How long should you wear compression garments after varicose vein removal?

Elastic bandaging of the limbs is a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure that allows you to normalize blood circulation, improve fluid outflow and reduce the manifestations of vascular pathologies. The method involves applying a tight bandage to the pathological area. It is highly effective and safe, which is why it is very popular.

Specialists at the Barclay Clinic will help you bandage the lower extremities with an elastic bandage, because to achieve a positive effect it is important to adhere to some rules. We provide services at an affordable price, guarantee comfort and a high level of service.

When do you need compression stockings for varicose veins?

Compression hosiery has become a reliable assistant for doctors and patients in the modern treatment of varicose veins. Conservative treatment of venous diseases today is simply unthinkable without compression. However, not all patients are clear about the fact that they will have to wear a compression product. The positive properties of compression hosiery can be described for a very long time.

Sometimes compression hosiery is simply irreplaceable!

For a number of venous pathologies, in particular with chronic venous edema, complicated by severe edema, trophism, lymphovenous insufficiency, long-term or even lifelong use of good compression is assumed. And there is not much choice in these situations. Fortunately, patients who appreciate the effect of compression hosiery quickly get used to it and use it with pleasure.

What is foot binding and how does it affect blood vessels?

Bandaging is based on the principle of compression: the bandage creates external pressure on the vessels, which causes the lumen of the dilated vein to narrow and blood circulation to normalize.

Examples of bandaging the lower extremities for varicose veins and other vascular pathologies are found in history, dating back to antiquity. In Ancient Greece and Rome, patients had tight bandages made of linen and wool placed on their legs; later the same approach was used in Medieval Europe. With the discovery of synthetic fibers, compression therapy has reached a new level of development: thanks to the presence of elastane and latex in modern bandages, such bandages exert gentle, controlled pressure on soft tissues and blood vessels.

Depending on the degree of stretching, the following groups of elastic bandages are distinguished:

  • Products with the maximum level of pressure (the most tensile, elongate by 70%).
  • Medium-compression (medium elongation, elongate by 140%).
  • Minimum pressure (high elongation, elongate by 141% or more)

Bandaging legs before surgery: reasons

Is compression necessary after innovative interventions for varicose veins?

Today, the discussion among leading experts about how long to wear compression stockings after modern vein surgery continues. Using modern technologies, we have achieved a significant reduction in surgical trauma. Early activation of patients makes a very good and significant contribution to the prevention of thrombosis. Innovative interventions have made it possible to use the most important trump card in the prevention of thrombosis, active motor mode. It is the movements that accelerate blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities that allow you not only to recover as quickly as possible, but also to avoid any thrombosis.

Recommendations for compression after EVLT

The situation is somewhat different when using classical phlebectomy, when the timing of wearing compression is quite strictly regulated. Based on authoritative European studies, the opinion of leading world and domestic experts, the timing of wearing compression hosiery today is subject to significant individual variations. In uncomplicated forms of varicose veins after innovative procedures, the time of wearing compression can be limited to one to two weeks. In case of edema and trophic disorders, the use of compression hosiery is extended individually. In these situations, the patients themselves, noting an improvement in their condition, express a desire to continue using compression.

Compression after vein surgery

Thus, the exact timing of wearing compression hosiery after modern vein operations is selected individually, taking into account the benefits for patients in each specific case.

How to put on stockings correctly

During the hospital stay, stockings are put on the patient by the medical staff. After discharge from the hospital, his relatives do this.

After endoprosthetics, it is prohibited to bend the leg at the hip joint less than 90 degrees. Because of this, it is difficult for the patient to independently reach his feet and put on stockings without injuring the joint. Therefore, he needs the help of his loved ones.

Questions from patients about compression stockings after surgery

Yulia from Moscow asks: how long should you wear stockings after vein removal?

Dear Yulia! After innovative thermoobliteration procedures, compression stockings are worn for one to four weeks. After a classic phlebectomy, wearing compression stockings can take months.

Lyubov from Moscow is interested in: how long does it take to use compression stockings after a miniphlebectomy?

Dear Love! After a modern miniphlebectomy operation, wearing compression stockings is usually one to two weeks.

Olga from Moscow is interested in: which compression stockings are better after phlebectomy or laser surgery?

Dear Olga! After any intervention on the venous system, it is necessary to use good compression stockings. Products from German manufacturers have the best properties.

