Herbs for arthrosis. Ease of movement from medicinal plants!

Arthrosis is a common cause of discomfort when moving and severe pain. According to statistics, about 7% of the Russian population suffers from this pathology. These are mainly people of pre-retirement and retirement age, and the number is the same among men and women. Treatment of arthrosis with simple folk remedies has proven itself, however, they must be used in combination with other methods of therapy.

Normal cartilage and damaged by arthrosis

Treatment of joint arthrosis with folk remedies - basic information

After the final diagnosis is made, it is important to realize that this disease is not completely curable.
Its development can be stopped if complex therapy is started at the initial stages of the development of the pathology, which is rarely possible, since stage 1 osteoarthritis is usually diagnosed by chance. In the initial stages, this disease does not manifest itself with any symptoms. Conservative methods of therapy are aimed at eliminating severe pain by taking medications and performing rehabilitation practices, which can help prevent exacerbation of the disease. There are patients who, due to their own misconceptions, believe that classical drug treatment will cause severe harm to the body, instead opposing home treatment for arthrosis with folk remedies.

Traditional medicine for arthrosis

It is important to understand that if traditional medicine recipes were as effective as pharmaceuticals, they would not be used in the treatment of arthrosis. Traditional medicine can only serve as an addition to the main therapy in the initial stages, when the discomfort is still mild and does not require the use of potent medications. You must understand that it is impossible to cure such serious diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or osteoarthritis with the help of traditional medicine. The condition needs to be corrected with medications, especially if severe inflammation occurs. It is possible to prescribe traditional medicine methods for arthrosis during remission in order to maintain a relatively healthy state.

If we take into account statistical data, the majority of people who persistently ignore the recommendations of a traumatologist, replacing tablets with medicinal herbs, end up with a surgeon much faster for joint replacement with a prosthesis. Therefore, it is important to understand that in all methods of therapy there must be a reasonable line. Medicinal herbs can be used as part of complex treatment of joint arthrosis only with the permission of a leading specialist in the field of traumatology. Some herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they can partially help solve the problem.

Myth 3. Destroyed cartilage can be restored with medications.

Today, many drugs are advertised that supposedly restore cartilage. They contain cartilage components chondroitin and glucosamine. However, their action is not enough to compensate for the daily loss of cartilage cells. It turns out that for this purpose you need to take chondroprotectors for life and in huge doses. Specialists from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons emphasize the lack of evidence of their effectiveness. Although there may be exceptions.

The thickness of healthy cartilage is only a few millimeters

Treatment of joint arthrosis at home with diet

Diet correction is associated not only with folk medicine, but also with traditional medicine. People suffering from joint diseases are often overweight. To lose weight, it is important to eat a healthy, low-calorie diet. You need to understand that excess weight with weak muscle tone greatly overloads the joint-ligamentous apparatus, which negatively affects the health of cartilage tissue. People with increased body weight are at great risk, as they are more likely to encounter problems such as arthrosis.

To normalize weight, you must adhere to the following nutritional principles:

  1. Eat in small portions, no more than 200-300 g of total food at one time, at least 4 times a day. This way food is better digested and a person stops overeating, stretching the stomach.
  2. Eliminate “food waste” from your diet - confectionery, carbonated drinks, fast food.
  3. Instead of tea or coffee with sugar, it is better to give preference to clean still water. Sufficient water consumption, at least 1.5 liters per day, improves metabolism, accelerates recovery processes in the body and removes toxins.
  4. Consume enough fiber, at least 400-500 g of vegetables or fruits per day in total. Fiber normalizes intestinal function and eliminates constipation.
  5. Limit salt intake. Excessive amounts of salt retain fluid in the subcutaneous fat. To get rid of edema, it is permissible to eat no more than 2-3 g of salt per day.
  6. Replace fried food with boiled or stewed food.
  7. Refuse fatty foods in favor of lean ones. The same goes for meat, fish and poultry. Recommended sources of animal protein are pollock, squid, chicken, turkey, and lean beef.
  8. The best sources of fats are vegetable oils and small quantities of nuts. It is recommended to avoid margarine and animal oil.

These are the basic principles of proper nutrition. If you accustom yourself to such a diet, you can not only lose excess weight, which is very useful if you have arthrosis, but also improve the condition of your skin and normalize your intestines. You don’t have to give up your favorite treats forever. Everything requires a reasonable measure. You can allow yourself a tasty dish 1-2 times a month in small quantities - chocolate, croissant, pie or cake.

Proper nutrition for arthrosis

Homeopathy for similar diseases

Although a cure for arthrosis has not yet been discovered, many people use homeopathy. If homeopathic medicines are chosen correctly, they increase the immune barriers in the joints and regulate metabolic processes in tissues.

Homeopathy helps best in the initial stages of the disease.

Drugs that can be used for arthrosis:

  • "Traumel";
  • "Aurum";
  • "Phosfucus";
  • "Target T";
  • "Calcarea fluorica";
  • "Benzoic acid".

Although homeopathic remedies contain a very small dose of the active substance, such treatment is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended for pregnant women or cancer patients to use them to combat arthrosis.

