Treatment of heel spurs with ultrasound with hydrocortisone and other means

Heel spur, also called plantar fasciitis, is a common disease that occurs in a chronic form. It is the result of microtrauma in the plantar ligament area. Patients complain of severe debilitating pain, which is the result of growing bone formations. An osteophyte in the form of a pointed spike, reaching a length of 12 mm, begins to compress nearby soft tissue. The pathology can develop outwardly imperceptibly at the first stage. However, identifying a neoplasm is quite simple - you just need to press on individual areas of the heel.

How does pathology develop?

The plantar fascia is a fibrous tissue, a ligament that connects the heel bone to the metatarsal bones at their heads. The ligament helps maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot.

As a person moves, the area of ​​fascial tissue is subjected to intense tension. It manifests itself to the greatest extent precisely in the place where it is attached to the tubercle of the calcaneal localization. It is therefore not surprising that damage can occur under high loads. However, in a normal state in a healthy person, healing of microtraumas of the plantar ligament occurs quite quickly. The recovery process does not require external intervention - it proceeds naturally.

The greatest danger lies in regular, permanent damage. The result of this is the restructuring of the periosteum, right down to the bone tissue.

The development of planar fasciitis is associated with:

  • microtrauma of the ligaments at the point where they are attached;
  • progression of aseptic, not related to the action of microbial agents, inflammatory changes in the area of ​​damage;
  • irritating effect on the periosteum of the heel bone due to high loads.

In places where inflammatory processes occur, calcium salts are deposited and accumulated. This causes the formation of osteophyte, i.e. heel spurs. Studies conducted using X-rays and diagnostic magnetic resonance procedures confirm the localization of 40% of neoplasms in the fascial plane. Moreover, about half of the manifestations occur in the zone above it.

The main structural provocateurs of this disorder are the muscles that play the role of flexors in the area of ​​the fingers on the lower extremities. In this case, a special feature is the possibility of spurs forming not only on one, but also on both heels.

How does therapy work?

The patient sits comfortably (sitting or lying down) and relaxes. The skin on the damaged area is treated with gel to improve contact between the skin and the sensor head. Then a sensor is applied to the heel, which sends ultrasonic pulses to a depth of 3-4 centimeters. The waves easily pass through soft tissue and, reflected from the bone, return back. Such micromassage destroys calcifications and promotes their removal along with the blood flow.

The duration of the UVT session is 10-30 minutes. The course of treatment includes 4-7 procedures, between which there are breaks of 3-7 days (for tissue restoration), and sometimes 20, which depends on the patient’s individual response to therapy. If pain intensifies during the procedure, then the intervals between sessions are lengthened.

When drawing up a treatment course, the doctor takes into account the tolerability of the procedure and the dynamics of changes. If necessary, he makes adjustments during the treatment process.

Only some people feel severe pain during sessions. Others may only feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation. After the session, aching pain may disturb the patient for several hours. But after completing the full course of shockwave therapy, the pain will no longer return.

Causes of the disease

The number of diagnosed cases of heel spurs in patients is constantly increasing. Every year, over 2 million people visit medical institutions complaining of such problems. The majority of patients (about 70-80%) are women and live in urban areas. The average age of patients is 50 years.

Doctors tend to consider several main reasons for the appearance and development of a tumor:

1. The presence of a pathology such as flat feet. Up to 90% of diagnosed cases of osteophyte and its subsequent growth are associated with this pathology.

2. Processes of age-related changes in the body. As a person ages, deviations in circulatory processes and in the condition of the lower extremities become more pronounced. Patients often experience a decline in the regenerative abilities of tissues.

3. Pregnancy status.

4. Poor weight control and accumulation of extra pounds. With obesity, the load on the foot area increases sharply, especially during movement.

5. Injury, the presence of pathologies and diseases of the tissues, nervous and vascular systems in the lower extremities. For example, we are talking about gout, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other ailments.

Young people are forced to deal with the growth of the tumor due to an overly intense training process and wearing uncomfortable shoes, including flip-flops and high-heeled models.

