Physical activity for arthritis: 8 useful tips


gastroenterologist Anton Smirnov

2 minutes


The belief that regular running can damage your knee joints is very common. Runners do sometimes develop arthritis and their joints may hurt. This in itself can make people wary of running. In addition, many have heard that damaged cartilage is poorly restored. Let's figure out what science says about this. Is running an enemy of knee joints or their protector?

Physical activity for arthritis: 8 useful tips

Physical Activity for Arthritis: 8 Helpful Tips
Pain makes people suffering from arthritis avoid physical activity, which is actually the best way to relieve it.

arthritis, physical activity, physical therapy

For 7% of Russians suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain causes them to refuse even light physical activity. However, numerous studies confirm that nothing relieves arthritis pain like exercise. What kind of physical activity is suitable for people with arthritis? What ways will make training more gentle?


news 11/14/2016

15 types of exercise for arthritis

Video games

Buy some console, but leave the sofa alone. Scientists suggest that some sports video games can help you burn as many calories as brisk walking. According to a study sponsored by Nintendo, playing tennis, baseball and boxing on their latest console is considered moderate to intense activity. Try playing something that requires balance or do yoga exercises to improve joint flexibility and range of motion.

Get a dog and walk with it

An active dog is a great reason to forget about the sofa. She will be good company and a reason for daily walks. Such walks allow you to maintain joint mobility, strengthen muscles and maintain stable mobility under moderate loads. Scientists also believe that pet owners do not have problems with high blood pressure and cholesterol compared to those who do not have pets.

Wash your car

Washing a car means moving physically and getting a clean car at the same time. But don't just stand there and hose down your windshield. You need some kind of stress on the heart muscle, for example, you can soap a sponge and wash the entire car from bumper to bumper. In an hour of such work you will burn more than 300 calories.

Play with children

If you have children and grandchildren, your own or a neighbor's, spend time with them as actively as you can. A game of hide and seek or a walk in the park is a great low-intensity workout. If you have arthritis in your hands, then puzzles, board games and crafts will not only be a way to spend time with your children, but also exercise your fingers. For greater effect, hold such meetings several times a week.

Carry your purchases with your hands

To make your shopping trip healthier, carry your shopping bags to your car yourself. The extra weight increases the walking intensity and strengthens the body. To avoid injuring your wrists, carry bags in a hug. Climbing stairs with them will be a super workout. Scientists believe that people who carry bags and walk up and down stairs are less likely to have a stroke.

Clean up your home

Don't be afraid of cleaning, it's a great way to avoid going to the gym. Washing floors corresponds to moderate stress because your heart rate and breathing increase. Other good exercises include cleaning windows, hanging laundry, and scrubbing the bathtub. Vary your hands and movements to protect your joints. Don't overexert yourself and do everything on bent knees so as not to put stress on your back. It's better to use knee pads.

Dance while doing homework

Some household chores, such as unloading the dishwasher, do not in themselves affect your heart function. But you can change the situation by simply turning on some music! Dance while you dust, vacuum, cook, or arrange dishes. Listen to music that you like, then household chores will be enjoyable.

Take care of the garden

Gardening is a wonderfully balanced workout. Working with a rake or shovel strengthens muscles, develops flexibility and increases heart rate. An hour of weeding or digging is a great stamina booster. Use tools with tall handles or make raised beds to avoid slouching. As a bonus for your efforts, you can admire the flowers and fruits you grew.

Find active friends

Instead of meeting for lunch, invite friends to go shopping or go to the park. While you can still skip a solo workout, you won’t be able to refuse a meeting with a friend. Physical activity allows you to lose weight and maintain normal weight. If you are overweight, losing weight will reduce arthritis pain, especially in your knees.

Become a volunteer

Helping yourself and others through volunteering is good for both the body and the mind. Walk dogs at your local shelter, plant trees, form a sports team, or build houses. Research shows that older people who volunteer feel better.

