After a long binge, everything hurts - causes and treatment

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol gradually destroys the liver and also causes abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. They talk about it on television, in newspapers and on the Internet. At the same time, there is little information about the effect of alcohol on human joints, although the role of alcohol consumption in the development of joint diseases is great.

Many people complain that their joints and bones hurt immediately after drinking alcohol. Most often, discomfort appears in the knees and hip joints. Patients do not associate these pains with drinking alcohol and are surprised when the doctor prescribes them a diet and a complete abstinence from alcohol. Some even claim that alcohol, on the contrary, helps them reduce joint pain. Relieving joint pain when drinking alcohol is a completely natural phenomenon, because drinking alcoholic beverages dulls all the senses. However, doctors warn that using alcohol as a pain reliever only worsens the problem.

Let's try to figure out why joint pain appears after drinking alcohol, and whether alcohol can cause arthritis.

The knee joints are the first to suffer

Alcohol abuse often affects the condition of the knee joints: they suffer more than other organs.

Alcohol has a direct effect on this part of the body:

  • destroying the natural course of neurohumoral regulation;
  • initiating the inflammatory process;
  • causing pain and tissue swelling.

Drinking alcohol in significant doses leads to the release of active substances such as adrenaline or dopamine into the human blood, which contribute to the exacerbation of existing inflammation of joint tissues. There is a sharp decrease in potassium in the blood, and swelling appears. The result of alcohol intoxication is pathological processes that occur in the joints themselves:

  • increased fluid pressure in the periarticular sac;
  • activation of receptors responsible for pain.

Acetaldehyde, a product of ethanol metabolism, has a negative effect on cell walls. The entire metabolic cycle is disrupted:

  • the permeability of the membrane wall changes;
  • intracellular metabolism occurs at an accelerated pace;
  • the entire supply of nutrients of the cell is consumed, and it works at maximum capacity.

How does alcohol affect musculoskeletal tissue?

When you abuse alcohol, gradual deformation of bone tissue occurs, and beer is considered the most harmful to bones. This drink has been shown to lead to calcium deficiency, causing joints to become inflamed, brittle and easy to break. The toxic substances of alcohol also have a negative effect on the blood. By thickening it, they prevent the natural flow of nutrients into the mobile joint. Therefore, people with alcohol addiction often have pain in their knees and it becomes difficult to move.

Drinking a large portion of beer disrupts metabolism and eliminates reserves of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, the load on the joints increases, and they gradually collapse. Rheumatoid arthritis is not the only disease that can be caused by alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause gout and osteoarthritis. The opinion that alcoholic drinks destroy bone tissue is undeniable, but there is another side to the problem. Doctors have been able to prove that reasonable consumption of high-quality alcohol strengthens bones and helps stop the progression of arthritis.

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Causes of joint diseases from alcohol

In people with an increased tendency to drink, the knee joints suffer the most. Alcohol-containing drinks have the following negative effects:

Alcoholic drinks cause swelling in damaged tissues.

  • contribute to the development of inflammation;
  • provoke pain and swelling of tissues;
  • lead to exacerbation of existing inflammation;
  • lower plasma potassium levels.

When the body is poisoned by toxic substances of alcohol, fluid pressure increases in the joints of the skeletal bones and the pain syndrome is activated. The walls of all cells suffer, and this contributes to disruption of the metabolic cycle and the mechanism of distribution of electrolytes throughout the connective tissue, as well as a deficiency of reserves of B vitamins.

In addition to the fact that alcohol causes arthritis, it also leads to the development of gout, a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of uric acid. Alcohol-containing drinks are especially dangerous for overweight people, as they provoke osteoarthritis. Drinkers are more susceptible to aging joints if they wear uncomfortable shoes or their feet are under constant stress.

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Alcohol and joint pathologies

The fact that in the process of evolution man became an upright walker explains the sharp increase in the load on the joints of the lower extremities. In this regard, joint cartilage is most susceptible to wear and tear during movement: running, walking and jumping. Gradually, microtraumas provoke imperceptible, low-grade inflammation, but the patient only occasionally complains of pain in the bones.

Constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in moderate doses, leads to the fact that the cartilage cells of a drinker, due to metabolic disorders and continuous hard work, wear out much more than the cartilage of a teetotaler. Under the influence of alcohol, the cartilage becomes thinner or disappears altogether, then when moving, areas of the bones that are no longer protected by cartilaginous tissue begin to rub against each other. As a result, the bones grow, thus deforming the joint and putting pressure on the receptors, which causes constant pain when walking. As a result, a person acquires a disease such as arthrosis.

Fragments of destroyed cartilage inside the joint begin to be absorbed by white blood cells, the release of cellular enzymes causes inflammation of the synovium - a disease called synovitis.

Exacerbation of progressive aseptic inflammation of the joint after another dose of alcohol leads to the development of an even more serious disease - arthritis.

  • Joint pain after alcohol is a serious cause for concern

Compression of areas of the epiphyses unprotected by cartilage provokes bone ischemia - insufficient blood supply to the organ. As a result, the bone does not receive the necessary nutrition and the required amount of oxygen, which entails inevitable necrosis of bone tissue and its destruction. This is how aseptic necrosis occurs. Complete destruction of the joint can occur within 3–5 years, depending on the person's general health.

The results of recent studies show that bone necrosis is in most cases associated with long-term alcohol consumption.

Insoluble urates formed in the body (as a result of alcohol consumption) are not excreted and are deposited in the cells of various tissues. Because of this, persistent hypertension occurs, stones form in the kidneys, and salt deposition occurs in the joint capsule, tendons and ligaments. Urate crystals enter the synovial fluid and cartilage and then penetrate the bone. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys contributes to the progression of the process, leading to inflammation of the joint, which often occurs precisely after the next libation. This painful condition is called gout.

How to protect your joints?

You can save your joints only by completely abstaining from alcohol and adjusting your lifestyle.

If you drink alcohol in large quantities once, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible and eat the following foods: greens, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, any nuts, dried fruits and dairy products.

This helps to quickly restore metabolic processes, as well as replenish the supply of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for healthy joints.

Despite the fact that many pathologies develop after 40 years, young people who drink should think in advance about such unpleasant consequences.

Remember that joint pain after drinking alcohol is a warning sign. Do not ignore this phenomenon and do not try to drown out the painful sensations with painkillers or another portion of alcohol. Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages and proper treatment is a reliable way to stop the development of a dangerous disease.

It is difficult to convince a person with a chronic form of alcoholism who complains of various ailments that his joints hurt after drinking alcohol, because such symptoms occur over time when the disease reaches a certain stage.

  • Why do my legs hurt after drinking alcohol and what can I do about it?

An alcoholic knows that drinking alcohol-containing drinks affects internal organs - the liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, but no one bothered to explain to him that one of the terrible consequences of alcoholism is joint pathologies.


Why alcohol damages the knee joints first

Doctors believe that the knee joints are the first to “give up” under the effects of alcohol.

There are many reasons for this, and the most important of them is our main evolutionary achievement, upright walking. Due to this specific nature of human movement, the entire main load and weight of the body is distributed to the knee and hip joints. They wear out much faster than all the others.

If a person is overweight, has chronic joint damage, problems with connective tissue, or has an inherited predisposition, the risk of knee pathologies is very high. The situation is worsened by both a sedentary lifestyle and excessive stress on the knees caused by intense sports or work. If a person with such a predisposition and belonging to a risk group begins to abuse alcoholic beverages, the possibility of developing arthrosis, arthritis, and other joint diseases increases significantly.

The effect of alcohol on joint tissue is based on the ability of alcohol to provoke the release of adrenaline and dopamine into the blood, which leads to an intensification of the already existing inflammatory process in the joints. Not only does inflammation in the joint capsule become more active, but the process of cartilage tissue breakdown also intensifies.

When the cartilage wears out so much that it begins to “catch” the bone when moving, the patient feels severe pain and tries in every possible way to limit mobility. But this does not stop the already running process of destruction and decay of cartilage and bone tissue. It can continue hidden, and an already seriously ill person continues to lead his usual lifestyle, without giving up alcoholic drinks and eating the wrong food.

If physical inactivity and excess weight are added to the process of alcoholic destruction of joints, the process intensifies and accelerates. Without radical changes and proper treatment, the joints may become so damaged that they will have to be replaced with prostheses, and this is long, expensive, has a long rehabilitation process and does not guarantee a return to a full life.

