How to properly treat a heel spur using the Almag 01 device

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Many patients are interested in the question: can Almag Plus be used for heel spurs ?

This disease is very common and causes a lot of trouble. Magnetotherapy, as one of the methods of physiotherapy, helps to stop the pathological process, get rid of discomfort in the heel when walking or standing, as well as the onset of long-term remission.

Under the influence of pulsed radiation from Almag-01, the following occurs:

  • The permeability of cell membranes increases;
  • Local blood flow improves;
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • Metabolic processes are normalized;
  • Swelling is eliminated;
  • Signs of inflammation and pain disappear.


Almag with a spur: principle of operation

A spur, or fasciitis, is caused by inflammation of the plantar ligament (fascia) where it attaches to the heel bone. This area bears a large load, equal to half the person's weight if the shoes are correct. What is she like? Read below. Sometimes the overload increases to 90% of body weight (for lovers of sneakers, ballet shoes and other flat bases).

Injury to the fascia is not uncommon. At the same time, an inflammatory process develops in the affected area, in which cells rich in calcium die. It gradually forms a spur, the size of which in some cases reaches 12 mm. Its pressure on soft tissues causes acute pain.

Each cell of the body has its own magnetic field, but in a diseased cell it is disrupted. When treating heel spurs, Almag generates magnetic pulses that can restore the condition of the damaged cell. They activate all metabolic and immune processes at the cellular level.

At the same time, blood circulation accelerates, due to which inflammation decreases, swelling subsides, and muscle tension is relieved. Increased blood flow ensures rapid regeneration of affected tissues and increases the effectiveness of medications taken.

“Almag” also has an analgesic effect for heel spurs, based on reducing the sensitivity of pain receptors. The effectiveness of the treatment is explained by the fact that magnetic pulses are able to penetrate to a depth of up to 8 cm and accelerate the healing of the plantar ligament.

Contraindications for using the device

  • acute cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • use of a pacemaker (endoprostheses, supporting structures, pins and other metal products do not affect the operation of the device in any way);
  • acute inflammatory processes - including purulent ones;
  • malignant tumors and precancerous conditions;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • diencephalic syndrome;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • severe coronary heart disease;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • bleeding and decreased blood clotting;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • the beginning of the post-infarction period;
  • pregnancy.

Indications for use of Almag for heel spurs

“Almag” for spurs is used even for the first pain in the heel, which appears when the bone growth has not yet formed. Inflammation of the soft tissues and damage to the plantar ligament cause pain. They are of a short-term periodic nature, but you should pay attention to them. I write in more detail about what a spur is and where and how it arises here.

In addition, the reasons for starting physiotherapeutic procedures using the Almag apparatus for a spur are:

  • evening pain;
  • pain during physical activity or long walking;
  • starting pain in the morning or after sleep.

All these manifestations should not be attributed to fatigue and overwork. It is necessary to use Almag as soon as possible. In this case, his performance will be higher.

There are a number of factors that provoke the development of spurs. If you are overweight or have flat feet, you should use Almag for preventive purposes. It would be useful to use it for athletes and people whose professional activities involve being on their feet for a long time.

Plantar spur in pregnant women

For such patients, the standard causes of spurs remain relevant. However, they have specificities associated with changes in the physiological type in the body due to pregnancy. We are talking about softening the ligaments. Moreover, diagnosing the disease and its treatment are complicated, since not all methods and medications can be used. For women, prevention is of paramount importance:

  • daily massage procedures in the area of ​​the feet, if there is no swelling;
  • diet;
  • exclusion of alcohol and smoking;
  • use only comfortable shoes with a heel of 2-4 cm;
  • the use of insoles with a preventive effect.

Pregnant women, especially during the last trimester, should limit static body positions. They benefit from walking at a calm pace. If a heel spur has formed, then it is advisable to use only gentle drugs with an analgesic effect. Doctors may prescribe an ointment or patch. In rare cases, injections are prescribed.