Walk or ride a bike

You may be used to driving a car even for short distances. Think about your favorite places—shops, restaurants, libraries, parks. Are they close enough to walk or bike? If yes, then you have the opportunity to save on gasoline. In addition to everything, cycling is good for your joints and provides excellent exercise.

Take the stairs

Think before you take the elevator. Climbing stairs adds an element of exercise to your daily routine and does not require much time. However, if you have osteoarthritis of the knee joint - a disease that affects every second person over 85 - then consult your doctor, perhaps he will suggest an alternative to such stress.

Park away from the entrance

Walking is the best activity for arthritis, so try to walk as much as possible every day. If you drive to work, shopping, or other errands, make it a habit to park as far away from the entrance as possible. In this case, there will be a reason to walk. If this is too easy for you, park a couple of blocks from your destination. Use a pedometer to see how far you've walked.

Sign up for classes

Do you like studying in groups? Sign up somewhere. This will give you time and space for regular training, plus a group of like-minded people. Remember, group exercise is not only about aerobics. Have you always dreamed of taking up karate or dancing salsa? Find relevant courses. Or just join those who go for a walk or swim, both of which are very good for your joints.

Increase your study time

You won't be able to do everything at once, that's okay. It is quite natural to do sets of 10 minutes. If you are a beginner, then set yourself a goal: to exercise three times a week for 15-20 minutes. Then increase the time to half an hour daily. The main goal is to perform exercises that involve large muscle groups, increase breathing and heart rate. Don't know what to choose? Consult your doctor.

The main priority is pain control.

The key to successful exercise for people with arthritis is pain control. Before starting training, be sure to visit a doctor who will determine the type of arthritis and prescribe the necessary anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures. Once the symptoms are relieved, the person can do any exercise that does not worsen the disease. The attending physician can also recommend exactly those exercises that will be useful and warn about the dangers of certain types of exercise.

Gymnastics for arthritis[edit | edit code]

Optimal types of load[edit | edit code]

  • water activities
  • stretch marks
  • tai chi
  • power training
  • walking
  • a ride on the bicycle
  • climbing stairs
  • elliptical training
  • soft yoga styles
  • qigong

The general term " arthritis"

" refers to more than 100 rheumatic diseases that cause pain and swelling of the joints and limit their mobility. The incidence of arthritis increases with age, but almost three out of five patients are under 65 years of age. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


is a degenerative disease caused by wear and tear of joints, usually in the knees, hips, hands and spine. This is the most common cause of disability. Currently, there are no medications that can slow its progression, and treatment is limited to symptomatic relief and eventually joint replacement surgery.

Rheumatoid arthritis

is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the cells lining the joint. This causes swelling and can lead to deformity. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease are such that even simple actions—buttoning a shirt, going for a walk—cause difficulties. There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

Don't forget about proper nutrition.

There is no magic diet that will relieve pain, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat healthy. You need to properly combine diet and exercise: for example, with a lot of strength exercises, the body needs protein for muscle growth (egg whites, almonds, chicken, salmon). With a strong cardio load, you need to provide the body with enough carbohydrates (fruits, whole grain bread, brown rice).

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences Author: Olga Gorodetskaya
The material uses photographs belonging to

Exercises for arthritis patients[edit | edit code]

SHOULDERS[edit | edit code]

Raising your arms forward

Raise one or both arms forward (don't raise them above the water level yet), then up as far as possible. If one hand is too weak, help it with the other.

Raising your arms to the sides

Slowly raise both arms to the sides, palms down; hands remain in the water. Put your hands down.

Circular movements with hands

Raise both arms forward so that they are a few centimeters above the surface of the water. Straighten your elbows. Perform circular movements with your hands at first with a small amplitude, then gradually increasing it. Hands remain under water all the time. Reduce the amplitude again. Alternate the direction of movement in and out.

ELBOW[edit | edit code]

Bend your elbows:

Bend your arms and touch your thumbs to your shoulders. Relax your elbows and lower your arms.

Bend your elbows with your palms facing forward:

Extend your arms in front of you, palms facing forward, fingers up. Bend your elbows until your fingertips touch your shoulders. Relax and straighten your arms.