Veronica from the city of Zhukovsky asks: how long should you wear compression stockings after phlebectomy?

Dear Veronica! The period of wearing compression stockings after phlebectomy is usually at least a month. These terms determine the volume of surgical intervention and the degree of chronic venous insufficiency.

Choosing the right size

Compression stockings must exactly follow the shape of your legs, because the success of their use depends on this. The size of the underwear is selected individually, taking into account anatomical features. Please note that for each model, manufacturers create a separate size chart.

When selecting linen, take into account:

  • ankle circumference;
  • volume of the middle of the shin;
  • girth under the knee;
  • thigh circumference;
  • length of the leg from heel to groin.

The model and size of compression stockings should be selected by a specialist.

Types of intervention

1. Knee arthroscopy is one of the most common types of this intervention. When moving, the knee takes on a huge load, which gradually disrupts the normal processes in the joint and contributes to inflammation and destruction. Both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are recommended mainly for ligament ruptures, meniscus damage, arthrosis, etc. Knee arthroscopy is also performed before surgery to replace a damaged joint.

2. Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is also often injured during sports. Arthroscopy is performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for rotator cuff and labral tears. The operation is also minimally invasive.

3. Arthroscopy of the elbow joint. Arthroscopy of the elbow joint is performed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The elbow joint can be injured by a fall or destroyed due to arthritis or arthrosis.

The procedure is not performed at Garant Clinic.

3. Arthroscopy of the hip joint. Hip pain syndrome can occur for many reasons. Most problems are caused by diseases that can affect several parts of the joint at once. It is in order to identify a clear picture of the disease that arthroscopic intervention is performed in this joint. Therapeutic arthroscopy of the hip joint is performed only after a complete diagnosis.

The procedure is not performed at Garant Clinic.

4. Arthroscopy of the ankle joint. Ankle arthroscopy involves a minimally invasive endoscopic intervention using special equipment. Due to the fact that the operation does not require significant damage to surrounding tissue, the consequences are minimal, and most patients tolerate it well.

The procedure is not performed at Garant Clinic.

For any type of intervention, a person must undergo standard preoperative preparation, and afterward, recovery procedures. A set of rehabilitation measures is selected individually for each patient.

Arthroscopy is also used for diagnostic purposes for arthritis or arthrosis, since this method allows the doctor to see the condition of the diseased area from the inside.

Carrying out the operation

The operation can be performed under the following types of anesthesia:

  1. Intravenous anesthesia,
  2. In some cases, general anesthesia is used.

The specific technique of the operation itself should be determined by an orthopedic surgeon, who makes decisions based on diagnostic data, x-rays and MRI results. Most often, the choice of technique is determined by the degree of joint damage.

When performing arthroscopy, two punctures measuring 4-5 mm are made. The first puncture is necessary to insert an arthroscopic camera, which records all changes and condition in the joint. The image is transmitted to the monitor, and the doctor can accurately know the internal condition of the joint capsule and effectively carry out treatment. A second puncture is necessary to insert the instrument

Why do you wrap your legs with an elastic bandage before surgery?

Surgery is a serious stress, during which the clotting ability of the circulatory system increases. An increase in blood viscosity can lead to the formation of blood clots, and it is moderate compression that helps prevent their occurrence. To reduce the risk of complications (formation of blood clots and air emboli) in people at risk of developing embolism, their legs are bandaged before surgery.

The application of compression bandages is possible not only in the pre-, but also in the postoperative period. In particular, this applies to cases of vein removal.


  1. The presence of allergic rashes, purulent wounds, fibrous lesions in the operation area,
  2. Fresh injury to the periarticular area.
  3. It is prohibited to perform arthroscopy on people who have malignant neoplasms in the body. In this case, it is recommended to first undergo full treatment (radiation therapy and chemotherapy), and then allow the body to recover.

In some cases, even if there are any local problems or allergic reactions, it is possible, together with the doctor, to select a method of arthroscopy that will have minimal consequences for the patient.

How to choose the size of compression garments?

A table is usually printed on the packaging of stockings with the equivalence of measurements in centimeters and the corresponding sizes.

The ideal time to take the measurement is in the morning when you wake up, or at least after you've been up for about 20 minutes with your feet elevated to prevent your ankles from becoming swollen.

