Osteochondrosis of the lower extremities: what is it and how to treat it?

This pain is called lumboischialgia and occurs in many people over 30 years of age.

The reason is the modern lifestyle. During the day, we spend a long time in tension - sitting or standing. Some people after work continue to exercise themselves in the gym or in the pool, while others go home and continue to sit again, but this time watching TV. Our back does not receive complete relaxation during the day and responds with pain, which often radiates to the leg. To determine the causes of pain, the patient turns to specialists in various fields.

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Symptoms of lumboischialgia:

  • Lower back pain - pulling, aching or burning
  • Intensifies with loads, radiates to the leg - to the hip, knee, ankle joint
  • Numbness in the leg
  • Pallor and thinning of the skin on the leg
  • It hurts to walk and step on your feet
  • Fever or chills

The patient may have all the symptoms at once or separately. Each of them can indicate not only that the patient has lumboischialgia, but also other disorders. In most cases, the listed symptoms are associated with pathologies in the spine, but the causes may be different.

Causes of osteochondrosis of the hip joint

The pelvic bone and the head of the femur are connected by a joint. The surfaces where the connection occurs are covered with cartilage tissue, between which synovial fluid is located. Joint lubrication provides a protective layer for gliding and prevents bone friction. Cartilaginous structures are an indispensable shock absorber during movements and loads. Destructive changes in them are a direct path to complete immobilization of a person.

The disease mainly manifests itself in older people, but, as studies have shown, osteochondrosis begins to develop slowly after 30 years. In addition, doctors warn that due to a passive and sedentary lifestyle, modern youth are at risk of experiencing osteochondrosis of the hip joint even before retirement. For example, office employees who are forced to sit and work at a desk in one position most of the time are at risk.

Sometimes playing sports and maintaining muscle tone is not enough to definitely protect yourself from the diagnosis. Among the prerequisites and causes of osteochondrosis of the hip joint are:

  • Genetic predisposition.
    If your closest relatives were once diagnosed with osteochondrosis or bone damage, then there is a high chance that their children, sisters and brothers will also develop the disease.
  • Excess weight.
    Fatness affects not only appearance, but also the musculoskeletal system. Simply put, excess weight puts a lot of pressure on the spine and joints. If a patient has grade 2 obesity or higher, the likelihood of developing pathologies doubles.
  • Metabolic problems.
    Failure of metabolism provokes stagnation and disruption of tissue nutrition. For example, a deficiency of nutrients in the joint capsule leads to crunching and spasms in the joints.
  • High heel shoes.
    Incorrect and uncomfortable shoes can create unnecessary stress on the pelvis, and therefore on the joints.
  • Infections.
    Weak immunity, the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body contribute to inflammation of the joint capsule, which in turn leads to osteochondrosis and destruction of cartilage.
  • Congenital diseases.
    For example, dysplasia.
  • Injuries.
    Any fractures, bruises and dislocations weaken the joints and make them vulnerable to deformation.

Also, the development of joint chondrosis will be affected by bad habits, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and heavy sports loads. As a result, both insignificant mobility during the day and excessive physical activity cause osteochondrosis and pain in the hip joint.

Due to the above reasons, tissue nutrition is disrupted, destructive processes are launched in the cartilage and bone growths are formed, which leads to blocking joint mobility. This is mainly due to a lack of glucosamine and chondroitin. With their deficiency, pain, swelling, limited movement and other consequences are inevitable, which directly affect a person’s life and ability to work.

Types of lumboischialgia:

  • muscular-tonic - characterized by spasms in the lower back, mobility is sharply limited, visible deformation of the spine is possible
  • vegetative-vascular - burning pain, the leg goes numb (usually the foot). Cooling and pale skin, fever, or chills may occur.
  • Neurodystrophic – acute pain, intensifies at night. Possible thinning of the skin.
  • A combination of all forms of lumboischialgia. May bother you for years. The period of remission is replaced by exacerbation. Perhaps sciatica , pain in the buttocks or thigh, radiating to the foot and lower leg.

How does osteochondrosis of the knee joint develop?

