How to treat common osteochondrosis with the ALMAG-01 device

Frequent back and neck pain can result from a sedentary lifestyle, long periods of work at the computer, or prolonged lying down. Unfortunately, this problem affects people of all ages. The most common cause of such pain is cervical osteochondrosis.

"Almag" for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

“Almag” will be effective for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In this article, we will analyze in detail what osteochondrosis is, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and proper treatment, as well as how to properly use the Almag-01 device in order to forget about this disease.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the most common disease occurring in the cervical region. If you do not pay attention to the disease in time and do not begin to treat it, the discs of the spine will begin to become severely deformed, resulting in pinching of blood vessels and nerves, resulting in pain and discomfort, headaches, and migraines. In the future, intervertebral hernia and other serious complications may develop, which can even lead to disability.

Important! Symptoms of the disease are often based on where osteochondrosis is localized, how serious it is, and whether it affects nerve endings.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis may vary depending on where exactly the disease is located

Symptoms of osteochondrosis may vary depending on where exactly the disease is localized. When the C3 root is damaged, pain is localized in the right and left side of the neck, taste buds change, a false sensation of numbness of the tongue appears, difficulty moving it and “moving” food in the mouth.

When the C4 root is deformed, pain appears in the collarbones and shoulders, the posterior cervical muscles gradually atrophy, and swelling of the supraclavicular region forms. These symptoms always indicate damage to the quadruple vertebra.

When the fifth root is compressed and deformed, pain occurs in the outer surfaces of the shoulder, and the deltoid muscle hypertrophies.

When the C6 root is deformed, pain is localized in the right side of the neck and up to the shoulder blades; discomfort can “radiate” to the shoulders, forearms and thumb, and biceps hypertrophy occurs.

Injury to the C7 root leads to pain in the neck, shoulder blades, which can radiate to the outer part of the shoulder, as well as to the second and third fingers.

There can be a huge number of reasons for the formation of cervical osteochondrosis, but a common factor in the destruction of intervertebral tissue can be impaired metabolism, as a result of which the cartilage tissue does not receive enough of the necessary elements and begins to deteriorate.

Osteochondrosis can develop due to a sedentary lifestyle

The consequence of a disturbed metabolism can be both a sedentary lifestyle and, conversely, very intense stress on the spine. Overweight and obesity can also lead to osteochondrosis due to the heavy load on the back.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease in which remissions and exacerbations are possible.

Causes of illness in this part of the spine

Disorders in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are natural processes of aging of the body, however, injuries, overloads, incorrect posture, and congenital anomalies provoke early wear of the discs and cartilage tissue.

The causes of cervical osteochondrosis can be:

  • Arnold-Chiari malformation;
  • Kimmerle anomaly;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis;
  • age-related changes;
  • stooping and prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • vertebral injury or traumatic brain injury;
  • carrying weights in one hand;
  • night rest on a large and soft pillow (for more details on how to choose orthopedic pillows for sleeping with SCH, read this material);
  • hard physical labor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hypothermia of the neck;
  • working on a computer;
  • excess weight;
  • stress.

Treatment at home

Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies is often as effective as using traditional measures. Traditional medicine offers treatment of osteochondrosis with massage, feasible physical activity, and the use of pain-relieving balms, ointments or lotions. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief is permitted.

What to do if you have severe pain in the neck, but there is no opportunity to go to the doctor? In this case, the following methods of combating cervical osteochondrosis can help:

  • taking medications that can relieve pain and relieve inflammatory swelling;
  • gymnastics;
  • apitherapy;
  • clay wraps.

You can get rid of this disease with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Particular attention can be paid to physiotherapeutic devices. All of them are effective and differ only in the size and method of influencing the problem area.

