Bubnovsky methods: treatment of the spine - 20 basic exercises

Severe injuries to the spine and joints at a young age are a death sentence for almost everyone, but not for Dr. Bubnovsky. The desire to live fully pushed him to develop and perform exercises using his own personal method, which helped restore his body after a car accident.

Exercises for muscles, joints and spine, which the future doctor performed to rehabilitate the injured body, were subsequently refined and patented by him. Treatment using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method put not only himself, but also thousands of grateful patients on his feet.

The main principles of gymnastic exercises for rehabilitation exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky was developed and is based on the principles of joint gymnastics, when exercises are performed through pain. Treatment and rehabilitation are based on a set of 20, at first glance, simple exercises. After diagnosing the patient’s condition, exercises are selected, and their order and number of repetitions are arranged for the muscle groups that need training.

To treat a damaged spine and joints, a gymnastic load is performed that does not cause acute pain, but gradually overcomes it. The exercises developed for rehabilitation by Bubnovsky are based on movement therapy. Due to certain loads on the muscles and ligaments, the movement of blood and lymph to the affected areas increases.

An increased flow of nutrients to tissues helps the recovery process in muscles and nerve endings. The body's natural regeneration mechanism is launched. This method of treatment is called kinesitherapy. The gymnastic complex is selected individually and can be performed at home.

What is Bubnovsky kinesitherapy

Actually, this is the same therapeutic gymnastics, exercise therapy, which has always been used in a complex of conservative and therapeutic and restorative therapy in the treatment of diseases and correction of the spine and joints. But Bubnovsky improved it and elevated it to a leading rank. That is, exercises first, and then everything else.

Important! Briefly about the essence of the issue: the patient, through movement, performing the correct exercises regularly and carefully, activates the internal forces of the body, trains the body and heals himself.

Not all diseases, of course, can be cured by kinesitherapy, so it is too early to write off the profession of an orthopedic surgeon. But Bubnovsky has a whole list of diseases that can be cured without surgery.

  1. Intervertebral hernia.
  2. Osteoarthritis.
  3. Degeneration of intervertebral discs.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Vertebral spondylosis.
  6. Dislocation of the joint.
  7. Tendon inflammation.
  8. Necrosis (avascular) of the hip joint.
  9. Arthrosis of the knees.

Dr. Bubnovsky has developed a method for treating many diseases of the musculoskeletal system

This applies to joints, bones and spine. But the list does not end there. In more than a hundred health centers that work according to Bubnovsky’s method, they treat with the help of kinesitherapy, water procedures and breathing exercises:

  • chronic prostate diseases;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • overweight
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • hemorrhoids, even in the acute operable stage;
  • UC;
  • prolapse of internal organs;
  • migraine;
  • psychosomatic disorders.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s centers solve the problem of excess weight and various diseases of internal organs

As a restorative technique, the technique is used after suffering:

  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • spinal fractures;
  • installation of knee or hip implants;
  • coronary bypass surgery;
  • operations on internal organs;
  • spine surgeries.

Kinesitherapy by Bubnovsky helps to recover even after spinal fractures

If we present this technique schematically, in a tabular form, this is what we get.

Table. The goals of kinesitherapy and ways to achieve them according to Bubnovsky.

TargetWay to achieve
Strengthening, stretching (increasing elasticity), developing the back musclesAn adaptive set of exercises for the back.
Increased joint mobilityMorning exercises.
Stimulation of deep musclesSpecial complex.
Improving vascular function (patency, elasticity)Exercises on simulators.
Lowering and normalizing blood pressureExercises on simulators, breathing complexes.
Relieving the spine, relieving tension from the vertebrae and jointsA set of exercises combined with water (cryo) procedures.
Improving blood circulation in internal organsWater treatments, breathing and physical exercises.

The most common mistake of modern medicine, according to Bubnovsky, is the attempt of patients suffering from back diseases to avoid stress in every possible way so as not to aggravate their condition.

Prescriptions and contraindications for performing the treatment complex

Quite a lot of different exercises and gymnastic complexes have been developed for the treatment and restoration of the spine. In most cases, they are selected individually. However, there are certain contraindications to their implementation:

  • high body temperature;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • severe infectious lesions of the body;
  • individual contraindications.

