How to choose a bandage for the knee and wrist joints

Foot orthoses are special devices that help prevent joint deformation and relieve tension in muscles and ligaments. Orthosis is the general name for devices that are used in the treatment and restoration of certain parts of the musculoskeletal system. Orthoses are used to treat the lower back, foot, hip, knee and other joints. The device is prescribed by a traumatologist or orthopedist.

When you contact a doctor at the Yusupov Hospital, you can receive qualified advice on the types and purposes of orthoses. After examination and examination, the doctor will be able to select the most suitable product and give advice on where it can be purchased. At the Yusupov Hospital you can undergo rehabilitation after various diseases, injuries, and get advice from a neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, psychiatrist, and other specialists.

Foot support orthosis for foot drop

Foot drop is a pathological condition in which the foot cannot bend upward or downward. Various diseases lead to this condition: stroke, arthritis, neuritis, myopathies, paralysis of the leg muscles, damage to tendons and muscles, and the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the lower limb. An orthosis for foot drop helps the foot to be in the anatomically correct position. An orthosis for a drooping foot fixes the ankle, a rigid fixation immobilizes the foot and ankle joint. The load in this case is compensated on the back of the foot. Conditions are created to restore flexion function and roll of the foot.

An orthosis for fixing the foot is used for chronic instability of the ankle joint, injury during which ligaments are torn or sprained, when performing surgical operations in the area of ​​the ligamentous apparatus, and during ankle replacement. An orthosis for a drop foot consists of a splint that secures the ankle at the back and a support pad. The foot support anatomically follows the curve of the foot, the foot is correctly fixed and secured. The drop foot orthosis can be used for a long time, it is lightweight, and can be worn with regular shoes.

What you need to know about the knee brace

It is traditionally believed that knee pads are the prerogative of sick people. In fact, bandages for knee joints are used not only for already developed arthrosis, after injuries, but for prevention. If an orthopedic product is selected correctly, it will significantly reduce the likelihood of injury and prolong the functionality of the knees.

  • Athletes need professional orthopedic bandages that do not deform or twist during active movements. Their design has stiffening ribs, thanks to which the knees move back and forth and do not move to the side.
  • Warming bandages are suitable for sports enthusiasts who engage in outdoor activities. They retain heat and improve heat circulation in the joint, and are indicated even at an air temperature of +20 °C.

Before purchasing a knee brace, put it on and walk for a few minutes. The product should not be felt on the leg. If you are at risk, play sports, or subject your knees to heavy physical activity, do not wait for a diagnosis of arthrosis. Knee pads, as well as hand orthoses, are an indicator of your concern for your health, and not at all a sign of illness.

Big Toe Orthosis

A big toe orthosis is required for grade 1 hallux valgus deformity. This allows you to stop the progression of bone deformation. Deformation of the foot leads to deviation of the toe to the side, the appearance of a bump, which changes the shape of the foot, causes discomfort when walking, and brings discomfort while wearing shoes. The orthosis is selected depending on the purpose (treatment, prevention, rehabilitation) and the degree of joint damage. A big toe brace helps to move and support a crooked toe into its normal position. You have to wear an orthosis at the initial stage of finger curvature from two months to a year. With further progression of the disease, wearing a thumb orthosis is ineffective.

Correctors for toes for bunions

Wearing uncomfortable (tight, rough, high-heeled), low-quality shoes, various injuries can lead to deformation of the toes. Most often, this is a curvature of the thumbs, as a result of which a bone grows, which is very difficult to get rid of. Bunions on the feet are a symptom of transverse flatfoot (valgus deformity of the feet). In this case, the foot becomes flattened, the big toe becomes deformed, and a lump forms on it. To prevent and prevent the progression of transverse flatfoot and bulging bones, modern orthopedics suggests the use of special orthopedic correctors for the toes:

1). Bandages for hallux valgus, providing rigid fixation. The therapeutic effect is achieved during a night's rest; you cannot walk in them.

Therapeutic effect:

  • The problematic joint is fixed in an anatomically correct position
  • The inflammatory process is relieved, pain is reduced, and the development of the disease is prevented


If the bone protrudes strongly, then you need to use an orthopedic corrector not only at night, but also during the day. For daytime wear it is prescribed:

  • A special corrector with a seal for the big toe - is put on the first toe, while the protruding bone is covered with a special pad that prevents chafing
  • Interdigital partitions (separators) – minimize the symptoms of hallux valgus during the day, provide comfort when walking, and are also used to prevent the occurrence of a lump on the big toe.

