Pepper patch in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis: benefits and harms. Mechanism of action

When cervical osteochondrosis worsens, acute pain occurs, which intensifies when trying to turn or tilt the head. To eliminate it, pharmacological drugs are usually used in the form of tablets or topical agents. They quickly reduce the intensity of pain, but at the same time they can exhibit significant side effects. Therefore, vertebrologists recommend that patients use transdermal agents with a warming and distracting effect.

Using a pepper patch for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine helps to get rid of pain 30-40 minutes after application. Its active ingredients improve blood circulation, eliminate muscle spasms, and restore mobility to the vertebrae.


Ketonal Thermo® warming patch - effectively relaxes deep muscles, bringing relief from pain in the back and shoulders.
Disposable patch.

For external use only: Apply to skin or pure cotton underwear (if the perceived temperature would seem too high).

Duration of action - up to 10 hours.

After opening the package and removing the protective film from the patch, it quickly heats up to a temperature of 45 °C (±5 °C) within a few minutes.

How to use pepper patch for cough

When applying a warming patch to adults and children, you must follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. Local therapy is most effective in combating nonproductive cough due to ARVI. It leads to the liquefaction of mucus, as a result of which the cough becomes productive. With timely use of the pepper patch, recovery occurs 1.5-2 times faster.

What kind of cough does it help with?

Doctors recommend using adhesive warming strips for dry coughs. By accelerating blood circulation in the lungs, the activity of secretory cells that secrete surfactant increases - a mixture of surfactants that:

  • prevent the walls of the alveoli from sticking together;
  • thin bronchial mucus.

A sticker with pepper extract plays the role of a mucolytic, therefore it is used to eliminate cough against the background of:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease.

Pepper adhesive plaster is effective for productive (wet) cough. Its components increase the tone of the respiratory muscles.

When you cough, the mucus accumulated in the bronchi is removed, as a result of which breathing becomes easier and shortness of breath disappears.

Heat treatment is recommended for dry and wet cough. In the first case, the liquefaction of mucus is accelerated, and in the second - its removal.

Otolaryngologists advise using patches with a local irritant effect for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. When warming the upper chest and back, local immunity is strengthened. Therefore, the risk of inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi is reduced.


Before starting heat therapy, make sure there are no contraindications. Local therapy for cough and runny nose is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to capsaicin;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases of the ENT organs;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • uncontrolled hypertension;
  • purulent lesions of the lower respiratory tract;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • aspirin-induced bronchial asthma;
  • decreased blood clotting.

Cough patch for children is used only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
Due to the presence of irritating substances in the composition, the risk of allergies and burns increases several times. Therefore, pepper stickers are not used to combat cough in children under 12 years of age. If necessary, use adhesive plasters based on camphor, menthol and other additives - Nozzle, Ekstraplast.

Where to put pepper patch when coughing: diagram

Pepper adhesive plaster should only be applied to certain areas of the body. The choice of area to be heated depends on the cause of the cough, age and general condition of the patient.

Traditional places for gluing pepper strips:

  • Breast. For inflammation of the laryngopharynx, trachea, and bronchi, the patch is glued to the chest. If the cough is superficial, warm up the middle part between the large pectoral muscles.
  • Neck. If the cough is accompanied by a burning sensation in the throat, 2-3 stickers are applied to the back of the neck.
  • Back. For bronchitis, the intercostal area and the area between the shoulder blades are heated.
  • Limbs. To eliminate a dry cough, warm up the calf muscles and feet. The procedure is performed before bedtime.

During pregnancy, pepper patch should not be applied to the chest or abdomen. For severe coughs, only the feet and upper back are warmed up.

Children's skin is sensitive and therefore susceptible to allergic reactions and burns. To prevent complications, for children under 14 years of age, pepper adhesive plasters are applied only to the back and feet.

  • Pepper patch for arthrosis

How to apply the patch

How to use the warming patch:

  • degrease the skin with cologne or alcohol;
  • remove the protective film from the patch;
  • applied to the skin;
  • press with your hands and smooth out.

To prevent skin damage when removing the adhesive tape, you should:

  • treat the edge with oil or rich cream;
  • peel off the corner of the strip;
  • apply a little more oil under the sticker;
  • wait 1-2 minutes;
  • slowly remove the adhesive plaster;
  • remove traces of adhesive mass with lotion;
  • apply moisturizer.