Indications for use

Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone is recommended for:

  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • second degree scoliosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • neurodermatitis and eczema;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • Sjögren's disease;
  • enuresis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • eye diseases: presence of cataracts, hemorrhage, cataracts;
  • sluggish follicular prostatitis;
  • hypogalactia and adnexitis;
  • serous mastitis;
  • ovarian hypofunction and infertility;
  • diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • clubfoot;
  • fresh injuries accompanied by severe pain;
  • heel spurs;
  • scar contractures;
  • ulcers of varicose and trophic origin;
  • fractures of tubular bones;
  • post-burn scars;
  • postoperative wounds.

Symptoms of the disorder

Osteophyte forms and develops in some cases completely without noticeable symptoms. This is especially true for situations when it is provoked by reasons that are not permanent. A heel spur may be discovered randomly during an X-ray examination ordered due to the presence of signs of other ailments.

Features of the initial stage

The initial sign of developing a heel spur is often discomfort in the heel area. Patients begin to complain of the feeling of the presence of a “nail” in this area while walking. The reason for such problems is the pressure of the new bone formation on nearby soft tissues.

The pain syndrome is determined to a greater extent by the location of such a growth, and not by the size of the tumor. When the heel spur is close to the nerve fibers, the pain felt by patients becomes more intense. If the disease is associated with the initial stage of osteophyte formation, then the pain may disappear for a while. Although over time it appears again, sometimes in a stronger form.

Pain syndrome has specific manifestations in different patients. In some cases, pain occurs only with the first steps, for example, when you get out of bed in the morning or after being in a static position for a long time. After a few steps, the pain disappears, but subsequently, with increasing loads, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced.

If the patient ignores visiting the doctor and does not take measures to treat the pathology, then pain begins to appear in a static body position. Over time, calcium deposits are deposited in the damaged area and do not dissolve. They irritate the mucous membranes of the joint capsules and tissues, and begin to provoke discomfort and pain. Such sensations can be acute and manifest themselves in cramping or aching form. Pain intensifies or appears either gradually or suddenly.

It is important to remember that the time interval between the appearance of the first signs of tumor formation and the sensation of distinct pain may vary. For some patients it lasts several weeks, but other patients begin to complain of obvious sensations only after several months.

The first consequences of the disease

The next symptom of heel spurs is gait disturbance. If a patient experiences discomfort in the heel area, he instinctively begins to try to relieve this area.

Doctors note that gait deviations are observed in 95% of cases of the disease. If the weight of the body is incorrectly distributed, as a result of which the load begins to be transferred to the front areas and the outer area of ​​the foot, the gait changes. A common result of such changes is transverse flatfoot. The greatest problems are experienced by patients who have formed spurs on both heels.

Singing string syndrome

In athletes, a common sign that indicates inflammatory processes in the plantar fascia is a positive result of the “singing string” test. The person must be in an upright position. The doctor begins to bend the patient's thumb upward as much as possible. Then he jerks along the fascia in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

If there is an inflammatory change, the athlete feels pain and begins to pull his leg. At the same time, the external heel may not change its appearance and shape.

Diagnosis of emerging disorders

To effectively treat the disease and exclude the possibility of complications, a timely diagnosis is required. This cannot be done solely based on external examination and descriptions of the pain syndrome. The reason is that the sensation of pain in the heel area may be due to the development of other pathological abnormalities. These include:

  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • tuberculous lesions of bone tissue;
  • injury, including tendon sprains, bruises;
  • inflammatory changes in the foot area;
  • infectious processes, including intestinal and urogenital.

The basic step in making a diagnosis is taking an anamnesis. However, correct diagnosis is impossible without a number of laboratory and instrumental studies. Doctors prescribe a general and biochemical blood test, a urine test, an X-ray examination and an MRI of the foot.

The goal of all diagnostic procedures is not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to identify the cause of the disease and assess the severity of its course. If a patient has concomitant diseases, the doctor often prescribes consultative examinations with relevant specialists.

Features of heel spur treatment

The therapeutic process for this pathological disorder is developed on an individual basis. It is important to exclude self-medication, since such a decision can cause even greater complications, including burns, soft tissue damage, and partial limitation of the patient’s mobility.

Pathology is treated using several techniques:

  • use of medications;
  • carrying out manipulations of the physiotherapeutic complex;
  • shock wave treatment;
  • the use of ultrasound;
  • use of a laser beam;
  • surgery to remove the thorn.

Treatment with medications

Conservative therapy involves influencing problem areas of the foot in order to eliminate inflammatory processes. The selection of necessary medications is carried out by orthopedic doctors, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The most actively used are various gels and ointments. These products, like creams with infusions, will be effective in the initial stages of pathology development.

