Soreness of the skin when touched on the thigh: possible causes and treatment

Possible causes of skin pain on the thigh

The symptom of increased skin sensitivity on the thighs, or allodynia, can be localized to a small area of ​​skin or spread over large areas. There are several types of allodynia:

  • tactile - occurs when touched;
  • thermal – occurs when there are temperature changes, exposure to heat or cold;
  • static – occurs under pressure, even very low;
  • dynamic - occurs as a reaction to movements on the skin, for example, when stroking.

If the skin on the thigh hurts when touched, pressure or temperature changes, it can be assumed that the cause is a disease or a malfunction of some body system. The most common causes of skin pain in the thigh area are:

  • microtrauma caused by thermal, chemical or radiation exposure;
  • bacterial or viral infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
  • systemic endocrine diseases such as diabetes;
  • disturbances in the conduction of nerve endings caused by their deformation or demyelination;
  • vascular diseases.

Infections that can cause pain on the skin of the thigh

Pain in the thigh area, combined with redness and rashes on the skin, as well as fever and fever, can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

Herpes virus
is transmitted by contact. affects peripheral nerves, causing inflammation of the nerve endings. With shingles, which is caused by this virus, skin pain is one of the first symptoms - it occurs several days before the rash appears. It is intense and can become unbearable when touched, changes in temperature or light pressure.

Chicken pox , also caused by a virus from the herpes group, can make itself felt by severe pain in the skin. In rare cases, pain is the only symptom of the disease, and papules do not form on the skin: the skin on the thigh or other area hurts for no apparent reason.

With a staphylococcal infection developing in the deep layers of the epidermis, severe pain, burning and tingling may occur in the affected area. Often these symptoms precede the appearance of redness on the skin and are accompanied by a general deterioration in health and an increase in body temperature.

Erysipelas is caused by streptococcal bacteria and affects the lymphatic system, skin and mucous membranes. In the affected area, bright red spots with clear boundaries form on the skin, very painful when touched. These symptoms are also accompanied by general malaise, fever, weakness and nausea.

Many sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea , which have become chronic, as well as AIDS , cause damage to peripheral nerves, and, as a result, cause pain on the skin without visible damage.

Allergic reaction

A local allergic reaction can also cause skin pain. In addition to burning, itching, and pain, allergies can manifest themselves as redness of the skin and the formation of a small papular rash. If the skin on the buttocks and/or thighs hurts, it can be assumed that the reaction is caused by contact with fabric, exposure to cosmetics (soap, cream, shower gel, etc.), washing powder or other detergent that was used on bed linen or clothes. However, food allergies cannot be ruled out.

Innervation disorders of various origins

Dysfunction of large and peripheral nerves is one of the most common causes of pain on the skin without any external damage.
Compression of the lateral nerve by surrounding tissue most often occurs in people who are overweight or during pregnancy. One of the main symptoms of lateral nerve entrapment is painful skin on the thigh.

Damage to the peripheral nerves can cause pain, tingling, burning, and numbness of the skin. There can be many reasons for the development of neuropathy; one of the most common is diabetes mellitus.

When the integrity of the sheaths of nerve endings is damaged, the nerve impulse propagates chaotically and can cause hypersensitivity of the skin.

Microtraumas of the skin and soft tissues

Injuries can also cause pain:

  • bruises caused by a blow or fall: in this case, pain may be accompanied by the formation of bruises;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • burns caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or abuse of tanning beds: in this case, painful sensations on the skin are accompanied by redness, a feeling of tightness and dryness.

Among the diverse clinical manifestations of the new coronavirus infection, skin lesions stand out. These lesions have attracted attention since the beginning of the epidemic, and, according to some experts, skin lesions may be the initial symptom of COVID-19.

A thorough differential diagnosis is required to distinguish skin lesions with a new coronavirus infection from other skin lesions. It should also be remembered that skin pathology can act separately from coronavirus infection as a concomitant.

Skin lesions due to coronavirus infection can be of various types. Experts identify several groups of skin lesions associated with COVID-19.