For spastic coughs, it is recommended to warm up the middle and terminal phalanges of the middle fingers. These acupuncture points affect the functioning of the respiratory organs - lungs, nasopharynx.

How long to keep

Instructions for using pepper stickers contain information about the duration and regularity of the procedure:

  • Adults. If the adhesive plaster does not cause a burning sensation, keep it on until the pepper stops working. Therefore, you can safely leave it for 1-2 days. After removing the sticker, the skin is cleansed with lotion. Heat treatment takes from 8 to 12 days.
  • Children. If the child is under 14 years old, applications are done only at night. The course of therapy should not exceed 1 week.
  • Pregnant women. Do not use pepper stickers for 24 hours. To relieve cold symptoms, the feet and upper back are warmed up for 2-3 hours 1-2 times a day.

If red marks remain on the skin after the procedure, do not apply new patches to them for 2-3 days.

Precautionary measures

Ketonal Thermo® warming patch cannot be used:

- during sleep;

- persons who are unable to remove the patch on their own, people with limited mobility and elderly patients with memory impairment and sensory disorders. In these cases, the patch can only be used under supervision and in the presence of third parties, after consultation with a doctor;

- on damaged, irritated areas of the skin, on open wounds, or after injection or fresh injuries and fractures;

- while taking a shower;

- if the packaging is damaged (torn shell);

- if the patch has mechanical damage.

Before use, consult your doctor or pharmacist if:

- inflammation of the joints, diabetes, circulatory disorders;

— post-thrombotic vascular inflammation;

- pregnancy;

— osteoporosis;

- sensation disorders;

- skin diseases.

If excessive heat is felt at the site of application of the patch, remove it immediately to avoid irritation and swelling of the skin.

Do not apply the patch to the neck, axillary area, or groin area.

Women should not use the patch during menstruation.

Do not reheat a used patch (for example, in a microwave oven).

The patch contains iron powder. Avoid contact with eyes. If iron powder gets into your eyes or skin, rinse immediately with water and consult a doctor.

If the powder is swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

Do not attach to another patch.

If the pain does not decrease, you should consult your doctor.

Avoid exposure of the patch to sunlight.

The interval between applying the patch on the same area of ​​the body should be at least 24 hours.

When used in patients 55 years of age and older, Ketonal Thermo® warming patch is best applied over underwear or on a shirt made of natural cotton, rather than on the skin.

The patch is intended for adults.

Correct application of wound plaster

The use of medical plaster for wounds is possible both at home and in medical institutions and does not require specific knowledge - you just need to remove the protective film and press the tissue part to the wound. It is only important to choose the right type of patch for the wound so that the effect is maximum.

Blisters and calluses on the feet and toes are caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes. To reduce discomfort, relieve pain and prevent infection of the callus if it ruptures, you need to tape the damaged area. For these purposes, there are different products, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Against corns - protection from moisture and friction, prevention of skin roughening. The keratolytic substance included in the impregnation softens dead skin, and the remaining components disinfect, relieve pain, and stimulate healing.
  2. From wet calluses - protection from mechanical damage, pain reduction, prevention of infection. Hydrocolloid material stimulates the resorption of the blister, tissue regeneration, and the growth of healthy cells.
  3. For core and dry calluses - the rough layer is absorbed due to special impregnation, old calluses are softened and peeled off. The products adhere well to the skin.

A wound healing patch is used to treat trophic burns and diabetic skin lesions. Damaged skin must be protected from bacterial penetration. To do this, manufacturers impregnate the fabric portion of the product with special compounds. In contact with the wound, the product creates a gel layer and numbs the area. Skin cells receive an optimal environment for accelerated regeneration.

The length of time to wear a burn dressing differs from the recommendations for a regular antibacterial wound patch. After fixing, you need to leave the product on the wound until it heals, and there is no need to remove it while bathing in the shower and change it regularly. This treatment is indicated for 1st-2nd degree burns. More serious injuries require specialist intervention.

Correct use of a wound healing patch guarantees accelerated cell regeneration, destruction of harmful microorganisms, and elimination of edema. The impregnation contains mainly natural plant-based ingredients. The therapeutic effect has a prolonged effect.


Master Pharm Polska Sp. z o.o., 90-752, Poland, Lodz, st. Zeligovskyego, 3/5.