Device nameDescription
"Knight"The device with quantum effects “Vityaz” has proven itself in the treatment of osteochondrosis. It acts simultaneously with several beams of different frequencies. The small size of the device and ease of use allow it to be treated at home. An excellent option for treating the neck, as well as diseases of the thoracic region.
"Osteo-DENS""Osteo-DENS" is a device designed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cervical spine and back. A two-program device, the assembly includes several electrodes and a control panel. "Osteo-DENS" effectively helps weather-sensitive people and eliminates pain of any nature.
"Amin 02 sunshine""Amin 02 sun" - ultraviolet irradiator. This model was produced the very first, therefore it is considered the most outdated. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, and it is better to carry out the procedures under the supervision of a doctor. Often “Amin 02 sun” is used for spa treatment, improving the condition of patients with high body resistance.
"Master"The “Master” device was manufactured in the production of industrial equipment, has 14 modes, blue and orange radiation. It is used for the prevention and treatment of not only osteochondrosis, but also a large number of other serious pathologies, such as skin diseases, problems with the respiratory system, digestive tract, helps with the removal of postoperative scars and relieves colds.
"Mercury"The Mercury device is a stimulator of the neuromuscular system. Its use will relieve pain and discomfort, as well as speed up the treatment period. The treatment will be positive for arthrosis, gout and other diseases of muscles and joints. “Mercury” is most often found in medical institutions and sanatoriums, and is often in demand among athletes. The device is made of plastic and has a fairly light weight (140 grams). The presence of three modes of low-frequency waves will allow you to heal the heart muscle, suffering blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and musculoskeletal system. Also, the Mercury device is very widely used in the treatment of injuries, sprains, fractures, bruises, ligament tears, including problems with obesity and cellulite.

In this article we will examine in detail another effective portable device, popular in the physiotherapeutic field, called “Almag-01”.

The effect of treatment of osteochondrosis with Almag

This device is available in two varieties: Almag 01 and 02. The first of them can be used both in a hospital and at home. The second is intended only for physical therapy rooms. The device consists of 4 series inductors through which pulsed currents enter the skin and underlying tissues. They cause increased blood flow to tissues, which is accompanied by an improvement in trophic processes and an increase in oxygen levels in them. The level of radiation does not cause sharp dissonance; it corresponds to the natural frequencies of the human body, which is favorably tolerated by patients. It is not difficult to use Almag for osteochondrosis lesions in the neck. Correct use of it can be a real chance to prolong the possibility of active actions and freedom of movement.

Thanks to the impulses passing through the muscles and spine, favorable conditions are created for tissue restoration:

  • the movement of blood in the capillaries increases;
  • pain signals are blocked;
  • signs of inflammation decrease;
  • blood properties such as fluidity and reduced blood clot formation are improved;
  • The protective properties of the body are enhanced.

What is Almag-01?

"Almag-01" is a device for home use and treatment, developed in Russia. The device uses magnetic fields of different frequencies to have a therapeutic effect on the diseased area. From the large number of positive reviews, it becomes clear that “Almag-01” actively affects diseased joints, allowing you to forget about cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

"Almag-01" is a well-known device for the treatment of spinal diseases

“Almag-01” is produced by the well-known company, which has been producing popular medicinal products for several years now, which have received universal demand and positive reviews from specialists.

"Almag-01" and its components:

  • coil-indicator (4 pieces), which are connected to each other by wire;
  • a generator that sends impulses to places requiring treatment;
  • cable for supplying current;
  • a bandage that ensures reliable fixation of the device;
  • instructions with recommendations for use, description of the device.

Important! "Almag-01" operates only from the network and is used both at home and in medical institutions.

The device has certain characteristics that must be studied before use:

  • power supply "Almag-01" - 220 V;
  • the depth of penetration into tissue is 8 centimeters;
  • the weight of such a device is 700 grams, dimensions are 60/140/45;
  • the pulse has a transmission duration of 1.5-2.5 ms;
  • pulse frequency 6.25 Hz.

Opinion of doctors and patients

The opinion of doctors and patients about the Almag device is extremely positive , especially in cases where the device was used in relation to osteochondrosis and post-traumatic periods. Patients are less clear about the treatment of internal organs.

It must be said that Amlag-01 cannot cope with all situations, and then experts recommend Amlag-02 or Amlag-03, which are intended for use in medical institutions.

How does Almag-01 work?

Magnetic therapy has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against osteochondrosis and neck pain of other origins. And having a personal device “Almag-01” in a home medicine cabinet, a person will be able not only to get rid of pain when needed, but also to carry out prevention for diseases such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other problems with the back and neck.

The device acts on the source of inflammation with short magnetic pulses, and a redox process occurs that can restore the cellular level of the affected area. Thanks to this, the lost functionality of the changed section of the segment is restored. Feedback from Almag-01 users is definitely positive - the device is able to penetrate “inside the problem”, influencing precisely the cause of the disease, thinning the blood, which is extremely necessary for pathologies of the cervical spine. The device also stimulates acupuncture points, which leads to improved functioning of tissues and organs. Regular use of Almag-01 for prevention leads to an increase in the body’s ability to heal itself - this is also confirmed by reviews from users and specialists. "Almag-01" not only eliminates existing diseases, but also prevents relapses.