The following exercises can be done at home, or while sitting in a spa, or sitting or standing in a pool. In this case, make sure that the part of the body that is currently bearing the load is under water.

WRISTS AND FINGERS[edit | edit code]

Palm twists:

Extend your arms in front of you, palms up. Turn your palms down.

Wrist flexion:

Extend your arms in front of you, lift your hands up with your fingers and lower your fingers down.

HANDS AND FINGERS[edit | edit code]


Touch the tip of your thumb to each of the other fingers of the same hand in turn to make a ring. Repeat with the other hand. Can be performed with both hands at the same time.

Finger flexion:

Bend your fingers to form a loose fist, then straighten them.

Thumb rotation:

Move your thumbs in wide circles forward, then back.

ANKLE AND TOES[edit | edit code]

Ankle flexion:

Sit down, lean your back against the back of a chair, and slowly straighten one leg. Stretch your foot away from you so that your toes are pointing forward, then pull it towards you so that your toes are pointing up. Repeat with the other leg.

Finger flexion:

Tuck your right toes under your foot, then straighten them. Repeat with your left leg.

Circular movements of the foot:

Sit down, lean your back against the back of a chair, and slowly straighten one leg. Move your feet in large circles inward, then outward. Repeat with the other leg.

HIPS AND KNEES[edit | edit code]

Knee straightening:

While sitting with your back resting on the back of a chair, slowly lift one leg, straightening your knee. Hold for 3 seconds.

Knee Raise:

Standing with your left side to the wall or side of the pool, use your left hand to help you maintain your balance. Bend your right knee and lift your leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor or surface of the water. Straighten your knee, then bend it again. Lower your leg. Repeat with the other leg.

Leg abduction in a sitting position:

Sitting on the edge of a chair, straighten one knee, slowly move your leg to the side, hold for 3 seconds and return to the center. Repeat with the other leg.

Pulling the knee to the chest:

Stand up straight. Lift one knee and use your hands to pull it toward your chest, holding it under your hip or behind your knee to help with the stretch.


Standing with your left side to the wall or side of the pool, hold on with your left hand. Raise your right leg to a comfortable height, keeping both knees straight. If possible, hold the position for 5 seconds, then slowly move your leg back. The hip works, the torso and neck remain relaxed, the back is straight. Repeat with the other leg.

Calf muscle stretch:

Standing with your left side to the wall or side of the pool, use your left hand to help you maintain your balance. Straighten up, place your feet at some distance from each other, your left foot in front. With your back straight, lean forward and slowly bend your left knee. The right leg is straight, the foot does not come off the floor. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your right foot in front.

Leg abduction in a standing position:

Standing with your left side to the wall or side of the pool, hold on with your left hand, this will help you maintain balance, do not strain your knees. Take your right leg to the side and return to the middle. Repeat with the other leg.

TORSOM[edit | edit code]

Side tilts:

Place your hands on your waist and slowly lean to the right, keeping your legs motionless. Return to the starting position and lean to the left. Do not unfold the body.

Tilts to the side

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis of the joints will help reduce symptoms of the disease

  • Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Nutritional Features
  • Diet during exacerbation

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More on the topic: Book by Evdokimenko arthritis

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

The onset of the disease is usually called rheumatism of the joints. At this stage the symptoms are approximately the following:

Nutritional Features

The patient is strictly prohibited from consuming the following products:

  • Cereals: corn and wheat cereals, rye, oatmeal. Porridges made from these cereals lead to exacerbation of joint inflammation.
  • Pork. Fatty meat only creates additional stress on the digestive system and increases cholesterol in the blood.
  • Internal organ meat.
  • Citrus fruit. They can cause increased allergic reactions in the body.
  • Whole and especially fresh milk.

It is very important to limit yourself to the following products:

  • alcohol;
  • red meat;
  • fried, smoked and salted.

Diet during exacerbation

Protein diet

During the day you can eat no more than 100 grams of bread.

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