Five useful exercises to strengthen your ankles

Who is Bubnovsky

Candidate of Medical Sciences Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich , professor, author of books telling about alternative principles of healing the body. Bubnovsky has developed a fundamentally new physical education and health system that helps restore the musculoskeletal system without surgery or medications. In addition to performing exercises, the technique provides for a therapeutic consultation.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s methods are suitable for people of all ages

The technique involves classes with people of any age, from children to elderly patients . Bubnovsky himself once suffered a back injury and, with the help of gymnastics, completely recovered when doctors predicted immobility for him. So he developed a system of classes for other people.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics: methods and principles of their action

Bubnovsky’s therapeutic gymnastics includes several important points that cover a set of gymnastic exercises:

  • correct breathing . An important condition for the correct implementation of Bubnovsky’s exercises is deep breathing, in which all cells are sufficiently saturated with oxygen;
  • proper nutrition and water balance . For the technique to be effective, a person must consume at least a liter of water per day, exclude foods rich in salts, carbohydrates, and fats;
  • water procedures . They are a mandatory stage of therapeutic exercises. Provide a cool shower or wiping with a cold towel.

All Bubnovsky’s treatment methods are based on the principles of kinesitherapy - the science of movement, which includes massage, cold rubdowns or douches.

In addition, there are two types of gymnastics:

  1. adaptive (for beginners) . Involves adaptation of the body to physical activity, promotes kneading of muscles, and helps eliminate pain syndromes;
  2. articular _ It is the next stage when the muscles and body are able to tolerate more intense loads and complex exercises. At this stage, it is expected to increase the mobility of joints, including vertebral ones.

Muscle development in Bubnovsky style should occur in the order of warming up from bottom to top:

  • the first stage is the development of the muscles of the feet, both legs, and pelvic area;
  • second - warming up the abdomen, chest, back;
  • the third - shoulder joints, neck, head.

The principle of such a warm-up is to force the blood to move from the legs to the head with the same activity as in the opposite direction.

Important! For each person, a special set of exercises is developed, which takes into account the characteristics of his life, type of employment, nature of pain and existing diseases.

A general set of exercises in difficult situations may not be effective enough, so personal consultation with a doctor is of great importance.

The effectiveness of exercises also depends on important factors : regularity and execution at a moderate pace. As the body adapts to exercise, the load should be gradually increased.

Video: “Bubnovsky’s technique for spinal hernia”

Episode 5: Joint diseases

  1. Arthritis and arthrosis
  2. Why might you need a joint replacement?
  3. Chondroprotectors and joint restoration?
  4. Will exercise help restore the joint?
  5. Why should you postpone joint replacement surgery?
  6. The problem of diagnosing joints
  7. Self-diagnosis of the knee and hip joints
  8. Joint fluid (Baker's cyst, etc.)
  9. Hip and Knee Replacement: Bottom Line
  10. Shoulder, elbow and wrist joint replacement
  11. Endoprosthetics and pregnancy
  12. Knee joint - structure
  13. Ligament/meniscus plastic surgery of the knee joint
  14. How to walk with arthrosis? Part 1 - Theoretical
  15. How to walk with arthrosis? Part 2 - Practical
  16. Femoral neck fracture, MOS <:::> (Short video version)
  17. Hip dysplasia
  18. Osgood-Schlatter disease
  19. Perthes disease
  20. Shoulder Joint - Part 1 - General
  21. Shoulder joint - Part 2 - Treatment tactics for a number of shoulder diseases
  22. Shoulder joint - Part 3 - How to and how not to treat a shoulder
  23. Foot - Part 1 - The most important thing in treatment
  24. Foot - Part 2 - Gout
  25. Foot - Part 3 - Foot Deformities

Additionally: Supplement No. 1 to lectures on joints: Is changing a joint a hopelessness? Supplement No. 2 to lectures on joints: Cure? Arthrosis?

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for hernia

The Bubnovsky system of exercises for spinal hernia helps to reduce hernial formation, reduces pain, and improves general condition.