The first group is represented by angiitis, that is, damage to blood vessels with skin manifestations. Typically, such lesions are of an infectious-allergic nature and can often occur with various viral infections. For example, in acute respiratory viral infection, acute erythema nodosum is a fairly common occurrence. Considering that coronavirus infection often occurs with significant involvement of the immune system in the process, immune complexes circulating in the blood in combination with viral antigens can cause damage to the walls of small vessels, including the skin. Clinically, this may manifest itself as a vascular rash. It is worth noting that a fairly specific phenomenon for the new coronavirus infection is the so-called aracasculitis (damage to the blood vessels of the distal extremities). It is believed that such a spread occurs due to hypoxia of peripheral tissues due to lung damage.

The second type of skin lesions includes papular-squamous rashes and pityriasis rosea. These skin lesions also belong to the category of infectious-allergic and are also often associated with a new coronavirus infection. At the same time, pityriasis rosea, which occurs during coronavirus infection, has the peculiarity of the absence of the parent element (the largest first element), which is observed in the disease of the classical type.

The third type is represented by infectious erythema and measles-like rashes. As with other viral infections (for example, measles), and with COVID-19, such rashes have similar characteristics, that is, they are classic infectious exanthemas.

The fourth type is represented by papulovesicular rashes resembling miliaria. Such rashes can occur against the background of low-grade body temperature and associated increased sweating. One of the signs typical of coronavirus infection is the prevalence of lesions, which distinguishes this rash from classic miliaria.

Toxicoderma is the fifth type of rash due to coronavirus infection and is not directly associated with it, but with various skin reactions to medications. Antibacterials, antivirals, and hydroxychloroquine can all cause allergic skin reactions.

The sixth type of rash (urticarial rash or urticaria) can also be caused by the patient’s intolerance to a particular drug he is taking. In addition, urticaria can act as one of the first symptoms of coronavirus infection or be a harbinger of the onset of the clinical picture of the disease. By analogy with the first type of rash (angiitis), urticarial rash during coronavirus infection is also characterized by its predominantly acral location.

The last, seventh type of skin lesions during coronavirus infection is represented by trophic changes in facial tissue and is usually caused by the patient staying in a prone position for a long time. As is known, the use of a similar position (on the stomach) in patients improves oxygenation, therefore it is widely used in clinical practice. Artificial lesions are a consequence of long-term stay of patients in this position.

As we can see, skin lesions caused by a new coronavirus infection are varied and may not always be associated with exposure to the virus. If a general practitioner has difficulty correctly interpreting skin changes and determining the type of rash, he can invite a specialist dermatologist for a consultation, who will help determine the type of rash, establish its cause and recommend therapeutic actions.

Why you need to seek help from a doctor

Any pain indicates trouble in the body. Under no circumstances should this signal be ignored. If pain in the skin area on the thigh occurs regularly and is not associated with injury or other mechanical damage, you should consult a doctor to identify the exact causes.

Diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, sexually transmitted infections, the symptoms of which are impaired sensitivity and soreness of the skin, require immediate treatment, otherwise serious complications can occur, including death.







22018 November 25


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Diaper rash: causes of occurrence, what diseases it occurs with, diagnosis and treatment methods.


Diaper rash is a violation of the integrity of the skin, forming large folds. Diaper rash develops as a result of the irritating and long-term moisturizing effect of skin secretion products (sebum, sweat), as well as friction of the contacting surfaces of the skin.

Diaper rash manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin folds (femoral-scrotal, intergluteal, axillary, under the mammary glands in women, in obese people in the folds of the abdomen, sometimes in the behind-the-ear folds, between the toes and hands).

Subsequently, if treatment is not started, superficial cracks form in the depths of the fold, and detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis occurs (peeling). In advanced cases, painful bleeding ulcerations (erosions) of the affected skin surface, covered with a gray or brown coating, are observed. The patient notes severe burning, pain and itching.

Prolonged diaper rash can turn into eczema, which is accompanied by profuse rashes on the body with the addition of a streptococcal infection or yeast-like fungus. When an infection occurs, an open purulent wound forms at the site of diaper rash. Fungal flora often develops in the interdigital spaces and in the intergluteal fold on the damaged surface.

Diaper rash can appear on the skin of an adult or a bedridden patient, but the skin of newborns is most susceptible to inflammation.