Injection painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed. They are inserted directly into the heel joint area. This method of therapeutic action is more effective, but causes pain in the patient. Usually a set of injections is prescribed. The procedure should be performed exclusively by experienced doctors.

In the case of injection treatment, the dosage must be strictly observed. The drug must be injected to the desired depth with a high level of precision. If mistakes are made, it is possible to provoke inflammatory processes, the development of osteoporosis, and the formation of areas of suppuration. If the product is administered too often, damage and even destruction of fascial tissue is likely.

Painkiller patches, as well as antiseptics and natural substances, are easy to use. At the same time, analgesics themselves are not considered as drugs with medicinal effects. They are focused on pain relief. At the same time, the disadvantage of such drugs is the tendency of patients to become addicted and develop dependence.

When using any medications, possible contraindications should be taken into account, including individual intolerance to components or the development of serious diseases.

Physiotherapeutic effects

To reduce the severity of the exacerbation, the patient is prescribed a complex of gymnastics, massage manipulations, and ultrasound therapy. You can increase the effectiveness of medication by:

  • electrophoresis, when medicinal substances are sent to deep zones of soft tissues through the use of low-voltage electrical pulses;
  • sonophoresis - medications penetrate into soft tissues by exposing problem areas to ultrasonic waves.

Physiotherapeutic procedures often include injections of corticosteroids. These drugs belong to the group of steroid drugs with anti-inflammatory effects. With the simultaneous use of an anesthetic, they are injected into the sole or heel area.

The peculiarity of physiotherapy is that doctors can select the most effective manipulations, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Shock wave impact

Due to the impact of ultrasonic pulses on the body, calcium deposits are destroyed with the formation of tiny particles. They are eliminated by the bloodstream. In addition, with the help of shock wave therapy, regeneration processes in soft tissues are activated. There is a decrease in the severity of inflammatory changes and manifestations of swelling.

If the disease is at the initial stage of development, then shock wave therapy helps to completely get rid of disorders in the form of heel spurs. This technique is also used in cases where the use of other methods of influence is limited or prohibited. In advanced cases, inflammation is relieved and the proliferation of calcium deposits is inhibited or stopped.

At the same time, doctors note a number of contraindications:

  • low blood pressure;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • heart rhythm problems;
  • abnormalities in blood clotting processes;
  • a state of intoxication caused, for example, by intestinal poisoning or taking medications;
  • disturbances in the condition and functioning of the nervous system;
  • the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • development of thrombophlebitis in the affected area;
  • the presence of an infectious lesion in the acute phase.

Ultrasonic exposure

Using an ultrasonic wave, you can eliminate pain and limit inflammatory changes. This effect is achieved by deep heating of the tissues. Ultrasound quickly penetrates the damaged fascia and activates healing at the cellular level. At the same time, other positive effects are achieved:

  • relaxation of muscle tissue;
  • activation of blood flow in the area of ​​ligaments and tendons;
  • reduction of swelling.

Using a laser

The therapeutic effect is produced by directing the light beam onto the damaged area. The result of the treatment can be seen after 2-6 sessions. The characteristics of the disease, the patient’s condition, and the characteristics of his body are taken into account. The laser penetrates to a considerable depth into the tissue area and begins to stimulate metabolic processes there, while activating regeneration processes.

Surgical intervention

The previously discussed therapeutic techniques are aimed at eliminating inflammatory changes, preventing or limiting the proliferation of bone tumors, and stimulating regeneration in soft tissues. Surgical treatment is associated with ensuring complete removal of the growth. However, there is no complete guarantee of recurrence of the tumor. This is the reason why surgery is prescribed only in extreme situations.

The peculiarities of the operation are determined by the nature of the disease. During the intervention, complete or partial eruption of the plantar fascia occurs. At the same time, the spur and all tissues that were damaged are removed. If the fasciotomy is complete (disconnecting), then the anatomy of the foot is disrupted. This causes gait disturbances, which leads to disability.

The minimum level of invasiveness of the effect is inherent in radiofrequency microtenomia. Burning is carried out by high frequency electromagnetic radiation. This leads to the destruction of damaged tissues and nerve fibers, as a result of which the pain syndrome is eliminated.

