Severe pain in the lower back and cannot straighten up

Many patients come to see a vertebrologist with complaints that their back does not bend in a certain place and that it hurts. What to do in such a situation, what examinations to undergo to conduct a correct differential diagnosis. How to choose the right treatment methods and restore your physical activity? We will try to give a comprehensive answer to all these questions in the proposed material.

The back does not bend due to many pathogenic reasons. First of all, an experienced doctor will suspect the development of ankylosing spondylitis. This is a rheumatoid pathology in which gradual destruction of cartilage, ligament and tendon tissue occurs. The vertebrae fuse together and lose physiological mobility. But besides this, there are still a lot of problems that can significantly limit the mobility of the spine.

The human spinal column is a supporting mechanism that also performs a shock-absorbing and protective function. It provides a certain mobility of the human body. The upper and lower limbs and the skull are attached to it.

The flexibility of the spinal column is ensured by its structure. It consists of individual vertebral bodies, which are separated from each other by flexible and elastic intervertebral discs. When compressed, they allow the vertebral bodies to move in different directions. Intervertebral discs consist of a dense fibrous membrane and an internal pulpous body of the nucleus pulposus. This design can withstand significant shock absorption and physical loads. But it does not have its own circulatory network. The intervertebral disc can receive nutrition only through diffuse exchange with the paravertebral muscles. If they do not contract or relax, then the process of diffuse exchange stops. The fibrous ring becomes dehydrated, cracks and becomes covered with deposits of calcium salts. At the same time, it completely loses the ability to absorb fluid during diffuse exchange with surrounding muscles in the future.

Such pathological changes are called osteochondrosis. In the later stages of degenerative dystrophic changes, the height of the intervertebral disc decreases and the spinal column loses its flexibility, problems arise with making certain movements.

The extreme degree of destruction of the intervertebral disc is a hernial protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. It consists of specific proteins that cause severe irritation of surrounding tissues and provoke an inflammatory reaction. This disrupts the local microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, resulting in dense infiltrative edema. This circumstance also does not contribute to good flexibility of the spine.

In the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs, the body shifts some functions to the surrounding muscles. For example, they are forced to constantly be in a statically stressed state in order to ensure the stability of the position of neighboring vertebral bodies and to prevent compression of the root nerves and their branches. Prolonged static muscle tension leads to the fact that the back does not bend and hurts.

There are other possible reasons. But only an experienced doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective and safe treatment. If your back hurts and does not bend, you should see a vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedist. Other specialists will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis due to incomplete competence in this matter.

In Moscow, you can make an appointment for a free initial appointment with a neurologist, vertebrologist or orthopedist at our manual therapy clinic. During the initial free consultation, the doctor will conduct a full examination, collect medical history and make a preliminary diagnosis. If necessary, the patient will be given recommendations for examinations and treatment.

You can make an appointment right now. To do this, just call the phone number indicated on the page or fill out the registration form located below the article.

Reasons why the back does not bend in the lumbar region

Most often, patients complain that the back does not bend in the lower back, and other clinical symptoms may be completely absent. If a feeling of stiffness occurs mainly in the first hours after waking up, then you should first rule out ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis. It's a serious rheumatic disease. With it, total destruction of cartilage tissue occurs. Intervertebral discs and intervertebral joints are affected simultaneously.

The human spinal column has fairly good mobility. It is provided by the following device:

  1. facet joints connecting the vertebral bodies;
  2. facet joints – located between the arcuate processes and provide mobility in the frontal plane;
  3. Uncovertebral joints provide flexibility and mobility of the neck;
  4. short transverse ligaments – adjacent vertebral bodies are fixed to each other;
  5. long longitudinal ligaments - fix the entire spinal column during various movements;
  6. paravertebral muscles - responsible for movements and diffusely nourish the cartilaginous tissue of the spinal column.

If any of these structural units fails, then not only the mobility, but also the integrity of the spine is impaired.

With the development of ankylosing spondylitis, all types of connective tissue are simultaneously affected: ligaments, tendons, joint cartilage and intervertebral discs. All these elements are subject to autoimmune inflammation, as a result of which the cellular structure changes and they lose their physiological properties. In case of ankylosing spondylitis, the spinal column slowly turns into a completely immobile structure. Only constant rehabilitation with the help of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy and kinesiotherapy can save the patient. Therefore, if characteristic clinical signs appear, it is necessary to consult a vertebrologist as soon as possible. He will recommend consulting a rheumatologist if necessary. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of remaining active for many years to come.