The knee joint accounts for the majority of both statistical and dynamic loads when maintaining the body in an upright position, moving, and carrying heavy loads. Changes begin with thinning of the cartilage tissue and a decrease in the lubricating fluid that provides gliding during mobility. A deficiency of useful and nutritional elements, poor blood circulation, frequent and heavy exercise, or lack of activity - all this triggers the process of destruction of cartilage and stops the production of synovial fluid.

The cartilage tissue fades and peels off, causing the joint to become inflamed and limiting range of motion. The fact is that such important substances as glucosamine and chondroitin are no longer synthesized in the body or their dose is too small to serve the body’s needs. Because of this, the cartilage cannot recover on its own; it continues to lose strength and elasticity, and at the same time, its basic functions. At this time, the first noticeable symptoms of osteochondrosis of the knee joint appear.

Among the forms of ACS, the following diseases are distinguished:

  • Koenig or osteochondrosis dissecans.
    Mostly typical for young men (from 16 to 30 years old). The cartilage gradually separates and can completely peel off and expose the bones. If not treated in time, disability cannot be ruled out.
  • Larson-Johansson or ossification of the patella.
    The disease is rare and difficult to diagnose. Can appear at any age.
  • Osgurd-Schlatter or proliferation of the tibial tuberosity.
    With the disease, large growths form. It is often detected in adolescents during the period of bone formation and growth. Risk factor – participation in professional sports. For example, football.

Do not forget! At the initial stage, any form of ACS is treated much faster.

Why does it hurt?

Possible reasons:

  • Lumbosacral radiculitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spinal injuries
  • Changes in intervertebral discs
  • Congenital spinal deformity
  • Facet syndrome
  • Neuropathies of various origins
  • Inflammation and tumors
  • Spinal circulatory disorders

Additional reasons:

  • gynecological diseases
  • oncology
  • tuberculosis
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • post-injection complications

Why do my legs hurt with lumbar osteochondrosis?

spinal diseases

affect the general well-being of the patient. Health deteriorates, internal organs begin to malfunction. There may be problems with the limbs. One of the symptoms of osteochondrosis is numbness in the legs. Sensitivity is greatly reduced, causing discomfort when walking. It is difficult for a person to move. Your legs may tingle. And this is also evidence of the development of the disease.

Intervertebral discs consist of 80% water, which provides their shock-absorbing properties. The older the person, the lower this figure. The composition of the proteins found in the disc changes. In such a situation, the fibrous ring is deformed. This is typical for older and elderly patients. But not everyone's feet hurt.

We find out the cause of the disease

To understand the cause of the pain, an MRI is performed. Discomfort in the lower body is a consequence of the irreversible consequences of spinal deformity. They can be diagnosed even at a young age. If there is numbness and tingling in the leg, the intervertebral discs are most likely destructured. Although pain occurs only in a third of patients.

Why, when there are problems with the spine, the legs begin to hurt and the muscles in the limbs weaken is still unclear. There is no exact reason for this. Although there are 2 theories that explain this connection:

  1. The disc becomes damaged and its position becomes unstable. Inflammation begins, which irritates the nerve endings. The result is pain;
  2. Pain syndrome in the disease appears due to anatomical features. For example, if the nerves penetrate too deeply into the outer ring. They become more sensitive and discomfort increases.

Unpleasant sensations result from damage to the marginal cartilaginous plate. Power is supplied to the disk through it. The inflammatory process begins, the back hurts, and discomfort is often felt in the leg.

Analyzing accompanying symptoms

When osteochondrosis just begins to develop, a person periodically experiences lower back pain. Over time, the discomfort increases. The pain spreads to nearby areas: buttocks, thighs, lower legs. She is accompanied by weakness.

Due to unpleasant sensations, a person’s gait changes. He stops all the time while walking. To diagnose spasm and see impaired blood flow, Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the legs is performed.

The progressive disease is characterized by gastrocnemius syndrome. It is she who is pierced by a sharp pain that becomes nagging, aching. This happens when walking. But there is no swelling, as well as varicose veins. Weakness occurs periodically. This distinguishes osteochondrosis from other leg diseases. In addition, both limbs rarely hurt. Most often, only one.