It is important to remember that the degree of effectiveness of any technique is determined by the timely diagnosis of the disorder and the constant prevention of the disease. Doctors warn against using traditional methods without consulting a specialist. In some cases, this approach can lead to lost time and complications.

How is ultrasound therapy performed for heel spurs?

The physiotherapy procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis. To conduct an ultrasound therapy session, modern safe devices UZT-1, Procton-1, Gamma, etc. are used. The procedure is carried out in a physiotherapy room.

Before referring a patient for an ultrasound, the attending physician must take an x-ray. An X-ray of a heel spur will help determine the location of the spur for ultrasonic treatment.

A course of ultrasound treatment consists of 5-20 procedures depending on the patient’s condition and the size of the growth. The duration of the session depends on the area of ​​the inflamed fascia and is 3-15 minutes.

There are two methods of influencing the affected fascia with ultrasound radiation, based on the ability of ultrasound radiation to increase the permeability of cell membranes, which allows the delivery of drug molecules deep into the affected fascia:

  1. Ultrasound treatment with conventional gel or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Ultraphonophoresis with hydrocortisone.

The first method involves exposure to ultrasonic radiation with a frequency of 800-3000 Hz for a duration of 5 to 15 minutes. Before starting the procedure, ultrasound gel or water-based anti-inflammatory ointment is applied to the treatment area.

Dimexide, indomethacin, etc. can be used as ointments. Pyatkashpor Strengthened cream has an excellent absorbent effect, helping to reduce spurs.

With high-frequency exposure, the heel spur is crushed by ultrasound, however, such enhanced radiation can negatively affect surrounding tissues, so its effect does not exceed 1-2 minutes. This method can only remove a small thorn.

As a rule, a more effective method is used to remove a large build-up - crushing the heel spur using shock wave therapy or laser treatment.


To prevent the development of heel spurs, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle:

  • constant control over your own weight, prevention of obesity;
  • taking measures to prevent early aging of bone and joint structures of the body;
  • prevention of injury and wear of the osteoarticular mechanism;
  • undergoing diagnostic procedures on time, following the doctor’s recommendations related to qualified treatment of ailments in the area of ​​the musculoskeletal mechanism.

If a patient often encounters calluses, ingrown toenails, or bruises, then the likelihood of a foot misalignment during movement increases. As a result, conditions are created that provoke damage to the plantar ligaments. If you feel discomfort or pain in the heel area, you must promptly visit a doctor and undergo the prescribed treatment.

The need to regulate body weight

Patients who are overweight face increased stress on the longitudinal part of the arch of the foot. Excessive body weight reflects disorders in the body, for example, disruptions in metabolic processes, the development of diseases. These factors, directly or indirectly, can provoke disruption of the plantar fascia, thereby stimulating the formation of spurs in the heel area.

Limiting the aging process of bones and joints

Patients who adhere to an active lifestyle, diet and control weight have the opportunity to prevent early aging of the musculoskeletal structure. Women over 40 years of age are at risk - such patients may face deterioration of bone health and the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Doctors recommend introducing mineral and vitamin complexes into the diet. They will help maintain the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Prevention of dangerous damage

The cause of the development of pathology can be injury and tissue wear. Heel spurs occur due to excessive wearing of uncomfortable shoes and intense exercise in the gym.

Experts advise wearing high-heeled shoes for no more than 2-4 hours a day. Long-term wearing of flip-flops, sandals and other shoes with missing backs can also cause harm. It is advisable to choose shoes with small (up to 3-4 cm) heels. Such shoes should “sit” firmly on the foot. If the patient suffers from flat feet, then orthopedic shoes are indicated for him. It is advisable to purchase corrective insoles.

Athletes are also at risk. Doctors are convinced that up to 25% of people who are fond of running are forced to see a doctor with problems in the heel area. The reason for this condition is the wrong approach to organizing the training process.

Sports activities should only be undertaken after consultation with a professional. When running, jumping or race walking, the position of the foot should be monitored. Loads should increase gradually. If you experience an injury or sprain, you should definitely reduce or limit the intensity of your activities. In some cases, it will be necessary to completely abandon them during healing. The resumption of training begins gradually.

Carrying out timely diagnostic procedures

To increase the effectiveness of treatment and eliminate complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Consultation with a specialist and diagnosis will be required at the first symptoms of the disease. If you have been diagnosed with flat feet and musculoskeletal system disorders, then regular diagnostics and medical examinations are mandatory.

