Almag 01 or Almag Plus: effective treatment at home

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic disease of the joints, in which pathological changes occur mainly in the cartilage and underlying bone tissue. These processes are based on the natural aging of the body. The intervertebral discs are most often affected. Depending on the location, osteochondrosis is divided into lumbar, thoracic and cervical.

Degeneration of the intervertebral discs leads to impaired mobility of the vertebrae, a decrease in the joint space, the formation of osteophytes (bone growths on the vertebrae) and other pathological phenomena. Pain receptors located in the joints with osteochondrosis are constantly irritated. Because of this, a symptom such as local tension in the muscles appears, and muscle spasm leads to pain. Physiotherapy has a good effect in relieving pain.

The Almag device for osteochondrosis has found wide application in inpatient and outpatient settings. The Almag-01 device (variant – Diamag) belongs to magnetic physiotherapy devices. According to the manufacturer, magnetic waves specifically affect diseased tissues and organs and thereby relieve swelling and inflammation. The device is used in the complex therapy of many diseases, reduces pain, accelerates regenerative processes and, in some cases, eliminates the need for surgical intervention.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Almag can be used for various joint diseases, including arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine.

What effects can be achieved with osteochondrosis:

  • pain reduction;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • elimination of stiffness, expansion of motor activity;
  • achieving long-term remission;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • reducing the frequency and dosage of medications taken (mainly analgesics).

The Almag device is prescribed for various diseases of the joints and spine

What is bronchial asthma?

The essence of the disease is the altered susceptibility (reactivity) of the bronchi, that is, something to which an ordinary person does not have any pathological reaction, a person suffering from asthma develops (bronchospasm) - narrowing of the bronchi of different calibers, accompanied by disturbances in normal breathing with all the resulting painful consequences. Choking, shortness of breath, dry wheezing on auscultation - all this is necessarily present in asthma. There is also chronic inflammation of the airways and excessive release of substances (allergy mediators) from protective cells. Science knows more than 100 different substances (allergy mediators) in bronchial asthma (histamine, chemokine, cytokines, cysteinyl leukotrienes and others) produced by various cells of the body.

The main cells involved in the development of AD

The triggering moments are contact with an ALLERGEN substance that causes bronchospasm. Allergens are substances so small (house dust, fragments of mites, cockroaches, plant pollen, food proteins, pet hair, mold and many others) that they can only be visualized using special research methods. Accordingly, allergens cause allergies—an abnormal excessive reaction of the body in response to the presence of a foreign agent in it, expressed in increased production and release of histamine (a substance released by protective blood cells) and other bioactive substrates. The cause of the disease is congenital hereditary or acquired changes in the susceptibility of the bronchi.

Principle of action for osteochondrosis

The device is equipped with four coils that generate pulsed magnetic radiation. The latter penetrate the tissue to a depth of eight centimeters and affect the affected area. This helps improve cellular metabolism and accelerate regenerative processes.

By reducing blood viscosity and opening additional capillaries, the affected area is better saturated with oxygen, swelling and edema are resolved. The effect of the device in osteochondrosis is expressed mainly in the relief of pain by reducing the sensitivity of peripheral nerve receptors, reducing spasm and eliminating discomfort.


The device is intended for low-frequency, low-intensity magnetic field therapy in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, nervous, musculoskeletal systems, internal organs, immune disorders, traumatic injuries and their complications.
The device provides the formation of continuous and intermittent pulsed magnetic fields (traveling, stationary), differing in configuration, intensity, direction and speed of movement of the magnetic field in space. The ability to simultaneously influence relatively large areas (for example, limbs), the combination of this effect with local increases the effectiveness of magnetic therapy, as a result of which swelling and inflammation are quickly relieved, immunity and regeneration processes are stimulated.

There are 79 impact programs preinstalled in the device’s non-volatile memory.

The device has a simple, intuitive user interface (only two buttons for selecting a program number and a button for starting the effect).

The device is operated under the following conditions:

  • ambient temperature from +10°C to +35°C;
  • relative air humidity up to 80% at a temperature of +25°C.

The device consists of a power supply and control unit (Fig. 1) and three types of emitters (Fig. 2, 3, 4).

Note: The number of emitters depends on the delivery kit option.

The main emitter contains a flexible emitting surface consisting of 4 flexible emitting lines of 4 inductors each (Fig. 2). The emitter in the form of a separate flexible emitting line contains 6 inductors (Fig. 3). The local emitter contains two inductors (Fig. 4).

The design of the emitters in the form of a flexible emitting surface and a flexible emitting line allows them to be wrapped around the limbs or deployed when exposed to the torso.

