Herbs for arthritis. No to inflammation, yes to restoration!

Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies gives good results if it is carried out in the first stages of its development, systematically and taking into account contraindications. It is a mistake to assume that the use of medicinal plants is recommended for everyone - they contain compounds that can enter into a biochemical reaction and cause a certain effect, which, if there are contraindications, can be absolutely undesirable.

Description of the pathology

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the elements of the joint: capsule, cartilage, membranes - in response to infection, injury, metabolic and immune disorders, tumors and some diseases, for example, osteomyelitis.

The disease can be cured completely, but most of its forms are chronic, with some exacerbations caused by excessive physical activity, hypothermia, stress and decreased immunity.

Arthritis has characteristic symptoms:

  • pain in the joint area;
  • swelling, redness, local increase in temperature;
  • dysfunction of the joint, from minor difficulties to complete loss of function;
  • deformation.

Causes of joint inflammation

Before deciding which herbs to drink for arthritis, it is important not only to accurately recognize the signs of pathology, but also to understand its causes. After all, genuine therapy should be aimed not so much at the symptoms, but at eliminating the deep roots of the disease in the first place.

Arthritis is a broad group (more than 100 types) of joint diseases of an inflammatory nature. Some people confuse arthritis with arthrosis, especially since these diagnoses often flow into one another. However, there is a difference. What distinguishes arthritis from arthrosis – the structural destruction of cartilage against the background of dystrophy – is the presence of inflammation. Why does it occur in the articular cavity? There are a great many reasons.

  • Heredity. Most researchers of the problem are inclined to believe that arthritis is caused by a genetically determined defective functioning of the immune system [1, p. 70]. Immune cells react inadequately to various irritating factors and trigger an inflammatory process that is detrimental to the body’s own tissues.
  • Bone loss, or osteoporosis. The connection between arthritis and bone pathology is indicated by the term Osteoarthritis, widespread in the English-language scientific literature. This theory is shared by the famous domestic specialist in osteoarticular diseases V.I. Strukov. For many decades, he observed a characteristic picture in the photographs: in close proximity to the arthritic joint in the bone there is a cavity similar to a carious hole. Such voids make it impossible for normal metabolism and removal of dead cells and other waste products from the bone. They develop inflammation, which over time spreads to nearby joint tissues, serving as a trigger for arthritis. Therefore, strengthening bones is extremely important for healthy joints.

  • Infections:

    influenza, sore throat, ARVI, tuberculosis, rubella, measles, mumps, herpes, brucellosis, borreliosis, mycoplasmosis, osteomyelitis, etc. Viruses provoke the same immune reaction and inflammation that turn out to be dangerous for joint tissues. Even more dangerous is bacterial arthritis, which causes acute, rapidly progressing sepsis.
  • Injuries. These are primarily fractures that pass through or near the joint cavity.

Also, arthritis often develops as a secondary disease against the background of lupus erythematosus, granulomatosis, purpura, psoriasis and other systemic pathologies. Depending on the factors that provoked the inflammation and the course of arthritis, several types are distinguished (see here).

Important! The tableted herbal medicine Dandelion P has a powerful restorative effect on cartilage tissue - a source of a whole complex of plant compounds useful for arthritis and arthrosis.


The use of folk remedies in the treatment of arthritis is aimed primarily at relieving pain and improving the functions of the affected joint. For treatment, you can use interesting recipes collected in ancient Russian “Herbalists” - large thick books with metal buckles. All recipes are collected in the article and are given below.

It is important to understand that traditional treatment cannot replace traditional medicine, but can be used as a complement to complex therapy.

Herbs for arthritis: list of the best

What herbs are most effective for arthritis of the joints? Ancient and modern recipes often include: willow and aspen bark, dandelion roots, elecampane, cinquefoil (calamus), angelica, meadowsweet (meadowsweet), horsetail, nettle, yarrow, birch buds, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, strawberries , lingonberries, hop cones, pine buds and shoots, wormwood, licorice and many other plants.

Therapeutic baths

Ancient doctors said: “your friends are peace and water.” It is natural that the use of funds donated by Nature itself promises good results, and this applies primarily to water.