Daily wearing of daytime toe correctors provides:

  • Anatomically correct position of the thumb, preventing it from deviating at an incorrect angle
  • Correct distribution of the load on the foot
  • Elimination of chafing, formation of calluses, abrasions on the problem joint
  • The result is comfort while walking.

Daytime correctors are made of medical silicone or gel - a soft and elastic material that takes up minimal space in shoes.
Timely comprehensive treatment of a bunion on the big toe using special orthopedic correctors allows you to achieve a positive result in a short time. Painful sensations during long walking or prolonged standing in place are reduced, the development of the disease and its negative consequences are prevented.

If the disease starts, then no orthopedic devices will help solve the problem, in this case the patient is offered surgery. It is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


It is recommended to buy toe correctors in trusted orthopedic salons. We invite you to shop at the Salamat orthopedic salons. We will select the optimal toe corrector model for you.

To prevent hallux valgus and flat feet, the following are recommended:

  • Orthopedic massage mat - walking on it every day improves blood circulation in the feet and legs, strengthens ligaments and muscles, and relieves pain.
  • Orthopedic insoles – provide support for the arches of the feet in the correct anatomical position.
  • Orthopedic shoes - prevents the development of pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system, ensures uniform distribution of the load on the spine, reduces pressure on the joints of the legs

Taking care of your family, the network of orthopedic salons "Salamat"

Foot orthosis for metatarsal fractures

A fracture of the toes or metatarsals of the foot is an indication for the appointment of an orthosis. In case of a fracture of the metatarsal bones, a rigid immobilizing fixator is recommended, which looks like a boot, then a semi-rigid orthosis, the semi-rigid one is replaced with a soft orthosis. Fractures of the metatarsal bones can be non-displaced, displaced, or Jones fracture. They can be open or closed, and vary along the line. Treatment for a fracture depends on its complexity, and in some cases surgery is required.

Most often, when the metatarsal bones are fractured, a plaster cast is applied. In case of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone, after removing the plaster cast, an ankle orthosis is worn; after removing the orthosis, a bandage for the metatarsophalangeal joint is used for some time to avoid complications during exercise therapy. When should the plaster cast be removed and replaced with an orthosis, what type of product will be needed, and after what time the orthopedic surgeon decides to change the type of orthosis.

What is a wrist orthosis

The hands are the most mobile part of the human body, so dislocations and sprains happen to them very often. Arthrosis, caused by both age-related changes in the joints and injuries, is also not uncommon. With the help of orthoses, damaged joints are fixed to avoid accidental injury due to reflex movements of the hand.

In appearance, the wrist joint orthosis resembles an elongated fingerless glove. Inside there is a removable plastic or metal insert-plate that fixes the joint like a splint. Using the straps, you can adjust the amplitude of hand movement.

There are many types of wrist orthoses. The video provides a brief overview of products from different manufacturers:

According to the degree of rigidity, bandages for hands are as follows:

  • Soft.

Useful for those whose activities involve a lot of stress on their hands, for example when working at a computer. If there is discomfort when bending the palm, it is necessary to wear a soft orthosis to return the hand to its natural position and evenly distribute the load.

  • Semi-rigid.

Such arm bandages are relevant for dislocations, sprains and exacerbations of arthrosis. They have improved compression properties, so they help restore the joint in case of swelling. In case of inflammation and the presence of a purulent process, wearing semi-rigid orthoses is contraindicated.

  • Tough.

Created for patients with fractures and dislocations, prescribed during the recovery period after removal of the cast. They are also recommended for severe joint diseases, including arthrosis and arthritis.

Soft bandages for hands - the optimal preventive device for athletes

Buy a foot orthosis in Moscow: price

The cost of foot orthoses depends on the manufacturer, the material from which it is made, and the complexity of the design. The cost of an ankle orthosis (made in Germany) is from 3,500 rubles and above, a foot holder for a sagging foot costs 4,000 rubles and above, an orthosis for a sagging foot made of carbon costs over 30,000 rubles.

