Using maple leaves to treat joints - 4 recipes

Many inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic joint pathologies are characterized by a relapsing course. After relief of acute symptoms and transfer of the disease to the stage of stable remission, treatment continues. Patients are recommended to take chondroprotectors for a long time, exercise, and visit a massage room. Medicines made according to recipes from traditional healers help prevent the exacerbation of pathology. Treating joints with maple leaves collected in early autumn has proven successful. Plant raw materials contain many biologically active substances that improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. An infusion or aromatic tea made from maple leaves has pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and analgesic properties.

The healing properties of maple leaves for joint pain

Maple leaves are considered a storehouse of acids of organic origin, vitamins E and C, tannins, and carotenoids. Plant raw materials have a complex positive effect on the body. Maple leaves:

  • reduce inflammation;
  • relieve pain;
  • improve the condition of muscle tissue;
  • remove excess fluid from the body.

Note! Maple leaves are actively used in folk medicine to treat osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, and radiculitis.

What are the benefits of maple leaf?

Treating joints with maple leaves is one of the first ways to combat knee pain

Maple is one of the most beneficial trees for the human body in terms of ascorbic acid content. Also, its leaves contain a lot of tannins, carotene and alkaloids. It is this rich composition that gives maple a number of useful properties:

  • Wound healing;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antiemetic;
  • Strengthening.

Traditional healers have found use for the wide spectrum of action of maple leaves. They began to be used during the treatment of various diseases. Products based on herbal raw materials accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers, relieve pain in the spleen and liver, and also fight diarrhea, bronchitis and colds. Maple leaves are especially recommended for patients with problematic joints.


The infusion or tea made from maple leaves contains various biologically active compounds in high concentrations. This may cause an allergic reaction. Its local manifestations (skin irritation, swelling, itching) are eliminated with the help of drugs with antihistamine properties:

  • "Loratadine";
  • "Cetirizine";
  • gel "Fenistil".

In case of a systemic allergic reaction accompanied by angioedema, emergency medical care is required. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume the entire portion of the decoction or alcohol tincture at once. As a rule, on the first day, take a small dose of the product (about 1-2 teaspoons). If your health suddenly deteriorates, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

There are the following contraindications to the use of maple leaves:

  • age under 18 years;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract, liver, occurring in a severe form;
  • pregnancy.

Composition and benefits of maple sap

  • Its composition is rich in useful chemical elements, including: iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus.
  • It also contains vitamins important for the body: C, B, E.
  • Maple sap is 90% water and is a treasure trove of antioxidant compounds that are beneficial in the fight against cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  • Maple sap contains almost no sugar, little fructose and glucose, so it is recommended for use by diabetics and obese people.
  • In folk medicine, maple sap is used to treat liver and kidney diseases.
  • A decoction of maple leaves is used in the treatment of nasopharynx, and it is also often used to treat wounds, as it has both antimicrobial properties and a bactericidal effect.
  • Maple is also considered a good antidepressant. It reduces stress, aggression, and restores energy.
  • And in Germany it is used as a means of increasing potency in men. There are no contraindications to the use of maple juice. Try healthy celery juice for weight loss. Reviews about the use of the drink. How often have you included lemon in your diet, other than adding it to tea? Maybe it's time to start? After all, lemon is very useful: it perfectly helps fight excess weight, and its acid stimulates digestion. In addition, lemon is rich in vitamin C, as well as A, B and P.


It is recommended to harvest maple leaves before the October leaf fall (early autumn). During this period, natural raw materials contain the maximum amount of biologically active substances. After returning from the forest, maple leaves are carefully laid out on paper in a thin layer.

The collected plant materials are dried in a dry room, away from direct sunlight. After this, the maple leaves are placed in a small bag made of natural fabric, a wooden or cardboard box. It is recommended to store pre-dried natural raw materials in a closet.

