GYNECOLOGY: How to properly treat mastopathy?

Benign and malignant tumors, various inflammations are the scourge of our time. Stressful conditions and unbalanced nutrition lead to metabolic disorders. A sedentary lifestyle impairs blood circulation. The air of cities is becoming increasingly toxic for humans. These conditions create a favorable background for the development of tumors and pathologies in the body. In such cases, traditional healers prescribe medicinal products from anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and detoxifying plants. One of them is marsh cinquefoil. People call it “Russian ginseng”, bogwort, bitter fieldfare or swamp rose. It is believed that this medicinal herb restores joint health, improves immunity and prolongs youth.

Composition and beneficial properties of marsh cinquefoil

It is not for nothing that people say that cinquefoil acts like a saber that cuts off disease. The beneficial properties of the leaves, stems and rhizomes of swampweed are due to its rich composition, because it contains substances such as:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenolcarboxylic acid;
  • carotene;
  • anthocyanins;
  • terpenoids;
  • saponins;
  • free gallic (nut) acid;
  • catechins;
  • bitterness;
  • mucus;
  • microelements;
  • essential oils.

The chemical composition of the grass and rhizomes is almost identical. True, the aerial part contains anthocyanins, and all other substances are found in lower concentrations than in the rhizomes.

Marshweed tannins give it an astringent taste, heal, suppress the development of microorganisms and prevent deposits of heavy metal salts. Flavonoids have a positive effect on blood vessels, reducing their fragility and permeability. Phenolcarboxylic acids strengthen the immune system and increase the adaptogenic properties of the body. Powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, have a bactericidal effect, impart elasticity to capillary walls and relieve swelling. They are also known for their ability to accumulate in the retinal tissue, strengthening its blood vessels. Carotenes prevent free radicals from destroying cell structure and increase the defenses of the human body.

Biologically active substances, terpenoids, have antimicrobial, antispasmodic effects and stimulate digestion. Catechins increase the elasticity of capillary walls and slow down cell aging. Gallic acid is an antitumor and hemostatic agent for internal and external bleeding. Also used in the treatment of diabetes. Solutions of this substance heal wounds and inhibit the development of the hepatitis B pathogen.

Bitterness irritates the taste buds of the tongue and improves appetite and digestion. Fieldfare saponins are famous as adaptogens - they enhance the immune response and prevent the development of diseases. These substances increase physical performance, therefore they are recommended for absolutely healthy people as a preventative measure. The mucus of cinquefoil has a beneficial effect on stomach tissue, restoring their integrity.

Without potassium, normal metabolism, water balance and heart function are impossible. Magnesium increases resistance to stress, inhibits tumor growth and removes toxins from the body. To maintain healthy bones and teeth, mental activity and muscle function, you cannot do without phosphorus. An important element - copper regulates the functioning of the entire body, neutralizes free radicals and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

Swamp rose flowers look like scarlet stars

One of the best beekeeping products, cinquefoil honey stimulates the body's defenses, helping to resist infections. It treats joints, relieves swelling, fights tumors and is used as a cancer prevention. This sweet medicine has an unusual taste and color. Gourmets note the slightly bitter chocolate taste with a floral aroma. Swamp rose honey is similar in color and consistency to the French dessert crème caramel.

Additional treatment of mastopathy

Whatever disease occurs, it is not enough to treat it with medications - it is important to change your diet and lifestyle. Mastopathy is no exception, so the quality of nutrition plays an important role. If the patient eats a diet rich in fats and meat products, the hormonal levels may change over the course of several years, and sometimes even months.

The global community of oncologists recommends including anti-carcinogenic products and components in the daily menu. We are talking about bran, fat-soluble vitamins, vegetables and some types of fruits, as they contain fiber.

Vitamin complexes are necessary to replenish important microelements and minerals in the body, because in most cases it is their lack that provokes the occurrence of pathologies. Particular attention is paid to vitamins of groups A, E, B and D. Their deficiency can cause the growth of tumors and not only in the breast.