Thanks to the short magnetic pulses supplied by the device, the damaged area begins to actively recover

In addition to the fact that “Almag-01” relieves discomfort in osteochondrosis, it also has a positive effect on lipid metabolism, improves the circulatory system by dilating blood vessels, normalizes the affected tissue areas, saturating them with oxygen, and eliminates the inflammatory process by normalizing acidity. alkaline balance. The functionality of blood vessels and nerve endings returns to normal, and the pain threshold decreases.

What to expect from treatment and how quickly the effect will appear

The operating principle of Almag is the creation of magnetic waves that affect cells. Magnetic therapy for osteochondrosis was discovered during space exploration. It turned out that the earth's magnetic field in a certain amount has a positive effect on a person - blood circulation improves, metabolic processes intensify, and energy increases.

The Almag device was developed using new technologies. Its use allows you to speed up complex treatment and reduce the number of relapses. Acting at the cellular level, it gradually relieves symptoms, swelling, inflammation, and improves the quality of life in case of illness. Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease. It is necessary to constantly maintain a state of remission.

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Positive result

With the Almag-01 device, treatment and prevention of the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis can be done independently at home. This disease is chronic, so regular prevention is essential.

The device can help get rid of not only the root cause, but also the accompanying symptoms

This device also concentrates on removing associated syndromes by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. Restoration of the metabolic process has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of osteochondral tissue, therefore, the “release” of nerve endings occurs, pain disappears, and inflamed areas begin to function correctly. Lymphatic drainage improves, swelling disappears, and thanks to the analgesic effect, the disease does not become acute. Also, the Almag-01 device has a calming effect on the heart and nervous system - the patient’s condition and mood improves. This method of recovery significantly shortens the period of treatment of the disease, the need for long-term lying down disappears, the patient undergoes a rapid recovery and can soon return to their normal lifestyle.

Operating principle of the device

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a chronic disease associated with the destruction of intervertebral discs and pinched nerves. Therapy for this condition involves the prescription of various medications: analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors. The addition of physical therapy is effective. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis with the Almag apparatus is a well-founded and research-proven method of treating this condition.

The principle of operation is the influence of a traveling pulsed electromagnetic field on the tissues of the body. Penetration depth is up to 10 cm. Magnetic impulses enhance the processes of restoration and nutrition directly in the affected tissues of the body.

Indications for use

The instructions for using the device indicate the following indications for which its use is necessary:

  • chronic diseases of the locomotor system of various origins;
  • neurological problems;
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases;
  • complications due to decompensation of diabetes mellitus;
  • lung or gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disorders of the reproductive system;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins.

Indications for use include various diseases of both the spine and internal organs.

All of the listed indications can be a consequence of the “advanced” stage of osteochondrosis, which is why regular use of the device by people suffering from destruction of intervertebral discs provides positive dynamics after the first use.

Reasons for appearance

Let's look at the reasons for the development of osteochondrosis, which is very important in the treatment process, since therapy will largely depend on this. Stand out:

Internal reasons. As you can easily guess from the name, problems of this kind are associated with natural processes occurring inside the body. First of all, we are talking about aging, because over time, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and intervertebral discs significantly lose their properties and functions. This should also include genetic predisposition, because people who have among their immediate relatives those who suffer from osteochondrosis have a significant risk of encountering this disease. Internal causes also include hormonal changes and various problems associated with metabolism, and all this can be caused by various diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus can significantly affect metabolic processes). Let us also mention that osteochondrosis can appear due to nervousness; in this case, therapy alone will not be enough; you should be examined by a psychotherapist or psychologist.

External reasons. External causes are considered to be various traumatic situations in which the spinal column suffers, as well as problems related to nutrition (for example, a lack of vitamins, macroelements, microelements, etc.). Also, external causes can be considered various bad habits, among which smoking stands out, which has an extremely negative effect on health

It is important to mention the crucial role of proper sleep patterns, as well as the position of the spine at different times of the day. Incorrect load distribution. Doctors often classify this cause as a separate class.

We are talking not only about critical high loads on the spine, but also about those that are unevenly distributed on it. For example, not only constantly moving furniture will be harmful, but also carrying a heavy bag on only one shoulder, constantly walking in heels, or anything else. Uneven loads can also be caused by other reasons, for example, flat feet or problems with the development of muscle tissue.

