Formation of the osteoarticular apparatus in children

Development process in bones

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Bone is destroyed by osteoclasts and repaired by osteoblasts, which interact through cytokine signaling (TGF-β, IGF).

) bone remodeling is the process of deposition of new bone material by cells called osteoblasts. It is synonymous with bone formation. [1] There are two processes that lead to the formation of normal, healthy bone tissue: [2] Intramembranous ossification is the direct laying of bone into primitive connective tissue (mesenchyme), while endochondral ossification involves cartilage as a precursor.

In the treatment of fractures, endochondral osteogenesis is the process most commonly encountered, for example in long bone fractures treated with plaster, whereas fractures treated with open reduction and internal fixation with metal plates, screws, pins, rods and nails can cure intramembranous osteogenesis.

Heterotopic ossification is a process that results in the formation of bone tissue, which is often atypical, outside the skeleton. Calcification is often confused with ossification. Calcification is synonymous with the formation of calcium-based salts and crystals in cells and tissues. This is a process that occurs during ossification, but not necessarily the other way around


The exact mechanisms by which bone development is triggered remain unclear, but growth factors and cytokines appear to play a role.

Time period [3]Bones affected [3]
Third month of intrauterine developmentBeginning of ossification in long bones
Fourth monthMost of the primary foci of ossification appeared in the diaphysis of the bones.
From birth to 5 yearsSecondary ossification centers appear in the epiphyses.
From 5 to 12 years for women, from 5 to 14 years for menOssification spreads rapidly from ossification centers and various bones become ossified.
From 17 to 20 years oldThe bones of the upper limbs and scapula are completely ossified
From 18 to 23 years oldThe bones of the lower limbs and pelvic bones are completely ossified.
From 23 to 26 years oldThe bones of the sternum, collarbones and vertebrae are completely ossified.
By the age of 25Almost all bones are completely ossified

Endochondral ossification

Diagram showing the stages of endochondral ossification

Endochondral ossification is the formation of long bones and other bones. This requires the precursor hyaline cartilage. There are two ossification centers of endochondral ossification.

Primary center

In long bones, bone tissue first appears in the diaphysis (the middle of the shaft). Chondrocytes multiply and form trebecula. The cartilage is gradually destroyed and replaced by hardened bone leading to the epiphysis. The perichondrium layer surrounding the cartilage forms the periosteum, which generates the sperm cell, which then move to make a collar that surrounds the outside of the bone and rebuilds the medullary cavity on the inside.

The nutrient artery enters through the nutrient foramen through a small opening in the diaphysis. It invades the primary ossification center, bringing in osteogenic cells (osteoblasts on the outside, osteoclasts on the inside). The nutrient foramen channel is directed away from the more active end of the bone when one end grows more than the other. When a bone grows at the same rate at both ends, the nutrient artery is perpendicular to the bone.

Most other bones (such as vertebrae) also have primary ossification centers, and bones are formed in a similar way.

Secondary centers

Secondary centers usually appear on the epiphysis. Secondary ossification most often occurs after birth (with the exception of the distal femur and proximal tibia, which occurs in the 9th month of fetal development). Epiphyseal arteries and osteogenic cells invade the epiphysis, depositing osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which break down cartilage and build bone, respectively. It occurs on both ends of long bones, but only on one end of the fingers and ribs.

Microscopic image of the growth plate

Formation of the osteoarticular apparatus in children

Olga Penkina

Formation of the osteoarticular apparatus in children

Each of the systems consists of certain anatomical and functional complexes, that is, of devices that provide the corresponding part of its function. Thus, in the respiratory system, external or pulmonary respiration apparatus apparatus , and the neurohumoral apparatus are distinguished. From these positions in the musculoskeletal system we can distinguish: osteoarticular apparatus , muscular-ligamentous, nervous and endocrine-humoral.

The osseous-articular apparatus is a structure that supports our body and is made up of a complex muscular, skeletal , and joint system.

The relevance of research.