A therapeutic bath will help relax tense muscles, relieve their spasms and improve local blood circulation, which means increasing nutrition and oxygen supply to damaged tissues, which will make it easier to get rid of the disease. With regular use of such baths, you can notice improvements after a short time.

Warm baths can be used to treat arthritic joints. It should be remembered that the water temperature should not be higher than 35° C, and the bath time should be 25 minutes. This will prevent the muscles from relaxing too much and will give optimal results.

To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the bath, having previously dissolved it in milk, honey or alcohol, otherwise it will remain on the surface of the water in the form of oil drops and will not have a healing effect.


To heal sore joints, you need to collect a handful of flowers and pour three liters of boiling water over them. After an hour of infusion, the product can be poured into the water with which the bath is filled, and a few drops of mint essential oil can be added. It will make the skin softer and improve the access of healing substances to the affected tissues.


To prepare the solution, you need to place two handfuls of fresh pine needles in an enamel bowl - fortunately, you can get them at any time of the year - chop them, pour in a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. After this, you need to strain the broth and pour it into the warm water with which the bath is filled.

Pine and spruce are rich in phytoncides - substances that can fight inflammation and infection. To enhance the effect, you can choose juniper essential oil. It will not only enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of pine, but also calm the nervous system.

It is interesting that juniper contains 6 times more phytoncides than other conifers - which is why the people of Buryatia consider it a symbol of eternal life.

Pine bath

Calamus bath

The rhizomes of calamus, which have absorbed the power of peat, a layer that forms in swamps over a long period of time and contains a unique complex of substances, are useful here. Necessary:

  1. Take 300 grams of raw materials, finely chop and pour three liters of spring water.
  2. After an hour, put the mixture on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the finished broth into the water filled with the bath and add a few drops of nettle essential oil. Its ability to warm tissues will enhance the effect of a healing calamus bath.
  4. After taking herbal baths, you need to wrap yourself up warmly and lie down in a calm, relaxed atmosphere, preferably with a book.


It is important to remember about the magical healing aroma of herbs: they have a calming effect on the nervous system, and therefore on overstrained muscles that worsen the condition of joints affected by arthritis.

Aromatherapy can have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

You can add a few drops of lavender, mint, lemon balm or eucalyptus essential oil to a handkerchief and carry it with you; you can use an aroma lamp (however, when oils burn, harmful substances are also released), or you can sew a small bag from natural fabric in delicate light shades and fill it with dry herbs that have absorbed the aromas of the sun, summer and warmed earth. It is best to place it at the head of the bed so that the healing effects of the herbs last throughout the night.

What properties make plants useful for arthritis?

Let's name the specific pharmacological effects of plant substances that make herbs especially useful for arthritis.

  • Pain relief, temperature reduction, fight against inflammation and swelling

Phenolic glycosides are responsible for these properties. For example, the glycoside salicin , contained in the leaves, buds and bark of willow and aspen, buds of black poplar, meadowsweet (also known as meadowsweet), peony, shoots and leaves of raspberry. It has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which do not appear immediately after taking herbal remedies. The fact is that it takes several hours for the liver to convert salicin into salicylic acid (we know it as aspirin). But there are no side effects of aspirin. Sesquiterpene lactones present in mountain arnica, chamomile, calendula, elecampane, wild rosemary, yarrow, etc. also have an analgesic effect 60–62].

Terpenoids of calamus and wormwood are known to have anti-inflammatory properties Essential oils from many plants, and in particular conifers, are also good at helping fight pain and inflammation.

  • Stimulation of regenerative processes in cartilage tissue

taraxacin and taxacerin have a particularly powerful regenerating effect on joints . They are found in large quantities (about 10%) in only one plant - dandelion.

  • Nutrition

Herbs for arthritis are also used to supply cartilage and other joint tissues with minerals and vitamins. Calcium, an essential macroelement for the musculoskeletal system, is contained in large quantities in snakeweed, fireweed, and meadow clover. Real natural vitamin and mineral complexes for healthy bones and joints are dandelion, burdock, nettle, pine and birch buds.

  • Improving blood circulation, microcirculation and metabolism

For these purposes, hawthorn, rose hips, St. John's wort, strawberries, mint, plantain, dandelion, licorice, and birch sap will be useful.

  • Suppressing the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage

This effect was noted in dandelion, arnica, oats, meadowsweet, walnut, knotweed, and cinquefoil [2, p. 62].

