Comparison of devices Almag Plus (Almag-01) and Magniter AMT-02

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Comparison of Almag-01, Almash-Plus Magniter and similar models may be necessary in order to choose the best option for a physiotherapeutic device for treatment.

Almag-01 and AMT-01 Magniter - used in medical institutions, as well as in home treatment. Each of the devices has its own characteristics. The difference between Almag-Plus, magneter and other devices can manifest itself in functionality, as well as in the presence or absence of comfort when using an electromagnetic device, since each of the devices has a certain shape.

Operating principleUpon contact with a pathological area, blood flow is activated, as a result of which metabolic and recovery processes improve.The radiation from the device helps to activate tissue healing processes, improve their nutrition, and also eliminate pain.
In what cases is the device indicated?Diseases of the spine, joints, musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, heart, blood vessels, as well as some other ailments.Diseases of the skin, oral cavity, hearing organs, urinary system, digestive organs and other diseases. The device helps in the treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse.
ContraindicationsThe entire period of pregnancy, purulent manifestations, diseases associated with inflammation during exacerbation, malignant neoplasms, use of a cardiac stimulator, increased thyroid function and other pathologies.Oncology, problems with blood clotting, tuberculosis, post-infarction period, all trimesters of pregnancy, some pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
ImpactElectromagnetic radiation.Electromagnetic radiation.

The areas of application of the devices largely coincide, however, analyzing the technology of using each of the devices, the conclusion arises that after all, Almag-01 is better than Magniter, since it is more convenient and functional. This is evidenced by patient reviews. Almag is also better than AMT-01 in terms of impact area, so you can definitely give preference to the Almag-01 device.

You can purchase an original physiotherapy device from the manufacturer on the website All you need to do is place your order by phone or through the shopping cart.

What happens if you don't undergo rehabilitation?

If you ignore the rehabilitation period, the tissues will not heal properly, which will reduce the effectiveness of the hernia surgery. Muscles and ligaments will remain undeveloped, which will have a bad effect on flexibility and the ability to withstand stress. The result is a recurrence of the vertebral hernia, the return of discomfort.

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Goals and objectives of rehabilitation

Severe back pain occurs when a hernia occurs when the cartilage disc connecting the vertebrae is destroyed. A nucleus emerges from it, which compresses the nerves going from the brain to different parts of the body. Because of the pain, a person cannot raise his arm, bend over, or turn his neck. Sometimes it is so strong that conventional hernia treatment does not help and surgery is needed.

There are 2 types of surgery to remove a herniated disc:

  • Open surgery (discectomy, laminectomy)
    - the surgeon removes osteophytes, body parts, vertebral arches and other formations that caused pinching. To reduce pressure on nerve fibers, it strengthens adjacent vertebrae with special inserts. Open operations are complex and are used only in extreme cases. Recovery takes several months.
  • Minimally invasive interventions
    - the doctor eliminates the hernia through a small incision using endoscopic equipment or nucleoplasty. The patient recovers after a few days.

After discectomy, pain caused by pinching of the spinal cord and its roots disappears quickly. The causes that caused problems with movement and bending are also eliminated.

But surgery is not the final stage of hernia treatment. Ahead of the patient lies rehabilitation, the goal of which is to speed up healing and restore the functions of the spine.

The doctor develops actions, the sequential implementation of which helps to solve the following problems:

  • prevent relapses;
  • reduce the risk of complications that appear after operations (thrombosis, keloid scars);
  • restore normal muscle function;
  • eliminate problems associated with gait and posture;
  • develop the habit of correctly distributing the load on your back.


DENAS devices are produced by the DENAS MS corporation in Yekaterinburg. DENS - therapy (dynamic electrical neurostimulation) is a therapeutic non-invasive effect, providing a regulatory effect on all physiological systems of the body. It triggers the body's immune system, which, in turn, activates the nervous and hormonal ones.