Metabolic disorders and alcoholism

Joints hurt after alcohol.
Metabolism, planned by nature at the genetic level, the process of intracellular regeneration and absorption of nutritional components - everything turns out to be in a pathological state due to the systematic introduction of harmful components. They not only disrupt the normal course of events, but also destroy those segments that are responsible for it. When your knees hurt from a hangover, these are no longer age-related changes, and not the consequences of heavy physical activity, but a natural result of drinking alcohol.

A patient who seeks help from an orthopedist is usually sure that his joints are suffering for various reasons, but does not connect this with his addictions. The misconception is often so deep that alcohol is taken as a means of relieving joint pain, and pain is explained by another possible etiology.

Traditional methods of treating joint diseases

Traditional medicine is well acquainted with the problem of diseased joints. Doctors believe that with the help of herbal preparations it is possible to get rid of “salt deposits” quite quickly and effectively.

Bay leaf decoction for joint problems

Indeed, alcohol consumption promotes the formation of urate and its accumulation in the joints. To get rid of them, bay leaf is considered the best remedy.

A decoction from it is prepared as follows:

  • 20 - 30 dry or fresh bay leaves are poured into 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Leave for about 3 or 4 hours.

There are subtleties here: bay leaf contains volatile essential oil, so the decoction is prepared under a tight lid or, best of all, in a thermos.

The resulting product is drunk in small sips throughout the day. Treatment time is three days, and the decoction is prepared every day. After treatment, you need to take a break for 7 days and repeat the process. In addition to bay leaves, you can use sunflower roots – fresh or dried – for the same purpose.

Before any joint treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the intestines. Excretion of salts will lead to frequent urination, so the patient needs to drink enough clean water to avoid dehydration.

Treatment of joints with cabbage leaves

Ointment from the “golden mustache” for arthrosis

An excellent remedy for relieving joint pain is “golden mustache” ointment. This healing plant can be grown on your own windowsill. The preparation of the medicine is very simple: you need to squeeze the juice out of the leaves and mix it with the same amount of any base - Vaseline, interior fat, lard or even baby cream. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the sore joint.

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat joints, including those damaged by alcohol consumption. But before using the product, you should definitely consult with your doctor and do an allergy test, because herbal preparations not only treat, but can also cause dangerous rashes and inflammations.

Alcohol and healthy joints are incompatible concepts.
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Knee pain and alcohol

A person does not understand that temporary blocking of joint pain receptors is just one of the effects of drinking alcohol, and often the most positive. When your knees hurt after drinking alcohol, this is a natural result of the processes occurring in the body after drinking it. It doesn’t matter whether a person drank vodka or wine, the destruction occurs in approximately the same way, and after beer the knees hurt no less than after stronger drinks. Several prerequisites are created for the occurrence of pain syndrome:

  • alcohol has the ability to accelerate metabolic processes, and this artificially caused acceleration disrupts the natural permeability of cell membranes;
  • Constant regeneration of cartilage cells leads to their fatigue and the occurrence of metabolic disorders, and this is a direct path to the occurrence of degenerative processes in the elastic layers between the bone segments of the joint.

The pathology of nervous activity resulting from the characteristic swinging (pendulum) leads to a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The joint experiences increased pressure, which occurs against the background of swelling, and the accumulation of fluid is the body’s protective reaction to the manifested inflammation.

One of the features of the action of ethyl alcohol is its ability to remove potassium from the body, a chemical element responsible for the evacuation of fluids. A vicious circle arises - inflammation contributes to swelling, and it is triggered by alcohol intake. The same ethyl alcohol also removes potassium, which could remove accumulated excess liquid.

The cells of articular cartilage, already weakened by the need for constant regeneration, experience pressure from excess fluid accumulated at the site of the pathological process. They not only begin to hurt, but also lose their inherent elasticity and shock-absorbing function in the joint. The answer to the question of why pain occurs also lies in the slowing down of kidney function by alcohol, which partially stops the excretion of uric acid. It combines with alkalis to create insoluble salts, the peculiarity of which is the ability to quickly deposit in the joints.

Any joint suffers from these deposits, especially the knee, which continues to bear the same functional load. And if you consider that alcoholism pushes a person to rash actions and hyperactivity, it is clear why a hangover (the state after drinking alcohol) is characterized by such sharp joint pain.