Therapeutic effect

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, and arthritis, leaves of the common Norway maple are used. These trees can be found growing wild on the edges of forests, sunny meadows, banks of reservoirs and even in swampy areas. Norway maple has been successfully cultivated for a long time. It is planted along roads, in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings, in parks and squares. Regardless of its growing area, the leaves of this representative of the Sapindaceae family contain the following beneficial substances:

  • bioflavonoids that improve blood circulation. Organic compounds stimulate blood supply to joints with nutrients and biologically active substances. This leads to acceleration of metabolic processes, regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • resinous substances with antimicrobial and astringent properties. They also have a weak anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the migration of macrophages and leukocytes to pathological foci. A cup of maple leaf tea helps cope with diarrhea, excessive sweating, and excess gas;
  • organic acids that accelerate metabolism. Chemical compounds normalize the acid-base balance and remove products of the inflammatory or degenerative process. By increasing the frequency of urination, uric acid salts and crystals of calcium salts are removed from the joint cavities;
  • water- and fat-soluble vitamins that promote the active functioning of not only joints, but also the entire body. Ascorbic acid has an antioxidant and tonic effect. And retinol strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them of harmful cholesterol. Regular consumption of maple leaf infusion helps increase both local and systemic immunity.

The ability of plant materials to lower temperature and eliminate pain is based on the steroid-like substances it contains. And phytoncides provide its antimicrobial, antimycotic and bacteriostatic properties.

Preparing the decoction

When treating joint diseases, it is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction every morning. At the same time, 3 dry maple leaves are carefully crushed, the natural raw materials are poured into a separate container, and 0.3 liters of water are poured into it. Then the dishes are placed on the stove. The liquid is brought to a boil, after 3-5 minutes the fire is turned off. After cooling, the broth is filtered.

The resulting liquid should be divided into three portions, which are consumed:

  • in the morning;
  • at lunchtime of the day;
  • in the evening, shortly before meals.

The average duration of taking the decoction is 1 month. After this time, a break is taken for 2 weeks. A decoction made from maple leaves helps reduce inflammation in the joints.

Maple leaf tea

When preparing an aromatic and healthy drink, the teapot is first rinsed with boiling water. After this, add 2 tablespoons of crushed maple leaves to it. Natural raw materials are filled with water, the temperature of which is 90-95°C. The drink is infused under the lid for 25 minutes. Then the product is filtered and consumed instead of regular tea (three times a day, before meals).

Important! According to traditional healers, when preparing tea to relieve the symptoms of joint diseases, you should combine maple leaves with dry oregano, thyme, and lemon balm.

Treatment with horseradish leaves at home

Treatment of joints with horseradish at home requires compliance with the rules for the preparation and use of products based on it. Some rules should be followed. Therapy will be most useful and safe if you adhere to the following recommendations: Preliminary consultation with a doctor. Use of dry and fresh raw materials. Strict adherence to the recipe for preparing the product. Use of additional components (ensuring a milder effect of the product). Strict dosing of exposure time to the affected area. Compliance with the number of procedures.

Also, such measures will ensure the safety of treatment measures, and the ability to avoid deterioration of the condition and the development of complications. Horseradish tinctures

Horseradish tincture for joints can be made from both leaves and roots. Reference. There are different recipes for preparing infusions of systemic and local effects. Let's consider popular methods of preparing tinctures based on this plant (presented in the table below). Ingredients Method of preparation and use

  • fresh plant leaf;
  • vodka. Grind the leaf and put it in a liter jar (do not fill the container too much), fill it with vodka to the brim.

Close the container and leave to infuse for 14 days in a cool place.

You need to rub the sore joints with the prepared product once a day, preferably before bed.

The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

  • 150 gr. chopped root;
  • 2 gr. vanillin;
  • 4 teaspoons honey;
  • 10 peas of cloves;
  • 0.5 teaspoons each of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon;
  • vodka. Mix all ingredients and place in a 3-liter jar. Fill the container with vodka, close and put in a dark place for 5 days. The tincture should be shaken periodically.

Then filter the product and leave for another 4 days.

Ready infusion take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day before meals.

  • 300 gr. roots;
  • 1 kg of honey;
  • cooled boiled water. Pass the roots through a meat grinder and combine with honey in a 3-liter jar.

Pour the mixture with water and put it in the refrigerator.

A ready-made infusion of horseradish with honey for joint pain is taken several times a day 15 minutes before meals. You should carefully monitor your health during the treatment period. If adverse reactions occur or the condition worsens, you should discontinue therapy and consult a doctor. Horseradish leaves There are many ways to use the above-ground part of the plant for the treatment of joint pathologies. However, the most popular methods of treating arthrosis of the knee joint, arthritis, radiculitis, gout and other diseases with horseradish leaves are compresses and lotions. Let's consider several popular ways to use plant leaves:

The leaves are most often used as compresses.