The essence of the exercise technique for hernia is as follows::

  • complete relaxation of muscle fibers . This relieves inflammation, swelling, pinched nerve endings leading to pain;
  • working out all (including deep) muscles . Blood circulation and metabolism in pathological areas improves;
  • stretching muscles and spine . Increases muscle elasticity, straightens the spinal axis, and returns the vertebrae to an anatomically determined location;
  • strengthening the muscular framework of the entire spinal column . It is achieved through exercises not only to strengthen the muscles of the abs, pelvis, back, but also through the use of legs and arms.

The Bubnovsky system of exercises involves working the deep back muscles

Important! The main condition of therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is the complete absence of medications. This determines the effectiveness of the exercises, and a decrease in pain usually appears after several sessions.

Indications for use

Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises are aimed at improving the motor ability of joints and are indicated in the following cases:

  • for any pathologies of knee joint mobility;
  • with impaired mobility of the spinal column;
  • at the initial stages of arthrosis development;
  • in the presence of destructive processes in the vertebrae at the initial stage of their formation.

In addition, exercises are effectively used at the recovery stage after diseases associated with inflammation, as well as after injuries and damage during the rehabilitation stage.

At what stage can Bubnovsky gymnastics be performed?

Did you know that...

Next fact

Bubnovsky gymnastics can begin to be performed at the first stage of development of the pathological process . Even with minor pain, it is necessary to perform exercises so that the disease does not develop further.

You can perform gymnastics already at the first stage of intervertebral hernia

If there is an inflammatory process, you should first relieve the inflammation, and then you can begin to perform gymnastic exercises.

Read the following related material:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of neck gymnastics using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method
  • What contraindications and restrictions exist for vertebral hernia, you will find out here
  • What physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat spinal hernia can be found on the page


The history of the emergence of modern kinesitherapy in the treatment of pain syndromes in the musculoskeletal system without the accompaniment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (the author of the method is Prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences Bubnovsky S.M.)

From a wish for B.S.M.:
“Dear Sergei Mikhailovich! In the book “Active Longevity”, it is highly desirable to make an editorial proofreading of the text of the annotation (for future books): Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, author of a fundamentally new, outstanding scientific discovery in medicine – the law of kinesitherapy – the science of treating muscle movement in the human body , in which the patient himself actively participates in his recovery, thanks to internal reserves and understanding of his body. The author has also developed methods and techniques within the framework of this law, which have received recognition in wide circles of the medical community and patients of the Centers of Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky in Russia and abroad. Further in the text

With deep respect, experienced patient, Doctor of Science, Professor I.Ya. Kondyrev, 78 years old.”

Currently, 80% of the population is faced with lumbar pain syndrome, 70-80% of sick leave accounts for patients with spinal osteochondrosis (OP), and disability occurs with lumbar osteochondrosis after 7.1 years from the onset of the disease.

The degree of disability with the so-called lumbosacral radiculitis is quite high - 74.8%. The average length of stay on sick leave is from 10 to 15 days.

Comparative results of static studies over the past 10 years allow us to state that the course of the disease is worsening and the number of complicated forms of AP is increasing.

According to the 8th World Congress on Pain 1996, the search for the most effective and cost-effective treatments for patients with back pain, most of whom are of working age, is currently underway. The development of programs for the fastest possible rehabilitation and prevention of chronic disability is currently most relevant also because existing methods of treating spinal diseases, including discogenic lumbar syndromes, are ineffective and sometimes unsafe for the health of patients.

Existing methods of treating spinal osteochondrosis (surgical, medicinal, physiotherapy, acupuncture, carapasimotherapy and some others), despite all their differences, agree on two parameters:

  1. 1. Focus on eliminating the consequences of the disease, i.e. pain, and not the cause of this pain,
  2. 2. Passive state of the patient during these procedures. Both preclude the achievement of a stable therapeutic effect in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and make the known methods untenable in the treatment of these diseases. Therefore, it will be explained later, but for now I ask you to take the following statement as an axiom:

“The cause of spinal osteochondrosis is the condition of its short deep muscles.”