How the symptom manifests itself

Symptom variations vary from person to person, but in most cases patients experience:

· Appearance of burning pain in the muscles.

· Loss of control over the limb in which the muscle spasm occurred.

· Tremor.

· Blurred consciousness.

If convulsions are accompanied by short-term memory loss, the occurrence of olfactory or auditory hallucinations, then this condition is regarded as an epileptic seizure.

If this happened once, then in the future the symptoms will recur with an increasing tendency.

When convulsive contractions occur due to alcohol consumption, you need to consult a doctor and cleanse the body . Next, the patient is advised to stop drinking alcohol. If he cannot do this on his own, drug treatments for alcoholism are used.

Consult a narcologist about selecting an effective coding method .

A natural consequence of alcoholism

Alcohol destroys knee joints
. A closed cycle that occurs in the body of an alcoholic who drinks alcohol regularly leads to several pathological problems:

  • he experiences a constant lack of potassium, which could evacuate accumulated fluid from the body, but is instead excreted from the body;
  • permanent swelling is associated not only with a lack of potassium, but also with inflammation that occurs against the background of immune disorders;
  • constant thirst and replenishment of fluid, the need for which is constantly felt by the drinker, is associated with a violation of neurohumoral processes and the permeability of cell membranes, but water is not excreted due to kidney dysfunction and the lack of necessary chemical components;
  • in the joint, the cartilage layer is simultaneously destroyed (and friction of the bone segments occurs, leading to impaired mobility and the appearance of characteristic sounds) and insoluble salts are deposited, further complicating the activity of the articular mechanism.

But pain is not the main danger that threatens a permanent drinker. The destruction of the cartilage layer will lead to joint deformation and limitation of motor activity. Vasoconstriction is a common consequence of alcohol consumption. It causes disturbances in blood supply and provokes a lack of oxygen and essential nutrients in the articular segments.

  • Alcohol and rheumatoid arthritis. What do you need to know?

Bone tissue in this state begins to die and decompose, known in medicine as aseptic necrosis. This is the main danger to which the vast majority of people suffering from chronic alcoholism are exposed.

Patients with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system are advised to avoid drinking alcohol. However, they often ignore doctor's advice, believing that there is no relationship between joint diseases and alcohol. In addition, having accidentally discovered that after drinking alcohol the joint stops hurting, the patient is convinced of the analgesic effect of alcohol. At the same time, the leveling of the effect after sobering up is explained by the short duration of action. Then he begins to drink more often, and after some time he discovers various complications, for example, coxarthrosis, pain in the foot or the spread of the inflammatory process to the tendons. This raises questions about whether there is a link between alcohol consumption and joint pain.

Drinking beer, often considered a “harmless” form of alcohol, can have consequences such as arthritis of the knee joint and pain in the leg muscles


· Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions, which are accompanied by a number of additional negative symptoms.
· A common cause of seizures is a disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain, which often occurs against the background of alcohol poisoning .

· The key to successful treatment of alcoholic seizures is cessation of alcohol consumption, physical activity, a balanced diet and adequate sleep.

· The appearance of seizures after alcohol indicates that a person has problems with alcohol consumption and it is time for him to think about treatment.

· If such a symptom appears, additional diagnostics are carried out. It helps to identify or exclude concomitant diseases, the side effect of which is muscle contractions.

· There are generalized seizures, in which the entire brain is involved from the very beginning, and partial seizures, where only part of the brain is initially involved, but which can spread to the entire brain - the so-called secondary generalized.

Joint structure

Articular joints are formed by two widened ends of bones (epiphyses), covered with a thick layer of hyaline cartilage. The articulation consists of two cartilaginous surfaces surrounding each of their connective tissue bags and a cavity filled with synovial fluid. Thanks to the fluid, the joint can move painlessly and without creaking.

Constant stress on the limbs and resulting microtraumas increase the susceptibility to inflammatory (arthritis) and degenerative (arthrosis) joint diseases. In this case, the hip joint is injured less frequently than the joints of the knee and foot, which bear significant loads.

In people who regularly consume alcohol, diseases progress noticeably faster than in abstainers, which indicates the incompatibility of alcohol and joint health.