Neoplasms in the heel area are quite common. At the initial stage, they are difficult to diagnose, but seeing a doctor at the first suspicion of a spur is mandatory. This way you can speed up your recovery and prevent the development of complications.

Almag for heel spurs: how to apply

"Almag" is a device for treating heel spurs at home. It allows you to avoid queues for physiotherapy at the clinic, and this is its undeniable convenience. It's easy to use. It has fixed settings and does not require additional settings.

How to use Almag with a spur? The heel should be placed on the outermost coil, and the rest should be wrapped around the ankle. You can place your foot on two coils, and secure the remaining two on the back of the shin. The sequence of actions is carried out on an empty stomach - one hour before meals or two hours after meals. At the end, the sore leg should be provided with complete rest for 40-50 minutes.

The Almaga course for spurs is 15-20 sessions of one procedure per day of varying duration. The duration of treatment is indicated in the table.

The first procedures are sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. This is a natural reaction of the body, it is not a reason for a spur.

Basic recommendations

Procedures should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Remember that magnetic therapy is an auxiliary technique that eliminates pain, suppresses inflammation and prevents complications.

On its own, it is not able to remove abnormal growths and restore the original state of bone tissue. When using the Almag 01 device, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • for acute pain that interferes with walking, two procedures per day are prescribed with a break of at least 6–8 hours;
  • The duration of sessions increases gradually. If this is your first time working with the device, start with 5 minutes;
  • if symptoms of plantar fasciitis worsen, stop magnetic therapy and consult your doctor;
  • The device should be used in a dry room with normal humidity. It is located away from storage devices, screens, smartphones and other devices sensitive to magnetic radiation;
  • During the treatment period, it is advisable to wear orthopedic insoles selected by the doctor. Vitamin therapy and therapeutic exercises are also recommended.


Reviews of the use of "Almag" for spurs are positive. Many people report a significant reduction in pain. It should be taken into account that the effectiveness of Almag's electromagnetic fields during spur depends on many factors. The age of the patient and the presence of additional drug therapy are important. But most of all, the result depends on the stage of the disease.

“Almag 01” effectively treats heel spurs in the early stages of the disease, when there is an inflammatory process, but the bone growth has not yet formed or is small in size.

Important! “Almag” has a positive effect on the condition of soft tissues: it relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, improves blood supply, but it cannot affect bone growth.

Shock wave therapy is used to destroy an existing spur. Sound waves pass unhindered through the skin and subcutaneous tissue and break up pathological hard formations. To date, this is the only way to avoid surgical removal of the spur.

Symptoms of the disease

Plantar fasciitis, which is called a “heel spur,” is a consequence of degenerative processes or abnormal growth of bone tissue. It is accompanied by constant trauma to the surrounding soft tissues and chronic inflammation. The diagnosis is made based on the following examinations:

  • analysis of patient complaints and identification of pain intensity on a special scale;
  • radiography;
  • physical examination.

Almag 01 helps to cope with the main symptom of the disease - pain.

What devices are used for spurs?

“Almag 01” is not the only device that helps in treating inflammation of the plantar ligament. Darsonval has a similar effect on heel spurs. Its therapeutic effect is based on the properties of alternating current, which enhances vascular tone. As a result, blood circulation in the affected area increases, metabolism accelerates, and the process of removing decay products improves. This device is over a hundred years old. During this time, it has undergone improvements, and today it can be purchased in medical equipment stores and used at home.

The use of "Darsonval" or "Almag" for a spur will be effective if one rule is observed: it is necessary to complete a full therapeutic course. Relief of the main symptoms is observed after 4-5 sessions, but this is not a reason to refuse further sessions. Any physiotherapeutic measures are cumulative in nature, and a lasting effect can be obtained only after completing an entire course.

Is there any sense in Vitafon and Almag 01?

When a heel spur appears, the usual way of life changes, when with any movement there is unbearable pain in the foot, similar to a nail hitting the heel. Pain caused by bone growth is eliminated by physiotherapeutic procedures.

To combat the problem, the doctor may prescribe a procedure using the Almag and Vitafon apparatus to treat heel spurs. The procedure as part of a cumulative cure is acceptable to all patients.

