Joint diseases - all methods of treatment with folk remedies

The knees are one of the most complex structures of all the bones in the human body. Although they are strong, their injuries occur quite often. The result is pain and difficulty walking. However, not every knee pain is caused by an injury: it may be a sign of another disease. Let’s try to figure out what knee pain most often indicates.

Each of us has known about abrasions and scratches on our knees since childhood! I myself cannot count how many falls from a bicycle I had when I was just learning to ride it... But we will not talk about these abrasions, although I remember they were very unpleasant, they stung and hurt.

And it’s good if the fall did not cause more serious injuries or complications. In such cases, the bruised knees healed on the second or third day, and yesterday’s pain was no longer remembered. Surely many people remember that the most effective folk remedy for such knee bruises was plantain or coltsfoot leaves applied to the abrasion...

Remember! By self-medicating without consulting a doctor, you expose your body to the risk of developing any chronic disease, dulling the pain momentarily, at a time when drug treatment prescribed by a doctor was required.

But today we will talk about pain in the knee joint, caused not only as a result of any injury received, but also as a result of fatigue (overload of the joint), or some kind of inflammatory process. After all, the treatment methods will depend on what caused the pain and discomfort.

But, unfortunately, not everyone can determine the cause of pain, because it can be hidden from the understanding of the common man. After all, it’s difficult to immediately determine why your knee joints suddenly hurt! Maybe just from overload during the day, from strong physical exertion, or are these complications of an injury suffered a year earlier, or are these symptoms of some other illness?

In any case, if such pain occurs, you should first consult a doctor to find out your diagnosis together. It should be remembered that even the most effective folk remedies for pain in the knees and joints should not be considered as the only and complete method of treatment. They, of course, can relieve pain immediately, but they will not eliminate the need to visit a doctor.

Treatment of joint arthrosis with folk remedies

Arthrosis is a fairly common disease among older people. Therefore, many of them leave positive reviews specifically about the traditional treatment of joint arthrosis, which is several times cheaper than traditional drug methods. When using folk remedies for treating joint arthrosis, the symptoms will go away in a matter of days. We have prepared several useful recipes:

  • Baths with mustard, mint, string, oregano, St. John's wort.
  • Compresses made from white clay, cabbage leaves with honey, oatmeal.
  • Rubs from aloe juice, propolis tincture, lemon juice.

You can treat joints at home with folk remedies taken orally. These include:

  • bay leaf decoction;
  • decoction of corn silk;
  • aloe juice

Buy corn silk on our website

Treatment with folk remedies for knee joints

When treating arthrosis of the knee joint, folk remedies that were used by our great-grandmothers are suitable:

  • compress of chalk and yogurt;
  • compress of boiled dandelions;
  • rubbing of baking soda and vegetable oil.

Advice! Effective folk methods for treating knee joints include tincture of horse chestnut flowers, as well as decoctions of St. John's wort and wormwood. The main thing is to choose the right comprehensive course!

Why does the knee joint hurt: how to treat?

Common causes of knee pain

  1. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is called gonarthrosis .
    It develops gradually. And it all starts with subtle pain. As the load on the legs increases, the pain increases noticeably. It becomes increasingly difficult to walk, especially on stairs. But when a person is in a calm state, the pain weakens.

joint pain

when walking is a characteristic sign of arthrosis. It mainly affects older people over 40 years of age. In the future, gonarthrosis is complemented by joint deformation and crunching when walking, which become more and more pronounced over the years. If the muscles in the legs are weak and cannot adequately support the joint, which rotates while walking, then the person walks not on muscles, like everyone else, but on bones. Which is expressed in pain symptoms and deformation of the knee.

  1. Damage to the knee joints can be caused by various manifestations of arthritis .
    This could be
    rheumatoid arthritis
    , which develops from youth, gout, articular rheumatism. Inflammation of the joint during arthritis can begin rapidly within a few days: the knee swells and swells, the pain intensifies and occurs at night, when at rest. It can often be seen in both young overweight women and older people with weakened immune systems.


  • arthrosis is characterized by pain in the knees while walking, especially on stairs, which disappears with rest;
  • With arthritis, swelling occurs, the knee swells, and the pain intensifies with rest.
  1. The meniscus is damaged without any preliminary symptoms. A healthy person suddenly twists his leg, and a sharp pain pierces his knee, which prevents him from bending his leg. After some time, the injured knee allows you to continue moving. But if the pain and swelling do not go away the next day, then most likely the meniscus is damaged. Many people think that this is a disease of athletes, but, unfortunately, no. The feeling of a “nail” in the knee, its breaking when walking, tingling in the area of ​​the kneecap - all these are signs of a pinched meniscus. Typically, meniscus injuries do not lead to deformation of the bones in the knee joint.
  2. Vascular pain in the knee is not a symptom of any disease. Often a similar phenomenon can be observed in adolescents, when skeletal bones grow faster than blood vessels, which leads to pain. In healthy people, similar symptoms can be caused by excessive physical activity: pain occurs when the tissue of the knee is irritated.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint can extend to the knee. Such cases are not uncommon. This can also cause knee pain. It is difficult for a person to spread his legs to the sides, while the mobility of the knee itself is maintained.