In this case, the areas of magnetic influence can be the lower or upper limbs, lower back, spinal column, cervical region, back and chest. A local emitter in the form of a “puck” provides only a local, concentrated effect. The pulsed magnetic field generated by a local emitter has a greater penetration depth than the field generated by other emitters.

How to treat osteochondrosis with Almag

The purpose of treating cervical osteochondrosis with the device is to improve the trophism (nutrition) of tissues and achieve anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-edematous effects on the intervertebral discs. All therapeutic measures are carried out only after consultation with a neurologist. The course of sessions takes place in a hospital, clinic or at home if a device is available.

At home, procedures are best performed before bedtime, since at the end of the session the load on the spine should be reduced as much as possible. You need to take a horizontal position and ensure complete rest.

The device is placed along the spinal column in the affected segment

The minimum interval between sessions is six hours. During the period of exacerbation, the possibility of using Almag is determined only by the doctor, but usually at this stage of the disease other treatment methods are used. In case of severe pain, when the patient cannot move much and tries to lie down most of the time, the procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.


  • Bleeding and coagulopathy.
  • Systemic blood diseases.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Severe heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia).
  • Aneurysm of the heart, aorta and large vessels.
  • Acute period of myocardial infarction.
  • Acute period of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Purulent processes, active tuberculosis, infectious diseases in the acute stage, febrile diseases.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Implanted pacemaker.


During a course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, the use of a pulsed magnetic field from the device is not contraindicated! The presence of stents or the condition after coronary artery bypass surgery is not a contraindication to treatment! The presence of titanium structures is not a contraindication to treatment!

How does the procedure work?

The device is placed on a bed or couch along the axis of the spinal column. The patient lies down on the emitters so that the magnetic waves are directed to the affected area. The completion of the procedure is indicated by a flashing red color. The duration of one session should not exceed 20–25 minutes. If the impact is aimed at several zones, the procedure time should be reduced to ten minutes.

Thus, the time of exposure to the affected nerve is from five to ten minutes. On average, the course is about 18 procedures. After six days you need to take a break for one day. You should not immediately apply the sensors for 10 or even more so for 20 minutes. The optimal initial exposure time is seven minutes, then the duration of the session can be gradually increased.


Preparing the device for operation

After storing the device in a cold place, allow it to warm up to room temperature for 4 hours before use.

Before using the device for the first time, and subsequently, if necessary (for example, when transferring the device to another patient at home), its components - emitters and input cables - must be disinfected by wiping the surfaces with a chemical solution (for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution).

Before using the device for the first time, make sure it is working: check the ability to set the program and the formation of magnetic induction according to the corresponding indication located on the control unit.

Notes: If a malfunction occurs during exposure, the device generates a sound indication and displays the “E” symbol on the indicator. In this case, you must contact customer service.

The presence of a magnetic field on the working surfaces of the emitter inductors can be checked using a magnetic field indicator. By applying the magnetic field indicator to the working surfaces of the inductors, you can observe the blinking of its LED, which indicates the presence of a magnetic field.

Fixation of emitters

Use straps to secure the emitters to the patient's head.

Position the emitters relative to each other as shown in the figure.

Pass one strap through the "front" latches, and then the second strap through the "back" latches.

Place the emitters on the patient's head.

Adjust the fit of the emitters to the patient's head by pulling the free ends of the straps.

Instructions for using the device

Use the POWER switch to turn on the power to the device. In this case, the control unit indicator will display the number of the last used program.

Using the “Program” button, set the number of the required program selected according to the treatment method.

Note : In the case of a course of treatment, when the same treatment program is used, there is no need to re-set the program number.

Place the emitters as directed in the treatment procedure, with the work surfaces marked “N” (north pole) facing the treatment area.

Note : In order to increase biological safety during procedures to prevent contact of the emitter with the patient’s skin and hair, it is recommended to use disposable materials (for example, a spunbond non-woven napkin or a medical cap of the “clip-beret” type).

Press the “START/STOP” button, the device will begin to generate the specified magnetotherapy effect, and the LED indicator will display the time remaining until the end of the procedure, the dot in the lower right corner will blink.

After the exposure time specified by the program has been counted, a sound indication of the end of the procedure will be generated, and the LED indicator will again display the number of the last used program.

After completing the procedure, remove the emitters.

If the next magnetic therapy session is not planned, turn off the device by pressing the “POWER” switch.

special instructions

If the patient suffers from arterial hypertension, you need to measure your blood pressure half an hour before and after the procedure. If your blood pressure increases or other undesirable effects occur, you should consult a doctor, who will decide on the possibility of further using the device for cervical osteochondrosis. A “day after day” scheme with a minimum ten-minute duration can be selected.

A repeat course can be carried out after a month or a month and a half. Maintenance therapy is prescribed three to four months after the end of the secondary cycle.