  • Removing uric acid from the body. This property is especially useful for gouty arthritis. The above-mentioned plants containing salicin effectively combat the problem of salt deposits.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels

The processes of renewal of bone and cartilage tissue depend on the balance of hormones. Therefore, women during menopause develop arthritis five times more often than men. Phytoestrogens, plant analogues of female hormones, can compensate for the lack of their own estrogens. They are found in many herbs: licorice, sage, red clover, burdock, parsley, flax and sesame seeds, hop cones, etc.

Ointments and rubs

They are the main method of folk treatment. Making your own ointments allows you to make the most of the healing power of fresh plants.

Oregano ointment

To prepare you need:

  1. Pour 500 ml of olive oil over a handful of oregano flowers.
  2. Leave for 11 hours, strain and pour into a dark glass bottle.
  3. Apply the product to the affected joints every evening, gently wiping it off with massage movements.

You can use the resulting ointment hot, heating it in a water bath. The remaining herb can be used on the day of preparation for a compress.

Hop rub

  1. Add 100 grams of crushed hop cones and a few drops of juniper essential oil to Vaseline.
  2. Place thoroughly and leave for 7 hours.
  3. Rub the product onto sore areas using massage techniques.

The effect will not take long to appear.

Herbs for arthritis for external use

For any type of arthritis, the most important goals of therapy are to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. For this purpose, external phytotherapeutic products are made: ointments, balms, tinctures for rubbing, baths and trays, compresses and lotions. Those plants that can also be used internally, but in a different concentration, are often used. There are also external remedies that you should not drink because of the risk of poisoning. So, recipes!

1. Alcohol tincture of aconite

Aconite is very poisonous, so you should avoid getting it inside. Pour 20 grams of crushed tubers (roots) into 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. The infusion period is at least a week. Readiness is indicated by a dark color, like that of strongly brewed tea. Use for pain relief as a rub in courses of 2–4 weeks. Do not use large doses at once. At first, it is recommended to rub no more than a teaspoon into the skin, observing the body’s reaction.

2.Dandelion compress

Grind 5 freshly picked dandelion flowers to a pulp, pour boiling water over them and let it brew for 5-10 minutes, drain the water, squeeze out the plant mass and apply it to the sore joint, wrapping it in the same way as described in the previous recipe.

3.Compress of steamed birch leaves

Birch leaves that are scalded and soaked in boiling water for 5–10 minutes have an analgesic effect. Having cooled slightly, but still warm, they are fixed in the area of ​​the affected joint using cellophane, over which a thick fabric is tied. The compress is kept for 3 hours. The course of such procedures is 2 weeks.

4.Baths with horsetail

Prepare an infusion of horsetail from 100 grams of herb by pouring a liter of boiling water over it and keeping it in a covered container for at least an hour. Strain the infusion and add it to the finished bath. The optimal water temperature is 38ᵒ C, and the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. The treatment course involves taking baths every other day for 2–3 weeks.

5.Compress of lilac, laurel, willow bark

Grind willow bark and laurel leaf, taken in equal proportions. Mix them with the same proportion of lilac flowers. Place the resulting mass in a darkened glass bottle with the expectation that the container should still contain 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. Infuse the medicine in a dark place for 3 weeks. Place a cloth soaked in the tincture on the sore joint and cover it with cellophane on top. You should not extend the procedure for more than 3 hours.

6. Tincture of young spruce shoots in turpentine

Fill a dark glass bottle with spruce shoots (newly opened buds), add half a glass of turpentine and a teaspoon of ammonia. Leave for up to two months. Then use the resulting liquid to rub into the skin over sore joints.


They are one of the most effective traditional medicine methods for treating arthritis. Below are the most popular recipes.

Compresses will help relieve inflammation in arthritis

From burdock

  1. You need to pick a juicy healthy burdock, mash it a little in your hands so that it gives juice, and fix it on the sore joint.
  2. Wrap it on top with a soft, warm cloth and leave for 3 hours, then massage the affected area.
  3. This compress can cope with even moderate pain.

From wormwood

  1. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 2 wormwood flower inflorescences, leave and strain.
  2. Distribute the raw materials over gauze, wrap it around the sore spot and wrap it on top with a soft, warm cloth.
  3. After an hour, remove and massage the sore spot.

