Treatment of heel spurs using shock wave therapy (shock wave therapy)

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Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a method of getting rid of heel spurs using a modern device that emits acoustic pulses with a frequency of 16–24 Hz in the infrasound zone. This effect can quickly reduce heel pain. The severity of the pain syndrome is minimized after 1–2 sessions, and after the full course the problem disappears. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, the session lasts up to half an hour. The waves affect only the pathological focus, without causing harm to surrounding tissues.

What is a heel spur?

Plantar (plantar) fasciitis is a disease that is caused by the growth of the heel bone and the formation of sharp bone growths (osteophytes) on it, which can injure the protective film (fascia) of the longitudinal muscles and tendons. In most cases, this pathological phenomenon occurs in women. These osteophytes are spike-shaped and resemble a spur on x-rays. Typically this formation is located on the lower or back surface of the heel.

The causes of the disease are not fully understood. The most likely ones include chronic trauma to bones and ligaments, as well as a specific metabolic disorder in the body, leading to degenerative changes in the fascia - weakening or destruction of the connective membrane, the “case” of the muscles. As a result of constant inflammation of the plantar fascia, flexible ligament tissue is replaced with bone.

The causes of inflammation itself can be: increased professional stress on the foot, stress due to increased body weight or flat feet. Heel spurs can occur due to heel bruises or marginal fractures of the calcaneal tuberosity. Clinically, it can manifest itself as periodic sharp pain in the heel that occurs while walking, or aching-itching pain when pressing on the heel.

Also, the pain syndrome can spread to the entire heel area, and its intensity is influenced not by the size of the spur, but by the degree of inflammation in the soft tissues or in the tibial/sural nerve. In this case, there is no obvious inflammatory process. A spur can only be detected on x-rays, but it is not always the source of pain.

Main symptoms

Fasciitis usually manifests as pain in the heel:

  • when walking;
  • while playing sports;
  • when trying to resume movement after a long pause;
  • when touching the problem area.

The intensity of pain can be different - it depends on the stage of the disease and on the individual anatomical characteristics of a particular person. After a period of rest, the pain usually stops, but as soon as you resume exertion, the discomfort returns. Some patients describe the sensation as “like a nail piercing the heel.” There is swelling of the foot, pain can spread to the foot and ankle, and the tissue around the spur becomes inflamed.

It is quite logical that the gait of people with fasciitis changes - when walking, a person tries not to step on the sore area, and begins to walk on his toes. Over time, complications may develop - most often pathologies of other joints of the legs (knees, hips).

How does shock wave treatment work for heel spurs?

The unique SWT procedure, which involves non-surgical restoration of affected joints, was first performed in Germany in the 90s. Currently, equipment for this manipulation is available in almost all medical institutions in the public and private sectors.

According to experts, the use of shock wave technique is an effective alternative to surgery. Moreover, under the influence of this equipment, it is possible not only to remove the spiny growth, but also to preserve healthy tissue in the area of ​​formation.

The UVT procedure involves a targeted impact on the area with a pathological growth. In this case, the action of shock waves extends only to bone-salt deposits, which eliminates the destruction of healthy cells.

A similar technique can be applied at any stage of the pathological process. Its positive effects include

  • Crushing salt build-ups that form a thorn;
  • Reducing the intensity of pain;
  • Improving blood circulation in the fascia;
  • Eliminate swelling and cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Relieving spasms.

Treatment results

UVT therapy breaks down and softens calcifications, which leads to complete destruction of the bone growth.

  • metabolism is normalized;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow accelerate;
  • heel pain disappears;
  • inflammatory processes are inhibited;
  • swelling decreases;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • tendons and ligaments are strengthened;
  • regenerative ability is activated;
  • legs become healthier;
  • motor activity is restored.

How much does shock wave therapy for heel spurs cost?

Since this manipulation is performed using expensive equipment, its cost is considered quite high in most clinics in the country. At the same time, its upper limit can reach 1300-1500 rubles, depending on the region where the procedure is performed, the rating of the medical center, the equipment used and the duration of the course.

Many modern clinics offer impressive discounts to patients who plan to undergo a whole range of treatment measures, including not only shockwave therapy, but also the use of laser equipment and physiotherapy.

At the Health Plus clinics, the procedure for treating a spiky formation on the heel using a red or blue tip costs 900-1200 ₽ . At the same time, we offer a 20% discount to everyone who undergoes an initial consultation with us. If you are interested in UVT for heel spurs, clinic addresses and prices can be found on our website.

Serviceprice, rub.
Shock wave therapy (SWT) treatment consultationfor free
Heel spur treatment procedure blue tip/red tip900 / 1200 ₽
Treatment procedure for heel spurs (red tip, 2 heels at a time)2 200 ₽
Discount on the initial visit to the clinic20%

Evaluation of the effectiveness of shock wave therapy in the treatment of heel spurs

The effectiveness of treatment of heel spurs using the UVT has been confirmed in practice. In the journal “Physiotherapy. Balneology. Rehabilitation” No. 5 for 2014, the results of a clinical study were published, during which patients were divided into three groups. The first group received shockwave therapy only, the second group received shock wave therapy for heel spurs in combination with phonophoresis and cryotherapy, and the third group received only phonophoresis and cryotherapy.

