Shock wave therapy: effective treatment of joint diseases

  1. What is shock wave therapy
  2. How shock wave therapy sessions are performed
  3. Efficiency of UVT
  4. Indications, contraindications and side effects
  5. Features of the MASTERPULS® »ultra«
  6. Cost of UVT services
  7. Initial appointment is free!
  8. Neurologist performing shock wave therapy
  9. Reviews

Shock wave therapy is a modern treatment method that is based on the impact of shock (acoustic) waves.
The latter are a kind of “deliverer” of large amounts of energy. When colliding with tissue, or more precisely at the border of two dissimilar tissues, for example, bone and cartilage, this energy is released and has a certain biological effect. Among the main effects of UVT there is a decrease in pain, a decrease in inflammatory manifestations, restoration of joint mobility, acceleration of regenerative processes, and improvement of microcirculation. The procedure itself is painless and non-invasive and does not require special preparation or subsequent rehabilitation.

How shock wave therapy sessions are performed

At the first stage, a consultation is scheduled with the doctor who will perform the procedure. In our clinic, UVT sessions are conducted by a neurologist with many years of experience; the work uses modern expert-class equipment - the MASTERPULS® "ultra" device from the STORZ MEDICAL company.

After consultation, the specialist draws up an optimal treatment plan and selects the required number of shock wave therapy sessions, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and existing diseases. To achieve a pronounced effect, 4 to 10 procedures may be required.

Shock wave therapy is performed on an outpatient basis. The patient sits comfortably on a couch or in a chair, then a special conductive gel is applied to the problem area, after which the procedure itself begins. The doctor sets the necessary parameters on the device and places the manipulator in the desired area on the body. This takes into account the so-called trigger points, which differ for each disease. The duration of one session is 7-10 minutes per zone. After the procedure, the patient can immediately leave the clinic and return to their normal life without any restrictions.

Where is UVT used?

Shoulder joint Cervical region Hip joint
Elbow joint Thoracic region Knee-joint
Carpal joint Lumbar Ankle and foot

Modern Swiss equipment (we use the Swish Dolor Clast device from the EMS company) and 20 years of experience of our specialists provide positive results of up to 96% of UVT procedures.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

Shock wave therapy is actively used in the treatment of various diseases that are accompanied by neurological symptoms. These include:

  • Consequences of spinal injury.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs.
  • Muscle hypertonicity after a stroke.
  • Radicular syndromes.
  • Migraine, etc.

UVT has proven itself to be effective in eliminating pain caused by diseases such as heel spurs, periarthritis, flat feet, myositis, epicondylitis, and glenohumeral periarthritis with impeachment syndrome. The method has found application in other areas - urology, traumatology, aesthetic medicine.

Contraindications to shock wave therapy include:

  • Neoplasms in the area of ​​UVT.
  • Vascular thrombosis of any location.
  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Pathology of the blood coagulation system.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance
  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​UVT

The procedure is well tolerated and very rarely leads to complications. In some patients, there may be a short-term increase in pain, the formation of edema and small hematomas in the area of ​​exposure.


  • Indications
  • Orthopedics
  • Diseases of the cervical spine
  • Diseases of the thoracic spine
  • Diseases of the lumbar spine
  • Shoulder joint diseases
  • Elbow diseases
  • Diseases of the wrist joint
  • Diseases of the hand and fingers
  • Hip diseases
  • Knee diseases
  • Ankle diseases
  • Foot diseases
  • Traumatology
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (Urology)
  • Heart diseases
  • Cosmetology
  • Vascular diseases
  • Dentistry
  • Surgery
  • Contraindications
  • Relative contraindications
  • Absolute contraindications
  • Technical contraindications
  • Possible side effects
  • Commentary from an expert doctor
  • Prices for UVT
  • Our doctors
  • Why do they contact us?
  • Patient reviews
  • Sign up for treatment

Features of the MASTERPULS® »ultra«

MASTERPULS® »ultra« is primarily a multifunctional and flexible system that allows the doctor to solve a wide range of problems and individually adapt to the characteristics of a particular patient.

Among the advantages of the device are:

  1. Unique ergonomics.
  2. Wide variety of attachments.
  3. Wide range of settings.
  4. Low noise level.
  5. Unique technologies (Air Power, D-ACTOR. IPS Control).