The present time is quite quickly characterized by changes in the natural and social environment, and also leads to physical, mental, cultural, moral and other changes for each person. Therefore, the most pressing problem today is strengthening children's . V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for the health of a child is the most important work of a teacher.”

Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person’s life. Protecting and promoting children's and developing healthy lifestyle habits is one of the key goals in the preschool education system. And this is understandable - only a healthy child can develop harmoniously.

An important role in the pedagogical process is played by adults’ understanding of the child’s anatomical and physiological characteristics. Based on his capabilities, the teacher sets new motor tasks for him, gradually increases the requirements for mastering motor skills, and controls the development of psychophysical qualities.

Features of the development of the skeletal and joint system in preschool children

Age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of systems and organs in preschool age

Preschool age refers to the period of a child’s life from 3 to 7 years. Children of this age differ markedly in development from young children . They undergo further development and improvement of the body.

Leather. It thickens. But the unpleasant possibility of easily becoming hypothermic or overheating does not decrease.

Skeletal system . In preschool children, of the musculoskeletal system . Bone tissue becomes denser, muscle mass increases. Its ossification is not yet complete . The spine already corresponds in shape to an adult , but only in shape . With the increased weight load on the child’s fragile skeleton, monitoring the child’s posture is more important than ever.

By the age of 5, the muscles of the lower extremities increase significantly, their strength and performance increase. The contractility of muscles improves and their strength increases.

From 3 to 7 years, the formation of the chest and respiratory organs is also completed. The ribs take the same position as in adults, the chest is cylindrical . Breathing is deeper and rarer - by the age of 7 it reaches 23-25 ​​per minute.

Body weight gain in children by the age of 4 slows down somewhat and averages 1.2-1.3 kg per year, and then it increases again: in the fifth year of life, the child gains an average of 2 kg, in the sixth - 2.5 kg, for the seventh - about 3.5 kg. By the age of 6-7 years, the child’s body weight has doubled compared to the weight at one year of age.

The physical development of children during this period is uneven. At the age of 4-5 years, the growth rate slows down somewhat, the child grows by an average of 4-6 cm per year, and during the sixth or seventh year of life, the increase in height reaches 8-10 cm per year. The rapid increase in the growth of children aged 6-7 years is called the first period of extension. It is associated with functional changes in the endocrine system (increased function of the pituitary gland)


Endocrine system. At the age of 6-7 years, a slight acceleration in growth and the first physiological stretch are observed, at the same time differences in the behavior of boys and girls appear. Glands such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, and pituitary glands take an active part in these processes. The “preparation” begins

gonads at puberty.

Cardiovascular system: pulse continues to slow down. By the age of 7, its frequency is 85-90 per minute, blood pressure is 104/67 mm Hg. Art.

Immune system: immune cells are produced by the child’s body in sufficient quantities, which results in a milder course of many diseases.

Development of the skeletal system in preschool children

The process of ossification . The child’s skeleton is formed in the early uterine period and consists mainly of cartilage tissue. Even in the uterine period, cartilage tissue begins to be replaced by bone tissue . The process of ossification occurs gradually, and not all bones of the skeleton ossify at the same time .

After the birth of the child, the ossification process continues . The timing of the appearance of ossification points and the end of ossification varies for different bones . For each bone, these terms are relatively constant, therefore, based on these terms, one can judge the normal development of the skeleton in children and their age . The skeleton of a child differs from the skeleton of an adult in size, proportions, structure and chemical composition.

Skeletal development in children largely determines the development of the body, for example, muscles develop more slowly than the skeleton grows.

There are two ways of bone . Some bones develop directly from mesenchyme ( bones of the skull roof , face and partly the clavicle, etc.)

- This is primary
ossification .
At 4-5 years of age, bone beams appear . After 7-8 years, the bone beams lengthen and become uniform and compact.

Lamellar bone develops from 5 months to 1.5 years, i.e., when the child gets on his feet. During the 2nd year, most of the bone tissue has a lamellar structure and by 2.5-3 years the remains of coarse fibrous tissue are no longer present.