It is very important to identify the cause of the disease at the initial stage.

To identify and confirm the diagnosis, various additional examinations are needed. For arthrosis, arthritis and vascular pain, blood tests will be useless. The results will be normal. With arthritis, indicators indicating inflammation will be elevated.

An x-ray will show the development of arthrosis and arthritis (severe). But x-rays will not detect damaged menisci. There is magnetic resonance imaging for this purpose. With its help, you can notice disturbances in the functioning of the joints. After receiving the results of the examinations - blood, x-rays, MRI, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment for the knee joints.

Treatment methods for joint pain

Any self-medication can only worsen a progressive disease. Therefore, a visit to a specialist is necessary who will make a diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. You should not postpone your visit to the doctor if:

  • The knee is swollen and red;
  • The pain does not subside, but intensifies;
  • Deformation of the knee is observed;
  • The pain appeared for no apparent reason;
  • There was discomfort in the knee area.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Treatment with folk remedies for hip joints

If you have pain in your hip joints, then choosing a folk remedy will not be difficult. It can be:

  • honey-glycerin ointment;
  • ointment of aloe, peppermint and eucalyptus tincture;
  • mustard ointment with camphor oil.

Oral folk methods and remedies for treating pain in the hip joints include:

  • alcohol tincture of walnut partitions;
  • a mixture of garlic and lemon juice with chopped horseradish.

Advice! To properly treat diseases of the hip joints using folk remedies, you can buy a specialized collection, where all the medicinal herbs collected in ecologically clean regions of Russia are already selected in the correct proportions.

Treatment of elbow joints with folk remedies

The discomfort that arises from inflammation of the elbow joint can be easily removed with folk remedies. For example, you can cook:

  • rubbing of honey and apple cider vinegar;
  • compress of heated olive oil with bay leaf;
  • compress with horse sorrel tincture.

For acute pain in the elbow joints, treatment with folk remedies for oral administration is prescribed:

  • decoction of dandelion stems and leaves;
  • primrose infusion;
  • decoction of nettle leaves, willow bark, parsley roots, elderflower.

Important! Many pharmaceutical advertisements are full of slogans: “We quickly treat diseases of the elbow joint,” but folk remedies are often much more effective than pills with side effects.

Traditional treatment for finger joints

When inflammation of the joint of the fingers or toes is often treated with folk remedies, including baths, compresses, and rubdowns. They are as safe as possible for health at any age, and have an impressive effect. Use to prevent and combat the disease:

  • compresses from boiled potatoes, onion pulp;
  • compresses from fermented baked milk with oatmeal;
  • heated sea salt;
  • compresses from wormwood infusion.

Advice! To eliminate aching pain, give yourself warm baths every day with the addition of herbal decoction of St. John's wort, yarrow and mint.

What kind of physical activity will benefit you?

  • Swimming on your back is absolutely safe for your knees, and also helps improve your mood with arthrosis.
  • If you prefer home workouts, give preference to the orbitrek and refuse the exercise bike. Of course, riding a regular bicycle is also contraindicated.
  • The “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back, on the contrary, is very useful for your knees.
  • Instead of running, it is better to include leisurely walking in your morning or evening exercises. The main principle is no effort beyond your capabilities, no overload, as this will lead to worsening pain.
  • It is necessary to walk on level paths, without obstacles, so that the feet are positioned correctly: at the same time, the position of the knees and hips remains physiological, and therefore safe.
  • Instead of walking through fields or a park, it makes sense to use a treadmill with a perfectly smooth running surface. Set the speed to the lowest, open the window - and enjoy your walk!

Walking on a treadmill is also good for your knees

Treatment of joint bursitis with folk remedies

Bursitis occurs as a result of inflammation caused by injury, infection, or overexertion. The disease occurs mainly in the shoulder, elbow or knee joints, so folk remedies for treating bursitis include the use of homemade ointments. One of the most effective is made from honey, alcohol and aloe juice. A compress made from potatoes, beets, and cabbage is also suitable.

If you do not know how to treat bursitis of the knee or elbow joint with folk remedies, use proven remedies and apply compresses of ice or heated sugar.


If the pain in your knees is not permanent, then you can deal with the problem yourself. But the real reason can only be determined by a qualified doctor after conducting a full examination of the joint.

A timely visit will help to avoid possible complications, prevent more serious diseases, speed up recovery and return to everyday life.

