Elbow sprain symptoms and treatment in Moscow

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Our hands are tools that we use every day, every hour, every minute. It’s not for nothing that people have always said: “If only you had hands, you can do it,” or, “It’s not the needle that sews, but the hands.” These words contain folk wisdom. Hands are tireless workers, and it seems to us that this will always be the case.

Treatment of the elbow joint with folk remedies

The main load falls on the elbow joint and if it is affected by any disease or injured, we become limited in performing the simplest actions. And don’t think that joint pain is the lot of athletes or gardeners; it can happen to anyone. If you feel pain in your elbow joint, consult a doctor and find out the cause so that treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Causes of pain

The most common causes of elbow pain: osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tumors, osteoarthritis, epicondylitis, chondrocalcinosis, tendinitis, elbow joint injuries, excessive stress.

Treatment with folk remedies


A common disease among athletes, construction workers and agricultural workers. The joint becomes inflamed where the bone attaches to the muscle. There are no characteristic symptoms, so diagnosing this disease is very difficult.

  • A good remedy to relieve inflammation is tea ice. To prepare it, brew a spoonful of green tea with a glass of boiling water. Once cool, pour the tea into two bags, seal and place in the freezer to form ice sheets. After complete freezing, remove the ice from the bags and apply it to the elbow joint, securing it with a bandage. After a few days, the inflammation will subside. Then you should begin a course of warming up.
  • A seven-day course of clay heating should begin after ice compresses. Make a paste of blue clay and warm water. Place the mixture on a compress cloth and apply it to the joint, securing it with a warm bandage for half an hour. After half an hour, apply a new warm clay compress. Three procedures must be done per day.

Bay oil

  • Prepare bay oil for compresses in advance. You need to take 200 ml of olive or sunflower oil, add four tablespoons of chopped bay leaf into it and leave for a week. After straining, the oil is ready for use. Before use, warm up and apply compresses for 25 minutes.


With this disease, the joint begins to crunch and there is a restriction in its mobility. If left untreated, deformation of joints and bones may begin.

  • Diseases that cause pain in human elbow joints, a list of causes and symptoms
  • Chalk and fermented milk products will relieve pain and reduce swelling. Buy school chalk, crush it into powder and mix with some fermented milk drink until it becomes a paste. Coat your elbow with the resulting medicinal product, apply a waterproof material and secure with a bandage. Leave it on all night.
  • Oatmeal compress. Cook thick oatmeal in water, without salt. After it has cooled, apply it to the sore joint and leave until the morning.
  • A compress with cabbage juice will relieve pain. Squeeze the juice out of fresh cabbage, soak a woolen cloth in it and wrap it around your elbow joint. Secure and leave overnight. You can make cabbage compresses during the day if you are not doing active physical work.
  • A good pain reliever is honey. It must be mixed with apple cider vinegar or alcohol in equal proportions. After a few hours you can use it for rubbing. Twenty sessions help relieve pain by increasing vascular circulation.
  • Another recipe for rubbing the elbow joint. Prepare: a spoonful of hyssop, cypress, pine needles, eucalyptus, two spoons of chamomile. Grind, mix and fill with high-quality vegetable oil. After a day, you can begin a therapeutic course of rubbing. The joint should be rubbed twice a day.


A fairly common disease of the elbow joint. Manifested by swelling and redness. It happens: rheumatoid, reactive, infectious, gouty.