At the Yusupov Hospital, the patient will be able to undergo diagnosis of foot diseases, examination and treatment for fractures of the metatarsal bones. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital will provide qualified assistance for fractures of the foot bones and select the required orthosis during the recovery period. In the rehabilitation department of the hospital, patients with diseases of the tendons and joints of the foot, after a fracture of the bones of the foot, will be able to undergo rehabilitation therapy. A rehabilitation specialist will draw up an individual program of physical therapy exercises. At the rehabilitation clinic you can undergo various types of physiotherapeutic procedures and massages. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Briefly about the disease

The disease is an inward curvature of the ankles, the arch of the foot collapses, which is why the shape of the legs resembles the letter X. Not only the legs undergo changes; in advanced cases, the spine is deformed.

Foot valgus is detected after 1 year, when the child begins to walk. The causes are often associated with congenital disorders of muscles and ligaments. Sometimes the defect develops due to injury, early standing or due to obesity.


  • The child complains of pain in the legs and back when walking.
  • Change in gait (support is placed on the outer side of the foot).
  • Shuffling.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • In the evening, swelling of the feet and cramps of the calf muscles may appear.

Often parents pay attention to the uneven wearing of shoes.

The disease requires mandatory consultation with an orthopedist. The specialist will not only establish an accurate diagnosis, but also give recommendations for correction and treatment.

Why do you need custom orthopedic insoles during pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes global changes in the body. The hormonal background changes, relaxin, synthesized by the placenta, makes the woman’s ligamentous apparatus more flexible, which, combined with rapid weight gain in the last trimester of pregnancy, makes the musculoskeletal system vulnerable to increasing loads.

Moreover, the center of gravity changes, a redistribution of loads occurs in the area of ​​the pelvic ring and legs (knees, hip joints and feet), the transverse and longitudinal arches flatten, and the shock-absorbing properties of the foot decrease. As a result, the leg increases in size, swelling, pain (in the heels and knees), cramps in the leg muscles and varicose veins of the lower extremities may appear. On the other hand, incorrect placement of the feet can cause a “distortion” of the pelvis with the formation of excessive tension in the muscular-ligamentous structures in the lumbosacral region and the uterus. If we remember that incorrect placement of the feet in most cases is an acquired disorder of the biomechanics of the foot, then it is very important during the period of bearing a child to take measures to prevent flat feet, using special individual orthopedic insoles during pregnancy.

Indications for use:

  • incorrect foot position;
  • curvature of toes;
  • chronic calluses due to pressure or friction on the foot or between the toes;
  • nail detachment;
  • ingrowth of nail plates into soft tissues;
  • pathological growths of connective tissue on the joints of the big toes;
  • calcaneal fractures;
  • deformations of the foot joints, leading to inflammation and dystrophic changes in the ankle, knees and even the spinal column.

Features of insoles for children with hallux valgus

The main difference between correction inserts is the need for constant replacement as the child’s leg grows. Changes are made every few months. According to GOST, the insole material must be natural and breathable.

What should be the insoles for a baby:

  • Be accurately adjusted to your shoe size. You cannot purchase a product “for growth”.
  • The backdrop is made with a recess, the depth of which is determined by an orthopedist.
  • The instep support is strictly located under the internal arch.
  • The sock should have metal pads that correct the transverse arch.

Correct selection of insoles is carried out only after radiography.

How they work

The design of the insert allows you to keep the leg in the correct physiological position. This kind of corset returns joints to normal, thanks to the elastic cartilage tissue in children. The best results from the correction occur before the age of 7 years.

Who needs custom orthoses:

  • For children – for the prevention of structural deformations of the lower extremities and the formation of correct arches of the feet and posture.
  • For adults – for the correction of foot alignment disorders, treatment of pain associated with overload of the muscles and joints of the legs.

Pregnant women - for better adaptation of the musculoskeletal system to changes occurring during pregnancy.

  • For varicose veins - to improve venous outflow.
  • For patients with diabetes mellitus – prevention of trophic disorders.
  • Full – for better redistribution of loads on the joints of the foot.
  • Actively involved in sports - to prevent injuries and improve athletic performance.

Technologies used

When making custom-made orthoses in the Moscow clinic “SM-Cosmetology”, two-component silicones of varying hardness are used. In addition, our products can be supplied with a special layer of durable adhesive - this securely fastens the device to the leg.

In modern orthopedics, such systems are usually divided into those with and without inserts. The first type includes orthoses:

  • for correction of small bones of the foot and fingers;
  • in the form of pads, to compensate for the load of irregularly shaped feet;
  • straighteners for deformed tissues.

The second type - without liners - is:

  • interdigital inserts that soften excessive pressure and/or friction;
  • devices for correcting claw-shaped and hammer-shaped changes in the phalanges of the fingers;
  • heel orthoses.
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