Manufactured by: Zhuhai Guojia New Macromolecule Material Co. Ltd., No. 697 West Airplane Road, Sanzao Technology Zone, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, China.

Owner of the registration certificate: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals d.d., st. Verovškova, 57, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Consumer complaints should be sent to Sandoz CJSC:

123317, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 8., building 1.

Tel.; Fax.

Glue points

The use of pepper plaster can be classical or non-traditional. The product was created as a long-term warming compress, but experts have suggested other uses. The duration of application of the pad and treatment are always the same. Another place to put pepper cough patch? It is used for the following places:

  1. Chest, back. You can use pepper patch with a strong cough, like mustard plasters. It must be placed on the chest and back according to the instructions, after which you can expect positive changes.
  2. Active points on the back. Dr. Popov advises fixing the patch only on active points of the back that are responsible for the cough reflex. They, in his opinion, are located on both sides of the spine at the site of the shoulder blades or below. For each person, the area where the patch is located must be selected individually, using the palpation method, with palpation in these areas when the disease occurs.
  3. Points on the feet. There are also points on the legs that are responsible for the respiratory system. To enhance the effectiveness of the patch, you should also stick it on your feet.
  4. Phalanges of the ring fingers. A patch that is applied to the middle phalanx of the fourth finger will help eliminate the cough. And for a runny nose, you need to place the remedy on the upper phalanx. There are biologically active points responsible for the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

If you want to cure a cold in a couple of days, a pepper patch will not work. The product is necessary for long-term use. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, it all depends on the severity and neglect of the disease. But the effect of therapy is worth it, since it will be possible to recover from chronic bronchitis and old diseases of the respiratory system.

Pharmacological action and group

Pepper plaster can be used to treat many diseases, but it is in the treatment of cough that its main properties become in demand, the manifestation of which is ensured by the substances included in its composition:

  • Warming;
  • Distracting;
  • Reflexogenic;
  • Muscle relaxant;
  • Locally irritating.

Pepper patch causes vasodilation, eliminates muscle spasm and pain. Thanks to this, blood circulation and tissue nutrition are significantly improved. The diseased area is saturated with leukocytes, and the body successfully fights inflammation.

Pharmacies usually offer two sizes of patches: 6 by 10 cm and 10 by 18 cm. However, if desired, you can adjust the size by simply cutting it off.

The main effect when applying the patch is warming and irritating, and is aimed at activating blood circulation in the affected area. Therefore, with a slight change in the composition, the main therapeutic effect remains unchanged - after all, the main component (hot pepper) is always present.

Instructions for use

The use of an adhesive patch should not cause any difficulties, and yet there are instructions that must be followed to achieve the best results in the treatment:

  • Pepper plaster for runny nose

Do not neglect the rules for using pepper plaster

  1. The skin on the back or chest must be prepared for gluing. To do this, it must be degreased; it is better to use medical alcohol or cologne.
  2. The protective film is removed from the patch. You can remove only the corner, apply the adhesive part of the patch to the skin, and stick it, gradually removing the entire protective surface.
  3. When applying the patch, it is important to avoid air tubercles; the sticker should tightly cover the part of the body.

The time to use the patch depends on the patient’s sensations. On average, adults are recommended to keep the patch on for 20 minutes to 2 days, and for pregnant women, the time is limited to 40-50 minutes. The period of use of the drug in a child is up to 30 minutes. While the sticker is on the body, water procedures are unacceptable - the medicinal mass will be washed off, and the effectiveness of the treatment will be reduced to zero.

Removing the patch from the body may be painful due to the adhesive backing. For better separation, you can follow the following scheme of actions:

To painlessly peel off the patch, you need to lubricate the skin around it with oil.

  1. Lubricate the skin around the place where the patch is glued with any oil.
  2. After a few seconds, carefully peel off the patch; the oil that has penetrated inside under the sticker will allow you to do this without difficulty.
  3. Remove any remaining medication from the skin using a cotton swab or napkin.
  4. Lubricate the skin with emollient or baby cream.

One-time use of pepper patch does not guarantee instant relief from cough. In addition, the patch cannot be the only treatment for colds, bronchitis or pneumonia. This remedy plays a supporting role in the overall treatment regimen. The average period of application of patches is 7-9 days.

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