Acute pain in the lower back - lumbago (lumbar lumbago)

One of the most common complaints when visiting a therapist, when we are not talking about colds, is back pain. Statistically, 80% of people have had lower back pain at least once, and 40% experience such pain periodically or constantly. The lumbar vertebral region, located in the lower back, bears the greatest amount of stress placed on the human spine. Therefore, the lower back is injured more often than other areas, and is also affected by various diseases. In addition, there are a number of internal organs, pathological processes in which can also cause pain.

Pain in the back, lower back

Lower back pain: possible causes

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a neurologist among people of working age. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people have experienced discomfort in the lower back at least once throughout their lives, and about 9% of cases result in disability. The first episode is most often recorded before the age of 30 years. From 30 to 60 years of age, the risk of morbidity increases.

Unfortunately, young people do not always pay attention to warning signs. Many people believe that lower back pain is due to overwork, physical activity, or sitting at the computer for a long time. But in fact, it may be a symptom of a serious illness. Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of pathologies: from problems of the spinal column to kidney failure. Only a timely visit to a doctor will help determine the cause and carry out the correct treatment.

The MedEx Clinic in Moscow conducts a comprehensive examination of patients with back pain. We will find out why your lower back hurts and help you maintain your quality of life.

Therapeutic exercise and gymnastics

Performing special gymnastic exercises often replaces a course of taking chondroprotectors and analgesics. Immediately after the lumbago is relieved, a physical therapy doctor is involved in treatment. He explains to the patient that moderate physical activity has a complex effect on the lumbar segments of the spine:

  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • accelerate regeneration processes;
  • stabilize the vertebrae and discs, preventing their displacement.

The result of training is an increase in strength, firmness, and elasticity of ligaments, tendons, and muscle fibers.

Possible causes of lower back pain: what hurts?

Ankylosing spondylitis

Lumbar pain syndrome occurs due to the fusion of vertebrae into a large conglomerate. The back loses mobility in the lower part. With ankylosing spondylitis, calcium deposits are also observed in the ligaments that hold the spine, which also causes pain when trying to turn around, stand up, or perform any other action.

Distinctive symptoms of the pathology:

  • stiffness of body movements in the lumbar region;
  • increased pain after prolonged immobility, especially after a night's sleep.


The disease manifests itself as thinning of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the shock-absorbing function of the spine is reduced, the nerve roots are pinched, and the muscles around the affected area spasm. The person feels acute pain. Without treatment, osteochondrosis progresses, leading to protrusions and disc herniations. The protrusion of cartilage tissue compresses the spinal cord. A person not only has severe lower back pain, but also the innervation of the lower extremities is disrupted.

Distinctive signs of osteochondrosis:

  • the pain intensifies when trying to roll over from your back to your stomach, when getting up from a horizontal or sitting position, or while bending over;
  • Patients often report weakness and numbness in one leg or both legs.


The lower back may hurt due to degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue that covers the intervertebral discs. The elastic layers become thinner, and osteophytes—hard bone formations—appear in their place. The distance between the vertebrae decreases with simultaneous compression of the spinal canal.

The nature of pain in spondyloarthrosis:

  • accompanied by limited mobility of the spine in the lower back, up to constant stiffness;
  • worsens after walking, prolonged sitting, standing, and other stress;
  • radiates to the pelvic area and thighs.

Urolithiasis disease

An attack of pathology is manifested by sharp, severe pain in the back on the side of the affected kidney. The severity and nature of the sensation do not change depending on the position of the body. The patient cannot find a position in which it would be even a little easier.

An attack of urolithiasis is accompanied by additional specific symptoms:

  • back pain in the lower back;
  • the volume of urine decreases, its color changes, and blood impurities appear;
  • pain occurs when urinating;
  • There may be an increase in temperature due to inflammation.

Why doesn't my back bend in the morning?

In most cases, the back does not bend in the morning if the ergonomics of the sleeping place are incorrect. An overly soft or hard mattress does not allow the back muscles to fully relax and rest during a night's sleep. Therefore, at the moment of awakening, a person feels that his muscles are numb, and his back does not want to bend.

If problems with the proper organization of sleeping space are excluded, then a differential diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus should be carried out.

This is a serious pathology that is provoked by an autoimmune malfunction in the human body. The cause may be severe psychogenic stress, excessive physical fatigue, or a source of chronic infection in the body.

In this case, it is enough to do a blood test for C-reactive protein and it will immediately become clear why your back does not bend and what can be done about it. When rheumatic pathologies are detected (systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, etc.), it is necessary to restore the functioning of the immune system and stop the inflammatory process. After this, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation of the damaged tissues of the spinal column over a long period. This is best done in a specialized manual therapy clinic.

Expert opinion

Lower back pain: what to do? Do not make sudden movements, especially if the pain occurs as a result of a fall or blow. Try to take the most comfortable position. If the pain is acute and does not subside when changing position, call an ambulance - renal colic is likely, which requires hospitalization. In other cases, you can use ointments and tablets to alleviate the condition. Contact a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will help relieve even severe pain and prescribe treatment.