There are other diseases in which the back does not bend in the lumbar region:

  • deforming osteoarthritis of the iliosacral joints - cartilage tissue is affected and excessive muscle tension occurs, resulting in severe stiffness;
  • lumbosacral osteochondrosis – the height of the intervertebral discs is reduced and due to muscle tension their insufficient performance is compensated;
  • radiculitis – inflammation of the radicular nerve causes severe muscle spasm;
  • plexitis - damage to the lumbar and sacral nerve plexus;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • cauda equina syndrome;
  • unstable position of the vertebral bodies, accompanied by retrolisthesis or antelisthesis;
  • incorrect posture and curvature of the spinal column.

In some cases, the feeling that the back does not bend is associated in patients with damage to the bones of the pelvic ring. Twisting, misalignment or torsion of the pelvis are common orthopedic problems in people engaged in sedentary work.

Why doesn't the spine bend in the lumbar region?

Now let's look in more detail at the potential reasons why the lower back does not bend - a clinical symptom of what disease this condition could be. Above we examined the anatomical features of the lumbar spinal column. From this information it becomes clear that impaired flexibility and limited mobility may be associated with pathological changes in various tissues.

Potential reasons why the spine does not bend at the lower back may include the following diseases and conditions:

  • injuries of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus in the form of sprains and microscopic tears;
  • post-traumatic scar deformation of ligamentous and tendon fibers;
  • fractures and cracks of vertebral bodies and their processes;
  • the formation of post-traumatic bone calluses, which impede the mobility of the vertebral bodies;
  • cornerstone osteophytes, which form on the vertebral bodies and sharply limit the mobility of the lower back, a person cannot freely bend over, turn the body in different directions, etc.;
  • degenerative dystrophic disease of intervertebral cartilaginous discs (osteochondrosis) – there is a decrease in the height of the spaces between the vertebral bodies, which sharply reduces the amplitude of mobility;
  • protrusion and intervertebral hernia - excessive tension occurs in the surrounding muscles, which take on part of the shock-absorbing load, but at the same time mobility in the lumbar spine is blocked;
  • displacement of the vertebral body according to the type of retrolisthesis or antelesthesis, pressure is exerted on the spinal cord and the body is limited in mobility;
  • Ankylosing spondylosis or ankylosing spondylosis - literally the vertebral bodies fuse together, as a result of which the spine completely loses its mobility;
  • disruption of the innervation of the muscle fiber, which is responsible for mobility in the lower back, etc.

If your back does not bend in the lumbar region, then a full examination is necessary. During this process, an accurate diagnosis will be made. This will allow us to develop an effective and safe course of therapy.

At home, you can only exclude the possibility of a worsening of your condition. To do this, you need to limit physical activity until an accurate diagnosis is made and exclude from your life all possible risk factors for the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These include the following aspects:

  1. excess body weight - it has a destructive effect on the vertebrae, endplates, cartilaginous intervertebral discs, ligaments and tendons;
  2. maintaining a sedentary lifestyle - the process of microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid is disrupted, the diffuse nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs fails, and osteochondrosis develops;
  3. improper organization of work and sleeping space - violation of the principles of uniform distribution of loads on the spinal column;
  4. smoking, drinking alcohol in any form - provokes spasm of small blood vessels, triggers the process of breakdown of cartilage tissue;
  5. poor diet and lack of clean drinking water;
  6. hard physical labor;
  7. incorrect foot placement while walking and running;
  8. lifting weights without prior preparation;
  9. multiple or polyhydramnios pregnancy in women.

Eliminating all these risk factors not only allows for effective prevention of any diseases of the spinal column. This is necessary in preparation for the course of treatment. If the negative impact is not eliminated, then all therapeutic actions may be completely in vain. They will not give a sustainable positive result.

Why doesn't my back bend in the morning?

In most cases, the back does not bend in the morning if the ergonomics of the sleeping place are incorrect. An overly soft or hard mattress does not allow the back muscles to fully relax and rest during a night's sleep. Therefore, at the moment of awakening, a person feels that his muscles are numb, and his back does not want to bend.

If problems with the proper organization of sleeping space are excluded, then a differential diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus should be carried out.

This is a serious pathology that is provoked by an autoimmune malfunction in the human body. The cause may be severe psychogenic stress, excessive physical fatigue, or a source of chronic infection in the body.

In this case, it is enough to do a blood test for C-reactive protein and it will immediately become clear why your back does not bend and what can be done about it. When rheumatic pathologies are detected (systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, etc.), it is necessary to restore the functioning of the immune system and stop the inflammatory process. After this, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation of the damaged tissues of the spinal column over a long period. This is best done in a specialized manual therapy clinic.

What to do if there is a sharp pain in the lower back

A condition in which one cannot bend, cannot straighten, and pain in the lower back is a reason for urgently seeking medical help. It is advisable to lie on your back on a flat, hard surface immediately after the appearance of such symptoms. Try to relax overly tense paravertebral muscles. This way you will stop the spasm and restore blood microcirculation. With prolonged spastic tension of the muscle fiber, the blood flow in it stops, and there is a threat of developing ischemia. This can lead to muscle infarction, which significantly complicates the patient's condition.