Thanks to DENS therapy, neurological diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be cured. neurocircular disorders, diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs; diseases in the cardiovascular system, coronary heart disease, hypertension, hypotension, kidney and urinary tract diseases, diseases of the digestive system, vision, women's diseases (fibroids, mastopathy, inflammation), men's diseases (impotence, prostatitis), allergies and much more .

Contraindications to the use of DENS therapy

  1. Electric current intolerance;
  2. The presence of an implanted pacemaker (excludes use only in the direct projection of the heart).

Approach to rehabilitation at Paramita

At the Moscow Paramita clinic, rehabilitation after surgery to remove a spinal hernia takes place in stages. A detailed recovery program is established based on:

  • medical history;
  • complexity of operations;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • age;
  • gender;
  • physical capabilities;
  • data from laboratory tests, x-rays, MRI, etc.

After removal of a hernia, our doctors work with each patient according to an individual program. In the treatment of hernia, we use both Western and Eastern methods - physiotherapy, massage, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, etc.

The center has modern equipment at its disposal, which helps to quickly recover after surgery. Doctors closely monitor the progress of rehabilitation and adjust the program in a timely manner. We are always in touch with our patients and respond to all requests instantly.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique

How to install Vitafon correctly. Areas of influence and installation locations of vibraphones

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main areas of influence and installation locations of vibraphones of Vitafon devices.

Almost all phonation techniques for various diseases and problem conditions, in addition to the area of ​​pathology (disease)/pain, include the areas of the liver (M), kidneys (K) and the spine (its segments). This approach to compiling methods was developed over many years of practice. Recovery of the disease area occurs using the resources of the entire body, which, in particular, depend on the condition of the liver, kidneys and spine.

Phonics treatment of the liver area helps improve its function, preventing the accumulation in the blood of toxic and other substances that must be decomposed in the liver. The liver, due to its characteristics, has practically no muscle layers. The source of microvibration for the liver is the tone of the gallbladder, half located inside the liver, the tone of the portal vein of the liver, the movement of the diaphragm and the pulsation of the hepatic arteries. Since microvibration is better transmitted through liquid media, the projection of the gallbladder and portal vein onto the abdomen is usually phonated (area M, Fig. 1).

Radiation of the kidney area improves their function in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood and clearing it of the products of muscle cell activity. 40 minutes after exposure to microvibration on the kidney area, your own microvibrations increase and performance improves. The source of microvibration for the kidneys is the muscular layer of the renal pelvis, the muscular layer of the ureter and the adjacent back muscles. Therefore, the kidney area is affected from the back in the projection of the renal pelvis closer to the ureter (area K, Fig. 4).

Phonics treatment of the spine area relieves swelling, accelerates the restoration of the energy potential of muscle and nerve cells, promotes bone marrow hematopoiesis and enriches the blood with mature stem cells (Russian patent No. 2166924). To restore the back muscles, they are applied to the left and right of the spine. To strengthen the intervertebral discs and improve blood supply to the spinal and bone marrow, the central processes of the vertebrae are affected (Fig. 4). Spinal health is also extremely important for the health of the entire body. It contains bone marrow, which supplies the blood with red blood cells and stem cells. All nerve pathways that control internal organs and muscle structures pass through the spine. Many experts believe that most chronic diseases begin with a problem in some segment of the spine.

Compensation for microvibration deficiency in the area of ​​the kidneys, liver and spine is used, even if there is no disease, for the purpose of general strengthening of the body and disease prevention. Due to its universal systemic nature, such a complex is called general resource support of the body (GRS).

Phonics treatment of the disease area significantly increases the rate of removal of decay products and cell activity, reduces swelling, and enhances capillary blood flow and immune reactions.

Taking into account the above, when carrying out phonation procedures, you should:

  • follow the sequence of effects on the areas indicated in the phonation techniques, which, as a rule, begin with phonation of the kidney (K) and liver (M) areas. First of all, it is necessary to increase the general resources of the body, and secondly, to provide the area of ​​pathology with microvibration;
  • do not exclude the affected areas from the phonation technique (in the absence of contraindications or special recommendations).

You can also download all areas of influence and installation locations of vibraphones by following this link.

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