  • Compress (leaves) - rinse, dry fresh leaves and warm in hot water for 1 minute. Cool the raw material to a comfortable temperature and apply it to the affected area, wrapped in a woolen cloth. The compress is made in the evening and left overnight. Treatment duration is 10 procedures. Helps get rid of pain, remove salts and restore joint mobility. Lotion (leaves) - finely chop the leaves, put them in water and bring to a boil. Remove the green mass from the water, place it on a cotton cloth, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply it to the problem area. Apply every day until symptoms disappear. Compress (leaves + apple) - chop the ingredients and combine in equal parts. Place the resulting mixture on a cloth and apply it to the sore spot, insulating it with a scarf. An effective way to get rid of joint pain.

After removing the compress, the skin should be washed with warm water and wiped with emollients. This will avoid dryness, redness and irritation. During the treatment process, you should not violate the rules of use, since in pursuit of the fastest result there is a high probability of getting burns.

Maple syrup recipe

To prepare syrup, it is recommended to find a maple tree with a trunk thickness of more than 20 cm. The sugar concentration in maple sap varies from 4 to 6%. To obtain 1 liter of syrup you will need approximately 40 liters of drink.

Note! When collecting maple sap, a small hole is made in the tree trunk. A special groove is inserted into it, through which the liquid flows into the container. At the end of collecting maple sap, this device is removed and wooden plugs (coated with garden varnish on top) are installed in its place. Over time, the plug swells and tightly plugs the hole.

After this, the liquid is evaporated in an enamel container over low heat. As a result, its volume decreases by approximately 10 times. It is not recommended to add sugar and other additional ingredients. During the evaporation process, the liquid is stirred regularly. After this, the syrup is cooled and poured into separate bottles.

Note! The process of making maple syrup at home is presented in the corresponding video:

How to Preserve Yellow Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves are very beautiful. It is not surprising that many women like to make bouquets and compositions from them. Of course, you want to admire such beauty all winter, so needlewomen have come up with very effective ways to preserve autumn leaves for a long time.

Probably everyone collected a herbarium in childhood; it is an incredibly exciting activity. If you remember, plants had to be dried for long-term storage. This is the easiest way to preserve the beauty of autumn leaves. First, you need to collect the leaves that you like most; don’t forget to wipe away dust and dirt from them right on the street, then this can be difficult. At home, gently wipe the leaves, let them dry a little, but only slightly, otherwise they will lose their shape. Now you need to find the thickest book and place the leaves between the pages. Store the book in a warm, dry place, so the leaves will dry faster.

If you're in a hurry, there's a quick way to dry fall leaves. For this you will need an iron. Place the piece of paper between two sheets of paper and gently iron it on one side or the other. Continue to do this until you are sure that the excess moisture from the leaf has evaporated. Separate the autumn beauty from the paper and place it on a flat surface. Soon the leaf will dry out and be ready for long-term storage.

Lotions and compresses for joint pain

Compresses with maple leaves provide an anti-edematous and analgesic effect. In the warm season, fresh plant materials are used. In this case, several large maple leaves are kneaded until juice is formed, smeared with thick honey, and applied to the affected joint. The top of this compress should be covered with a polyethylene film and secured with a medical bandage or thick cloth. The recommended duration of the procedure is two hours.

In winter, you can make lotions from dry maple leaves. Natural raw materials are immersed in warm water for 25 minutes, then applied to the sore spot. To fix maple leaves, plastic film and an elastic bandage are also used.

Treatment with folk remedies is recommended for joint pathologies of both inflammatory and degenerative nature. It is worth remembering that herbal medicine provides the desired effect only when used in combination with time-tested therapeutic methods (taking medications, attending physiotherapy sessions).

Precautionary measures

If you decide to use folk remedies with maple leaves for medicinal purposes, you should not forget about precautions. As a rule, they do not cause side effects in humans. However, the appearance of itching and rashes should not be ruled out if the patient has hypersensitivity to plant materials. But such cases are considered very rare.

Medications should be used with caution by women who are pregnant. This is because the chemical composition of maple can affect the contractility of the uterus, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

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