In 86% of patients in the first group who underwent treatment of heel spurs with shock wave therapy, as evidenced by reviews, recovery was observed. In the second group this figure was 93%, and in the third - only 40%. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that crushing heel spurs using shock wave therapy is an independent effective method. Compared to surgery, it is considered less traumatic and does not require a long rehabilitation period.

In some cases, side effects occur, including increased pain. As a rule, such consequences appear after the first procedure and disappear on the 2-3rd day. During subsequent sessions of shockwave therapy for heel spurs, no adverse reactions are observed.

The effectiveness of shockwave therapy is enhanced by the additional use of special orthopedic insoles to unload the foot and the performance of a special set of exercises.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Description of the procedure and frequency of sessions

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs is performed using a special shockwave device. The operation of this device is based on the process of converting electrical impulses into sound waves, which subsequently penetrate the tissue. To determine the frequency of the waves and the strength of the impact, the doctor evaluates the nature of the disease and the depth of the bone formation. In general, when performing shock wave therapy for heel spur removal, the recommended intensity of treatment is 0.3–0.4 MPa, or 3–4 atm (pressure units for treatment).

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs in Moscow is carried out without hospitalization of the patient, on an outpatient basis. Before starting the procedure, the doctor conducts a mandatory examination, the purpose of which is to determine the nature of the impact and the number of sessions required. Laboratory and instrumental examinations are also performed, including the following procedures:

  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • General analysis of urine and blood;
  • Coagulogram;
  • X-ray of the foot.

In difficult cases, magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed. After all the necessary examinations have been carried out and in the absence of contraindications, a shock wave therapy session is performed directly, during which the heel spur is removed. To determine the most painful areas, the doctor palpates the foot, applies a special conductive gel to the indicated areas and works with the help of an applicator. The duration of one UVT procedure for a heel spur, as evidenced by reviews, ranges from 15 to 25 minutes. The interval between sessions is 3–7 days. Many patients who are prescribed shockwave therapy for heel spurs are interested in how many sessions are needed to achieve complete recovery. As a rule, 3 to 7 procedures are sufficient to obtain maximum treatment results.

Indications and contraindications

The UVT method has clear indications and a number of limitations. For example, at a young age, under 15 years old, the procedure is not performed.

When is it recommended:

Cannot be used for:

  • Severe pain in the projection of the heel tubercle;
  • Presence of painful ossification;
  • Inflammation of the plantar fascia;
  • Central or peripheral location of the bone spine;
  • Ineffectiveness of other physiotherapeutic methods.
  • Oncology in the area of ​​heel spurs;
  • Thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the leg and foot;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Damage to the skin on the heel and foot;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Early period after myocardial infarction;
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication of the patient;
  • Pregnancy.

It is allowed to conduct sessions in the presence of metal plates or pins. Before the procedure, the patient is recommended to undergo an examination (ultrasound or x-ray of the foot) to determine the size of the bone spike and possible concomitant diseases.

In what cases is the UVT procedure contraindicated?

Despite the high effectiveness of this technique, shock wave therapy for heel spurs has its contraindications. Since its effect on the human body has not been sufficiently studied, it is necessary to carefully study all possible restrictions. So, when a heel spur is removed using UVT, there are the following contraindications :

  • Pregnancy at any stage;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Acute infectious processes in the body;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Presence of an electronic pacemaker;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Childhood and adolescence.

Nuances of the course of the disease

A spur develops in the heel area due to inflammation that has arisen for various reasons. As a result, the ligament (plantar fascia) consisting of several tendon fibers undergoes a number of degenerative changes. The main function of this functional formation is the connection of the digital phalanges and the lower segment of the calcaneus. Thanks to its presence, the physiological position of the longitudinal arch of the base of the foot is maintained and flexion-extension occurs during movement.

At the very beginning of the formation of the spur, while ensuring long-term rest, self-healing of the tendon fibers occurs, but over time this ability is lost. With constant movement, microtraumas appear on the ligaments, which lead to deterioration of the fascia and slow down the process of regeneration of foot tissues. A heel spur gradually forms, which in official medicine is called “plantar fasciitis.”

Treatment of heel spurs in honey

Medical offers to take a course of shock wave therapy for heel spurs using modern equipment. The clinic employs qualified specialists with extensive experience in treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, if you are interested in shock wave therapy for heel spurs, the price in our clinic is one of the lowest in Moscow. The cost of one procedure is 900 ₽.

Many people are interested in: “ Does shock wave therapy help with heel spurs ?” Yes, this manipulation is recognized as one of the highest in the field of treatment of plantar fasciitis. After the first session, 80% of patients experience a decrease in pain, and after three sessions there is a stable remission.

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs: reviews

Shock wave therapy for heel spurs, as confirmed by patient reviews, is highly effective, has a low level of discomfort and eliminates the possibility of surgical intervention. According to most experts, this technique is one of the most effective in the field of removing spinous bone formations. Also, shock wave therapy for heel spurs, as indicated in patient reviews, gives positive results in 96% of cases, and 35% of people indicate a decrease in pain after the initial session.

According to experienced doctors, shock wave treatment is currently one of the most effective conservative methods of crushing spurs. When undergoing this procedure simultaneously with traditional drug treatment, the chance of recovery is significantly increased. In this case, it is desirable to exclude increased loads on the heel bone during therapy and after its completion. Doctors also recommend wearing special orthopedic insoles with shock absorbers.


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