Pain syndromes

  1. Intermittent claudication syndrome. From below, the body becomes numb and becomes less sensitive. A person goes to the toilet often. When he moves, his legs become weak.
  2. Ischemia of the cauda equina roots. When the patient begins to move, tingling and goosebumps appear in the legs. The discomfort goes away after a short break.
  3. Compression of the Adamkiewicz artery. Appears due to lifting a heavy load, sharp turn, or shaking. The legs weaken, the muscles atrophy, bedsores form, and the sensitivity of the legs decreases.

Diagnosis and effective methods of therapy

In addition to the usual blood test, the patient is sent for X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT, and angiography. Depending on the results, treatment is prescribed. It can be conservative: temporary bed rest. Medications can eliminate symptoms such as pain, spasm, and inflammation.

They practice physiotherapy and massage (acupressure, classical).
As part of prevention, exercise therapy and manual therapy are suitable. In exceptional cases, surgical intervention is required. It is needed when all other methods are ineffective. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

How does it hurt?

Most often, lumboischialgia manifests itself during heavy exertion or hypothermia.

The pain appears suddenly, on one side or on both sides of the lower back. When displaced in the leg, the pain makes movement difficult and becomes aching and sharp. It is impossible to stand up and straighten your leg. Trying to alleviate his condition, a person looks for the most comfortable position for himself - with the leg slightly bent, set to the side or forward, the body is slightly tilted.

At the first symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and comprehensive treatment!

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the hip joint

The disease develops slowly and gradually. In the first stages it does not cause discomfort, there is not even mild or severe pain. And only after a few months a person notices the first spasms and stiffness of movements. The pain cannot be called local - it can spread to the back, hips or groin area. Then you may experience swelling, numbness, aching, crunching and weakness in the legs. Of course, the set of symptoms of osteochondrosis of the hip joint depends on the severity and neglect of the disease:

  • Stage 1.
    Pain after exercise. For example, running or long walks. Goes away after rest. Using X-rays, it is difficult to identify signs of destruction of cartilage tissue.
  • Stage 2.
    The pain becomes stronger and occurs even at rest. Lameness appears after strength training or heavy lifting. All destructive changes, including osteophytes, are clearly visible on x-rays.
  • Stage 3.
    The patient regularly experiences pain and often uses a cane to walk. The muscles atrophy, the limb with the affected joint shortens. Surgery may be needed.

The disease is diagnosed by collecting complaints, external examination, neurological examination of reflexes and/or x-rays. In some cases, methods such as ultrasound, MRI and CT are used for diagnosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the knee joint

Drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and physical therapy (physical therapy) are mainly prescribed. In the first stages of treatment for osteochondrosis of the knee joint, it is necessary to relieve pain, relieve inflammation and restore nutrition to the affected cartilage tissue.

Often, osteochondrosis of the spine precedes ACS, so it is possible that for complete rehabilitation and restoration of well-being, you will have to take up treatment of the lower spine.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis of the knee joint:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). As a supplement, ointments and gels with an analgesic effect are used.
  • Painkillers.
  • Muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms.
  • Complex of vitamins.
  • Vasodilators.
  • Chondroprotectors for regeneration and restoration of motor ability of joints.

Physiotherapy for ACS:

  • Electrotherapy to warm and improve blood circulation.
  • Shock wave therapy to eliminate swelling and stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Laser therapy to reduce inflammation.
  • Electrophoresis for better conductivity and absorption of drugs by the body. Speeds up metabolism and relieves pain very well.

In addition, it is recommended to undergo a massage course and exercise exercise therapy daily, but sparingly. To get the maximum effect, it is advised to eat right. For example, remove alcohol, canned food, sweets, soda from your diet, and also add more meat, legumes and seafood.

Surgery is used very rarely, especially if the patient is elderly. Most often, surgery is needed for Koenig's disease, severe destruction of bone tissue, and the absence of effect from conservative treatment.

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