Warming up the sore spot

If lumbago is not accompanied by inflammation, then the patient’s well-being is improved by warming up. Under the influence of heat, blood circulation accelerates in damaged tissues. The cells begin to receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen. And as a result of normalization of microcirculation, waste, toxins, and tissue breakdown products are evacuated. What is used for warming procedures:

  • warmer;
  • thick scarf;
  • a linen bag with hot flaxseeds or sea salt;
  • products for local application with red capsicum extract, bee or snake venom, gum turpentine;
  • bath with warm water.

Improved trophism has a beneficial effect on metabolic rate - restoration of damaged connective tissue structures occurs much faster.

Diagnosis of lower back pain

At the first appointment, the doctor may make a blockade to relieve acute pain. When the patient feels better, the doctor conducts a more thorough examination and collects anamnesis. It is important to clarify the location, nature, duration of pain, factors that cause exacerbation or, conversely, improve well-being. The doctor will ask about past injuries and illnesses, starting in early childhood. The history helps to suggest why the back hurts and what diagnostic procedures will provide more complete information.

The doctor may prescribe:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Based on the results, they diagnose inflammatory processes, determine signs of pathology of the kidneys and digestive organs;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary system. An examination is necessary if urolithiasis is suspected. Using ultrasound, the doctor determines the localization and extent of spread of the inflammatory process, assesses the size of the stones in order to correctly build treatment tactics;
  • X-ray of the lumbar spine. The images help determine the pathology of the vertebrae and adjacent tissues. To clarify the X-ray, CT or MRI are additionally prescribed - these are more informative examination methods;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. When a woman has lower back pain, this may indicate endometritis or salpingo-oophoritis. Pregnant women must be examined to determine the tone of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland. If a man has lower back pain, this may be a sign of inflammation or a tumor of the prostate. The doctor performs a TRUS to determine the structure of the gland.

After a general examination, the doctor may prescribe more targeted procedures. In some cases, consultation with a surgeon, therapist, gynecologist, and other specialists is required to clarify the diagnosis.

Massage and manual therapy

Chiropractors use a variety of healing techniques. Improvement in the condition of the lumbar structures occurs due to the elimination of spasms of skeletal muscles and the restoration of the functionality of the muscular-articular apparatus. The chiropractor has a targeted effect on the vertebral bodies, increasing the distance between them, preventing displacement and protrusion. Such treatment methods are especially effective in combination with classical, acupuncture, and vacuum massage.

Treatment of lower back pain

Therapy is strictly individual. The doctor begins to treat the patient when he receives the most complete information about his condition or at least has data to suggest a diagnosis. Therapy for renal colic and osteochondrosis is fundamentally different.

Drug treatment

To reduce pain, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed in the form of injections, ointments, and tablets. The drugs help to quickly relieve inflammation and muscle spasms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have side effects, so the doctor accurately calculates the dosage and duration of the course for each patient.

If treatment for lower back pain does not bring results within 2-3 days, the doctor selects hormonal medications. Medicines are needed only to relieve an acute condition. Antispasmodics, decongestants, and B vitamins are prescribed as auxiliary agents. If the patient has lower back pain and pain when urinating, antibiotics can be selected. The doctor will tell you why this or that drug is needed and how to take it correctly.

Non-drug treatment

The procedures are carried out in courses after the exacerbation is relieved. In the complex treatment of pain the following is used:

  • physiotherapy: radiofrequency neuromodulation, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy;
  • physical therapy: a set of daily exercises selected by a doctor, exercises in the pool;
  • massage: therapeutic in the lower back and buttocks and general strengthening;
  • acupuncture, hirudotherapy and other procedures.


The operation is carried out strictly according to indications. If the patient has lower back pain and has a temperature that does not decrease while taking medications, removal of the inflammatory focus will be required. Radical intervention is necessary for tumors and metastases.

In case of pathology of the female genital organs, when the lower abdomen hurts, diagnostic curettage and laparoscopic operations are performed. If urolithiasis cannot be removed with the help of medications, the patient is also indicated for surgical treatment.

You cannot tolerate pain and discomfort in the lower back. The body gives you a signal that you need to pay attention to this area. Come to the MedEx clinic for a comprehensive examination, and we will help you get rid of pain for a long time, and perhaps forget about it forever.

First aid

When a shooting occurs, such a sharp, piercing pain occurs that the person freezes for a long time in one, often bent, position. First of all, he needs help getting to bed. The patient should take a position in which the intensity of discomfort is reduced as much as possible. You need to lay him on his back with his legs bent at a right angle at the hip and knee, and his shin resting on a stool or chair. Sometimes you feel better by lying on your stomach with your legs straight. To eliminate pain, you need to take a tablet with an analgesic effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly relieve pain:

  • Nurofen;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Celecoxib;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen.

If you don’t have NSAIDs in your home medicine cabinet, you can use regular Paracetamol. Neurologists also recommend taking a diuretic (Furosemide, Veroshpiron) or an antihistamine (Loratadine, Tavegil). These remedies quickly cope with inflammatory edema, which often provokes pinched nerve roots.

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