How to choose and apply a patch on the knee: pepper, painkiller, Chinese

Joint patch is a popular remedy used to relieve discomfort and pain due to arthritis and arthrosis.

Since joint pathologies arise for many reasons and are accompanied by various pathophysiological changes in structures, there are many indications for the use of the patch. Delivering medicinal substances through the skin at a given speed, acting specifically on the area of ​​the affected joint, therapeutic patches do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, which cannot be said about medications.

Therapeutic effect

Often, pain caused by joint pathology is chronic. And when choosing an analgesic, it is necessary to take into account its safety for the body as a whole.

Unlike painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets, medicated adhesive plaster is practically harmless. It is important to note that it acts exclusively on the affected area and is easy to use.

Depending on the composition of the active components, joint pain patches have different effects. Some relieve inflammation and reduce the severity of pain, others help achieve stable, long-term remission. Their proper use can improve the condition of the hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow joints, eliminate swelling and morning stiffness. Their advantages:

  • They do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and organs of the genitourinary system.
  • They have a long-lasting therapeutic effect.
  • They have almost no contraindications.
  • Local adverse reactions develop extremely rarely.
  • The active components accumulate in the affected area in maximum therapeutic dosages.
  • When using a Chinese or other medicinal joint plaster, there is no need to limit mobility.

Before using an anesthetic patch to treat joints, you should read the instructions for use. Although the compositions of transdermal products differ, the rules for their use are similar.

  1. Do not use an adhesive plaster if its integrity is damaged.
  2. Do not use on areas with damaged skin.
  3. Apply after removing the protective film.
  4. The duration of the application is determined by the composition of the medicinal product and is determined by the doctor.

There are three stages of arthrosis of the knee joint:

  • Stage I gonarthrosis is characterized by fatigue of the limb, moderate limitation of movements in the joint, and a slight crunch is possible. Typically, pain occurs at the beginning of walking (“starting pain”) or after prolonged exercise. At rest and with light exertion there is no pain. At the first stage, the bones of the knee retain their original shape and are almost not deformed. An x-ray reveals some narrowing of the joint space.
  • At stage II of arthrosis of the knee joint, restrictions on movement appear. Pain at this stage accompanies almost any movement in the affected knee. But the knee hurts especially badly after a long walk or carrying even small weights. The pain decreases only after a long rest. There is a noticeable crunch in the knee joint during movement, joint deformation, muscle wasting, and lameness. X-ray reveals a narrowing of the joint space by 2-3 times compared to the norm, and osteophytes (marginal bone growth) appear. Synovitis (accumulation of pathological fluid in the joint) at this stage of gonarthrosis occurs much more often and is much more pronounced than at the beginning of the disease, in its first stage.
  • At the third stage of gonarthrosis, the pain in the knee intensifies even more. The mobility of the knee joint is reduced to a minimum. Pain in the third stage of arthrosis of the knee joint persists even at rest and does not go away after rest. There is a noticeable deformation of the bones of the knee joint. It is difficult for the patient to find a comfortable position in bed, to arrange the affected knee so that it does not hurt. If the destruction of a joint is combined with impaired blood circulation, then the joints begin to “twist” even in the middle of the night, usually when the weather changes—“towards rain.” Radiologically, the joint space is almost completely absent. The articular surface is deformed, and marginal growths are pronounced.

Indications for use

The main symptoms of inflammatory processes in the joints are swelling, pain, and disruption of normal mobility. In acute cases or exacerbations of the chronic form, clinical manifestations are eliminated with tablets and injections.

As soon as the pain intensity decreases, it is recommended to stop using toxic systemic medications. Therefore, as soon as the inflammatory process is stopped, somewhere on the 3-5th day, the patient is prescribed patches for the treatment of joints. For joint-destroying arthrosis, a Chinese or any other patch can be safely included in the treatment regimen.

Indications for use:

  • Gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis or any other type of osteoarthritis.
  • Neuralgia formed due to compression of nerve endings.
  • Rheumatoid, gouty or psoriatic arthritis.
  • Inflammation of skeletal muscles.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • The recovery period after dislocations, fractures, rupture of ligaments, tendons.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome.