Devices for the treatment of heel spurs are easy to use; no prior preparation is required, so you can treat them at home yourself.

The principle of action of the Vitafon device

Vitafon is the most common physiotherapeutic device, which has 2 vibration membranes and an electronic unit. The magnetic field of the Vitafon more easily cures inflammation in the body and promotes rapid recovery after injury.

This treatment is very useful. It is based on improving blood flow in the area where vibration from the device occurs. Thanks to Vitafon, the flow of lymph increases, and an improvement in blood supply is observed in the capillaries.

The device operates within a radius of 10 cm. Thanks to the switches located on the display, it can operate in 2 modes.

  • There is an equivalent effect in duration, power and frequency on the affected tissue.
  • The work and break of wave duration, frequency and timing are gradually transformed.

The Vitafon device for heel spurs, due to its vibration properties, has the best effect, replacing a high-quality massage from a specialist. Treatment of heel spurs with Vitafon occurs through the influence of the device on the painful area of ​​​​the foot.

Therapeutic effect

During treatment, Vitafon excites its own microvibrations, which are suitable specifically for restoring blood flow, stimulating the decrease of lymph, and establishing the reflex of nerve fibers to excitation.

Decomposed products and destroyed cells are released simultaneously with lymph. Also, the vibration emitted by the device stimulates the recovery process from heel spurs.

During the period of exposure of the body to the device, microwaves vibrate in the tissues in an area of ​​up to 10 cm. When the frequency changes, blood flow is activated:

  • Fascia of the foot
  • Soft fabric soles
  • Ankle joint

The therapy consists in the fact that due to an increase in the power of blood flow in the heel area, the trophic activity of the diseased tissue increases 4 times, which leads to a rapid recovery.

Prescribed drugs to combat the disease, which relieve pain and relieve inflammation, are absorbed into the spur on the heel much more effectively.

In case of heel spur disease, Vitafon acts in the following way:

  • The rheological characteristics of blood improve
  • Metabolic processes in diseased tissues of the plantar fascia increase
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Tissue swelling is reduced
  • Increases maneuverability of the knee and ankle joints
  • Improves blood flow to deep tissues that are inaccessible to the hands of a massage specialist
  • Boosts immunity

Magnetic therapy devices have a positive effect on heel pain. Thanks to this treatment, the symptoms on the heel will quickly go away, the patient will recover after a while and begin to walk normally. With regular treatment of heel spurs for 3 weeks and 4 sessions per day, it is possible to get rid of pain.

Treatment method

The device is produced in several models, each of which has its own auxiliary purposes, which makes traditional treatment for spurs more effective when used at home. The quick cure method is as follows:

  • the device is connected to the network, a squeak will be heard;
  • The radiation mode and time can be selected by setting the program on the display;
  • vibraphones are fixed in the spur area using hands or elastic bandages;
  • since the membranes that come into contact with the limb cannot be washed, they must be covered with sheets of paper or a bandage during the procedure.

Vibraphones cannot be placed opposite each other, as this will reduce the power of the device. It is also forbidden to press the vibraphones tightly against the body, as the healing process will be reduced.

To understand how to treat a spur on the heel, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • The duration of the 1st procedure takes 5 minutes
  • Subsequent procedures are carried out with a gradual increase in time of 15-30 minutes

How many manipulations are required depends on the duration of the process. The longer it takes, the fewer procedures you will need to undergo per day.

Most often, doctors recommend 4-6 sessions, spending 15 minutes and 1-3 procedures lasting half an hour.

By using Vitafon to treat heel spurs, 2-3 manipulations during the day at home, a favorable result is ensured. The duration of the manipulations will depend on how soon the patient addressed the problem to a specialist.

The treatment course can last from 2 weeks to 3 months until the patient completely gets rid of the pain syndrome.