When studying the effect of alcohol on the human body, it was discovered that a drink made from natural ingredients helps to rejuvenate tissues, normalize metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of inflammation in the joints and prevents arthritis.

  • Alcohol and rheumatoid arthritis. What do you need to know?

Natural wine eliminates joint pain.
Wine and other alcohol stop reactions responsible for pain and formations that destroy joint tissue. It was possible to prove that rheumatoid arthritis is 2 times less common among representatives of the fair sex than among wine drinkers. For women, the optimal portion of alcohol is 10 g of pure alcohol; men are not recommended to drink more than 30 g per day. Beer will not cause any harm if consumed up to 300 ml per day by representatives of the stronger sex and no more than 200 ml by women.

As safe doses increase, the positive qualities of alcohol are destroyed.

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The effect of alcohol on human joints

A patient who drinks alcohol is faced with its negative effects on the body, due to a series of mutually reinforcing effects:

  • The leaching of minerals, especially potassium, causes a shift in the potassium-sodium balance and water retention, in particular, the formation of edema in the area of ​​​​the joint capsules;
  • Uric acid, reacting with alkalis, forms salt crystals that accumulate in the area of ​​articular cartilage and lead to gout and inflammatory processes;
  • Acceleration of metabolism inside cells leads to their rapid wear;
  • Due to disruption of neurohumoral regulation, aseptic inflammation may be activated.

Is there a connection between joint diseases and alcohol?

Regular, even moderate, alcohol consumption accelerates the wear of joints, increasing the likelihood of the following ailments:

  • Arthrosis and osteoarthrosis. The structure of the cartilage becomes layered, it becomes thinner, the unprotected surfaces of the epiphyses rub against each other, and sharp outgrowths form on them. The patient experiences pain and hears creaking when moving the joint;
  • Synovitis is inflammation of the membrane of the joint capsule. Fragments of cartilage are absorbed by leukocytes, and enzymes are released that cause an inflammatory process;
  • Arthritis - in this case, resulting from an aseptic inflammatory process;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. The course of the disease is aggravated due to the toxic metabolites into which ethyl alcohol breaks down;
  • Gout is an accumulation of crystals of uric acid salts in the periarticular areas. Often complicated by subsequent inflammation;
  • Necrotic necrosis of bone tissue due to compression by deformed cartilage.

When a person drinks alcohol frequently, they are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis of the knee

Dynamics of development

A harbinger of the appearance of muscle contractions is pronounced, burning muscle pain. This is already a reason to conduct a comprehensive examination and identify diseases of which seizures are a symptom. If none are found, then the only cause is alcohol abuse.

If a patient begins to experience convulsions due to alcoholism, they will not go away on their own, but will get worse each time they drink alcohol again.

Causes of pain

Drinking drinks containing ethyl alcohol disrupts the balance of electrolytes in the body. This leads to the fact that the fluid contained in neighboring tissues accumulates in the joint cavity and puts pressure on its walls, affecting the endings of pain receptors. The pressure in the cells increases and the permeability of the membranes changes.

Drinking has a damaging effect on the joints of the limbs

A drunk man experiences joint pain. But the first few minutes from the moment of intoxication, the described effect is neutralized by the analgesic effect of alcohol. This creates in the patient a deceptive feeling of relief in case of joint pathologies accompanied by acute pain. When it subsides, giving way to increasing pain, the patient may reach for a new portion of alcohol, thereby creating a vicious circle.

Thus, patients with joint diseases should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations to give up alcoholic beverages. The effect they have in the long term is destructive both in inflammatory diseases and gout, and in the destruction of cartilage tissue.

The effect of alcohol on human joints is manifested in the destruction of articular cartilage

If a person experiences joint pain after drinking, this is a signal that he needs to visit an arthrologist. Since there is a high probability of developing a destructive process in the joints, which the patient himself may not be aware of.

Narcologists believe that indicators of recovery from binge drinking, in addition to sober thinking, are the restoration of normal sleep and the appearance of appetite. But the patient's problems do not end there. Prolonged binge drinking damages organs and systems so much that after removing intoxication, a gradual elimination of symptoms will be required. The person no longer feels healthy. Do not forget that in stages II-III of alcoholism, he has accumulated enough chronic diseases that alcohol intake hides. Ethanol is a narcotic, which means it has an analgesic effect. In a state of intoxication, pain is not felt. And after a long binge, the whole body hurts. It can be difficult for doctors to carry out differential diagnosis in search of a specific cause because the signs are erased.

Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague and war."

What to do if your joints hurt after drinking alcohol?

If this is not the first time you notice that your knees or other joints hurt after drinking alcohol, immediately consult a specialist. Without conducting a comprehensive study, it is difficult to determine how serious the problem is. Perhaps the pain is caused by the accumulation of excess fluid in the joint, but dangerous damage to bone and cartilage tissue cannot be ruled out. Be prepared for your doctor to tell you not to drink alcohol. After all, they harm even a relatively healthy person, and for a patient with sore joints, alcohol consumption is absolutely prohibited. Perhaps for this it is worth seeking help and coding from alcohol to a narcologist.

Causes of pain syndrome

To find out why your head or legs, stomach or heart hurt after drinking, you should pay attention to the mechanism of action of alcohol. Pain is caused by a breakdown of several adaptive reactions.

Intoxication of brain neurons, deprivation of energy and essential vitamins to cells leads to the cessation of executive function. Normally, in the nuclei of the cortex and subcortex, instant processing of information emanating from internal organs, blood vessels, and blood flow occurs, and a response order for adaptation is developed. Binge drinking deprives a person of natural adaptation: blood vessels either narrow or widen randomly, muscle sphincters in the gastrointestinal tract work inconsistently. As a result, after heavy drinking, the most sensitive organs hurt, where not enough blood flows or where consistency in the contraction of the muscle wall is important.

Local destruction at the level of the gastric mucosa, dysfunction of the secreting glands contribute to disruption of the production of juices and enzymes. The accumulation causes inflammation and erosion of the organ membranes until ulcers form.

The toxic effect of acetaldehyde on muscle tissue (skeletal muscles, myocardium) and nerve trunks (demyelination) leads to pain, decreased contractility, and weakness during movements. Damage to the pathways is called neuralgia.

Binge drinking always means stress and dehydration for the body. At the same time, the necessary electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium), which ensure the creation of the electrical potential of cells for work, are lost. Its deficiency is felt in a stagnant pain impulse from the muscles, blood vessels or internal organs.

Deadly dangerous!

The most terrible consequence is irreversible mental degradation

It is necessary to recognize addiction as early as possible and begin to treat it.

Why do cramps appear after alcohol?

The cause of seizures is poisoning by the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. During binge drinking, alcohol toxins do not have time to be eliminated by the body and enter the bloodstream. Then they affect the brain and disrupt its functioning. As a result, the central nervous system sends contradictory or incorrect signals to the muscles.

An additional factor in the occurrence of seizures is the narrowing and dilation of blood vessels under the influence of alcohol, which also causes numbness of the limbs and involuntary muscle contractions.

Clinical manifestations and treatment

Relatives who have organized the patient’s withdrawal from binge drinking sometimes underestimate complaints of pain and are confident that everything will go away on its own. The attitude of doctors towards pain syndrome in alcoholics is wary. Moderate manifestations may hide severe pathology. There are frequent cases of acute myocardial infarction or perforated gastric ulcer in people who abuse alcohol.


Head pain can be one-sided (migraine) or diffuse. Accompanied by a feeling of tinnitus, heaviness in the back of the head, photophobia, dizziness, nausea. You definitely need to measure your blood pressure. If hypertension is not uncommon for the patient, then he should take the fast-acting drug “Capoten”. If symptoms persist, it is better to call an ambulance. Treatment of hypertension is carried out with drugs including sedatives, vasodilators and diuretics.

With normal blood pressure will help:

  • Rubbing the temples and forehead with the “Star” balm
  • Strengthening a special patch with menthol on the forehead or under the back of the head
  • Mustard plaster on the back of the neck
  • Taking "Nikoshpan", "Nikoverin", "Pentalgin", "Nurofen"

To nourish brain cells, amino acids and vitamins are needed. Their deficiency is supplemented by a course of long-term treatment with nootropics (Piracetam, Nootropil, Actovegin, Cinnarizine).

If you suspect a head injury sustained during a period of heavy drinking, you cannot choose the remedy yourself. The presence of nausea and dizziness, numbness in an arm or leg may indicate the consequences of an injury, a concussion, or a pre-stroke condition.