Measurements are taken in a standing position, so it is better if someone else helps you, for example, the consultants of our orthopedic salons.

Usually two measurements are enough for short stockings (at the thinnest part of the ankle and the widest part) and an additional measurement for long stockings, at mid-thigh level.

When purchasing compression stockings, it is very important to choose the correct size. If you cannot decide on the size, contact the Aesculapius orthopedic salons. Our consultants will help you choose the right size of anti-embolic stockings for surgery.

Recommendations for patients after knee replacement

1. The main recommendations for a patient who has undergone total knee arthroplasty relate to regular exercise therapy at home to improve the function of the operated joint, the condition of the muscles of the lower extremities, weight-bearing ability, restore the walking pattern and activity in everyday life, as well as reduce the risk of falls. Crutches become unnecessary 3-4 weeks after surgery, as soon as the patient’s well-being allows. One crutch should continue to be used until the patient stops limping; The crutch should be on the side of the healthy leg. 2. The operated leg should be bandaged with an elastic bandage for up to 3 months after surgery. The patient needs to monitor his health, since exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute infections, hypothermia, and overwork can lead to inflammation of the operated joint. If body temperature rises, swelling of the operated joint, redness of the skin over it, or increased pain in the joint, the patient should urgently consult a doctor. 3. Dangerous activities after surgery: running, jumping, ball games, contact sports, aerobics are not recommended. Activity exceeding the usual recommendations after surgery: too long or tiring walks, tennis, lifting weights over 25 kg. Allowed activities after surgery: non-tiring walks, swimming, golf, driving, “non-extreme” hiking, ballroom dancing, climbing short stairs , skiing, cycling, walking with poles. If the operated knee begins to hurt and swell after exertion, they should be reduced for a while. 4. It is recommended to wear low-heeled shoes, remove moving mats and wires for a while, and gradually increase the duration of walking and support on the operated leg. When walking, the patient should try to keep his back straight, look forward and place his leg straight in front of him or moving it slightly to the side, bend the knee when the leg is hanging, and straighten it when the leg rests on the floor. In winter, when walking on slippery surfaces, the patient should use anti-slip pads on shoes and crutches. 5. When getting into a car, it is advisable for the patient to sit in the front seat, having first reclined the backrest and moved the seat as far back as possible. You need to get into the car with your hands on crutches or other strong support. When landing, you should lean your upper body back and move your legs, controlling their movements. During the trip, the patient should sit in a comfortable position, leaning on the back of the seat. Driving is possible when the patient can easily get into the car and control the pedal pressure. This most often occurs 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Before this period, you can drive a car only if you have an automatic transmission. 6. After the operation, the patient must follow the following rules: ensure that the height of the surface on which he sits is not lower than his knees; avoid sudden movements when standing up and squatting; do not sit for more than 15-20 minutes and do not stand in one place for more than 30 minutes; after walking, lie on your back and keep your legs elevated for at least 30 minutes; When resting, place a pillow between your knees and avoid hyperextension of the joint. The following should be avoided: excessive rotation of the legs in or out, rotational movements of the legs, sudden swings to the side; lifting, carrying and pushing heavy objects (more than 10 kg); increase in body weight; falls and shocks; deep squats; jumping; sudden movements and braking; long periods of sitting with crossed legs. 7. It is better for the patient to rest lying on his back 3-4 times a day. When resting, you can lie on your side, but use a bolster or pillow between your thighs. You should not sleep on a bed that is too soft or low; it is desirable that it be above the level of the knees (when the patient is standing). 8. It should be remembered that metal detectors may react to the patient’s endoprosthesis. 9. For the first six weeks after surgery, it is advisable not to take a hot bath and wash in a warm shower. It is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse or sauna during the first 1.5-3 months. 10. The patient must take control photographs annually and be shown to the clinic for a consultation Union of Rehabilitation Doctors in Russia (

Indications for surgery:

Shoulder arthroscopy is performed in the following cases:

  • For instability of the shoulder joint.
  • If the patient has a diagnosis of “Habitual shoulder dislocation.”
  • If the rotator cuff is damaged.
  • Impingement syndrome
  • Injury to the biceps tendon.
  • Arthrosis.

For the knee joint the list is somewhat smaller and includes mainly traumatic injuries:

  • Meniscus damage
  • Injury to the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.
  • “Habitual dislocation” of the knee joint or patella.
  • Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint.
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