UVT: advantages and disadvantages

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs has several benefits:

  • improves blood circulation, which helps prevent relapses;
  • triggers the mechanism of decomposition of salt accumulations;
  • strengthens tendons and ligaments;
  • provides quick results;
  • has no side effects;
  • has almost no contraindications;
  • does not require surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation;
  • sessions can be carried out in an outpatient setting.

After shock wave therapy, in 80% of cases, pain disappears after the first session, and complete recovery occurs after completion of the course of therapy.

The main disadvantage is the high cost of the therapeutic course. In addition, for people with hypersensitivity, the first sessions of therapy cause severe pain. If the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations, then a relapse is possible after some time.


Proper nutrition helps treat heel spurs. This is due to the formation of osteophyte from uric acid salts. The diet recommended by doctors helps normalize the acid-base balance and activate the elimination of salts. At the same time, opportunities are created to reduce the risks of inflammatory changes. But excessive fasting can cause harm - probably exacerbation of ailments.

Doctors recommend:

1. Reduce consumption of fish and meat products, as well as cereals and low-fat milk.

2. Introduce vegetable dishes, fruits, and fatty dairy products into your diet.

3. Follow a regime of drinking plenty of fluids - at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day. Alkaline mineral water, decoctions and infusions of rosehip, coriander, nettle, and chicory are suitable.

4. Limit the presence of easily digestible carbohydrates in the menu - sugar, honey, sweets, etc.

5. Eliminate mayonnaise, ketchup, seasonings and spices from your diet.

6. Get rid of bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking.

Your doctor will help you choose the right diet. His recommendations should be followed without fail, which will help alleviate the condition and recover.

Types of treatment

If the question of how to treat a spur on the heel has become urgent for you, the first thing you need to do is to minimize the load on the affected area. For this purpose, special orthopedic products are used - therapeutic insoles and orthoses that provide relaxation and rest to the sore foot. Prescribed by an orthopedist. In addition, the following are effective in treating heel spurs:

  • Exercise therapy. A set of exercises, developed taking into account the condition of a particular patient, will help strengthen the muscles.
  • Massage. Thanks to it, it is possible to relieve swelling and pain, and restore blood circulation in the affected area.
  • Physiotherapy. Effective at all stages of the disease, reduces pain, increases mobility.
  • Mud applications and mineral baths. Relaxation of muscles, restoration of blood circulation.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most effective of these methods is physiotherapy.
Today, several types of hardware treatment are used: ultrasound, which promotes deep heating of the tissues of the foot, reducing inflammation, x-ray therapy (low doses of radiation reduce sensitivity in the area of ​​​​the heel spur, improve the general condition), shock wave therapy (helps reduce the size of the pathological growth). The most radical method, which is used in cases where conservative treatment does not help, is surgery. During the postoperative period, patients are also prescribed massages and hardware treatment. SWT for heel spurs is used very often; this method is considered the most effective.

Treatment at home

Doctors insist that using traditional methods of treatment without consulting a specialist can harm the patient. Therefore, before using such recipes, you must definitely visit a doctor.

  • Recipe 1. Heat the alcohol in a frying pan and then pour it into a bowl. You need to keep your heels in this container for at least 10 minutes. There is no need to wipe your feet after the procedure.
  • Recipe 2. Mix 50 g of animal bile (fish or poultry product is not used) with 30 g of shampoo. The night before bed, steam your heels and then apply the mixture. After this, you should wrap your feet in a scarf and put on warm wool socks.
  • Recipe 3. Pain from large spurs is eliminated with compresses from a nettle mixture. The plant is harvested in May and passed through a meat grinder. The mixture is used to prepare a compress. It is applied to the damaged area and covered with a burdock leaf. A bandage is used for fixation. The procedure is performed before bedtime and is carried out for at least 2 weeks.
  • Recipe 4. Use 200 g of pre-washed iris roots. They are passed through a meat grinder and filled with alcohol. The mixture should be infused in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks. Cotton wool soaked in the tincture is applied to the heel and fixed with a bandage overnight.
  • Recipe 5. Spread the spur with buckwheat honey and cover this layer with dough. Put a wool sock on top. The compress is worn for several days and then renewed. Course of treatment – ​​1 month.
  • Recipe 6. Laundry soap weighing 100 g is grated and then melted. The compress is applied to the spur at night. The procedure is repeated every day.
  • Recipe 7. Felt boots are needed for 20 minutes. Before going to bed, rub the damaged area. Duration of treatment is up to 1 month.

