanks to which each patient has the opportunity to normalize the condition of the neck without dangerous consequences for the body. Thanks to the use of innovative and highly effective Swiss equipment, as well as the participation of top-class specialists in treatment procedures, you can count on long-term and reliable results.

The course of shockwave therapy we offer will allow you to quickly relieve pain, cope with the causes of the disease, and also eliminate the likelihood of developing complications in bone tissue and muscles. You will be able to feel a noticeable improvement in your condition after the first procedure of exposure to shock waves.

Physical therapy for neck pain

If your neck hurts after sleep or it becomes painful to turn your head, exercise therapy is a mandatory stage of treatment, along with other methods. Since the cause of pain in the cervical spine is often excessive muscle tension and accompanying degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebral area, physical therapy should be performed on a daily basis.

For each patient, the exercise therapy program is compiled individually. In this case, the individual characteristics of the body, the age factor, the severity of the disorders and the degree of physical fitness of the person are taken into account. The participation of a rehabilitation physician in the development of the above program is mandatory. In this case, the patient must avoid overload and sudden movements.

Possible complications

Acute neck pain due to osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion most often occurs when a spinal root is pinched. This also happens with spondylosis, a chronic pathology of the spine of a degenerative-dystrophic nature. It is always accompanied by destruction of the anterior parts of the intervertebral discs and the anterior longitudinal ligament. If the patient does not seek medical help, the pathologies quickly progress. Radicular syndrome and discogenic myelopathy occur, and compression of the vertebral artery leads to oxygen starvation of brain cells.

Radicular syndrome.

What you should know

Often the symptom manifests itself on one side of the neck, after which the pain spreads to the shoulder area. The pain in the shoulders and neck is not limited to this, it begins to seize the joints, which is why the mobility of the upper limbs is significantly reduced. If the pain in the upper extremities intensifies and does not allow you to move your arms normally or bend over, it means that the disease is progressing and requires immediate medical intervention. Often the disease begins to manifest itself like this:

  • the shoulder or neck is numb, “goosebumps” or tingling sensations appear;
  • begins to pull in the shoulders or arms;
  • joints click and crunch;
  • severe muscle tension and muscle pain occur;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness and burning in the shoulders;
  • in the cold the pain intensifies;
  • the ligaments begin to ache;
  • I can’t turn my head normally and there is severe pain.

If you experience pain in the neck and shoulders, the causes and treatment will be discussed by a neurologist
, who will determine what caused these symptoms.

Prevention measures

Neurologists and vertebrologists recommend stopping smoking and drinking alcohol and including more fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet as a preventive measure for lumbago. Excessive physical exertion and staying in a position with your head down for a long time should be avoided. Daily physical therapy and gymnastics, swimming, and yoga will help prevent deterioration in health.

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