This idea will be repeated many times, developed and clarified. The topic of today’s conversation is the reason for the emergence of such a direction as kinesitherapy in medical practice.

The term “kinesitherapy” (from the Greek “kinesis” - movement, “therapy” - treatment) appears in the medical literature and acquired the right of citizenship much later than the very fact of using movement as a treatment. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans used exercises for healing. Some practitioners of that time used rehabilitation means such as hydrogymnastics and exercises with weights. However, with the end of the Olympic Games in 394 AD. physical exercise, but at least in Europe, was relegated to the background. In the Middle Ages there were practically no organized physical education classes. The period of neglect lasted until the 1700s, when the connection between exercise and the musculoskeletal system began to attract the attention of progressive thought again. In 1723, Nicolas Andry, the originator of the concept of “orthopedics,” gave a lecture at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris entitled: “Is exercise the best way to maintain health?” He said: “Rest has its benefits. It restores the lost spirit and refreshes the exhausted body. But refusing to exercise is the greatest mistake. Let us not forget that too much rest is more dangerous than too much exercise.” More and more professional doctors began to understand that muscles are the natural support of the spine and for the back to be healthy, its muscles must remain elastic. In France, Jacques Delpech, a professor of surgery (1777-1832), became interested in the problem of correcting scoliosis. He founded a school for girls suffering from scoliosis and developed a system of exercises using a special apparatus on which the patient was suspended in order to reduce pressure on the spine. He believed that by exercising muscles in a suspended state, they could be taught to work normally again.

Many other doctors, including Tissot, began to advocate exercise as a means of rehabilitation. In 1853, Bonnet, in his work on the treatment of arthritis, wrote: “complete rest for the affected joints should be temporary. We should give patients functional exercises, somewhere between immobilization and full exercise. This middle lies in passive movement without weight.”

The Swedish doctor Gustav Sander, the founder of the so-called mechanotherapy, admitted: “the inadequacy of my strength gave me the idea of ​​​​compensating for this weakness with the help of mechanisms.” He decided to create a system of machines using wheels, weights and levers that would assist the doctor and provide resistance to the patient. In 1864, he demonstrated his invention to a meeting of Swedish doctors of medicine, and in 1865 he opened the Medico-Mechanical Institute. At first, the machines were driven by the patients themselves, then, with the development of technology, by a steam engine and an electric motor. By using known-sized weights and graduated levers, Zander was able to achieve more precise variable resistance during exercise. He set the maximum weight at the point of failure.

“By doing the exercises day after day, we observe that every day the point of failure moves away, since the functional capacity of the organ being developed increases every day.”

Sander machines were widely used in seven countries, and the exercise system was developed and used in hospitals during the First World War. Although such exercises were beneficial, it was impossible to fully control the rehabilitation process by adjusting the load on the affected tissues.

Many years later, a discovery was made: as it turned out, during specific motor activity, a unique connection between muscles occurs. Research (Tom Thorstenson, Norway, 1976) has shown that body tissues are sensitive to how a load is applied, not just how much it is. The Z-lift system (body support system) was invented, which allows a person to perform exercises or conduct other physiological activities while maintaining the natural position of the body. The system is used in athletics and aerobics. It allows the doctor to more accurately regulate the force applied to the affected organ. The goal is accelerated rehabilitation of patients (usually athletes) after injuries.

Currently, standard therapeutic and rehabilitation methods include movements with partial weights; a wide variety of therapeutic exercises or exercise therapy have been and are being used. However, the principles of construction of the mentioned methods, unfortunately, do not allow their use as full-fledged therapeutic agents.

The origins of the science of therapeutic movement can be found in all known philosophical systems of ancient and modern times, in all progressive movements of medicine. From these positions, kinesitherapy is a link connecting philosophical directions, from which the theory of physical education was later formed, which is an integral part of the concept of physical culture. As you know, the Greek physician Hippocrates was the creator of the medical school of the island of Kos, calling gymnastics and dietetics as the main directions of medical science.