Can herbs be used for rheumatoid arthritis?

Among the many types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis occupies a special place. Herbal treatment of this type of joint pathology is complicated by the fact that it is autoimmune in nature. What does it mean?

Your own immunity, represented by lymphocytes, begins to attack your own cartilage cells and bone cells adjacent to the joint instead of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. In addition, rheumatoid arthritis is often combined with other autoimmune manifestations. Systemic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, nervous system, respiratory system, vision, skin, blood, and kidneys may occur.

Therefore, herbs for rheumatoid arthritis should be selected with special care in accordance with two important criteria:

  • plants should not stimulate the immune system, the activity of which is detrimental to healthy tissues of the body;
  • it is necessary to take into account the contraindications that plants have, so that dangerous side effects do not arise due to existing disturbances in the functioning of other organs and systems.

Decoctions and tinctures for oral administration

To achieve optimal effect, it is necessary to supplement the use of external remedies with medicinal herbs taken orally. It is important to remember the main rules for their use.

  • Decoctions and tinctures can only be prepared in glass and enamel containers. Metal objects, especially copper and aluminum, react chemically with the components of medicinal plants, and as a result, unwanted compounds are released.
  • Straining decoctions is allowed only when hot.
  • Ready-made decoctions can be used within a day, and tinctures - within a week.
  • The course of treatment is 15 days, after which you need to take a break for the same period and, if necessary, repeat taking the drug.

Decoction “Linden blossom”

The best raw materials for preparation are recently blossomed flowers, but in practice this is not always possible, so dried raw materials can also be used.

  1. You need to take 100 grams of dry linden flower.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain, leave for an hour and take a teaspoon three times a day.

Lingonberry decoction

  1. Pour a handful of lingonberry leaves into 500 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath.
  2. After 5 minutes, remove from heat, strain and put in a cool, dark place.
  3. Take two sips three times a day before meals.

Primrose decoction

  1. Pour 100 grams of spring primrose herb into 350 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 5 minutes, put on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain and place in a cool, dark place.
  4. Take 50 ml before meals.

Garlic tinctures

They have been used to treat arthritis for a long time: old healers used garlic as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, even in advanced cases.

  1. Wash 10 cloves of garlic, dry, grate and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add 100 grams of pure alcohol to it and mix.
  3. Place the container in a cool, dark place for 5 days to infuse.
  4. Use twice a day, adding 7 drops of tincture to warm water.

You can rub the sore areas with the same product, and then wrap them in a warm soft cloth.

Dandelion tincture

  1. Pour crushed dandelion raw materials (100 grams) into a half-liter jar with boiling water.
  2. Cover and leave for 25 minutes. After this, simmer the product over low heat for 5 minutes, strain and cool.
  3. Add 250 ml of pure alcohol to it and put it in a dark, cool place for infusion for a week.

Will herbal treatment for arthritis replace drug therapy?

When using herbs for arthritis, you must see a specialist and follow his recommendations. The use of plants should be discussed with your doctor, as some of them can interact chemically with medications, distorting or weakening their effects.

Why can’t you rely completely on herbal medicine, as, for example, for a sore throat? The fact is that arthritis is an extremely insidious disease that requires accurate diagnosis of its type and constant monitoring of the course of the disease. Some types, such as septic arthritis, can develop very rapidly, leading to irreversible destructive changes in the joints and disability. Infectious arthritis requires drug therapy, including suppression of the infection. In the absence of adequate treatment, it can become chronic.

In such a situation, it is impossible to completely abandon potent drugs. Herbal remedies can be used in the acute phase of the disease as auxiliary, and often also neutralizing the dangerous side effects of synthetic drugs.

However, in a situation of remission (weakening of the disease), in between courses of drug therapy, herbs for arthritis come to the fore. Fortunately, the arsenal of herbal medicine includes plants that have all the essential properties for fighting arthritis.


According to a similar recipe, a tincture is prepared from burdock, or more precisely, from its leaves - burdock. The effect of this remedy can be supplemented with the compress mentioned above.