You can compensate for the deficiency not only with vitamin preparations, but also by expanding the list of products for daily use:

  • Group A vitamins are found in large quantities in milk, liver, eggs, and fish oil. At the same time, you should not overeat these foods, otherwise there is a risk of fat deposits that play a negative role in the formation of mastopathy;
  • vitamin C, which has a wide spectrum of action that enhances the body’s capabilities, is found in cabbage, bell pepper, and citrus fruits;
  • B vitamins are essential for the body, including folic acid. The main content is cereals, bran, liver, greens.

Adaptogens, the so-called substances of plant origin that can stimulate the internal resources of the body, are also active helpers in getting rid of pathology. Ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass, flower pollen and others significantly increase the body's resistance to tumors.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Infusions, decoctions, and tinctures for oral use are made from the leaves, herbs and rhizomes of bitter ashberry. These remedies have a strong healing effect on the body. Oils, ointments, lotions and compresses are prepared for external use.

Residents of the north have long been drinking tea with bogwort to increase stamina and performance, especially during the polar night. This drink rejuvenates and improves tone. Pour 2 teaspoons of black tea and 1 teaspoon of swamp herb into a half-liter teapot. A cup of this drink will bring cheerfulness and increased performance throughout the day. Tea with swampweed is especially useful for patients with type 2 diabetes. However, it is better to drink this drink after meals, as it increases appetite.

Inflammatory processes, high blood pressure

Fieldfare thins the blood, relieves inflammation, tones veins and blood vessels - it heals the entire circulatory system, so decoctions from it are used to treat varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension and pre-stroke conditions.

For hypertension, varicose veins, tuberculosis and rheumatism, traditional healers prescribe a decoction: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of fieldfare rhizomes is simmered for half an hour in 250 ml of water. After straining, add water to the original volume. Take 3 times a day in a 100-gram glass before meals. Course duration: 6 weeks. Thyroid tumors are also treated with this decoction.

Bogwort lotions give good results for hemorrhoids, purulent ulcers, and non-healing wounds.

Lotions recipe: 6 tbsp. Brew 300 ml of boiling water for spoons of leaves and bring to a boil. Cool to body temperature, place the pulp on gauze, wrap and place on the inflamed area. Apply until the inflammation disappears.

Diseases of joints and bones, bruises

Fieldfare infusion literally revives joints, restoring their mobility, restoring bone and cartilage tissue in osteoporosis, polyarthritis and radiculitis. In addition, it dissolves salt deposits: for gout, osteochondrosis and spinal hernia. Before taking swampweed products, consult your doctor. Excessive excretion of salts from the body can be dangerous. For example, a lack of potassium and magnesium salts can lead to disruption of the heart.

When salts are deposited in joints, use an infusion: brew 1 tbsp in a thermos. spoon the stems and rhizomes of swampweed with a glass of boiling water and wait an hour. Squeeze and bring to original volume. A single dose is a 100-gram glass half an hour before meals three times a day. Course duration: 1 month. 1 tbsp will help enhance the effect of this remedy. spoon of lingonberry or currant leaf.

This infusion has a mild calming effect. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system in cases of hysteria, neurasthenia, memory impairment and suicidal syndrome.

It is important that taking bogwort products allows you to reduce the amount of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs consumed, thereby maintaining the health of the stomach and intestines.

As an external remedy, bogwort ointment is used: mix 1 part of the powder from the rhizomes with 10 parts of unsalted butter and simmer in a water bath for 4 hours. While the ointment is hot, filter it and cool it. The product is applied at night, covered with film and wrapped. Can be applied without wrapping to bedsores and areas with erysipelas of the skin. This ointment significantly improves blood circulation, so it is also recommended for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Do not use ointment if the skin is damaged.

For the treatment of joints and bruises, healing oil is useful: 4 tbsp. Place spoons of dry roots in a jar, pour in 400 ml of vegetable oil and leave for a month. For best quality, shake the container periodically. This remedy is also applied to the skin for erysipelas.