Age-related features of the chemical composition and structure of bones .

In children, bones contain relatively more organic substances and less inorganic substances than in adults. With age, the chemical composition of bones changes , the amount of salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements increases significantly and the ratio between them changes. Calcium is retained in large quantities in the bones of young children , and phosphorus in older children .

The skull is the skeleton of the head. In accordance with the characteristics of development, structure and functions, two parts of the skull are distinguished: cerebral and facial (visceral)

The medulla of the skull forms a cavity within which the brain is located. The facial region forms the bony basis of the respiratory apparatus and digestive canal.
The brain portion of the skull consists of the roof (or cranial vault)

and grounds.
The parietal bone of the cranial vault is a quadrangular plate with four jagged edges. Two parietal bones connected by sutures form the parietal tubercle. In front of the parietal bones lies the frontal bone , most of which is represented by scales.
The convex part of the facial part of the skull is formed by the frontal tubercles, below which are located the bones that form the walls of the orbits . Between the eye sockets is the nasal part, adjacent to the nasal bones , below which are the cells of the ethmoid bone .

Behind the parietal bones is the occipital bone , thanks to which the base of the skull is formed and the skull is connected to the spine. On the sides of the roof of the skull there are two temporal bones , which are also involved in the formation of the base of the skull. Each of them contains the corresponding sections of the hearing organ and the vestibular apparatus . At the base of the skull is the sphenoid bone .

The bones of the base of the skull , which developed from cartilage, are connected by cartilaginous tissue, which is replaced by bone tissue . The roof bones , developed from connective tissue, are connected by connective tissue sutures, which become osseous . This also applies to the facial part of the skull.

The facial part of the skull consists of the upper jaw, zygomatic, lacrimal, ethmoid, palatine, nasal bones , inferior turbinate, vomer, mandible and hyoid bone .

Age-related features of the skull. The brain and facial parts of the skull are formed from mesenchyme. The bones of the skull develop in a primary and secondary way. The skull of children differs significantly from the skull of adults in its size compared to body size, structure and proportions of individual parts of the body. In a newborn, the cerebral part of the skull is six times larger than the facial part, in an adult - 2.5 times. In other words, in a newborn, the facial part of the skull is relatively smaller than the brain part. With age, these differences disappear. Moreover, not only the shape of the skull and its constituent bones , but also the number of skull bones .

From birth to 7 years, the skull grows unevenly. Three waves of acceleration are established in the growth of the skull: 1) up to 3-4 years; 2) from 6 to 8 years; 3) from 11 to 15 years.

The spine consists of 24 free vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar)

and 9-10 non-free
(5 sacral and 4-5 coccygeal)
. The free vertebrae articulated with each other are connected by ligaments, between which there are elastic intervertebral discs made of fibrous cartilage. The sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused to form the sacrum and coccyx. Vertebrae develop from cartilage tissue, the thickness of which decreases with age.

There are four stages of development of vertebral epiphyses: up to 8 years - cartilaginous epiphysis; from 9 to 13 years - calcification of the epiphysis; from 14 to 17 years - bone epiphysis ; after 17 years - fusion of the epiphysis with the vertebral body.

The length of the spine increases especially sharply during the first and second years of life, then the growth of the spine slows down and accelerates again from 7 to 9 years (in girls more than in boys)


Spinal mobility in children , especially 7-9 years old, is much greater than in adults. This depends on the relatively larger size of the intervertebral discs and their greater elasticity

Physiological curves of the spine. After birth, the spine acquires four physiological curves. (lordosis) occurs.

in the cervical region.
At 6 months, as a result of sitting, posterior curves (kyphosis)
in the thoracic and sacral regions.
At 1 year of age, with the onset of standing, forms in the lumbar region. Initially, these physiological curves of the spine are held by the muscles, and then by the ligaments , cartilage and bones of the vertebrae .
By the age of 3-4 years, the curves of the spine gradually increase as a result of standing, walking, gravity and muscle work. By the age of 7, cervical lordosis and thoracic kyphosis are finally formed.