The pharmacy chain has many fast-acting painkillers in the form of soluble tablets. They should not be abused for a long time. If headaches do not go away, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.


An important feature of angina attacks in alcoholics is their atypical course. Instead of the classic picture of chest pain radiating to the left arm, relieved with Nitroglycerin, patients experience aching pain in the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart, without irradiation at all or radiating to the back or abdomen. May last all day and get worse at night.

You should definitely see a doctor and tell them in detail about the signs. An ECG will help exclude acute disturbances in the blood supply to the myocardium and identify the type of arrhythmia. At home, it is recommended to take a Nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. To prevent the drug from causing a sharp drop in blood pressure in sensitive individuals, it must be used together with Validol. Narcologists advise abstaining from alcohol tinctures (Corvalol, Valocordin). It is better to make a decoction of hawthorn fruits and valerian root.

Complications from the gastrointestinal tract

During binge drinking, a person refuses to eat, but digestive juices continue to be produced in the stomach and pancreas. Overirritation of the gastric mucosa with hydrochloric acid and pepsin leads to intense pain in the epigastrium and heartburn. The accumulation of pancreatic enzymes corrodes the lining of the gland and ducts, causing attacks of girdle pain and diarrhea.

It can be difficult even for a specialist to distinguish a perforation of an ulcer from pancreatitis or an exacerbation of cholelithiasis, since in alcoholics the symptoms are “masked” as another pathology.

Relatives assume food poisoning and begin to wash out the stomach. This event is strictly prohibited. Until the doctor has examined the patient, it is allowed:

  • Place cold on stomach (heating pad excluded)
  • Give a tablet "Spazmalgona" or "No-shpy"
  • “Almagel A” with anesthesin is suitable as a local drug

Hospitalization in a hospital, examination and observation will help to correctly determine the tactics and prescribe the optimal treatment, choose a diet. For moderate pain, a warm decoction of chamomile and calendula helps.

You should not drink soda solution to relieve heartburn; increased gas production increases stomach irritation.

A common complication of alcoholism is hemorrhoids with bleeding during bowel movements and pain in the rectum. Patients are embarrassed to admit their painful symptoms and drive themselves to the point of anemia or strangulated hemorrhoids. If defecation is painful and a visit to the proctologist is postponed, you can use pain-relieving rectal suppositories (“Anuzol”, “Neoanuzol”, “Relief”). To relieve inflammation, candles with belladonna and sea buckthorn are suitable. They are inserted into the anus to the depth of the index finger after washing with potassium permanganate. Then you should lie on your side or back for 30–40 minutes until the drug is absorbed.

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Muscle pain

The patient does not invent complaints of pain in the calf muscles and weakness when walking. Disruption of the structure of nerve fibers prevents normal contractions and causes convulsions. For relief, it is recommended to take magnesium sulfate orally or intramuscularly, and drink a vitamin-mineral complex for 2-3 months.

Any warming ointments (Salvisar, Dolgit) with rubbing or compress, warm pine foot baths, massage have a local anesthetic effect.

Pain is caused by impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, so Troxevasin and Lyoton gels are effective.

Painful urination

In men over 40 years of age, a common complication of heavy drinking is enlargement or inflammation of the prostate. The growth and swelling of the gland compresses the urethra and causes painful urination, prolonged urinary retention and pain above the pubis. At home, it is recommended to take antispasmodics (Spazmalgon, Platifillin), sit in a warm bath, and place a heating pad on the lower abdomen. If there is no effect, you should contact a urologist. In the hospital, urine is removed with a catheter. Be sure to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that prevent further growth of the prostate.


After stopping the binge, long-term treatment will be required to restore damaged organs and systems. The more often binge drinking occurs, the greater the damage done to the body. The causes of the pain syndrome are the disruption of the adaptive reaction of the brain, impaired blood circulation and the functioning of the secreting glands, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and loss of contractility of the muscular system. You can guess in advance what will appear in a particular person by analyzing the presence of chronic diseases.

Not all methods are suitable for relieving pain at home. You should remember about the atypical course of the pathology in alcoholics. Seeing a doctor and undergoing an examination will help identify the exact cause and prescribe treatment.


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