Types of diaper rash

Diaper rash can occur in children and adults. According to the nature of occurrence - infectious and non-infectious.

There are several stages of diaper rash:

  • mild – slight redness without compromising the integrity of the skin;
  • medium - against the background of reddened skin, minor erosions, microcracks, and sometimes small ulcers are visible;
  • severe - in addition to reddened skin and cracks, areas of erosion, ulcers are visible, the epidermis peels off in places. Almost always there is an infection, bacterial or fungal. An extreme manifestation of severe disease is microbial eczema, in which lesions are aggravated by an autoimmune process.

Diaper rash can be:

  • diaper room,
  • impetigo (appears in the groin area),
  • allergy ring (to food and hygiene products).

The most common types of diaper rash are:

  • weeping;
  • diabetic, occurring mainly in the inguinal and femoral folds, under the mammary glands and in the armpits;
  • seborrheic, occurring behind the ears, on the neck, in the armpits, inguinal folds and in the navel;
  • streptococcal;
  • fungal;
  • under plaster;
  • between the buttocks;
  • on the feet and legs;
  • umbilical

Possible causes of diaper rash
The main cause of diaper rash is increased moisture in the skin in the area of ​​natural folds and exposure to irritating chemical components. In other words, for diaper rash to appear, favorable conditions must be created that increase the vulnerability of the skin even with minor mechanical impact (friction).

Feces contain enzymes (protease and lipase) that literally eat away the skin, so with diarrhea, diaper rash often develops within a few hours.

Diaper rash in newborns can occur for various reasons, such as friction or constant wetness under the diaper. But the main factor is skin contact with urine and feces.

Ammonia, which is formed during the breakdown of urea, has an irritating effect on the delicate skin of the child.

Feces are acidic. If the baby suffers from diarrhea, this also leads to diaper rash.

Causes of diaper rash in children:

  • poor quality diapers;
  • rare diaper changes;
  • careless wiping of the child’s body after water procedures;
  • wrapping the baby too tightly;
  • high indoor air temperature.

An allergic predisposition significantly increases the risk of developing diaper rash.
In newborns and infants up to one year old, an allergic reaction to the mother's food, baby food, hygiene products, the appearance of new foods in the child's diet, antibiotic treatment of the baby or mother can also contribute to the appearance of diaper rash. Another important factor is the individual characteristics of children's skin: if a baby has hypersensitive skin, then the risk of diaper rash increases significantly.
Causes of diaper rash in adults:

  • poor air ventilation in the area of ​​skin folds;
  • increased sweating;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders; e
  • overweight, obesity;
  • involuntary urination;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin infections;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • discharge from fistulas and natural anatomical openings in seriously ill patients;
  • violation of basic hygiene rules, insufficient drying of skin folds after bathing.

In older people, the production of elastin and collagen decreases, which affects the condition of the skin, leading to dryness, thinning, and loss of elasticity.
The skin is easily injured, becomes cracked and inflamed. Which doctors should I contact for diaper rash?

Treatment is carried out by a dermatologist or general practitioner on an outpatient basis. If diaper rash appears in a child, you should consult a pediatrician; in difficult cases, a pediatric dermatologist is involved in treatment.

Diagnostics and examinations for diaper rash

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture - the location of the lesion and the appearance of the affected areas of the skin. The patient's complaints and objective examination data are taken into account. If necessary, smears are taken from the affected skin surface for subsequent bacteriological examination.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for sore skin in the thigh area depends primarily on the cause that causes it.

  • If pain is associated with infection and inflammatory processes occurring in tissues, treatment will primarily be aimed at relieving inflammation and eliminating the agent of infection.
  • If the pain was caused by innervation disorders, therapeutic measures may be prescribed to restore nerve conduction and prevent degeneration of nerve tissue.
  • For neuralgia, taking medications to reduce inflammation and muscle relaxants can be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures to improve blood supply to the affected areas.
  • If diabetes is the cause of the pain, therapy will be aimed at normalizing blood sugar levels and preventing further degeneration of nerve fibers.

Soreness of the skin when touched on the thigh is an undoubted reason to consult a doctor, since early diagnosis is one of the important conditions for the successful treatment of any disease.

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