In addition, the patch for joint and muscle pain is used after excessive exercise in the gym. Traumatologists prescribe transdermal agents during the rehabilitation period in order to gradually and painlessly return the functional activity of the joints.

  • Pepper patch for arthrosis

How to choose a pattern for gluing the patch

Schemes for gluing sports patches in medical institutions or for home treatment are selected individually. The best option before gluing the applique yourself is to contact a specialist. If this is not possible, watch training videos and instructions. For serious injuries, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary diagnosis to accurately determine the cause of the pain and exclude fractures or other injuries that require therapy or special treatment conditions. See below for an example of knee taping for pain.

If the tape is applied incorrectly, not only will there be no positive effect from the application, but the problem may worsen, which will lead to complications.


Transdermal products are contraindicated for pregnant, nursing mothers and children. In addition, medicinal plasters cannot be used if the skin in the affected area is injured: wounds, cuts, cracks, etc.

When purchasing a product without consulting a specialist, you must carefully study the attached instructions. It happens that allergens are found among the components of the medicinal composition, especially Chinese ones. To avoid an allergic reaction, you should do a test: cut off a small piece of adhesive tape and stick it to your wrist. If redness or swelling appears on the skin within an hour, it is better to stop using the product.

How to properly apply kinesio tape

The first thing to do is prepare the skin. Remove, as far as possible, all contaminants (residues of medicinal ointments and other products). The application area must be dry and clean. You can degrease the area where the patch is applied and remove hair to ensure a more reliable fixation of the tape. Next, determine the required size of the elastic band and cut the necessary part.

It is recommended to round off the sharp corners at the edges of the cut so that when moving or putting on clothes in this place, the tape does not come off due to accidental contact. Before gluing, simply pull out the paper backing provided to protect the adhesive layer and fix the edge of the tape to the skin. Then simply stick the sports patch to the knee joint area, avoiding the appearance of folds. At the beginning and at the end of gluing, the tape is glued without tension. For better fixation, the tape must be lightly rubbed along its entire length to strengthen the properties of the adhesive base.

List of plasters

Do not despair if any joint patch does not meet the contraindications. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the types of transdermal products, study their features and choose the best option. To ensure the success of treatment, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

The most popular remedies are:

Pepper patch

This is a fabric plate impregnated with a paste-like substance containing: belladonna extract, dimexide, capsicum extract. When used correctly, it relieves pain and stiffness.

After removing the protective film, the product is applied for 2-3 hours. By warming the affected area, it causes a rush of blood, distracting the patient from painful sensations. The blood vessels dilate, muscle spasms disappear, and metabolic and recovery processes accelerate at the site of inflammation. Dimexide accelerates the penetration of other components into the affected joints.

Manufacturer: Russian Federation. Price: 20-30 rubles.

Nanoplast Forte

Does not contain pharmacological, plant or animal components. Therapeutic, pain-relieving functions are performed by magnetic powder, largely consisting of rare earth metals and powder that produces infrared rays.

  • Orthopedic knee pads for arthrosis

After application to the affected area, the temperature rises (at the same time, blood does not rush to the skin), neuroreflex reactions are activated, small blood vessels dilate, and metabolic processes are improved. The blood supply to the joints is normalized, swelling resolves, and regeneration processes are accelerated.

Manufacturer: China. Price: 130-160 rubles.


Analgesic patch with lidocaine, contains 700 mg of active ingredient. Used once a day. Exposure time – 12 hours. The pain subsides instantly, but after removing the patch, it gradually returns.

It combines perfectly with other drugs, since it penetrates directly to the nerve endings and does not enter the bloodstream. Ideal for the symptomatic treatment of joint pathologies. Does not cause drowsiness. Contraindicated in persons who have an allergic reaction to lidocaine.

Manufacturer: Japan. Cost from 480 to 750 rubles.

Kinesio tape (Nasara 500x7.5 cm)

Anesthetizes, relieves swelling, accelerates recovery processes. It is a one-sided cotton elastic tape with a layer of acrylic glue. Kinesio tape is waterproof and does not need to be removed before visiting the pool or taking a bath.