Due to its versatility, just one MASTERPULS® "ultra" complex can be used in the treatment of various pathologies, which affects the cost of the procedure itself.

Shock wave therapy using the MASTERPULS® »ultra« device is a simple, affordable and effective method for eliminating a wide variety of neurological diseases and their manifestations. It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. The exact tactics for managing a particular patient are developed individually, after consultation with a neurologist.

SWT treatment and operating principle of the device

Research into the effects of sound waves on human tissue has led to the emergence of devices that use acoustic waves for therapeutic purposes.

Orthopedic doctor Andrey Sergeevich Litvinenko comments:

The vibro-acoustic treatment method acts exclusively on the causes and mechanism of development of diseases of the joints and spine. Namely, on degenerative and dystrophic changes in tissues, thereby providing a rejuvenating effect! For some diseases, such therapy can even be avoided without surgery.

The principle of the UVT method is based on the effects of sound waves to have a therapeutic effect on pathological tissues:

  • Soften - scars, adhesions, fibrosis, calcium crystals, such as during shock therapy sessions for heel spurs;
  • Reduce pain and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • Stimulate blood supply to tissues and microcirculation;
  • Activate metabolic processes in tissues;
  • Restore joint mobility.

It should be noted that the acoustic wave has no effect on healthy tissues and does not injure them. No special patient preparation is required for the procedure. The method allows you to inexpensively and efficiently restore your health.

Treatment of knee joint gonarthrosis using the Swiss Dolor Clast device

An orthopedic doctor performs a shock wave therapy procedure for the shoulder joint.

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Alevtina 02/10/2021 17:28:32

I am 52 years old, I have long-standing and serious problems with my spine, and I have been living with a pacemaker for 2 years. Is it possible for me to take a UVT course and how many sessions will I need to do on average?

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LITVINENKO Andrey Sergeevich 02/12/2021 11:07:25

Good afternoon Alevtina! You need to consult with a cardiologist whether the procedure can be done if you have a pacemaker; sometimes they allow it. It all depends on where and what hurts you. Are there any contraindications to other methods?

What signs indicate the presence of a hernia?

Due to the different location of the hernia, certain symptoms of the disease may occur. If the lumbosacral region has undergone such a destructive process, pain is localized in the area of ​​the affected disc and can increase as the load on this area increases. Patients also note the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • A tingling sensation in the area of ​​the damaged disc;
  • Irradiation of pain to the buttock;
  • Loss of sensation in the lower extremities, the appearance of weakness;
  • Periodic numbness of the legs;
  • Dysfunction of the genitourinary system.

If the hernia is in the cervical region, then the following signs will be characteristic of the pathology:

  • The appearance of severe headaches;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Periodic increase in blood pressure;
  • Shooting pain in the upper extremities;
  • Numbness in the fingers.

If the hernia is in the thoracic region, a person may experience acute pain while at work. In some cases, the discomfort may become chronic. To make an accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination (MRI/CT) is performed. If the results of the above studies reveal that the disc is displaced by 25–50%, this indicates the presence of a hernia. If this figure exceeds 50%, then we can talk about protrusion.

What is a herniated disc?

The intervertebral disc plays a fixing and shock-absorbing role for the vertebra. Its diameter reaches 4 cm. It is the discs that are responsible for optimal pressure and natural mobility of the spine.

Typically, intervertebral discs include the following components:

  • Nucleus pulposus. It consists of elastic fibers having a radial direction and collagen threads having a random arrangement. There is water inside the core that prevents compression. As the body matures, the amount of fluid in the core decreases: in newborns this figure approaches 90%, and in the elderly population it is equal to 60%;
  • Fibrous ring. Includes elastic plates separated by layers of collagen;
  • End plates. The vertebrae are separated from the discs in the upper and lower parts.

If there is a chronic form of osteochondrosis, trauma, excessive stress or age-related changes, then changes occur in the structure of the nucleus pulposus and disturbances in the functioning of the intervertebral disc. As a result, spinal deformation occurs and the ability to optimally redistribute pressure on the disc is lost, which can lead to displacement of the core of any disc and severe damage to the fibrous ring.

The above pathology is called intervertebral hernia. Most often, this process is localized in the lumbar region. It is extremely rare to find it in the thoracic and cervical regions.

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