Thanks to the spring movement of the spine, the magnitude of its curves can change. As a result of changes in the curves of the spine and the height of the intervertebral discs, the length of the spine also changes: with age and during the day. During the day, a person’s height fluctuates within 1 cm, and sometimes 2-2.5 cm and even 4-6 cm. In a lying position, the length of a person’s body is 2-3 cm greater than in a standing position.

Features of the child's chest.

The chest consists of 12 pairs of ribs. True ribs (first - seventh pairs)

with the help of cartilage they are connected to the sternum, of the remaining five false ribs, the cartilaginous ends of the eighth, ninth and tenth pairs are connected to the cartilage of the overlying rib, and the eleventh and twelfth pairs do not have costal cartilages and have the greatest mobility, since they end freely. The second to seventh pairs of ribs are connected to the sternum by small joints.

The ribs are connected to the vertebrae by joints, which, when the chest is raised, determine the movement of the upper ribs mainly forward, and the lower ones - to the sides.

The sternum is an unpaired bone in which three parts are distinguished: the manubrium, the body and the xiphoid process. The manubrium of the sternum articulates with the clavicle using a joint containing an intracartilaginous disc (by the nature of its movements it is close to spherical joints)


The shape of the chest depends on age and gender. In addition, the shape of the chest changes due to the redistribution of body gravity when standing and walking, depending on the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Age-related changes in the formation of the chest . The ribs develop from mesenchyme, which transforms into cartilage in the second month of uterine life. Their ossification begins in the fifth to eighth week, and that of the sternum in the sixth month. Ossification nuclei in the head and tubercle appear in the upper ten ribs at 5-6 years, and in the last two ribs at 15 years. The fusion of parts of the rib ends by the age of 18-25.

Until 1-2 years, the rib consists of a spongy substance. From 3-4 years of age, a compact layer develops in the middle of the rib. From the age of 7 years, the compact layer grows over the entire rib

In the xiphoid process, the ossification appears at 6-12 years of age.

Chest shape . In humans, there are two extreme forms of the chest : long, narrow and short, wide. The shape of the sternum also corresponds to them . Among the main shapes of the chest, there are conical, cylindrical and flat shapes .

The shape of the chest changes significantly with age. After birth and during the first few years of life, the chest is shaped like a cone with the base facing downwards. From the age of 2.5-3 years, the growth of the chest parallels the growth of the body, and therefore its length corresponds to the thoracic spine. Then body growth accelerates and the chest becomes relatively shorter. In the first three years, an increase in chest circumference is observed, which leads to a predominance of transverse diameter in the upper part of the chest.

Gradually, the chest changes its conical shape and approaches that of an adult, that is, it takes on the shape of a cone with the base facing upward. The chest acquires its final shape

Sex differences are also observed in the growth of chest circumference. In boys, chest circumference increases by 1-2 cm per year from 8 to 10 years old, by the time of puberty (from 11 years old)

- by 2-5 cm. In girls under 7-8 years of age, the chest circumference exceeds half the size of their height. In boys, this ratio is observed until the age of 9-10 years; from this age, half of the height becomes larger than the chest circumference.

The development parameters of the chest depend on the development of skeletal muscles: the more developed the skeletal muscles, the more developed the chest

Improper seating of children at their desks can lead to deformation of the chest and , as a result, disruption of the development of the heart, large vessels and lungs.

Development of bones of the upper limbs .

The skeleton of the upper limbs includes the shoulder girdle and the skeleton of the arm. The shoulder girdle consists of the scapula and collarbone, the arm skeleton consists of the shoulder, forearm and hand. The hand is divided into the wrist, metacarpus and fingers.

The scapula is a flat, triangular-shaped bone located on the back. The clavicle is a tubular bone , one end of which articulates with the sternum and ribs, and the other with the scapula. The costoclavicular joint appears in children from 11-12 years of age ; It reaches its greatest development in adults.