Bay leaf

  1. Grind 5 large leaves and 5 peas of allspice and pour pure alcohol.
  2. Place the container in a cool, dark place for 10 days to infuse.
  3. Use twice a day, adding 3 drops of tincture to warm water.

Causes of arthritis

Many people mistakenly believe that this disease is age dependent and only affects older people. But every year the statistics are terrifying - more and more young people suffer from this disease. Most often this happens due to heavy load on the joints, poor nutrition, impaired metabolism, smoking and constant sedentary work. All this affects the wear of the articular surfaces. In addition to the above reasons, the following factors may influence the development of arthritis:

  • injuries, mechanical damage to joints;
  • infectious agents;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • joint pathologies;
  • septic conditions;
  • other diseases that cause complications on connective tissues.

Healthy food

Below is a list of foods that have a beneficial effect on arthritic joints. These include fruits, vegetables, and their juices.

Lingonberries, cloudberries and cranberries

The berries are rich in substances that can fight inflammation—it’s not for nothing that they are called swamp amber. You can eat them fresh, prepare fruit drinks, or add them to baked goods made from yeast dough, since they are able to retain a large amount of healing substances even after exposure to heat.

Berries are very beneficial for arthritis patients

Dandelion to restore cartilage tissue

Those who are planning or are already using herbs for arthritis should pay attention to dandelion officinalis. This is the only plant that stimulates the repair (restoration) of cartilage tissue.

The specific glycosides taraxacin and taraxacerin (10% in the roots and rhizomes), which are not found in any other herb, are responsible for the reparative effect. They activate the liver's production of so-called cartilage regeneration factors. As a result, the number of chondrocytes increases - cells that produce intercellular substance, which ensures the strength of cartilage.

In addition, dandelion contains a number of substances that have a beneficial effect on joint health:

  • inulin (40% in the roots and rhizomes) – normalizes the intestinal microflora, the state of which directly affects the stable functioning of the immune system, which is especially important for autoimmune arthritis; improves the absorption of minerals (Ca, Mg, Zn), vitamins and other nutrients necessary for cartilage renewal in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vitamin B3, or PP , is involved in the synthesis of growth hormone necessary for the birth of new cartilage cells;
  • amino sugars (20%) – activate the production of synovial fluid, serve as material for the construction of collagen, acting as plant analogues of glucosamine;
  • rubber – helps increase the elasticity of the articular matrix;
  • Arnidiol – has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • essential oils - also help relieve pain.

In addition, dandelion is traditionally used in herbal medicine as a powerful detoxifying, vitaminizing and metabolism-improving agent. All these properties are also of considerable value for arthritis.

As you can see, dandelion is simply an indispensable herb for arthritis. Its main disadvantage is the difficulty of collecting and preparing plant materials. After all, the roots and rhizomes of the plant have the greatest healing potential. Moreover, they should be dug up in the fall, when the active substances in them have a peak concentration.

Another most important condition for collecting dandelions is that they grow in an extremely environmentally friendly area: further outside the city, away from roads and fields pollinated by chemicals. The fact is that the ability of this plant to cleanse the human body also extends to the environment, from which it extracts heavy metals, pesticides and other harmful substances. Some problems may arise with drying the roots.

Fortunately, modern pharmaceuticals come to the rescue. you can buy an easy-to-use tablet preparation of dandelion root - Dandelion P. The raw materials for its production are carefully grown by the manufacturer without the use of hazardous chemicals in the environmentally friendly zone of central Russia. And cryoprocessing technology helps preserve the biologically active components of the plant in full.

Attention! If you are interested in the tableted herb for arthritis Dandelion P, then you can purchase this drug in pharmacies, specialized stores, departments of retail chains, and even easier - order it online.

Juice treatment

Using a juicer, you can get natural juices every day that even the most expensive industrially produced juices cannot compare with. It is important to use them throughout the day and not leave them for long-term storage.

Peach juice

Wash the fruits, squeeze out the juice and add a little cinnamon. Drink throughout the day.

Celery juice

Wash the roots of five plants well, pour boiling water over them and pass through a juicer. You can add a little salt to improve the taste. Take a few sips three times a day, you can take it with bread containing bran.

Symptoms of developing arthritis

Each of these types has its own distinctive characteristics. With reactive arthritis, in addition to pain, joint swelling occurs and their mobility is limited. Also a symptom of reactive arthritis in women is irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which can cause conjunctivitis and burning eyes. Treatment for reactive arthritis lasts on average from six months to a year.