Exacerbation of gout is well relieved by baths: 4 tbsp. Simmer tablespoons of fieldfare in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. After straining, add to the general bath at a temperature of 39 degrees. Lie in the bath for 15 minutes, dry off and lie down in a warm bed.

A bath with mountain ash will relieve pain during gout exacerbation


Bolotnik has proven itself in the conservative treatment of benign tumors and precancerous diseases: ovarian cystosis, glandular hyperplasia, adenomatosis, internal endometriosis and mastopathy. However, consultation with a doctor on each specific case is mandatory.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, fieldfare is used with boron uterus, a plant that has antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Medicines from these 2 herbs are prepared separately. Prepare a decoction of boron uterus herb: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes, then left for an hour. Separately, a decoction of swamp herb is prepared according to the same recipe. Borovaya uterus is taken an hour before meals, and swampweed an hour after. Single dose: a hundred-gram glass of each herb. Drink a course of 1 month 3 times a day. When treated with these decoctions, the size of tumors of the breast, uterus and ovaries decreases, which is noticeable by the results of ultrasound and fluorography.

Swampwort and hogweed are a worthy replacement for surgery and medication.

It would be good to accompany the intake of decoctions with douching: pour 1 teaspoon of fieldfare herb into 500 ml of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour. This decoction is used for douching and rinsing 3 times a day.

To stop uterine bleeding, drink a decoction of several herbs: you need to mix 2 parts of bogwort rhizomes and 3 parts of burnet. Two tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, cooled and filtered. You should drink the decoction before meals, a third of a glass 3 times a day, until the bleeding stops.

Digestive diseases

Swampweed infusion heals defects in the walls of the stomach and is used for ulcers and gastritis.

Infusion recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of grass and roots pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 2 hours. Single dose: one hundred gram glass. Drink three times a day before meals. Course duration: 21 days. This infusion not only eliminates trophic disorders in the gastric mucosa, but also relieves pain.

Adenoma and prostatitis

In the treatment of such a benign formation as an adenoma, traditional medicines are successfully combined with phytotherapeutic drugs. The first step is to relieve inflammation, thereby reducing swelling. For this, a decoction of a mixture of herbs is used.

Take 1 teaspoon:

  • cinquefoil rhizomes;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • dill seeds;
  • horsetail herbs;
  • steelhead roots.

Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the collection and simmer for 5 minutes, strain. Drink 3 times a day before meals. Single dose: half a glass. Course duration: 6 months. However, every month you need to take a break for 10 days. This remedy also stops inflammation of the prostate gland and prevents the disease from becoming chronic. Before taking the collection, you should consult your doctor.

The decoction can be replaced with swamp tincture, recipe below. It is taken like this: 1 tbsp. a spoon is diluted in 50 ml of water and drunk 2 times a day, morning and evening for 6 months, every 20 days taking a break for 3 days.

Swampweed is recognized as the official medicine of China, Japan, Mongolia and Korea as a medicine against tumors.

The use of “Russian ginseng” tincture


Fieldfare is the only non-poisonous plant that has antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used in the treatment of cancer as an adjuvant. Remember, cancer should be treated with herbs only after consultation with a doctor, in order to prevent irreversible changes in the affected organs. Remedies from swampweed, as part of complex therapy, are used in the treatment of lung, breast, stomach and rectal cancer.

The classic recipe for tincture: fill a liter jar with chopped rhizomes to a third of its volume, add vodka, seal and leave for 21 days. Drink the tincture like this: dissolve 1 tbsp in 50 ml of water. spoon of the product and consume three times a day before meals, washed down with water. Course duration: 20 days, 3 days break. Then repeat the course 3 more times in this sequence.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, prepare a tincture from the collection: 2.5 tbsp. spoons of elecampane root and 1 tbsp. pour half a liter of vodka over a spoonful of bogwort and leave for 21 days. This healing remedy is drunk in the morning before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon with water. Course duration: 5 weeks. In total, you need to drink at least 1 liter of tincture, even if the condition has improved sharply in the middle of the course and it seems that complete recovery has occurred.