The ancient Chinese philosophical system of Confucius (circa 2700 BC) demonstrated the role of certain body positions in achieving preventive and therapeutic goals. Ancient Indian yoga contains similar elements, the main goal of which is to acquire higher psychophysical abilities. The means to achieve this goal, in addition to observing moral and ethical principles, is the use of a unique gymnastic technique (Hat-ha Yoga) and breathing exercises (Pranayama). In addition, in yoga an important place is given to nutrition and psychoenergetic exercises.

Having paid closer attention to the problems of psychophysical health, one cannot but agree that there are no more advanced rules for behavior with one’s own body than those created by the Eastern school (Qi-Gong, Tai-ji-Tsuan). Lao Tzu expressed a general opinion about the attitude of the East to human health. “The external is inseparable from the internal. An unprepared body cannot become the abode of supreme wisdom and spiritual perfection. Likewise, a noble spirit is not viable in a weak and sick body, no matter how much a person strives for the Mountain Heights.” This is a philosophical school, a way of life, a system of education from childhood. It is possible to adapt it to our realities and use it for treatment only in the elements. What should an adult do who has never played sports and, moreover, has a whole bunch of concomitant diseases?

Yoga and Qi Gong help a healthy person in self-improvement. Only kinesitherapy can treat a sick, detrained body of a person who also has a number of concomitant diseases and bad habits.

The patient cannot know which exercises or influences are optimal from the point of view of returning to health. He often succumbs to stressful influences and willingly avoids influences that cause temporary pain or other unpleasant sensations. By following the lead of such a patient, “sorrying” him, we only create the appearance of sympathy. At the cost of the patient’s momentary peace, we delay the achievement of the main goal.

Each kinesitherapy intervention must be planned in advance and organized in an exemplary manner. To work in this way, you must have the necessary knowledge and appropriate morals.

In the 90s of the 20th century, the Moscow doctor S.M. Bubnovsky became a successor to the ideas of Hippocrates and G. Zander, who essentially revived the term “kinesitherapy”, successfully replacing the term generally accepted in Russia - exercise therapy.

He created the first modern therapeutic simulator in Russia - MTB (Bubnovsky multifunctional simulator), which continues to be modified, operating in decompression and anti-gravity mode, allowing therapeutic movements to be performed by both children over 6 years old and elderly people who also have many concomitant diseases without the danger of complications and injuries (patent No. and patent No.).

But as Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky says, movement itself does not heal. Correct movement cures. For an adequate selection of exercises, Sergei Mikhailovich developed a myofascial diagnosis, which the patient undergoes before performing the treatment program itself and showing the admissibility of certain movements, selected strictly individually (patent No.). The complex of therapeutic movements he developed is accompanied by training in movement techniques, identification of loads and controlled diaphragmatic breathing techniques. Correction of loads is carried out using a myofasciograph (patent no.), which is similar in function to an ECG, but only removes potentials from the deep muscles of the spine and limbs before and after the treatment session.

The modern kinesitherapy program is accompanied by balneological and cryo-procedures (sauna therapy according to the rules of the Russian bath, hydrotherapy, cold treatment, etc.) and consists of three main parts:

  1. 1. exercises on strength training machines
  2. 2. stretching program
  3. 3. aerobic program

Kinesitherapy has several auxiliary techniques: “kinesilite” for beginners and weakened patients, “aero-MTB” (corrective aerobic training program), ground gymnastics, as well as gymnastics “50” and “60” (according to the author’s books).