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Treatment of cysts in joints with folk remedies

For folk treatment of cysts in the joints, they use: burdock juice, elecampane tincture, dandelion and golden mustache decoction - they are taken orally. External methods include:

  • compress from decoctions of raspberry leaves, celandine;
  • a mixture of honey, apple cider vinegar and water.

Advice! For Baker's cyst in the knee joint, in addition to treatment with folk remedies, you should include and eat more ginger, garlic and cinnamon in your diet.

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Pavel Platonov, 38 years old, Petrozavodsk

At school they were still playing football and I fell, simply on my knees. Of course, our field had no grass, and the glass cut my leg. They put stitches and everything will go away, young man. After some time, pain began to arise, but I did not pay attention. Old wounds let's say. But when I was examined, I realized that this was not the case. Part of the joint has died. In general, I don’t know what my knee was holding on to. Treatment was prescribed to somehow stop the further course of the disease. It's good that we made it on time. But the aching pain continues. Calcium doesn’t help, and joint pills don’t either. The only thing that really helped was a compress of wormwood and propolis for rubbing. After a course of such procedures, the discomfort subsides. But of course you need to repeat and repeat the courses.


Most pain and swelling of the knee joint occurs, of course, as a result of injuries. Often such injuries occur during sports, where the load on all joints of the body is increased. And there is a special load on the knee joint!

And even without playing sports professionally, but just doing a morning jog, anyone can get a dislocation of the patella with a sprain of the articular ligaments, or even damage the meniscus (the meniscus is the cartilage attached by tendons to other components of the joint).

But it's not just athletes who are susceptible to knee injuries. People who are overweight are also at risk, as this puts additional stress on the legs in general, and on the knee joint in particular! Also at risk are all people engaged in heavy physical labor, which is directly related to the fact that there is stress on their legs.

Even while squatting in a garden bed at home, a person is exposed to increased stress on the knee joint. And suddenly straightening up, you can hear the crunch of a torn meniscus and feel a sharp pain in your knee.

With all such injuries, of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. A thorough examination of the injury is necessary, because it may even require surgical intervention! And, the only thing that interests us all at such moments: “Okay, tomorrow morning I’m going (going) to the clinic... But what about today? It hurts! How to relieve this pain?

Traditional medicine, like traditional medicine, recommends first of all applying something cold to the painful area. This could be ice, or even a package of dumplings from your freezer. In this case, it is recommended to fix the diseased joint at rest.

This compress should be kept for up to 20 minutes. It will prevent knee swelling from spreading and relieve pain. After such freezing, if the pain does not subside, it is recommended to apply a cooling anesthetic ointment.

Warming ointments should not be applied at this moment!

It is better to postpone their use on the second and subsequent days after the injury. In the very first moments after an injury, care must be taken to prevent swelling of the knee joint, and this is only possible by applying cold. After all, it is swelling, starting to put pressure on the nerve endings, that causes us pain.

Another reason your knees may hurt is side effects from high blood pressure medications. Many of them cause increased synthesis of uric acid in the body, and symptoms of gouty arthritis appear. Once you find another medicine for high blood pressure, the pain will disappear.

The cause of pain in the knee joints can also be all kinds of diseases, of which, alas, there are many. The most common of them: gout, osteoporosis, arthritis, tendinitis. Each of these diagnoses has its own characteristic symptoms, so if your knee is swollen and causes pain when bending, then you should pay attention to all these points.

How did the pain manifest itself, when, the nature of the pain and its duration? Is the onset of pain associated with increased physical activity, or did it appear as a result of injury? At what point did your knee start to swell? Your doctor will ask you all these questions when examining your sore knee. And the more accurate your answers are, the more accurate the diagnosis will be!

Let's look at the symptoms of the most common diseases of the knee joint, and possible methods of treating these ailments...

Gout (gouty arthritis)

Gout, translated from ancient Greek, literally means a trap for the feet (Wikipedia). This is a metabolic disease characterized by the deposition of urate crystals in tissues, which is based on an increase in the synthesis of uric acid and a reduction in its excretion from the body.

Crystal deposition can occur over a long period of time and painlessly, and only after a while is reflected in acute pain in the joint, with tissue redness and swelling. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible!

Remember! If gout is not treated, the progression of the disease can lead to joint destruction! And when urate stones form in the kidneys, they will increase in size, thereby also developing urolithiasis.

What triggers the development of gout? The main factor in the development of the disease is excessive consumption of red meat, offal (liver, heart, kidneys), sausages, canned food, alcohol (especially wine and beer), spicy foods, and carbonated drinks.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the main fight against gout will be primarily the fight against overweight and obesity. It is necessary to have a properly balanced diet, excluding the above foods, increase physical activity, and maintain a drinking regime (2 liters of water per day).

At the time of an attack, in order to relieve pain and shorten the duration of spasms, it is recommended to take the drug Colchicine. The drug is used every hour throughout the day.