The skin under the bandage breathes through special pores. Having fixed it on the foot, knee, arm or other part of the body, you can go about your usual activities, forgetting about the discomfort.

Manufacturer: South Korea. Price: from 790 rubles.

ZB Pain Relief Orthopedic Plaster

Chinese orthopedic plaster: improves blood circulation, relieves pain, swelling, improves metabolic processes. Used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, knee arthrosis, etc. This transdermal product does not cause allergic reactions, as it does not contain chemicals.

  • Artreid cream for joints

The patch is fixed on the affected area and is not removed for 48-72 hours. The next one is applied 8 hours after removing the previous one. A course of treatment usually requires 6 applications.

Manufacturer: China. Price: 79 rubles for 1 piece.

Voltaren with diclofenac

Gradually eliminates discomfort and swelling. Already 15 minutes after gluing, the active substance penetrates the site of inflammation, the pain subsides, and the mobility of the joint is restored. Used to treat any articular pathologies, both acute and in remission.

Manufacturer: Switzerland. The price starts from 330 rubles.

Ketotop with ketoprofen

The safest of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Used by rheumatologists and orthopedists to treat joint pathologies, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The active substance anesthetizes for 8-12 hours. The maximum concentration of ketoprofen is achieved an hour after applying the patch. Sold packaged in 6 or 20 pieces. For long-term therapy, it is more profitable to purchase a larger package.

Manufacturer: Korea. Price: 1600-2100 rubles.


Invisible gel patch. Fights pathologies of joints and spine. The product consists of bee and snake venom, deer antlers. Due to the chondroprotector included in its composition, it has an analgesic and restorative effect. While using the patch, pain is blocked, metabolic processes are restored, and cartilage tissue is renewed. The gel acts as long as it is on the skin.

Manufacturer: Russia. Price – 147 rubles.

Customer Reviews

Anton, 30 years old: I do martial arts. After another workout, my hand became swollen, and the slightest movement caused pain. There was no time to go to the hospital, so I went to the nearest pharmacy. The pharmacist advised me to put Voltaren with diclofenac. Within 20 minutes the pain in the joint subsided. I acted according to the instructions, and after a week I forgot about the illness.

Olga, 24 years old: While jogging, I overestimated my strength and the next morning the ankles of both legs hurt. Moreover, they were sick even at rest. I've heard a lot about Kinesio tapes and finally it's time to check the veracity of the reviews. I secured both legs with an elastic band, put on my trousers and went to work. Immersed in the work process, I didn’t notice when exactly the pain went away. Just in case, I didn’t take it off for another 3 days. Now I recommend Kinesio tapes to all athletes I know.

Indications for use

The patch will help relieve pain from injuries and diseases of the knee joint.
Doctors recommend using patches for:

  • bruises;
  • sprains of the knee joints;
  • dislocations;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • degenerative processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • arthritis or arthrosis;
  • myositis and muscle spasms;
  • salt deposits in joints;
  • gonarthrosis.

Do not try to diagnose yourself and choose a patch based on online reviews. This is not only useless, but also unsafe.

In what cases are tapes applied?

Taping of the knee joints is a technique that is successfully used for various sports injuries, ligament damage, and in the treatment of joint diseases. When running, while playing tennis, football, during strength training and any active activities that are associated with a high risk of injury, knee patches are used for preventive purposes. Professional athletes are recommended to use kinesio tapes to prevent muscle and ligament strains. Older people experience knee pain due to muscle strain, which occurs due to increased stress or excess weight.

Anesthetic patch

Anesthetic patch
Eliminates pain due to the effect of lidocaine. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and provides an anesthetic effect. This patch will relieve pain in the meniscus during stretching or overload, so it is indispensable for athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

Efficiency depends on the sensitivity of the receptors and the severity of the injury.

The patch should be applied to the sore knee and left for 12 hours. After removal, a 12-hour break will be required before repeating the procedure. The optimal course duration is 5 procedures.


The medicinal patch cannot be used for purulent inflammations.
It is prohibited to use knee stickers in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • purulent inflammation of the knee joint or nearby soft tissues;
  • individual sensitivity to medicinal components;
  • skin damage: scratches, wounds and irritations;
  • moles, warts and other growths in the affected area;
  • childhood.