The Bubnovsky method is protected by many patents in medical practice. These works highlight the scientific novelty and practical value of modern kinesitherapy. For the first time in Russia, the term “kinesitherapy” was heard officially in the candidate’s dissertation of S.M. Bubnovsky: “The role of kinesitherapy in the rehabilitation of adolescents and adults with neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis and other dorsopathies,” and then in the doctoral dissertation “Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in schoolchildren” means of kinesitherapy":

  • the need for the use of power stretching and aerobic loads necessary for the correction of spinal musculoskeletal syndrome in children and adults associated with insufficiency of the muscular-venous pump and imbalance of the ankle joint of the body has been substantiated
  • the structure of diseases of the dispensary group in children with postural disorders is described and additional criteria for assessing flat feet in children are identified, and a new method of treating it is developed
  • basic standards for myofascial diagnosis have been developed by palpation examination of the entire body
  • a specific set of functional tests for monitoring the effectiveness of therapy, reflecting the dynamics of motor activity, is described
  • regulated standards of strength, stretching (stretching) and aerobic loads performed on special narrow-local simulators and multifunctional simulators that allow you to perform loads (individually by localization and dosage) to normalize the multifunctional state of muscle and fascial structures and correct musculoskeletal deformities
  • the term “ground gymnastics” was introduced, which is necessary to normalize the growth of myofascial structures and prevent the asymmetry of their development
  • the structure and content of therapeutic and preventive classes based on kinesitherapy at school, kinesitherapy centers, and medical institutions for primary and secondary prevention of peritonitis in schoolchildren have been developed

It has been established that the main pathogenetic factors of musculoskeletal system disorders are:

a) morphofunctional insufficiency of the muscular system, caused by a deficiency of muscle tissue and, accordingly, insufficiency of its corset, hemodynamic and metabolic functions

b) insufficiency of myofascial and articular connective tissue structures, manifested in the asymmetry of their development and in growth from the corresponding bone structures, starting from childhood

c) functional insufficiency of the aerobic system, manifested by insufficient trophism of the growing organism

A comprehensive, pathogenetically substantiated method of rehabilitation treatment has been developed based on the combined use of therapeutic exercises, special simulators and deep massage.

In patients with back pain of vertebral origin, a significant decrease in the strength endurance of the flexors and extensors of the trunk was found, the degree of which in 70% of patients is specific to them and is not observed in people of the corresponding age. A method has been developed for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with back pain of vertebral origin (kinesitherapy method), which includes elements of athletic gymnastics (bodybuilding), ground gymnastics, hydrotherapy, massage, which are based on special dosed strength and aerobic exercises, regulated in one lesson and over a period of time. days, weeks, cycles.

The methodology for monitoring the effect of therapeutic and rehabilitation interventions is substantiated according to the criteria of functional state (class), strength endurance of the trunk muscles, mobility (flexibility) of the spine, aerobic capacity, dynamics of the intensity of pain, restoration of the ability to self-care and ability to work.

The scientific consultants for these works were Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Prof. A.G. Rumyantsev and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation B.A. Polyaev.

The official opponents were Doctor of Medical Sciences. Prof. Scientist of the Russian Federation A.V. Chogovadze, Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof. V.M. Delyagin, Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof. V.N. Kasatkin. These names do not require comments from specialists.

S.M. Bubnovsky continued his educational activities, publishing about 20 bestsellers for the general readership and is a very popular author in Russia. His books have been translated into other languages ​​- English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Kazakh. S.M. Bubnovsky organized the Institute of Modern Kinesitherapy and Physical Rehabilitation (director L.S. Bubnovskaya)

Students of Bubnovsky S.M. created kinesitherapy centers in almost all major cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. Their works have found a place under the “sun of kinesitherapy” - R.T. Sherkhanov “The use of kinesitherapy in patients with nephroptosis”, D.N. Artemov “Diagnostics and correction of posture disorders in schoolchildren”, D.S. Pogrebnoy “Rationale for complex physical rehabilitation with combined the course of osteochondrosis of the spine and chronic lung diseases, etc. The very range of these works speaks of the breadth and depth of use of the method of S.M. Bubnovsky.

Today, S.M. Bubnovsky is truly a leader in the field of non-drug treatment of pain syndromes, and the methods of physical rehabilitation after injuries and spinal surgeries, after endoprosthetics of large joints and after spinal cord injury are truly unique and have no analogues in world medical practice.

S.M. Bubnovsky actively participates in working with Paralympic athletes - the Russian wheelchair fencing team.