If, if possible, you exclude the causes of osteochondrosis, then this disease is unlikely to bother you

He also mentioned that it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle; if possible, avoid sedentary work, because health is the main thing!

Contraindications for use

Despite the wide range of indications for the use of Almag-01, contraindications cannot be excluded, such as:

  • acute inflammatory process in the body;
  • abscess, purulent wounds;
  • poor blood clotting, internal bleeding;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • ICP;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • open wounds in the area where the device is used;
  • poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

How to use the device

The device was developed by Elamed. Has several modifications. The simplest is 01, for treating osteochondrosis at home. Compact, easy to use. The mechanism of action is the creation of a magnetic field and the effect on tissue.

Almag consists of an indicator and three coils that create a traveling magnetic field. Induction strength 10-35 Mt. The magnetic field at the cellular level affects metabolism.

Before use for osteochondrosis, you need to study the rules. Connect the device to the power supply. Look at the indicators. They will show whether Almag is turned on or not. Then take a comfortable position, it is recommended to lie down and put the coils on the sore spot.

Thin fabric is not a barrier, but it works better on a naked body.

The treatment course is 2-3 weeks. One session – 15 minutes. You need to start with 10 minutes. Do two procedures a day, preferably one hour before meals or three hours after. Almag can treat different parts of the spine for osteochondrosis.


After consultation and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes complex manual therapy for osteochondrosis - physiotherapy and massage. If necessary, it is supplemented with medications.

Almag 01 is used for cervical chondrosis. It is compact and can be easily installed by the patient himself. You need to turn it on, then place the emitters on the neck area. Can be placed along the spine on sections 1 and 2. Place the inductors in the collar area, perpendicular to the vertebrae. It is better to apply it on a naked body. After 10 minutes, make a ring and put it on your head, hold for 7-10 minutes. The device cable should be at the back of your head.

The procedure for osteochondrosis involves the following actions:

  • first the action goes to the spine of the collar zone:
  • then to the vessels of the brain.

The device turns on to the second mode. It is carried out once a day for two weeks, depending on the stage of the disease.

Using Almag for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to control blood pressure


The effect of applying Almag occurs within a few days. This part of the body requires careful treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine negatively affects internal organs. It is often difficult to make a diagnosis. The magnetic waves that are formed during treatment with Almag have a positive effect on the body.

  • Reasons for the increase in leukocytes in osteochondrosis
  • How chondroprotectors act on the neck and lower back with osteochondrosis

To treat this part of the spine, the patient must take a horizontal position. You can simply lie down on the device located on the bed, in the area affected by osteochondrosis, or, lying on your stomach, place the emitters along the entire vertebra.

Correctly perform the procedure in this order:

  • insert the plug into the network, the green light will light up;
  • take the desired pose;
  • place the discs flat side on the sore spot;
  • The Almag cord should be at the bottom;
  • If pain occurs, stop the session;
  • The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Therapy for osteochondrosis is carried out twice a day for a week, an hour before meals. Drinking alcohol is prohibited. After 7 days of treatment with Almag, take a break. Repeat the course as prescribed by the doctor.


Almag for lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine slows down the progression of the disease, relieves the acute course and consequences - neuritis, radiculitis. Magnetic impulses in the form of a wave have a positive effect on inflamed tissue.

Increased blood circulation due to vasodilation, acceleration of metabolism, outflow of tissue fluid helps relieve swelling and reduce inflammation. The effectiveness of the Almag device increases in complex therapy.

You can treat with the device in the stage of remission and in acute cases. Apply along the lumbar vertebra. Hold for 10 minutes. Do the procedure for 2-3 weeks, then a month break. The duration of one session should be increased to 20 minutes.

During the asymptomatic course of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use Almag before bedtime.

In the acute period of radiculitis or neuritis, treatment tactics change. In the morning, you need to apply the device to the location of the pain for 10 minutes. In the evening, lay across the vertebra on the lumbar region for 20 minutes.

Treatment of osteochondrosis should not last more than half an hour per day. Blood pressure needs to be controlled. In case of a decrease, reduce the procedure time.

How and where to buy?

Residents of large cities can buy Almag-01 at any pharmacy; Residents of small settlements can order the device on the official website or buy it in an online store.

You can purchase such a device both in pharmacies and in the online store.

Prices for the device usually range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, however, when searching for a product on the Internet, you can find great deals, sales or discounts.

There is another version of the device, no less effective in the fight against spinal diseases. This is Almag-02.