Arthritis Remedies

  • Beat three egg whites, add one hundred ml of camphor alcohol and one hundred grams of mustard powder. Whisk again. Lubricate the elbow joint with the product. Cover it with film and secure it with a warm bandage, and leave it overnight. Wash off in the morning.
  • To prepare the following remedy, prepare a five-liter, preferably glass, container. Pour into it a handful of crushed elecampane roots and one hundred grams of yeast. Add half a kilogram of honey and add boiled warm water. Stir well, close, wrap in a blanket and place in a warm place for 14 days. Take fifty grams of tincture three times a day. Store in a cool place.
  • Make a vodka infusion from horse sorrel. Infuse fifty grams of crushed roots in a liter of vodka for two weeks. Take one spoon in the morning and before bed.
  • Take the whole dandelion plant (without the flower) and chop it finely. Brew one spoon of dandelion in a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain. Drink during the day before meals, divided into four parts.
  • A simple but effective remedy is obtained from primrose. Infuse ten grams of dry primrose in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Divide into three servings and drink throughout the day.
  • Radish juice rub. Squeeze one and a half glasses of juice from the radish, add a glass of honey, half a glass of vodka and a spoonful of salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved and use to rub joints.
  • Simple wraps with fresh leaves of coltsfoot or burdock give a good healing effect.
  • Prepare a herbal decoction for taking a medicinal bath. Boil 250 grams of calamus in three liters of water. Pour the broth into a bath with comfortable water temperature and immerse yourself in it for twenty minutes.
  • For local baths, use spruce decoction. Brew spruce branches in a small amount of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled to body temperature, immerse the sore joint in it for 20-30 minutes.

Deforming osteoarthritis

Remedies for deforming osteoarthritis

This disease affects the cartilage tissue of the joint. It is deforming osteoarthritis that is considered the most common among joint diseases and often leads to disability.

  • Take equal amounts of nettle, calendula, willow bark and birch leaf. Pour two spoons of the mixture into a liter of boiling water for 12 hours. Strain and drink half a glass up to five times a day.
  • Grind dry lingonberry leaves to a powder. Pour one spoon of the resulting lingonberry powder into half a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take half a glass three times a day. Acts on the deposition of salts in joints.
  • Peel seven potatoes and boil them. Crush the potatoes into a puree, pour in 20 ml of broth, 30 ml of camphor oil, 25 ml of formic alcohol, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of honey. Mix thoroughly, spread in an even layer on a compress cloth and apply to the joint. Secure with waterproof material and a warm bandage. Leave until morning. Course - 15 compresses.
  • Take dry St. John's wort and hops in equal quantities. Grind and mix with Vaseline. Use to rub into the affected elbow joint.
  • There is no simpler remedy than the next one. Applications of rice soaked for two days will not only relieve pain, but will also literally drain the salt from the patient.
  • Stir two tablespoons of honey in a glass of milk, add fifteen drops of valerian. Every other day, rub into the elbow joint in the morning and before bed. After the procedure, warm your elbow.
  • Every day for a month, lubricate the sore joint with the following remedy. Add a spoonful of salt to a glass of milk and bring to a boil. Every evening, after taking a shower, moisten your elbow with salted milk.
  • Prepare an ointment based on wormwood. Dry wormwood should be thoroughly ground with a small amount of sunflower oil, glycerin and petroleum jelly added, ground again and heated in a steam bath. After two days the ointment is ready. Rub into the joint twice a day.


This is an inflammation of the joint capsule, in which the formation and accumulation of inflammatory fluid occurs in it. The cause may be injury or systematic mechanical irritation of the joint. With the disease, a rise in body temperature, malaise, swelling and redness of the joint is possible.

Compresses for pain relief

  • To relieve mild pain, you need to make warm compresses with a decoction of St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile or burdock root. It is recommended to take them internally, half a glass three times a day.
  • If the bursitis is chronic, a compress will help, apply it in the evening and leave it until the morning. Tune the laundry soap, take about a spoonful of shavings and mix with the same amount of honey and place in a steam bath until the soap is completely dissolved. Meanwhile, peel and finely chop one onion. Spread the soap-honey mixture over a compress cloth, place the onion on it and wrap the joint. On top there is a waterproof material and an insulating bandage.
  • If you need to quickly relieve pain, grate a potato and apply it as a compress to the elbow joint. Hold it until the pain subsides.
  • Pleasant to taste and healthy drink. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Drink this drink twice a day for three weeks.