His students (Podkopaev A.N., Khetagov V.K.) restore athletes of the Russian national team in freestyle wrestling, arm wrestling, barbell, boxing and martial arts.

Sergei Mikhailovich is a member of the Union of Journalists. His articles are constantly published in the newspaper ZOZH, the magazine Self-Defense, and “Bulletin of ZOZH”.

Today, modern kinesitherapy using the method of Bubnovsky S.M. is the most popular in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The downside of the popularity of Bubnovsky’s method was the emergence of a large number of clones, led by plagiarists, imitators, taking advantage of the insufficient activity of law enforcement agencies in protecting copyrights! Be careful!

Real students and Bubnovsky Centers can be found on the website


Under natural conditions, the human body
can fight diseases very well.
This means you need to understand what the body should be like and what the conditions are. E.I. Roerich “Living Ethics” “Anti-stress reactions that are beneficial for the body can be evoked with the help of weak acting factors even against the background of the continued action of strong and pathogenic stimuli. Such a high sensitivity to weak disturbances is characteristic of open complex oscillatory systems, to which the body belongs.”

Prof.L.H.Garkavi, Prof.T.S. Kuzmenko

“Anti-stress reactions”, “Activation therapy”

A comment:

The motivation consisting in the desire to regain health with one’s own resources is already an anti-stress reaction of the body. By exercising your body on simulators with loads that are 1:100 or 1:1000 in relation to the norm, a person already triggers the mechanism of self-healing, despite the ongoing effect of pathogenic stimuli (tissue ischemia, pain, concomitant diseases - cardiovascular disease, asthma, ulcer and etc.). This emphasizes the “high” sensitivity of the body to “weak stimuli” and after the first session, as a rule, positive dynamics are noted, despite the persistence of pain and pathogenic foci. After just two lessons, the fear of movement is removed, i.e. self-regulation. This also emphasizes the body’s phenomenal ability to self-heal. The main phenomenon of this is the "synchronization of subsystems"; that is, when the body is included in movement, all levels and sublevels of the body are included. If there is a disease that does not directly belong to the musculoskeletal system, but reduces the level of adaptation of the body to stress, then this disease or subsystem will force the body to work at the level of load that the organ carrying this disease is capable of. For example, coronary artery disease in the form of hypertension will not give the body the opportunity to perform the load that muscles and ligaments are capable of in isolation. And until the microcirculation of the heart and its systems is restored, the body will not produce the desired or therapeutic level of stress. And at the same time, from lesson to lesson, blood circulation will improve, depending on the contractions of muscle tissue, and by restoring the ability to pass the amount of blood necessary for recovery, the cardiovascular system will make it possible for the musculoskeletal system to perform those loads that will indicate recovery. Therefore, the main difficulty lies in selecting loads on weakened muscles in the presence of concomitant diseases. But you can’t live without stress, since the body’s healing tissue is only muscle tissue. These are both natural conditions - movement, and the body's pharmacy.

Technique for performing Bubnovsky gymnastics for spinal hernia

When performing gymnastics for a herniated spine, you should adhere to the stages of performing this complex: relaxing the muscles, working them out, stretching, and so on.

There are different sets of exercises for each part of the spine.

For cervical hernia

For a herniated cervical spine, exercises are performed while sitting on a chair:

  • your back should be straight and relaxed. You should raise your shoulders up, then lower them, applying force. Repeat up to eight times;
  • you should turn your head eight times to the right (looking behind your back) and also in the other direction;
  • tilt your head to one and then to the other shoulder. In this case, stretching the neck and raising the shoulder is not allowed. Repeat - eight times;
  • tilt your head forward so that your chin reaches your chest. Repeat - eight times;
  • tilting the head back, trying to understand the chin as much as possible. The exercise is also repeated eight times;
  • pulling your neck and chin forward, you should tilt your head to one side and then to the other. Eight times.