The arm skeleton consists of the humerus ( shoulder skeleton), the ulna and radius bones (forearm skeleton)

and from
the bones of the hand .
The wrist consists of eight small bones arranged in two rows, forming a groove on the palm and a bulge on its dorsum.

The metacarpus consists of five small tubular bones , of which the shortest and thickest is the thumb bone , the longest is the second bone , and each of the following bones is smaller than the previous one . The exception is the big one (the first one)

a finger consisting of two phalanges. The remaining four fingers have three phalanges. The largest phalanx is proximal, the smaller is the middle, and the smallest is distal.

On the palmar surface there are permanent sesamoid bones - inside the tendons between the bone of the thumb and its proximal phalanx and non-permanent ones - between the metacarpal bone and the proximal phalanx of the second and fifth fingers. The pisiform bone of the wrist is also a sesamoid bone .

The joints of the wrist, metacarpus and fingers are strengthened by powerful ligaments .

Age-related features of the development of the upper limbs. In a newborn, the clavicle is almost completely bone ossification nucleus in its sternal region occurs at 16-18 years of age.

All long bones in a newborn , such as the humerus, radius, and ulna, have cartilaginous epiphyses and bony diaphyses . There are no bones in the wrist , and ossification of cartilage begins : in the first year of life - in the capitate and hamate bones ; at 2-3 years - in the triangular bone ; at 3-4 years - in the lunate bone ; at 4-5 years - in the scaphoid bone ; at 4-6 years old - in the polygonal large bone ; at 7-15 years old - in the pisiform bone .

Sesamoid bones in the first metacarpophalangeal joint appear at 12-15 years of age. In the third year of life, ossification of the proximal and distal epiphyses of the phalanges occurs. " Bone Age "

determine the centers
of ossification of the hand .
Ossification of the bones of the upper extremities ends: at 10-13 years - in the bones of the wrist ; at 12 years old - in the metacarpus; at 9-11 years old - in the phalanges of the fingers.

Ossification ends in men on average two years later than in women. The last centers of ossification can be detected in the humerus - at 12-14 years , in the radius - at 5-7 years , in the ulna - at 7-8 years , in the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the fingers - at 2-3 years. Ossification of the sesamoid bones usually begins during puberty: in boys - at 13-14 years old, in girls - at 12-13. The beginning of the fusion of parts of the first metacarpal bone indicates the beginning of puberty.

Features of the development of the pelvis and lower extremities. Skeleton of the lower extremities.

The pelvic girdle consists of the pubis, ilium and ischium , which form independently and merge with age to form the pelvis, connected at the back to the sacral spine. The pelvis serves as a support for the internal organs and legs. Thanks to the mobility of the lumbar spine, the pelvis increases the range of motion of the leg.

The leg skeleton consists of the femur ( thigh skeleton), tibia and fibula (tibia skeleton)

and from
the bones of the foot .
The tarsus consists of the talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid and three sphenoid bones . The metatarsus is formed by five metatarsal bones . The toes consist of phalanges: two phalanges in the first toe and three phalanges in the remaining toes. The sesamoid bones are located as in the hand, but are much better expressed. The largest sesamoid bone in the leg skeleton is the patella, located inside the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. It increases the leverage of this muscle and protects the knee joint at the front.

Development of the pelvic bones . The most intensive growth bones is observed in the first three years of life. In the process of fusion bones , several stages can be distinguished: 5-6 years (beginning of fusion)

7-8 years (pubic and ischial
bones ) ;

The size of the pelvis in men is smaller than in women. There are upper (large)

pelvis and lower
pelvis. The transverse size of the entrance to the small pelvis in girls changes abruptly in several stages: at 8-10 years
(increases very quickly)
at 10-12 years (there is a slight slowdown in its growth)
from 12 to 14-15 years (growth increases again)
. The anteroposterior size increases more gradually; from the age of 9 it is smaller than the transverse one. In boys, both pelvic sizes increase evenly.