It is possible to use Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin or Piroxicam, and even in large doses, but in a short course of 2-3 days, no more. Caution must be exercised; side effects may occur in elderly patients. Side effects are also possible in patients who have abnormalities in the liver and kidneys. The most popular, generally accepted uricostatic drug (blocking urate production) is Allopurinol.


Osteoporosis is a disease, usually of older people, and it is associated with a decrease in bone tissue and a violation of its quality. As we age, calcium is lost from bones, making them less dense and more brittle. As a result, there is a risk of recurrent cracks and fractures. With osteoporosis, the knees constantly swell and hurt.

To clarify the diagnosis of this disease, you will need an additional examination - bone densitometry (DXA). It will help identify changes in bone density.

It should be noted that if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, then prepare for long-term treatment. Calcium is not restored quickly in the bones. Sometimes this takes 3-5 years.

In treatment, drugs from the bisphosphonate group are used. In combination with them, vitamin D and drugs that restore calcium in the body are prescribed. In addition to medications, it is necessary to “charge” with calcium through food. These are fermented milk products, parsley, almonds, sesame seeds, cheeses, etc.

To strengthen bones and muscles, only moderate physical training is recommended, but all complexes must be agreed with a doctor and developed individually. In this case, physical activity must be dosed. Exercises are usually performed while sitting or lying down to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system.

The best therapeutic effect can be achieved by a set of exercises performed in the pool. When swimming, the load on the body occurs evenly. A special gentle massage will not be superfluous. With such a diagnosis, sanatorium-resort treatment is also highly desirable, especially in hospitals with mud therapy and mineral waters.

When treating osteoporosis, it should be taken into account that a positive effect is achieved only with an integrated approach. Separate use of any drugs may not bring positive results. And physiotherapy plays an important role in such complex treatment.

Methods such as ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy (relieves symptomatic pain), balneotherapy (hydrogen sulfide, turpentine and radon baths) have proven themselves very well. Pain-relieving ointments and analgesics are used to relieve pain syndromes in osteoporosis.


If you have quite a lot of pain in your knee in the area of ​​the lower part of the patella, there is pronounced swelling and dull pain is characteristic during physical activity, then it is quite possible that your diagnosis is tendonitis (an inflammatory process of the tendons of the knee).

The cause of such inflammation can be a violation of calcium metabolism in the body, excessive physical activity on the legs, or an infection. As with knee injuries, an ice pack can help relieve knee pain and reduce swelling.

Physical activity for tendinitis should be minimized. For treatment, it is recommended to take a short course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Indomethacin, Ortofen (Diclofenac). Attention! These drugs have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract! Use with caution and only after meals.


Another common diagnosis is arthritis. This is the general name for inflammation of the knee joint caused by wear or infection of the articular cartilage. There are several main types of knee arthritis, each of which has its own predisposing factors for the development of the disease.

  1. Post-traumatic arthritis of the knee joint. Inflammation due to injury.
  2. Osteoarthritis. Inflammation developing against the background of arthrosis of the knee. Combines both inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tissues of the knee.
  3. Gouty arthritis. It can be caused by the deposition of sodium urate due to increased uric acid synthesis.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Reactive (infectious) arthritis. It can develop due to infection in the body, or in the presence of a chronic inflammatory process.
  6. Age-related (senile) arthritis. The disease occurs due to age-related tissue wear.

Treatment methods for knee arthritis directly depend on the stage of the disease at which the patient sought medical help. The sooner the patient applies, the sooner a diagnosis will be made and a set of therapeutic and physiotherapeutic procedures will be prescribed.

Everyone knows that it is better to start treating almost all diseases when the first symptoms appear, at an early stage of development. Knee arthritis is no exception in this regard.

It would seem that the wear and tear of tissues that causes this or that type of arthritis is directly related to age, but, unfortunately, children, often teenagers, are also susceptible to this disease. This is expressed in the form of a juvenile - chronic disease with an unknown etiology.

Most often in children, damage to the knee joints is provoked by streptococcal diseases, which include scarlet fever, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. In addition, other factors can lead to the inflammatory process. Exhaustive training, excess weight, hypothermia, bursitis.

To relieve pain and inflammation in arthritis, several types of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, depending on the body’s tolerance and the absence of side effects. The most common are Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Ortofen or Diclofenac, Aspirin or Acetylsalicylic acid.

Each of these drugs has its pros and cons, and if you are not sure about the tolerability of any drug by your body, then you should not conduct experiments on your health! In this case, it is recommended to use the old, time-tested Paracetamol. This is perhaps the only remedy that will not cause the risk of swelling and hypertension.

Ortofen or Diclofenac, of course, have an advantage and relieve pain more effectively, but they have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, damage the kidneys and increase the likelihood of stroke, so these drugs are safer to use externally, in the form of ointments.

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