Universal recipes

  • The joint can be massaged with honey without additives. Just take honey and rub it into your elbow for fifteen minutes until it is absorbed. After the honey massage, tie a burdock leaf and apply an insulating bandage. Leave until morning. Ten evenings of honey massage relieve swelling and restore mobility.

Baths for the elbow joint

  • Sea salt baths are also useful for pain in the elbow joint. Dissolve three tablespoons of salt in a liter of warm water, dip your elbow in the solution and hold for half an hour. If you don’t have sea salt, you can use coarse sea salt for the bath. After the bath, apply a warm bandage.
  • Celandine juice will relieve inflammation and pain. Soak cotton pads in the juice of the plant and apply to the joint for half an hour. After removing the lotion, lubricate with unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Compresses made from white or red clay reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. Apply clay diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream to the joint for two hours. Wrap in plastic and warm cloth.
  • A very old but effective remedy. Pick young birch leaves. Pour boiling water over them for five minutes. Then place the leaves on the joint and secure for half an hour. Carry out this treatment for ten days in a row and the disease will recede.
  • Another summer treatment. Pick a few buttercups, the whole plant, but without the root, as it is very poisonous. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave until cool. Pour warm water into a container for a local bath, pour in the buttercup infusion and immerse your elbow in it for twenty minutes.
  • You can make night compresses with buttercup infusion.

Video - Treatment of the elbow joint with folk remedies


The elbow is a complex joint between the three bones of the shoulder and forearm, a fragment of the human arm. Its anatomical structure also provides for the presence of a nerve, which is located as close as possible to the skin. Pain in the elbow of the right or left hand is always unpleasant.

  • Allergen panels (by blood)

They need to be treated, but first you need to deal with the reasons, the main ones of which are:

  • disorders of bone and joint structure;
  • inflammation of muscles and ligaments;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Drug therapy of the elbow joint

Drug therapy can alleviate the patient’s general condition, relieve unpleasant symptoms and influence the course of the underlying disease.

Main directions in conservative drug treatment:

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. A group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is commonly used.

2. Painkillers. They are needed to ease the patient’s well-being, because prolonged severe pain has a bad effect on a person’s emotional and mental state.

3. Chondroprotectors that improve the condition of cartilage tissue in the affected joint. They cannot restore completely destroyed cartilage lining, but they slow down the progression of destruction of healthy tissue.

4. Vitamin therapy.

5. Agents that improve blood flow in the microvasculature.

6. Muscle relaxants help relax pathologically spasmodic muscles.

7. Various anti-inflammatory and warming ointments and gels have a good effect.

Types of diseases that cause elbow pain

The most common injuries to the bone and joint structure are as follows:

  1. Bruises are closed injuries without compromising the integrity of the joint. Mild bruises go away within a few hours or days, severe bruises are accompanied by an increase in the volume of the damaged organ and aching pain.
  2. A tumor is a complication that often occurs with bruises. May be benign or malignant. Often associated with pathologies of bone and joint tissue.
  3. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint, which can be a side effect of a number of other ailments. Accompanied by pain during physical activity.
  4. Arthrosis is a disorder of the structure of cartilage, leading to its thinning. For the elbow joint, this disorder is extremely rare.
  5. Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joints. Occurs in diseases associated with metabolism.

Muscle inflammations include:

  1. Bursitis is a lesion of the joint capsule. It occurs due to excess accumulation of fluid in it.
  2. Fasciitis is inflammation of muscle tissue cells. Accompanied by nagging pain.
  3. Epicondylitis is a disease affecting the attachment of muscle fibers. Develops from microtraumas received under excessive loads.
  4. Tendinitis – Damage to tendons where they attach to joints. The disease is common among athletes due to excessive stress.
  5. Osteochondrosis is the destruction of ligaments, tendons, cartilage or bone tissue. One of the painful and dangerous diseases. It is difficult to treat.