Development of the bones of the lower extremities . By the time of birth, the femur consists of cartilage , bone . Synostosis in long bones ends between the ages of 18 and 24 years. The kneecap takes on the shape characteristic of an adult by the age of 10.

The development of bones occurs much earlier than the carpal bones , ossification nuclei in them (in the calcaneus, talus and cuboid bones )

appear in the uterine period.
In the sphenoid bones they appear at 1-3-4 years, in the scaphoid - at 4.5 years. At 12-16 years of age, ossification of the calcaneus .
The metatarsal bones ossify later than the tarsal bones , at the age of 3-6 years.

From the age of 7, boys' legs grow faster. The highest ratio of leg length to body length is achieved in boys by the age of 15, and in girls by the age of 13.

The human foot forms an arch that rests on the heel bone and the anterior ends of the metatarsals . The general arch of the foot consists of the longitudinal and transverse arches. The formation of the arch of the foot in humans occurred as a result of walking upright.

Formation of joints in children and their age-related characteristics

By the time of birth, the articular-ligamentous apparatus is anatomically formed . Newborns already have all the anatomical elements of the joints, but the epiphyses of the articulating bones consist of cartilage . The joint capsules of a newborn are tightly stretched, and most ligaments are characterized by insufficient differentiation of the fibers that form them, which determines their greater extensibility and lower strength than in adults. These features determine the possibility of subluxations, for example, of the head of the radius and humerus . The development of joints occurs most intensively at the age of up to 3 years and is due to a significant increase in the child’s motor activity.

Diseases of the bone and joint systems in children and their prevention

As the child grows, the proportions of his body change and the skeleton becomes aligned.

The formation the musculoskeletal system greatly influenced by congenital characteristics, external conditions, daily routine, nutrition, physical overload during sports, previous diseases and everything that introduces an imbalance into the balanced state of the muscular-ligamentous frame and spine.


Spotted gar

larvae at 22 days were stained for cartilage (blue) and bone (red).

Several hypotheses have been proposed for how bone evolved as a structural element in vertebrates. One hypothesis is that bone arose from tissues that evolved to store minerals. Specifically, calcium-based minerals were stored in cartilage, and bone was the result of exaptation of this calcified cartilage. [4] However, other possibilities include the development of bone tissue as an osmotic barrier or protective structure.

How to determine hip dysplasia in a child?

Contents of the publication:

  1. Hip dysplasia - what is it?
  2. What influences the appearance of such pathology in children?
  3. 3 forms of congenital hip dysplasia
  4. What symptoms indicate that a child most likely has hip dysplasia?
  5. How to treat?

Many parents come to examine their child, hear the diagnosis and do not understand anything, but immediately begin to worry. On the one hand, this is normal; after all, a person who is not involved in medicine should not delve into the topic. On the other hand, doctors need to learn to explain with their fingers what pathology a child has and what to do about it.

For example, the diagnosis of “hip dysplasia,” with which up to 25% of newborn babies are born, will clearly confuse any adult. Today I want to pay attention to this pathology, talk about it in more detail and assure all parents that it can be treated. Of course, if it is detected in time and the correct treatment is prescribed.

Hip dysplasia - what is it?

If your child has been diagnosed with this, it means that the baby has a congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system. That is, the formation of the hip joint is disrupted, which covers all the elements that make up the joint: the osteochondral base, the ligamentous-capsular apparatus and the muscular component. This can cause dislocation or subluxation of the femoral head.

The disorder is formed in utero, but this is not visible on ultrasound. It is important to notice this already at birth.

What influences the appearance of such pathology in children?

There are several reasons; both internal and external factors can have an impact.

One of the main external factors is the lack of space in the mother’s womb. Dysplasia is formed as follows: the head of the femur is displaced in the articular cavity, because the child moves too little and presses against the edge of the glenoid cavity for a long time. After which the articular cavity becomes deformed, and this leads to dysplasia and, as a consequence, hip dislocation.

There is little space in the womb - there are reasons for this too:

  • first pregnancy;
  • breech presentation;
  • small volume of amniotic fluid;
  • high blood pressure in the mother throughout pregnancy.