If for some reason vodka is forbidden to you, you can “dry” the tincture in a very original way: fill a half-liter jar to the top with cut bogwort stems, pour in vodka, and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then grind the entire contents of the jar (stems with vodka) in a blender and apply the pulp onto glass, which is placed on a hot radiator. When the mass dries, scrape it into a jar or food foil. Store the composition in the refrigerator. The product is prepared for use as follows: take the composition on the tip of a knife and stir it in half a cup of water. Drink three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Course duration: month.

In herbal medicine, swampweed tincture is used not only for cancer, but also for salt deposits and thyroid tumors. In each case, you must consult a doctor.

In case of serious illnesses, psychologists recommend paying attention to your thoughts. It is very important to forgive everyone who has offended you, do not feel hatred and maintain a positive attitude. Negative emotions destroy health. Accept and love yourself, then it will be easier for you to treat other people well.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Medicinal products from fieldfare (tincture, ointment) are prescribed for osteoporosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and varicose veins. The beneficial effect on bones and veins is due to the anti-inflammatory substances contained in this plant. Taking the tincture can also relieve exacerbation of psoriatic arthritis. No one has yet been able to completely cure this immune disease, but it is possible to relieve pain and inflammation with the help of herbal medicine.

Ointment with tincture of “Russian ginseng” for joint pain: mix 1 tube of any fatty cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of swamp tincture, a couple of drops of vitamin E and 1 teaspoon of hot pepper tincture. The last ingredient is prepared according to this recipe: 1 pod of hot pepper is poured with 250 ml of vodka and infused for a week and a half. Apply the ointment 2 times a day for 2 weeks, then stop for 1 week. If necessary, the course is repeated. This remedy is also used on dilated veins with varicose veins.

For inflammation in the joints and spine, another type of swamp tincture is used: in a liter jar with 5 tbsp. spoons of rhizomes are poured into half a liter of vodka and infused for 1 week. Moisten cotton wool with the prepared product and wipe the inflamed areas three times a day. If possible, apply a compress at night in the following sequence: cotton wool soaked in tincture, film, insulation, bandage.

Rinsing with mountain ash destroys germs, cures purulent sore throat, periodontal disease and stomatitis, while relieving pain. The solution is prepared as follows: dilute 2 teaspoons of tincture in a 100-gram glass of water. Rinse your mouth and throat at least 7 times a day.

To cure sore throat, stomatitis, periodontal disease, rinse your mouth with fieldfare tincture for at least 2 minutes 7 times a day

For unbearable pain in the bones, use a tincture with a double analgesic effect: 100 g of galangal roots and 200 g of bogwort rhizomes are poured into a three-liter bottle and filled to the top with vodka. Infuse for 3 weeks, sometimes shaken. Drink 3 times a day, 1–2 tbsp. spoons 30 minutes before meals.

All types of swamp tinctures are stored in a dark place during preparation. Otherwise, the beneficial substances of the plant will be destroyed from sunlight. Once every 3 days, it is advisable to shake the container with the tincture.

Insect bites, poisoning

The classic tincture of swamp rose helps get rid of unbearable itching after bites of mosquitoes, horseflies and wasps. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon before each meal for 2 days. Bloody scratches will heal quickly.

In case of poisoning, an infusion of swamp grass roots and herbs is used to remove toxins, the same as in the treatment of gastritis. It is drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals, in a 100-gram glass. Course duration: 3 days in a row.


It is not for nothing that fieldfare is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics. It is believed to have a regenerating, antiseptic and rejuvenating effect and is included in creams, shampoos, soaps and lipsticks.

One of the indicators of human health is thick, shiny hair. Bogwort is a well-known remedy for hair loss. To strengthen the hair follicles, use a decoction: 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and stems are brewed with 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. This product is rubbed into the scalp. Course: 3 days in a row, 1 time per day. Store unused infusion in the refrigerator.