Contraindications for use

The device has limitations in use due to its electrical action or increased blood flow. A temporary contraindication for consumption is increased temperature. Contraindications for using the device include:

  • The presence of malignant formations that can spread to neighboring areas
  • The disease thrombophlebitis can lead to the detachment of a blood clot from the vascular wall
  • Gestation period
  • Previous skull trauma
  • Predisposition to the formation of stones in the gall bladder, kidneys

Some patients, after a couple of procedures, experience worsening spurs on the heel, accompanied by increased pain. Such situations are not a contraindication for therapy. This is caused by an immune response. In such cases, you need to endure a couple of sessions. The specialist will prescribe an anti-inflammatory agent.

Device models

The description of the medical device, instructions for use of which are included in the basic set, provides complete information about the effect of the produced microvibrations on the spur.

Combined model Vitafon 2

The device is equipped with the function of automatically adjusting the influencing energy, depending on the weight and height of the person.

The influence on the spur occurs at simultaneous frequencies, continuously and equally transforming on the scale of sound. Thanks to various vibraphones, the spectrum of influence on the body expands.

In addition to curing heel spurs, Vitafon 2 treats joint diseases, hernias, injuries, and fractures.

Vibroacoustic model Vitafon T

The device is equipped with an electronic display and a timer that automatically turns off after use. It has a separate power supply and adjustment, which makes it possible to use it in a car.

Vibroacoustic model Vitafon 5

The device consists of 12 removable additional vibraphones and a battery, which allows treatment if there is no source of electricity nearby. The device can operate in 9 modes. Before use, the patient only needs to set the session time.

Vitafon can be used to treat both heel spurs and eliminate joint pain without surgery or other ailments.

Vitafon IR

The device has a combined effect, endowed with vibroacoustic and infrared radiation. Has a battery, removable vibraphones, 4 modes. Vitafon IR can help with heel spurs, relieve swelling, inflammation, and relieve pain.

Almag 01

Is it possible to treat heel spurs with Almag? It is recommended to begin treatment with the device at the stage of development of the disease, when bone growth has not had time to cause persistent systemic changes and lead to deformation of the foot. Using only Almag 01, the heel spur will not go away on its own. It is often used as an adjunct to other methods of therapy.

Treatment of heel spurs with Almag 01 should not be interrupted. For the first 4 days, one procedure lasts up to 10 minutes, then the time increases to 15 and 20 minutes. For heel spurs, 4 Almag discs are applied as follows:

  • 1st on the foot
  • 2nd on the heel
  • 3rd and 4th on the back of the lower leg

This treatment covers the entire pathological area of ​​the heel with the spur. Some patients complain that after 1 session there is no result, but after 4 procedures the heel will stop hurting a lot, and the pain in the spur will not be so pronounced and acute.

General recommendations for the treatment of heel spurs with all types of devices

During the period of joint radiation, vibraphones are attached to the anterior and posterior muscles of the limb where the heel spur has formed. Vibraphones are installed on the heel area in this way:

  • Using an elastic bandage, place the vibraphone on the bottom of the heel at the attachment point.
  • The other is on the lateral side of the heel bone
  • Procedures should be done up to 3 times a day


A complex approach

Using Almag for spurs certainly has a positive result. But you should not completely rely on the “miracle device”. The use of Almag for a spur is only one of the components of complex treatment. Without taking medications, physical therapy, and magnetic therapy will not be enough to obtain the desired result.

To achieve a quick effect, you need to wear orthopedic products such as:

  • heel pads;
  • insoles with shock absorbers;
  • comfortable footwear for medical purposes.

I have already written about the effectiveness of using massagers to relieve pain from spurs, read it. And don’t forget that the heel in everyday shoes must be 3-4 centimeters. This way the load on the heel is significantly lower than when wearing flat soles. Therefore, the pain associated with a spur goes away quickly and for a long time.

Where to buy Almag

To buy “Almag-01” or “Almag Plus” you don’t need to waste time searching. Just go to this online store and place an order. Delivery to any point in Russia and Armenia. In some cities, you can pick up the goods yourself, having previously reserved medical equipment on the website. The prices are very attractive. Promotions are held frequently.

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