Will Almag-01 live up to expectations?

No matter how effective the device turns out to be, it will not always be able to help against all diseases. There is an individual intolerance to hardware effects. There are also situations when the patient does not follow the recommendations and instructions - in this case, the positive effect will also not occur.

People suffering from cervical osteochondrosis first of all want to relieve pain, and after the first use of Almag-01 the pain will become much less frequent and “quieter”, and after the full course it will go away completely. This occurs due to irradiation that affects the sore spot. You also need to be prepared for the fact that after the first use, strange sensations may arise, a little unusual, but after 3-4 times they will pass: you will feel warmth and a beneficial effect in the area where pain appears.

Do not be afraid of the discomfort that occurs during the procedures - it will soon pass

When the main pain is concentrated in the neck area, an indicator with a red flashing stripe must be applied precisely to this area along the line of the spine, and for more acute diseases, the indicator should be applied vertically to the lumbar region.

Important! It is recommended to apply the device through a thin piece of cotton fabric.

The duration and frequency of use of Almag-01 depends only on the degree of cervical osteochondrosis, its development and complications. For example, with pathological processes in the cervical spine, treatment will not be as long. On average, therapy lasts 20-25 days, after which it is necessary to temporarily “rest”.

It is recommended that one session last no more than 20 minutes; in cases where treatment is applied to several areas at once, the time must be reduced.

The duration of the first procedures should not exceed 5-7 minutes. In the future, the time can be increased by 1-2 minutes; the number of “approaches” per day should not be more than two.

After all procedures with Almag-01 are completed, the load on the vertebrae should be minimal - which is why it is best to perform all manipulations before bed. In the case when the patient has an acute form of osteochondrosis, and he observes only bed rest, therapy is carried out three times a day, with an interval between sessions of at least 6 hours.

Procedures using Almag-01 should be performed in a supine position: the device is placed on a couch, then the person lies on it in the place where the pain occurs. The first session lasts no more than 10 minutes, then it can increase or decrease depending on the visible changes.

It is important to strictly monitor the session time

Fifteen procedures is the number of sessions that a patient suffering from osteochondrosis must undergo. And in the stage of acute osteochondrosis, the number of sessions should not be less than 20, while every sixth time a person needs rest for 24 hours. After a complete course, if necessary, you can repeat it no earlier than a month later.

Despite the fact that Almag-01 is highly effective, it should not be assessed as a cure for all diseases and problems. If medications and chondroprotectors are prescribed at the same time, they should be taken as recommended - this will bring a quick effect and speedy healing.

Important! Although extremely rare, unpleasant sensations, tingling, and discomfort may appear during the first doses of Almag-01, but there is no need to be afraid of this. The body must get used to the impulses provided, and after 2-3 sessions the discomfort will go away.


Here are the main stages of the disease, on which therapy largely depends:

  1. Changes in the spinal column at this stage are still minimal, but the patient may still experience pain due to excessive tension in the back muscles. The first stage is often characterized by increased fatigue, but these symptoms are still very often ignored, which is why patients do not consult a doctor.
  2. At the next stage, pinpoint pain may appear and be of moderate severity. They are characterized by the fact that they occur after stress. Also at the second stage, serious changes are observed associated with the fibrous ring and entailing a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae. The process of bone tissue growth may also begin.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the process of hernia formation, and during its course it is very easy to get serious injury. At this stage, the fibrous rings are seriously changed and destroyed, and the person may become unable to work due to severe pain.
  4. At this stage, replacement of the intervertebral disc with fibrous tissue is observed, and this ends in instability of the spinal column. A degenerative process associated with the muscle corset may also be observed.
  5. In most cases, the fifth stage is not even distinguished, but it includes manifestations such as paralysis of the limbs, necrosis of part of the spinal cord, as well as spinal stroke or hearing loss, which can result not only in serious health problems, but even in the death of a person. For this reason, it is important to treat the disease in question in a timely manner.

Safe use

It must be remembered that the device operates from the network, and if used incorrectly, problems may arise. Careful handling and correctly calculated current supply will protect against overheating of the device, its breakdown, electric shocks and incorrect operation. Before undergoing a session, it is recommended to follow simple safety rules, and then the device will serve for a long time.