The price of plasters for knee joints is about 2 thousand rubles. The package contains 10 patches in individual bags and detailed instructions.

A properly selected knee patch will complement the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, but you should not expect it to cure orthopedic diseases. In addition to local treatment, medications, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery are usually required.

Those who treat arthrosis know that auxiliary therapy is simply necessary to successfully combat the disease.

Traditional medicine always comes to the rescue. But what if taking herbs is not possible for you for a number of reasons? An excellent solution is pepper patches .

They do not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and do not create allergic reactions (with the exception of individual intolerance). In addition, they do not stain clothes and can be easily used at any time of the day. You can take a bath with adhesive strips.

They are easy to use, affordable and very effective in getting rid of arthrosis.

Let's look at the most common of them:

Anti-inflammatoryFor example, Voltaren patch , which contains the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac. Such adhesive tapes quickly relieve inflammation. Recommended for arthrosis.
Anesthetics. Painkillers Affects nerve endings directly at the site of use. Due to this, pain due to arthrosis is quickly relieved. Replace injections. Example - Versatis. Contains Ledocaine, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.
CoolingFor quick relief of swelling in case of injuries, dislocations and sprains. They relieve pain.
NanoplastySoybean stickers made using nanotechnology deliver microparticles of drugs directly to diseased cells. Nanoplast Forte
OrthopedicTapes or plasters for fixing the joint. Makes it easier to move. It is necessary to do taping correctly...

Pepper patches are the most popular. In addition to capsicum extract, their healing layer contains: belladonna extract, arnica tincture, petroleum jelly, pine rosin...

Its action is based on irritating skin receptors and increasing blood flow in the places where the plates are applied.

May cause severe redness, even burns.

The main causes of knee pain

  • Meniscus damage

This is one of the most common injuries. Each knee has two C-shaped pieces of cartilage that act as a shock absorber between the tibia and thigh. These are the menisci. A torn meniscus causes pain, swelling and stiffness. You may also experience difficulty moving your knee and pain when you fully extend your knee. Any activity that causes you to bend or rotate your knee too much, especially during times of increased stress, can cause meniscus damage.

  • Bruises

A bruise is the result of a direct blow that can occur during a fall, accident or sporting event. In complex cases, bruises lead to poor circulation and other disturbances in the damaged area, which provokes swelling. For minor injuries, ice, rest, and pain patches will help. In difficult cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Sprains

Four major ligaments in the knee connect the femur to the tibia. The anterior cruciate is the most commonly injured part. A sprain can occur during a sudden twisting movement when the feet are pointing to one side and the knees are turning to the other. Skiing, basketball and football are sports with a high risk of injury. The posterior cruciate ligament and others are most often damaged during an impact.

  • Ligament rupture

Ligaments are bands of tough, elastic connective tissue that surround a joint to provide support and limit movement. In cases where the ligaments are damaged, the knee joint may become unstable. The damage is most often caused by a domestic or sports injury. A torn ligament severely limits the movement of the knee, affecting quality of life.

Chinese and Korean healing plates

— Xinyi 003

Contains exclusively natural ingredients - beeswax, Momordica Cochin, extract of weeping willow, boswellia and myrrh.

— Magnetic “Miao Zhen”

Double action from a magnetic field and a healing layer of herbs. Rapid penetration to the source of inflammation. Contains buffalo horn, Chinese knotweed, duho, zhuxiang...

— Tiger

Contains more than 30 herbs, oils and medicinal components. Musk, wild aconite, angelica daurica, ginger root, clove flowers, myrrh...etc.

General recommendations for use

  • Stick the plates on clean, oil-free, dry skin without damage or allergic rashes.
  • Keep on the body for at least 18 hours, because substances from the treatment layer are released and act gradually, but not more than 48 hours, or according to the instructions.
  • Strips of pepper plaster can be cut and glued pointwise.
  • After use, lubricate the skin with oil or cream.
  • Do not stick on moles or warts.
  • If there is a very strong burning sensation or the onset of an allergic reaction, the plates must be peeled off.
  • This treatment is not recommended for children and pregnant women.


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