Course and symptoms

We can identify asthmatic people not only by their appearance, but we can also hear them by their noisy wheezing breathing. The classic triad: dry wheezing, night cough, shortness of breath are the primary complaints, on the basis of which the doctor begins to suspect bronchial asthma. A typical auscultatory picture, whistling, buzzing dry rales, can be heard to confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, a large number of diseases may have similar symptoms. There are about six dozen conditions with symptoms similar to asthma.

We present the most common of them in the table

And this is not a complete list of diseases similar in clinical picture. Bronchial asthma is a recurrent disease of a chronic nature with attacks of suffocation and the possible development of status asthmaticus due to a sharp narrowing of the lumen (spasm) of the bronchi, swelling of their mucous membrane, and increased secretion of bronchial mucus. The triggering factor for the appearance of spasms in the bronchi are various allergens: pollen of flowers, field grasses, trees, house dust, pet hair, food products (strawberries, eggs, citrus fruits, fish, milk, etc.), some medications (aspirin, analgin, etc. .d.), industrial allergens, neuropsychic effects. Diagnostic signs of real BA in epidemiological observations are: 1) a combination of one of the signs of BA with bronchial hyperactivity, confirmed by special tests: histamine or methacholine;

2) a combination of characteristic whistling breathing with episodes of asthma at night, or with attacks of suffocation, or with taking medications for asthma.

To establish a diagnosis, it is also necessary to record at least one episode of an attack of suffocation.


Patients generally leave positive reviews about the use of the device for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other segments of the spine. Most people note that they use the device in combination with other methods and means of treatment, and not as independent therapy.

Alla: Although the device is not cheap, I decided to buy it because of positive reviews and recommendations from friends. I am constantly tormented by neck pain; due to osteochondrosis, dizziness often occurs. I have been using Almag 01 for two weeks now, there is definitely a positive effect!

Irina: I heard about Almaga more than once, and finally decided to buy it. My neurologist said that the device helps well, but after a heart attack it cannot be used. So I don't know if the device helps or not. You should have consulted a doctor first before purchasing. Cervical osteochondrosis, in turn, has flared up, and I can only escape the pain with analgesics.

Ivan: A neurologist recommended that I buy Almag; he claimed that it would not interfere with treatment at all. And I read good reviews. The first week there was no particular effect, but then the device began to help. The back pain decreased and then completely disappeared, and it became much easier to move. I will continue to use it to treat osteochondrosis.


Program no.Impact parameters/characteristics
No. 1 (number 1 on the control indicator)Field typerunning
Impact modecontinuous
Method of influencebursts of impulses
Exc. frequency bursts of impulses (imp./s.) 1-5
Frequency trace pulses inside the packet (imp./s.) 7
Induction (mT)10
Field movement directionfrom inductor No. 1
Exposure time (min.)20
No. 2 (number 2 on the control indicator)Field typerunning
Impact modecontinuous
Method of influencesingle pulses
Frequency (pulses/s)7
Induction (mT)10
Field movement directionfrom inductor No. 1
Exposure time (min.)20
No. 3 (number 3 on the control indicator)Field typerunning
Impact modecontinuous
Method of influencebursts of impulses
Exc. frequency bursts of impulses (imp./s.) 5-15
Frequency trace pulses inside the packet (imp./s.) 30
Induction (mT)10
Field movement directionfrom inductor No. 1
Exposure time (min.)20
No. 4 (number 4 on the control indicator)Field typemotionless
Impact modecontinuous
Method of influencebursts of impulses
Exc. frequency bursts of impulses (imp./s.) 1-5
Frequency trace pulses inside the packet (imp./s.) 7
Induction (mT)8
Field movement direction
Exposure time (min.)20

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Bone Wide

This article was reviewed by a certified nutritionist who has a bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics, D. G. Veremeev.

Articles are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician with any questions you may have about a medical condition.

Stages of development of common osteochondrosis

There are four stages of development of osteochondrosis, which are diagnosed based on changes in the structure of spinal tissues: Stage I:

changes in the spine are minimal; occasionally the patient experiences pain associated with tension in the back muscles. At this stage, you can notice rapid muscle fatigue, which most patients do not pay attention to.

Stage II:

characterized by the manifestation of point pain of moderate severity in the spine, which occurs after physical activity. The layered structure of the fibrous ring changes and the distance between the vertebral discs decreases, which increases the load on the articular surfaces, thins the cartilage and promotes the growth of bone tissue.

Stage III:

the formation of hernias - at this stage, the likelihood of getting a spinal injury from a small push, blow or load increases. The third stage is characterized by significant destruction and thinning of the fibrous ring, severe pain and disability.

Stage IV:

the intervertebral disc is replaced with fibrous cartilage and fibrous tissue, the degenerative process spreads to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which causes instability of the spine.