All recommendations for performing Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises are prescribed by the doctor after an additional examination in order to exclude hidden pathologies. The therapeutic result occurs as a result of passive and active load on the muscular system. The effect occurs after a long course of therapeutic exercises for the spine.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for hernia

The Bubnovsky system of exercises for spinal hernia helps to reduce hernial formation, reduces pain, and improves general condition.

The essence of the exercise technique for hernia is as follows::

  • complete relaxation of muscle fibers . This relieves inflammation, swelling, pinched nerve endings leading to pain;
  • working out all (including deep) muscles . Blood circulation and metabolism in pathological areas improves;
  • stretching muscles and spine . Increases muscle elasticity, straightens the spinal axis, and returns the vertebrae to an anatomically determined location;
  • strengthening the muscular framework of the entire spinal column . It is achieved through exercises not only to strengthen the muscles of the abs, pelvis, back, but also through the use of legs and arms.

The Bubnovsky system of exercises involves working the deep back muscles

Important! The main condition of therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is the complete absence of medications. This determines the effectiveness of the exercises, and a decrease in pain usually appears after several sessions.

Indications for use

Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises are aimed at improving the motor ability of joints and are indicated in the following cases:

  • for any pathologies of knee joint mobility;
  • with impaired mobility of the spinal column;
  • at the initial stages of arthrosis development;
  • in the presence of destructive processes in the vertebrae at the initial stage of their formation.

In addition, exercises are effectively used at the recovery stage after diseases associated with inflammation, as well as after injuries and damage during the rehabilitation stage.

At what stage can Bubnovsky gymnastics be performed?

Did you know that...

Next fact

Bubnovsky gymnastics can begin to be performed at the first stage of development of the pathological process . Even with minor pain, it is necessary to perform exercises so that the disease does not develop further.

You can perform gymnastics already at the first stage of intervertebral hernia

If there is an inflammatory process, you should first relieve the inflammation, and then you can begin to perform gymnastic exercises.

Read the following related material:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of neck gymnastics using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method
  • What contraindications and restrictions exist for vertebral hernia, you will find out here
  • What physiotherapeutic methods are used to treat spinal hernia can be found on the page

Effective exercises for the spine and joints

To perform a gymnastic complex for the spine at home, the following 20 basic exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky are recommended.

  1. As you inhale, rise from a sitting position on your heels, making circular movements with your arms. As you exhale, return to IP.
  2. From a lying position on your back, exhale and rise with your knees bent. Inhale – lower yourself onto your back. You can move your knees apart and bring them together.
  3. In the same position, raising your torso, try to bring your elbows and knees together. As you inhale, lower yourself onto your back.
  4. Lying on your side, resting your hand on the floor, rise as you exhale and lower as you inhale.
  5. Standing on all fours, completely relax your pelvic muscles and, raising your shins, “wag your tail.”
  6. Remaining in this position, bend forward, bending your elbows.
  7. Sit on your heels and stretch back, relaxing all your muscles.
  8. Sitting on the floor with emphasis on your hands, perform the “scissors” exercise.
  9. Lie on the floor on your side and pull your leg bent at the knee towards your shoulder (inhale), the leg returns to a flat position – exhale.
  10. Lying on your stomach, legs straight out and raised, arms forward. Then lower your legs and raise your torso. So alternate.

  11. While lying on your back, while inhaling, pull your knees to your chest, exhaling, raise your legs up, toes towards you, arms to the sides.
  12. Continuing to remain in the same position, the legs bend and tilt to the left, straighten and also to the right.
  13. Remaining on your back, bend your knees and raise your torso, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  14. Continuation of the previous exercise: place your right foot on your left knee and pull your left elbow to the knee of your right leg, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.
  15. It is done in exactly the same way in the other direction.
  16. Next come push-ups from the floor, exhaling as you lift up.
  17. Standing on all fours, while inhaling, pull your knee to your shoulder and swing your leg as you exhale.
  18. The next stage is “walking on the gluteal muscles,” back, then forward, several times.
  19. Crick. Standing or sitting (whichever is more convenient for you), while inhaling, slowly try to reach your toes as far as possible with your hands. As you exhale, also slowly straighten up.
  20. The final exercise is muscle relaxation. As you exhale, you should gently stretch back onto your heels.