  1. Before use, you need to check the integrity of the body of the Almag-01 device.
  2. The device should be located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from devices sensitive to magnetic radiation.
  3. Do not allow strong tension on power cords and drive wires; the connection area must be comfortable and safe.
  4. It is not recommended to apply the device coils to the heart area or head.
  5. It is necessary to protect the device from moisture, do not wipe the Almag-01 parts with a wet cloth.
  6. Do not pull the device by the cord.
  7. For proper and safe operation, it is necessary to use sockets with a voltage of 220 V.
  8. After some time, the device turns itself off - at this moment it is necessary to unplug the cord from the outlet and only after ten minutes turn on the device again.
  9. Almag-01 should be stored in a dark place, inaccessible to children, in its original box; It is important to ensure that there are no kinks in cords or extension cords.


The almag, intended for use at home, consists of a regulator and a cord for connecting to the network, as well as four plastic blocks, each of which contains a magnetic coil. There are indicators on the surface - when turned on, they light up green and then yellow.

Technical characteristics of Almag-01:

  • power consumption – no more than 35 W;
  • weight 620 g;
  • mains power supply voltage 220 or 230 V and frequency 50 Hz;
  • the dimensions of each coil are 15x90 mm, the electronic unit is 45x60x137 mm;
  • pulse duration – 1.5-2.5 ms;
  • amplitude of magnetic induction on the surface of the coils – 20±6 mT;
  • pulse frequency in each coil – 6 Hz;
  • automatic shutdown of Almag every 20-22 minutes for a break of 10 minutes, the total operating time in this mode is 6 hours;
  • total operating time – 1000 hours, service life – 5 years.

The device is compact and easy to use. An important feature of Almag-01 is the possibility of independent use, which allows you to undergo a course of magnetic therapy without visiting a physiotherapy room - in a comfortable home environment.

Almag is used in domestic conditions, assembled from a regulating device and a power wire; several plastic blocks are used in which a magnetic coil is installed. There are indicators on the surface that light up when activated.

We list the technical characteristics of the device:

  • Maximum power 35W.
  • Weight 620 g.
  • Can operate from a source of 220 and 230 V, has a frequency of 50 Hz.
  • Block dimensions 45x60x137 mm.
  • Pulse duration is 1.5-2.5 ms.
  • The approximate value of magnetic induction is 20 mT.
  • Pulse frequency – 6 Hz.
  • The device turns itself off after 20-22 minutes, pauses for 10 minutes, then the device turns on again. In this mode it can operate for up to 6 hours.
  • Duration of operation – 1000 hours. The developers provide a 5-year warranty.

The cost of the device is approximately 10,000 rubles.

Prevention of complications of osteochondrosis

Do you want to never encounter such a disease in your life? Then start leading an active lifestyle right now, start your morning with exercise, walk more, take the stairs without the help of an elevator, dance and swim a lot.

To never encounter osteochondrosis, it is important to lead an active and healthy lifestyle

Keep yourself in shape, do not allow excess weight, because its excess leads to overload of the spine, as a result of which microtraumas become frequent, and the intervertebral tissue quickly wears out.

Level posture is the key to a healthy spine. Slouching most often leads to curvature of the spine and the formation of osteochondrosis.

You need to try to prevent any injuries to the spine and neck, lift weights correctly, and perform exercises correctly in the gym.

Treatment - clinics in

Choose among the best clinics based on reviews and the best price and make an appointment

Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth

Moscow, st.
Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 Sevastopolskaya


  • Consultation from 1500
  • Exercise therapy from 2700

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Oriental Medicine Clinic "Sagan Dali"

Moscow, prosp.
Mira, 79, building 1 Rizhskaya


  • Consultation from 1500
  • Diagnostics from 0
  • Reflexology from 1000

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Center for Chinese Medicine "TAO"

Moscow, st.
Ostozhenka, 8 building 3, 1st floor Kropotkinskaya


  • Consultation from 1000
  • Massage from 1500
  • Reflexology from 1000

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Treatment of osteochondrosis is often delayed due to delayed diagnosis. The problem is that patients, confused by the secondary manifestations of osteochondrosis, often seek salvation from the wrong doctors. Instead of contacting a neurologist or vertebrologist, they make an appointment with a therapist. A general practitioner should suspect osteochondrosis in time, distinguishing it from:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment - specialists in Moscow

Choose among the best specialists based on reviews and the best price and make an appointment

Gromov Ilya Sergeevich

Moscow, st.
Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 (Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth) +7 Registration

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Kudryakov Stepan Anatolievich

Moscow, st. Azovskaya, 24, building 2 POM VI/KOM 5,6,7/ET 1 (Scoliosis Treatment Center named after K. Schroth)


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