Cardiovascular and nervous diseases that manifest themselves in the elbow joint:

  1. Inflammation of the ulnar nerve occurs due to pinching. May cause pain even at rest.
  2. Cardiac ischemia is an insufficient blood supply, leading to organ necrosis. In this case, the vessels and circulatory system need to be treated.
  3. Hemophilia is a blood clotting problem. On the elbow joints it is reflected in periodic hemorrhages.

Osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the joint with the destruction of cartilage and its other structures, as a result of which a person’s arms hurt in the elbow joints, inflammation appears and functions are impaired. A characteristic sign of osteoarthritis is marginal bone growths - osteophytes. Osteoarthritis is a disease without a pronounced inflammatory nature, caused primarily by wear and tear of the joint due to age-related changes, injuries or stress. In modern medicine, they have come to the conclusion that any process of destruction of joint tissue causes inflammation, so today these concepts, osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis, have become synonymous. With osteoarthritis, the elbow hurts with exertion. The destruction processes in this case develop due to the thinning of the cartilage inside the joint, which leads to a change in the structure of the ligaments and bones. In a relaxed state, the hand does not cause discomfort, but with strong pressure or other loads, for example, lifting a heavy bag, pain and burning appear. Without treatment, the disease can spread to other joints, worsening a person's overall well-being and quality of life. Unlike osteoarthritis (or osteoarthritis), arthritis of the elbow joint is a disease accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process. Arthritis is manifested by severe swelling and local fever. Progressive arthritis of the elbow joint reduces the mobility of the limb and significantly reduces the amplitude of possible movements. Without proper treatment, the risk of joint contracture increases, a complication in which the arm is forced to be fixed in one position.

Diagnosis of elbow pain

You can find out the reason why problems arise in the elbow of your right or left hand with your local therapist. Having the patient’s medical record in hand, he can quickly diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment. Sometimes, in more complex cases, a conclusion from a more specialized specialist - a neurologist, cardiologist or surgeon - is necessary.

Again, a local doctor can write a referral to them. But if the problem is not obvious, additional research will be needed. Some of them can be carried out at a local medical facility, while others can only be carried out in hospitals or medical centers for an additional fee.

Type of studyWhere to spendApproximate cost
X-ray of the elbow jointHospital, medical center (MC)350 – 9100 rub.
Blood analysisClinic, hospital, MC0 – 980 rub.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the elbow jointHospital, MC2000 – 20300 rub.
Arthrography of the elbow jointHospital, MC1500 – 9100 rub.
Puncture (fluid collection) from the elbowHospital, MC990 – 3000 rub.


Which specialist should I contact for elbow bursitis? Diagnosis, treatment and prevention are carried out by an orthopedic traumatologist, sometimes with the participation of an immunologist or endocrinologist.

The algorithm used is:

  • Inspection and palpation of the affected and opposite joint.
  • Tests to determine joint mobility and the volume of accumulated fluid.
  • Ultrasound or MRI to evaluate soft tissues, search for pathologies, and assess the structure of inflammation.
  • Puncture and analysis of synovial fluid to look for a possible infectious cause of inflammation.
  • X-ray examination of the joint to assess its condition and search for possible pathologies.

The specific list of necessary studies is determined by the doctor during the consultation. All examinations can be completed at the clinic on the day of treatment in order to immediately receive a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.

When to see a doctor

The elbow of the right hand hurts (it can be treated without going to the doctor) - with a slight bruise, it is enough to immobilize the hand and apply a cooling compress to the site of injury so that the condition will soon return to normal.

But in some cases, consultation with a specialist is necessary:

  • if the pain does not subside despite immobilization and compress;
  • if swelling and redness appear on the elbow with any movement;
  • if pain in the elbow is accompanied by an increase in general body temperature;
  • if the shape of the joint has changed, the bone protrudes;
  • if your arm hurts and it is impossible to bend or straighten it.


Pain when bending and straightening the arm can also signal bursitis. When a joint is damaged, the cells of the synovial membrane actively produce fluid that accumulates inside the joint capsule. As a result, a characteristic lump or swelling usually forms on the outer side of the elbow, and the process of its enlargement is accompanied by pain, a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin. Acute bursitis is characterized by severe pain and limited range of motion. In the chronic form, a moderate burning sensation is felt, the elbow seems thickened. In some cases, bursitis leads to complications - a purulent process. To determine the specific type of disease, a puncture may be prescribed.