Late stages

Osteochondrosis can cause paralysis of the limbs, hearing loss and spinal ischemic stroke - necrosis of a section of spinal cord tissue.

Why do doctors advise

The main argument for purchase is often that hospitals also have electromagnetic physiotherapy. We do not have the characteristics of the devices used there for a visual comparison with ALMAG, but we will answer one thing: the presence of something in the hospital is not always proof that it is effective.

Unfortunately, medicine sometimes uses many drugs with unproven effectiveness that are not used or even prohibited in other countries. For some reason, our therapists through one of them prescribe the so-called fuflomycins (“medicines” without convincing data on their effectiveness for the stated indications, as required by evidence-based medicine, as well as due to their absence in authoritative sources and recommendations) - Kagocel, Arbidol, Anaferon and other interferons .

Some doctors generally say that all physical therapy has not found any evidence base about the effectiveness of its use and, at best, works only through placebo. The scientific community is heterogeneous and imperfect, remember that.

Have you used this device? Share your opinion, it will be interesting to know!

Chondroprotectors DO NOT work

Advantages of the ALMAG-01 device in the treatment of bronchial asthma

  1. ALMAG-01 restores poor blood microcirculation and trophism of lung tissue. Accordingly, the patient’s manifestations of bronchospasms decrease and the number of attacks decreases.
  2. The unique action of the device can reduce allergization of the body and, accordingly, the manifestations of this complex disease.
  3. ALMAG-01 treats the cause, not the consequence of the disease.
  4. ALMAG-01 is easy to use and can be used by the whole family. Treatment with ALMAG-01 is a real chance to cure bronchial asthma and stay healthy!

What causes widespread osteochondrosis?

Among the causes of widespread osteochondrosis, one can distinguish external and internal causes of the disease, as well as causes associated with increased load on the spine.

External causes of osteochondrosis include injuries and a diet lacking minerals and vitamins. This also includes bad habits, incorrect position of the spine during sleep, study or sports.

Internal factors for the occurrence of osteochondrosis are caused by the inevitable processes of aging of the body, heredity, hormonal changes and metabolic disorders. Often osteochondrosis can occur due to nervous experiences, somatic and autoimmune diseases.

The most common cause of widespread osteochondrosis is increased or improper loads on the spine. Carrying heavy objects, uncomfortable posture, high heels and even carrying a bag on one shoulder provoke the development of osteochondrosis. Quite often, osteochondrosis is the result of flat feet, a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient development of muscle tissue.

What is common osteochondrosis?

Common osteochondrosis

is a chronic disease that occurs with exacerbations and remissions. The disease is diagnosed when two or more parts of the spine are affected. Common osteochondrosis is classified as a serious disease and is typical for older people, although the trend towards an increase in incidence among young people is positive.

Osteochondrosis is based on dystrophic disorders of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral space, which arise due to malnutrition of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae.

The intervertebral disc begins to lose elasticity and changes shape, which leads to a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae.

A change in the intervertebral distance is accompanied by asymmetrical and irrational work of the spine and causes excessive tension, sagging of the muscles or ligaments of the back. Neighboring vertebrae put pressure on the nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord, causing pain to spread to distant areas of the body.

Further development of the disease includes the development of pathological mobility (spondylolisthesis) of the vertebrae, the appearance of protrusion (bulging) of the intervertebral disc and the development of hernias. Bone tissue grows on the vertebrae, which limits the mobility of the spine and is accompanied by serious pain.

In the case of simultaneous damage to the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, the disease is called generalized osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of common osteochondrosis

The main symptom of the disease is sharp and severe pain, which is felt in several sections of the spinal column.

In the case of widespread osteochondrosis, the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine can have its own symptoms, which can change during the day. Since common osteochondrosis affects more than one part of the spine, the symptoms depend on the degree of “neglect” of the disease: aching, constant pain, burning, aching in the lower back and painful “lumbago” that completely block motor ability.

For common osteochondrosis, we can talk about some characteristic signs characteristic of diseases of different types:

  • Neurological disorders associated with depression and irritability.
  • Static disorders of the spinal column associated with pathology of individual vertebrae.
  • Symptoms associated with orthopedic disorders: limited mobility of the spine, stiffness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, neck, shoulders, lower back and thoracic spine.
  • Symptoms of autonomic disorders: increased sweating, impaired urination, shortness of breath, problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The disease can occur in one part of the spine and spread to others. Patients diagnosed with “common osteochondrosis” often experience discomfort in the heart area, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, which complicates the diagnosis. This is expressed in the fact that the patient may complain of pain in the heart area, but in fact the pain is caused by a nerve that is pinched as a result of a narrowing of the intervertebral distance.

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