Several effective exercises for the neck

In addition to warming up on a chair, you can perform other exercises:

  • half turns. In this case, you should turn your head to the side, stretch your neck and chin forward and make a half turn to the opposite shoulder. Likewise in the other direction. Perform turns eight times in each direction;
  • bridge. The most common bridge is with a relaxed neck. At a more complex stage of the exercises (for experienced ones), you can perform it from a kneeling position, bending back and standing on the top of your head, swaying slightly.

Important! All exercises should be performed with relaxed neck muscles. Only in this case the exercises will be effective.

For thoracic hernia

A set of exercises for thoracic hernia includes the following basic exercises:

  • standing. Feet at shoulder level, hands free. You should take a breath and raise your shoulders with bent elbows. Exhale - slowly lower your limbs;
  • standing. The position does not change. Bend your elbows and place your palms on your shoulders. Inhale - you should stretch your elbows forward, exhale - start position;
  • in the same position. Place your hands behind your back, clasping your palms together so that your thumbs are parallel to your spine. Inhale - press your palms against the vertebrae, move them down. Exhale - starting position;
  • also standing. Inhale. Place your left hand behind your back, throw your right hand over your right shoulder back and clasp your left hand at the wrist. Exhale - starting position;
  • lean on the table so that your elbows rest under your ribs. Leaning forward, you should stretch your back muscles, holding this position for seconds.

For a thoracic hernia, Bubnovsky’s exercises can also be performed with an expander . The expander is attached to the wall slightly above the eyes, and also at chest level:

  • facing the wall. You should raise your arms (as when pushing a skier). Take the bands and move your arms down and back. Repeat 15 times;
  • back to the wall. Take the bottom strips. Swing your arms, raising them to the eye line. Repeat - up to 20 times;
  • facing the wall. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, bend your knees slightly. You should take the lower ribbons and pull them towards the body.

Some complexes can be performed using an expander. Pay attention to how to perform them correctly

When performing the exercise, it is important to observe breathing technique.

For lumbar hernia

Bubnovsky’s treatment complex for lumbar hernia includes the following exercises:

  • lying on your back. Raise your hands behind your head. Bend your legs, spread your knees. Inhale - rise up, exhale - lower;
  • lying on your back. Inhale - raise your pelvis, move your knee joints. Exhale - lower;
  • sitting on your heels. Inhale - while swinging your arms in a circular motion, rise up. Exhale - starting position;
  • sitting on your heels. Place and press your palms to your stomach. Chest inhalation. Exhale through the chest - forcefully squeeze out the sound “pf” through pursed lips;
  • lying on your side. Place your hand (located on the floor side) on the floor. Inhale. Pull your knees towards your chest. Exhale - starting position;
  • lying on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, palms on the floor. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, holding for 5 seconds at the top, relaxing at the bottom for 10 seconds. Likewise with opposite limbs. Alternately perform eight times.

All exercises should be performed up to twenty approaches (except the last one).

A few more exercises for problems in the lumbar region

For acute lower back pain, Bubnovsky recommends performing exercises on a large ball. Leaning your back on it, roll forward and back. It will be more effective if the ball is equipped with spikes.

Video: “10 exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky”


Despite the fact that the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises has been proven, there are contraindications in which any exercises are prohibited:

  • oncological processes;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental instability;
  • epilepsy;
  • early period after surgery;
  • diseases of the cardiac system;
  • blood diseases;
  • fractures;
  • sprained tendons or ligaments.

Also, you should not perform exercises at a temperature during an acute inflammatory period..

Episode 1: Introduction Cognitive Distortions and Issues

  1. Introductory lecture
  2. Cognitive Distortions: Hindsight's Fallacy
  3. Cognitive Distortions: Survivor's Fallacy, Oversimplification
  4. Cognitive distortions: fears
  5. Cognitive Distortions: Authority
  6. Cognitive distortions: the law of large numbers and the Overton window
  7. What prevents you from becoming healthy? Part 1 (Information, laziness)
  8. What prevents you from becoming healthy? Part 2 (Medicine)
  9. What prevents you from becoming healthy? Part 3 (Symptomatic therapy)
  10. What prevents you from becoming healthy? Part 4 (Money)
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