Be sure to call an ambulance. Your condition may require emergency surgery. An ambulance doctor or neurologist or traumatologist to whom you will be taken due to the circumstances of the incident can eliminate this possibility.

Sharp pain in the lower back, I can’t straighten up after trying to lift something heavy - this is the most common sign of a herniated disc. It is necessary to immediately stop any physical activity and ensure complete rest for the spine. You should visit a vertebrologist or neurologist in the near future. An intervertebral hernia can only be diagnosed using an MRI examination. An X-ray image of the spine makes it possible to detect cracks, fractures, the development of osteophytes, a decrease in the height of the intervertebral spaces, displacement of the vertebral bodies relative to each other, destruction of joints, etc. Often, an x-ray image is not enough to make a full diagnosis.

Only a doctor who will conduct a full examination of the patient can give the exact diagnosis and cause of the appearance of this clinical symptom. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis. This way you are only wasting time. This can lead to negative consequences for your health.

The back does not bend at the lower back and it hurts

Remember that the fact that your back bends poorly is not a disease, but a clinical symptom of pathological changes. What provokes this sensation - spasmed muscles, displaced vertebral bodies, rheumatoid pathologies, injuries or destruction of intervertebral cartilaginous discs? Only an experienced doctor can find out this through examination, palpation, and special diagnostic tests. As necessary, an X-ray of the spine, MRI, CIT, ultrasound and a number of other examinations are prescribed.

If the back does not bend in the lower back and hurts, then degenerative dystrophic disease of the intervertebral discs is first ruled out. Osteochondrosis with long-term development leads to the fact that the intervertebral disc is compressed and does not protect the radicular nerves extending from the spinal cord through the foraminal lateral openings from compression. In this case, a reflex excessive tension of the surrounding muscles occurs. They take on the load from the body's weight. But the patient feels that his back does not bend to the same extent as it did before the exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

When a disc herniation prolapses, muscle spasm and disruption of the innervation of a certain area are also observed. This condition may be accompanied by a feeling that the back does not bend in one area or another.

If you suspect osteochondrosis, you should consult a vertebrologist or neurologist. Avoid continuing physical activity. You should not take painkillers or rub the sore spot with various ointments. The sooner you seek medical help, the more successful and faster your recovery treatment will be.

Causes of severe lower back pain and inability to straighten up

If you experience severe pain in the lower back and cannot straighten up, the reasons may be hidden behind various negative factors. First of all, an experienced doctor will exclude the possibility of traumatic effects, for example, such as:

  • sprain of ligament and tendon fibers (usually occurs during excessive physical exertion, during an accident, weightlifting, etc.);
  • microscopic muscle ruptures and the formation of hematomas inside them, consisting of capillary blood (provokes long-term inflammation and loss of muscle performance);
  • cracks and fractures of the processes and bodies of the vertebrae (older people and women in the period of menopause are most susceptible);
  • dislocations and subluxations of intervertebral joints.

To eliminate the possibility of tissue damage after traumatic exposure, you must consult a traumatologist. He will conduct all the necessary examinations, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The second probable group of potential causes of acute pain in the lower back, in which it is impossible to bend and straighten, is degenerative dystrophic changes. These may include the following diseases and conditions:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar and lumbosacral spine (degenerative dystrophic destruction of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs);
  • protrusion of the intervertebral disc (a decrease in its height and an increase in the occupied area, resulting in compression pressure on the surrounding soft tissues and inflammation of the radicular nerve);
  • intervertebral hernia - rupture of the fibrous ring and the exit of part of the nucleus pulposus through it (pain appears at the time of injury and then increases due to an increase in the degree of infiltrative inflammatory edema of the soft tissues);
  • destruction of the intra-articular cartilaginous layer inside the intervertebral joints and the development of deforming spondyloarthrosis;
  • cicatricial deformation of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus, including post-traumatic etiology;
  • destruction of the iliosacral joints.

All these pathologies develop gradually. For a long time a person can feel completely healthy. But with significant physical activity, the destroyed cartilage tissues cannot withstand and are subject to the process of violating the integrity of their structure. This provokes a severe pain attack.

A secondary set of causes of pain is muscle fiber tension syndrome. It compensates for the loads exerted on the affected cartilage tissue, thereby protecting them from total destruction.

In addition, acute pain in the lower back, which prevents you from straightening on your own, may be associated with displacement of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. If this happens, then there is extreme pressure on the spinal hard membranes. If you do not provide medical assistance to the victim, then in the near future he may develop spinal canal stenosis. As a result, paresis and paralysis of the lower extremities, dysfunction of the intestines and bladder, etc. may occur.

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