The ability of bogwort to tone blood vessels and renew skin cells is known to cosmetologists. To give the skin a fresh, elastic look, use a cream mask: mix 1 tbsp in a glass bowl. heaping spoonful of facial moisturizer, 1 tbsp. spoon of cinquefoil tincture, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a couple of drops of vitamin E. The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck for 30 minutes and washed off with cool water. Surprisingly, even aging skin becomes youthful in appearance.

Swampweed mask will noticeably rejuvenate your skin

Rinsing with a decoction helps against dandruff: boil 5 minutes, 3 tbsp. spoons of fieldfare stems and leaves in a liter of water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction cooled to body temperature until dandruff disappears.

Weight loss

Swamp rose improves metabolism, aids digestion, reduces hunger and is therefore an excellent remedy for weight loss. Losing weight with the help of this plant involves the use of two means. Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rhizomes is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, filtered. Tincture: pour 500 ml of vodka into a jar, one-third filled with rhizomes, close tightly and infuse for 3 weeks in the dark. The infusion is taken three times a day, a quarter glass, half an hour before meals, and the tincture - 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour after eating.

At the same time as taking the medication, it is advisable to go on a diet, eliminating fatty meats and flour products. The most suitable diet for losing weight with swampweed is rice. The mireweed diet lasts 1 week. Monitor your health, blood pressure, pulse, if everything is in order, you can repeat the course in a week.

Taking swampweed infusion and tincture helps to lose excess weight


It is prohibited to use fieldfare under the following conditions:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • hypotension;
  • bradycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • renal and liver failure.

Usually, swampweed is well tolerated, but it has a peculiarity: at the beginning of taking it as a medicine, it can cause an exacerbation of current diseases. This period begins approximately 2 weeks after the start of treatment with this plant; you just need to wait it out. Continue taking it during an exacerbation, but do not exceed the dosage. In hypertensive patients, blood pressure may rise for a short time; correct it by taking herbs that lower blood pressure, for example, marina root, lemon balm.

Please note that cinquefoil successfully removes all salts from the body, not only harmful deposits from joints, so it is advisable to include in the menu foods rich in natural vitamins and microelements: nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Due to the too high content of bioactive substances that increase the tone of the uterus, swampweed is prohibited during pregnancy.

People prone to hypotension should not use field ash tincture, as it significantly reduces blood pressure. For such patients, it is better to try a decoction and external remedies, while constantly monitoring the pressure.

During treatment with swampweed, you should not drink alcohol, coffee, cocoa, dairy products and soups with meat broth. Smoking is also prohibited.

Doctors' recommendations

Regardless of the method of treatment and the severity of the disease, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • reduce, or better yet eliminate, the consumption of coffee, strong tea and cocoa;
  • get rid of addictions to alcohol and smoking;
  • follow the rules of healthy lifestyle;
  • add fish, boiled or baked lean meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals to the menu;
  • wear underwear of your size and appropriate shape;
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and heat (baths, solariums).

As a result of incorrect, untimely treatment or lack thereof, a complication in the form of oncology is possible. For this reason, it is important to perform breast self-exams, visit your doctor regularly, and follow his or her prescriptions. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to get rid of it without serious consequences.

Collection and storage

Depending on the region, at the end of June - beginning of July, the above-ground part of cinquefoil, leaves and stems are collected. The raw materials are dried only in the shade in a draft for about 2 weeks, turning them over daily. The underground parts are harvested in the fall, in September - October. After digging, carefully sort out the rhizomes, take only the yellowish parts, dark brown ones are not suitable, they are almost rotten. You can easily check the suitability by breaking the root; if it is black at the break, throw it away. The collected raw materials are washed, cut into pieces 1–3 cm long and dried in the sun in a well-ventilated place. Rhizomes are considered dry when they break with a characteristic crack.

Store raw fieldfare for up to 3 years in linen bags or in glass containers in a dark, dry place.

Features of the procurement of medicinal raw materials

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