Preventing Elbow Pain

You can prevent elbow pain by avoiding muscle strain. To do this, it is worth taking breaks from time to time in work where the elbow joint is constantly involved. It is better to choose the right position and use convenient equipment.

  • Knee braces

When moving your arms monotonously, it is useful to periodically bend and unbend them, as well as do self-massage. When reading books or talking on the phone, you should not constantly lean on your elbows.


Elbow bursitis can develop for various reasons:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, specific diseases or autoimmune diseases - gout, arthritis (psoriatic, rheumatoid), tuberculosis and others.
  • Infections - infection of the joint from damage to the skin, as well as from other foci in the body (for example, infections of the ENT organs or other chronic diseases).
  • Injuries - strong blows, bruises, excessive physical exertion or prolonged monotonous movements that lead to injuries or gradual wear of cartilage tissue and joint structures. Workers in various professions are at risk – drivers, draftsmen, miners and many others.

Risk factors include weakened immunity, long-term use of steroid drugs, and metabolic disorders.

Establishing the causes of inflammation is important for choosing the correct treatment method for elbow bursitis. Thus, post-traumatic bursitis of the elbow joint requires restriction of mobility and painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and in chronic forms, physical therapy is necessary to improve joint mobility and reduce the frequency of relapses.

Methods for treating elbow pain

The elbow of the right hand hurts (it must be treated immediately) - in case of a serious injury, the doctor suggests orthopedic devices to immobilize the damaged joint:

  • fixing bandage;
  • bandage;
  • gypsum;
  • splint;
  • orthosis

The specialist can also recommend medications suitable for each specific case.


They are the mainstays in treating elbow problems. The most commonly prescribed drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their action is quite fast, but superficial. Non-steroids fight inflammation and eliminate pain, but not the cause itself. They are designed to eliminate pain in order to alleviate the patient's suffering.

There are currently dozens of NSAIDs available in various forms.

The most common of them:

NameFormApproximate cost
DiclofenacOintment/Gel, 30 g
Solution for injection, 25 mg/ml

Tablets, 50 mg

From 16 rub.
From 42 rub. (for 5 – 10 ampoules)

From 27 rub. (for 20 tablets)

NimesulideTablets, 100 mgFrom 30 rub. (for 20 tablets)
IndomethacinOintment 10%, 40 g
Tablets, 25 mg

Rectal suppositories, 50/100 mg

From 36 rub.
From 15 rub. (for 30 tablets)

From 52 rub. (for 10 pcs.)

CelecoxibCapsules, 200 mgFrom 141 rub. (for 10 capsules)
MeloxicamSolution for injection, 15 mg/ml
Tablets 7.5/15 mg
From 291 rub.
(for 5 ampoules) From 152 rub. (for 10 tablets)
KetorolacSolution for injection, 30 mg/ml
Tablets 10 mg
From 51 rub.
(for 10 ampoules) From 15 rub. (for 10 tablets)
IbuprofenOintment 5%, 25 g
Tablets, 200 mg
From 28 rub. From 28 rub. (for 50 tablets)
NaproxenTablets, 250 mgFrom 131 rub. (for 10 tablets)
PiroxicamCapsules, 10/20 mgFrom 19 rub. (for 20 capsules)

Ibuprofen will help relieve pain in the elbow of the right hand.
These medications should not be used constantly. They are sold without a prescription, but have many side effects.

Another group of drugs prescribed for elbow pain are chondroprotectors. Their functions are the healing of cartilage tissue, while relieving pain, and leveling the process of dystrophy. The basis of such drugs are 2 components – chondroitin and glucosamine. They are a natural building material of cartilage tissue.