Rheumatoid inflammation of tissue joints is characterized by symmetrical damage to the joints, the appearance of dense nodes at the bend. At first, the disease practically does not show itself: the patient feels slight discomfort only in the morning. If you do not pay proper attention to this type of arthritis, a person’s condition can worsen significantly. With exacerbations of rheumatoid arthritis, symptoms of fever, numbness of the limbs, and inflammation of the lymph nodes occur. Often the patient experiences pain when inhaling. Effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis occurs in the first months of the disease.

With an infectious form of arthritis, body temperature rises, body weakness and headaches occur, and periarticular tissues swell. This type of inflammation can only be determined after a complete examination.

Gouty arthritis is a little easier to identify because it usually appears in the first joint of the big toe. The disease can also develop on both the knee and elbow joints. The inflamed area becomes red and swollen. Treatment for gouty arthritis is much easier than for others.

Psoriatic arthritis destroys the small joints of the limbs and has asymmetrical lesions, which distinguishes this type of arthritis from rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms of psoriatic type are purplish-blue swelling of the joint joints.

Osteoarthritis is characterized by the slow destruction of cartilage joints and adjacent tissues. The disease affects both the limbs and the spine, and is accompanied by a crunching sound when bending or moving.

Traumatic arthritis has the same symptoms as osteoarthritis.

Delicious recipes

There are many delicious recipes for treating and preventing arthritis.

Fish aspic

  1. One spoon of gelatin must be poured with water and left to infuse for one hour.
  2. Boil sea fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids with pepper, onion and garlic.
  3. Cut it into thin pieces and place in aspic molds.
  4. Strain the broth, add gelatin, mix and pour into molds.

Garnish the aspic with lemon slices, sprigs of herbs and peas. Place it in the refrigerator to harden.

Herbs with cytostatic effects

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, drugs are used that suppress tissue proliferation (pathological growth by cell multiplication by division). This effect is typical for cytostatics, which are actively used in oncology to stop the enlargement of malignant and benign neoplasms. In the treatment of autoimmune diseases, which include rheumatoid arthritis, the ability of cytostatic herbs to inhibit leukopoiesis and reduce the number of activated autoaggressive T- and B-lymphocytes is used. Medicinal plants destroy the nuclei, causing cell death. Infusions prepared from the following herbs have a cytostatic effect:

  • celandine, barberry, thyroid cyclea, containing a high concentration of alkaloids;
  • white foot, gourd, included in the collections for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

These herbs are poisonous; in case of overdose, they reduce the functional activity of almost all vital systems. In addition to the cytostatic effect, they are characterized by various pharmacological properties. Some depress or stimulate the central nervous system, others paralyze sensory nerve endings, expanding or narrowing blood vessels, and others reduce the intensity of pain. Therefore, only the attending physician can calculate single and daily dosages of infusions or decoctions and determine the duration of the therapeutic course.

Medicinal mixtures and teas

Pharmacies sell various medicinal preparations for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. They contain herbs that have a diverse therapeutic effect - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, stimulating tissue regeneration. Herbal components increase each other's clinical effectiveness. You can collect and prepare medicinal herbs yourself, and then make a collection. But it is better to purchase a ready-made dosage form, which contains the ingredients in certain proportions suitable for the treatment of arthritis. Most often, collection No. 66 is used in the treatment of rheumatoid pathology and gout. It is formed from the following herbs:

  • corn silk, lingonberry leaf, bear's ears, which remove salts, toxins, waste from joints;
  • hop cones, steel grass roots, parsley seeds, which have an analgesic effect;
  • rose hips, eliminating the deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

The collection also contains other plants in small quantities that improve the condition of arthritic joints. To improve immunity, doctors recommend that patients drink Monastic tea daily with chamomile, sage, stinging nettle, wormwood, and yarrow. The medicinal collection has a tonic, restorative effect, and prevents the development of respiratory and intestinal infections.

The beneficial properties of infusions are often offset by their side effects. Their use is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of acute or chronic pathologies of the urinary organs. The fees are not prescribed for children or patients with hypersensitivity to herbal components.

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