Again, do not forget to take into account genetic predisposition, the birth of a child prematurely and with insufficient body weight, diseases of the endocrine system in a pregnant woman.

3 forms of congenital hip dysplasia

  1. Acetabular, i.e. due to immaturity of the joint. The structure of the acetabulum is disturbed, so there is a displacement of the femoral head.
  2. Epiphyseal. Includes stiffness of joints, which causes limbs to become deformed. All this is accompanied by severe pain. If you do an ultrasound on a child, the disorder will be clearly visible.
  3. Rotary. Anatomically incorrect placement of bones, which is why the child begins to clubfoot.

In addition, dysplasia can have both mild and severe course. Therefore, forms are also divided into degrees:

  • 1st - pre-dislocation. Most common degree. The pathology can either go away on its own over time or move to the next stage.
  • 2nd - subluxation. Ligaments stretch and lose tone.
  • 3rd - dislocation. The femoral head moves and moves completely out of the acetabulum.

What symptoms indicate that a child most likely has hip dysplasia? How to determine?

While still in the maternity hospital, a neonatologist or pediatrician examines the child. And if there are visible changes, additional examinations may be prescribed to make a diagnosis. No one excludes such a situation that there were no immediately obvious signs indicating pathology; they appeared several months later.

Therefore, it is important to visit a specialist several times a year so as not to miss the following symptoms:

asymmetry of the gluteal, inguinal and femoral folds

How to recognize this? Place the baby on his back or stomach, carefully straighten his legs. Pay attention to how the folds of skin are located in the groin area, on the thighs and under the butt. The most important thing is that the folds must be the same size and located at the same angle.

baby's knees are different sizes

To determine this, place the child on his back, straighten his legs, and then bend his knees (they should be at the same level). Is one knee higher or lower than the other? Most likely, the baby’s joints are located at different heights.

the joints have different amplitudes if you spread your legs apart

You can determine this if you place the child on his back, bend his legs at the knees and spread them apart. Children under 1 year of age have good flexibility; even without the use of force, you can spread your hips to such a level that they simply “lie down.” The baby definitely has hip dysplasia if you hear a click when moving the hips apart or the amplitude of the hips is different from the other.

IMPORTANT! If a doctor or you yourself identify dysplasia in a child under six months old, then there is every chance of a complete cure.

There are several other options that will help determine hip dysplasia in a child. These include:

  • increased muscle tone, which does not allow the child’s leg to move 60 degrees;
  • a symptom of slipping is observed, i.e. you bend the child's legs at the knee and hip joints to form a right angle. The femoral head slides into the acetabulum and makes a clicking sound.

How to treat?

To rule out pathology, sign up for an ultrasound of the hip joints in children, which at IdealMed is performed on children from the first days of life. Using diagnostics, you can evaluate the articular surface, intra-articular and surrounding tendons, muscles, etc.

If the doctor made the diagnosis after 2-4 weeks of the child’s life, then you can use special therapeutic pants with spacers. You may need additional exercises to relax your muscles and physical therapy.

Orthoses are used in cases where there is hip dislocation. Thanks to this device, it is possible to achieve a stable position of the femoral head and thereby close the exit of the head from the glenoid cavity.

FOR REFERENCE. An orthosis is a medical device that is designed to restore the forms and functions of the musculoskeletal system.

If you suspect a pathology in a child, do not expect things to change on their own. Go to a specialist who can make a timely diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

You can make an appointment by calling: +375 (17) 395-55-77, +375 (29) 144-22-22, +375 (29) 88-88-195.

see also

  • Dystrophic calcinosis
  • Mechanostat, a model describing ossification and bone loss
  • Ossicone, horn-like (or horn-like) projections on the heads of giraffes and related species.
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta, juvenile bone disease
  • Fibrodysplasia progressiva is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes fibrous tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, etc.) to ossify when damaged.
  • Primrose syndrome is a rare genetic disorder in which cartilage ossifies.
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