Treatment with these drugs takes a long time - over 3 months. First they are prescribed in injections, and then in tablets. To maintain maximum effect, the course of treatment is repeated annually.

The most popular chondroprotectors:

NameFormApproximate cost
StructumCapsules, 500 mgFrom 1200 rub. (for 60 capsules)
AlflutopSolution for injection, 10 mg/mlFrom 1453 rub. (for 10 ampoules)
ChondroxideCream 8%, 50 g
Gel 5%, 40 g

Tablets, 250 mg

From 499 rub.
From 318 rub.

From 500 rub. (for 60 tablets)

TeraflexCream 30/50/100 g
From 307 rub. From 979 rub. (for 60 capsules)
NoltrexSyringe 2.5 mlFrom 2500 rub.
ChondroloneSolution for injection, 0.1% 1 mlFrom 778 rub. (for 10 ampoules)

For severe pain, injections may be prescribed directly into the joint. Such injections provide quick relief. But doctors do not recommend using this treatment constantly - along with the injection, an infection can be introduced into the joint.

For intra-articular injections use:

  • chondroprotectors;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • corticosteroid hormones

The last group of drugs has an almost immediate effect on the sore joint, effectively copes with inflammation, but has many contraindications. However, they are extremely popular with patients.

Most often used:

NameFormApproximate cost
DiprospanSuspension for injectionFrom 110 rub. (for 1 piece)
KenalogSuspension for injection, 40 mg/mlFrom 451 rub. (for 5 pcs.)
FlosteronSuspension for injectionFrom 3950 rub. (for 5 pcs.)
MetipredPowder for injection, 250 mgFrom 199 rub. (for 1 piece)
Depo-MedrolSuspension for injection, 40 mg/mlFrom 678 rub. (for 1 piece)

Injections are prescribed 1 every 2 weeks. A full course includes 3-5 injections. Corticosteroids do not affect the disease itself, so they cannot provide complete treatment.

My right elbow hurts (can also be treated with hyaluronic acid) as a result of injuries or joint diseases. The drug is injected into the joint when there is a lack of fluid in it. As a result, nutrition improves and restoration of cartilage tissue accelerates.

Today, the following medications with hyaluronic acid are used:

NameFormApproximate cost
OstenilSyringe, 20 mg/2 mlFrom 2800 rub.
FermatronSyringe, 1% solution, 2 mlFrom 3190 rub.
SinokromSyringe, 1% solution, 2 mlFrom 2950 rub.

Pain in the shoulder joint - treatment

Treatment of a disease accompanied by pain of varying degrees of severity and nature in the shoulder area is necessarily comprehensive. It includes several main areas:

  • Etiotropic therapy is a set of measures aimed at eliminating the influence of the main causative factor. It can be conservative or include various surgical techniques.
  • Pathogenetic therapy - with the help of drugs, the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of pain syndrome are influenced.
  • Symptomatic therapy is treatment aimed at reducing the severity of clinical manifestations of the pathological process that worsen the patient’s quality of life.

General directions of therapeutic activities usually complement each other and can be intertwined. Often, one pharmacological group of drugs is used for symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The choice of a set of therapeutic measures is made by the doctor based on clinical symptoms, as well as the results of additional diagnostic tests.

Pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm - treatment

Pain in the right shoulder is often of traumatic origin. After diagnosing the nature and localization of the violation of anatomical integrity, complex conservative and surgical treatment can be prescribed, aimed at restoring tissues and structures, as well as their functional state.

After preoperative preparation (including the prescription of various medications that improve the general condition of the patient’s body, as well as drugs to prevent postoperative complications, in particular bleeding and secondary bacterial infection), open access surgery or arthroscopic surgery is performed. It is less traumatic.

In the case of inflammatory origin of pain, conservative drug therapy is predominantly used, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetic therapy, ozokerite, mud baths, electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory medications). They help reduce pain in the right shoulder joint.

Treatment may vary in duration, depending on the severity of the traumatic or pathological injury, as well as the surgical technique performed.

Treatment of pain in the left shoulder joint

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