Massage techniques

Classic back massage technique.

The following techniques are used in classical massage:

  • stroking - this is how the massage begins and ends, the movements are long and smooth, along and across the spine; such a touch is aimed at raising the temperature, improving the functioning of the circulatory system, calming and relaxing. Stroking also reduces pain and improves superficial circulation.

  • rubbing - use your hands or thumb to make circles or spirals on your back, along or across your spine; This massage technique eliminates swelling, inflammatory exudate, hematomas and muscle tension,
  • kneading - hands grab a fold of skin and gently lift it up; can only be used in certain places; it causes blood vessels to contract and dilate more intensively, which supports the functioning of the circulatory system and cleanses tissues of metabolic by-products. In addition, kneading allows you to stimulate muscles, increase their endurance and contractility, and speed up regeneration after training. The kneading method can be done with both hands, one or your fingers.
  • patting - hands folded crosswise or in a teaspoon, quickly and intensely hit the body, avoiding bone locations (for example, shoulder blades); During a back massage, the kidney area is also avoided; tapping causes better blood supply to tissues and muscle contraction. During the marking process, the temperature increases and the pain decreases.
  • vibration - causes the surface and deeper tissues to vibrate, speeds up metabolism, improves flexibility, increases muscle strength. Gentle tapping, in turn, relaxes the muscles, has a calming effect and relieves stress.

Relaxing back massage.

Performing a relaxing massage is not so difficult, just follow the instructions:

  • To perform the massage you will need back massage oil. It can also be a regular body lotion or cream. Before applying the drug, warm it between your hands. Oil or lotion will reduce friction and increase pressure. In addition, the beautiful aroma will make your back massage even more relaxing.
  • The patient should remove outer clothing, lie on his stomach and place his arms along the body. The body position should be comfortable for both the person being massaged and the massage therapist.
  • Start the massage with gentle movements. Remember that slower, less intense movements are calming and relaxing, while faster movements are stimulating.

  • Don't forget other parts of the body such as the neck, head, shoulders and buttocks. Massage each part of the body separately. The best technique for the buttocks and shoulders is circular kneading, which intensely relaxes tense muscles.
  • Finish the classic massage with stroking - gentle but long-lasting. This will allow the person to relax for a longer period of time.

General recommendations

Treatment of the spine with the help of Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics complex must be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. The number of exercises and their duration are prescribed individually, taking into account the degree of damage to the spine and the condition of the muscles.

In addition to Bubnovsky’s basic 20 exercises, the doctor may recommend an additional complex for beginners with weakened muscles. Treatment will also become more effective if you follow a certain diet and use herbal teas.


Dr. Bubnovsky’s complex is not suitable for patients with certain diseases:

  • oncopathology;
  • bleeding of various kinds;
  • tendon and ligament ruptures;
  • heat;
  • early period after surgery;
  • tumor process of unknown etiology;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • pre-infarction condition;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases.

Basic execution rules

Treatment of the spine using the Bubnovsky method is becoming increasingly popular with adults and older people every year. However, few people pay attention to how correctly the complex must be performed. The basic standards for performing gymnastic exercises include:

Therapeutic exercises for the cervical spine

  • Daily workouts. If a person feels unwell or has contraindications, then performing the complex is prohibited. In other situations, training must be followed every day.
  • Empty stomach. Before performing exercises, you should refuse to eat, as the digestion process takes a long time. The optimal time for exercise is before or after 2 hours after a meal.
  • Pre-warm-up. A prerequisite for physical activity is a short warm-up. At this time, the muscles of the body stretch and gradually warm up, which is why the effectiveness of strength exercises increases.
  • Rest. After exercise, the body needs rest, a relaxing massage or shower. This has a beneficial effect on blood flow to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Monitor your breathing and water intake. Proper deep breathing helps to quickly saturate cells with oxygen. A large amount of liquid has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

These rules will help you get into a rhythm and adapt your body to future stress. In order to maintain the regularity of classes, it is recommended to have a special calendar or diary where a person can mark completed workouts.

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