These treatment methods can only be auxiliary and complement the course of traditional therapy. This requires consultation with a doctor who can correctly diagnose the cause of the pathology.

Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for heel spurs

The corticosteroid hydrocortisone is an anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce inflammation and relieve pain from fasciitis. The use of this drug for phonophoresis is a replacement for spur blockade.

In contrast to the blockade, ultrasound with hydrocortisone for heel spurs has only positive reviews, while injection into the heel is not only very painful, but also often causes serious complications.

The decision to use hydrocortisone during ultrasound therapy is made by the attending physician. The number of sessions with this hormonal drug should not exceed 5.

Ultrasound with hydrocortisone allows:

  • eliminate acute pain almost instantly;
  • significantly reduce heel inflammation;
  • inhibit the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation;
  • reduce capillary permeability;
  • strengthen immunological and regenerative processes.

In many cases, the ultraphonophoresis procedure is prescribed as a last resort before surgical removal of the heel spur. The drug is applied to the heel area and exposed to hardware ultrasound.

The frequency of the sound wave is 500-1000 Hz. Hydrocortisone penetrates into the deep layers of inflamed tissue and has a rapid analgesic effect.

Presence of spurs in children

Heel tumors can also occur in young patients. Moreover, the cause is standard factors - flat feet, excessive body weight, injury, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, infectious lesions. The problem is complicated by the anatomy of the child's foot. Until the age of 18, it is excessively elastic and subject to rapid deformation.

The treatment method is selected taking into account the age characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Usually doctors limit themselves to conservative therapy. The effectiveness of treatment depends on correct identification of the disease. The main signs of the disease are pain in the heel, disturbances in gait or posture, and problems with decreased motor activity. Parents need to constantly monitor the condition of their child’s feet. It is important to exclude calluses, ingrown toenail syndrome, and bruises, which can lead to deformities and injuries.

Shoes for a child should be selected individually according to age. Booties are suitable only for the smallest children who do not yet walk, but at the beginning of physical activity, preference should be given to shoes with leather soles and 1 cm heels. Shoes should be clearly fixed on the leg. It is important to completely avoid wearing flip-flops and flip-flops. Ballet flats and sneakers are not suitable for frequent wearing. You should be careful when using used shoes. After all, each child tramples the insole and wears out the sole in his own way.

Plantar spur in pregnant women

For such patients, the standard causes of spurs remain relevant. However, they have specificities associated with changes in the physiological type in the body due to pregnancy. We are talking about softening the ligaments. Moreover, diagnosing the disease and its treatment are complicated, since not all methods and medications can be used. For women, prevention is of paramount importance:

  • daily massage procedures in the area of ​​the feet, if there is no swelling;
  • diet;
  • exclusion of alcohol and smoking;
  • use only comfortable shoes with a heel of 2-4 cm;
  • the use of insoles with a preventive effect.

Pregnant women, especially during the last trimester, should limit static body positions. They benefit from walking at a calm pace. If a heel spur has formed, then it is advisable to use only gentle drugs with an analgesic effect. Doctors may prescribe an ointment or patch. In rare cases, injections are prescribed.

Neoplasms in the heel area are quite common. At the initial stage, they are difficult to diagnose, but seeing a doctor at the first suspicion of a spur is mandatory. This way you can speed up your recovery and prevent the development of complications.

Preparing for treatment sessions

Before conducting a course of shock wave therapy for a heel spur, the attending physician will refer the patient for a consultation with an orthopedist. It is imperative to undergo diagnostics:

  • x-ray in two projections - the images will show the exact location of the growth and its size;
  • Ultrasound examination will determine the stage of the disease.

If it is necessary to clarify the diagnostic results or differentiate a heel spur from arthrosis or arthritis, then resort to magnetic resonance imaging.

It is also necessary to take a blood test for clotting. Without seeing a coagulogram, the doctor will not prescribe UVT.

After receiving the diagnostic results, you will need a second consultation with an orthopedist. Using palpation, he will find the point that should be affected by ultrasound.

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