Diet: list of products for arthrosis

With this disease, following a diet is imperative. Such nutrition has a beneficial effect on metabolism, reduces body weight, and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

Principles of creating a diet for arthrosis:

  1. Protein foods with low fat content are beneficial. It is better to combine them with herbs and vegetables.
  2. Coffee and alcohol are strictly prohibited.
  3. The patient can eat potatoes, bread, and legumes to a limited extent.
  4. Sweets are prohibited.
  5. It is necessary to establish a drinking regime (at least 2 liters of filtered drinking water per day).
  6. You need to eat little by little, but often (up to 6 times a day).
  7. Fried, smoked, canned foods.

The patient's diet should be rich in dairy products, nuts and fruits.
The following foods are allowed:

  • fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • fermented milk products;
  • dishes containing gelatin: jellied meat, aspic;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • stewed or steamed vegetables;
  • eggs.

Compresses for arthrosis

If there is pain in the leg or arm, in the affected joint, which is accompanied by stiffness, swelling and slight redness, you can use medicinal compresses to eliminate the discomfort. It is important to soberly assess the condition. If the pain is severe, burning or shooting, it is better to consult a doctor for diagnosis and conservative treatment. For mild discomfort, traditional methods for treating arthrosis with compresses will help:

  1. It is necessary to wash and dry fresh burdock leaves. Then they are finely ground in a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is placed in a dense layer on the sore joint, and a gauze bandage is covered on top. The compress must be left overnight. This plant relieves swelling by removing salts and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. If the effect is insufficient from one time, the compress can be applied several nights in a row.
  2. Fern leaves also have a therapeutic effect. You need to attach a fresh leaf and wrap it with a gauze bandage on top. Leave the compress on all night and remove it in the morning.
  3. If an exacerbation of joint pain is associated with a bruise and a hematoma is visible on the skin, fresh wormwood is required. This plant has a strong healing effect and resolves bruises well. All you need to do is apply fresh leaves and wrap them with a bandage or gauze bandage. The next day the hematoma will no longer be there.
  4. If there is a fresh wound or scratch at the site of a bruise on a sore joint, it is better to apply a fresh plantain leaf. This plant has a powerful hemostatic and healing effect. To heal the wound, you can apply the sheet for several hours and there will be no bleeding.
  5. Cabbage leaf compresses are often used in folk medicine. If the joint aches and is slightly inflamed, squeeze cabbage juice onto the gauze bandage or place a leaf underneath. The compress is left overnight. You can repeat the procedure several times in a row.
  6. Gelatin copes well with discomfort. The dry powder is soaked in water, as in culinary recipes. It is enough for the gelatin to swell, after which it is applied to the sore spot under a gauze bandage. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. The compress is usually done before bedtime.
  7. You need to mix blue clay with homemade honey in equal proportions and add 20 ml of water to these components to make a paste. Next, the components are applied to the sore spot and covered with a bandage. You can remove the compress after 2-3 hours so that there is no burning sensation on the skin.
  8. For discomfort in the joints, burdock with honey helps to cope with unpleasant sensations. You need to steam fresh, chopped leaves in boiling water, then take them out and mix with honey. These components are applied to the affected area, and a gauze bandage or woolen cape is put on top. Leave the limb under the compress overnight.

Myth 8. If there is pain under the knee, it is a Baker's cyst.

Many people make this diagnosis for themselves when they experience pain under the knee. Let's look at what happens in the case of a cyst. At the back of the knee are muscle tendons covered with a thin layer of lubricant. Tendons are located in channels in which they slide during movements. Sometimes a channel forms between the joint and the sheath, and fluid flows out and swells the sheath. A bag with a viscous fluid is formed - a cyst.

This pathology occurs in people of any age, even small children. If it is small, you can do without treatment; large cysts are removed. The formation will put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels and may burst. The cyst has nothing to do with arthrosis.

Most often, pain under the knee occurs with osteoarthritis of the knee or osteochondrosis of the spine. The cyst is not detected. The cause of pain is spasms of muscle vessels or transmission of nerve impulses from the lower back. In young people, pain is accompanied by damage to the posterior meniscus or anterior cruciate ligament. In this case, the popliteal muscles perform functions unusual for them and become overworked.

Pain under the knee often occurs with gonarthrosis

How to treat arthrosis at home using ointment

For mild pain, you can use homemade recipes for preparing ointments for external use, if there are no pharmaceutical products. Properly prepared ointment has a warming, soothing and analgesic effect. The product must be applied daily to the affected area, several times in a row. The average course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of the situation.

The list of the best recipes includes:

  1. You need to mix 80 g of homemade honey with 3 g of softened mummy in boiling water. These components are thoroughly mixed, after which they begin to apply to the surface of the skin in the affected area. The duration of therapy is a week. If there is no effect, it is better to use pharmaceutical products.
  2. If the patient is concerned about pain in the elbow joint, then you need to prepare a mixture of fatty butter and dried birch buds. These components are mixed in equal proportions and transferred to a heat-resistant container. Then bake them in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. When the mixture cools down after heating, squeeze it out. Next, add a few drops of camphor alcohol. The drug is ready. It is necessary to apply the ointment 2 times a day and cover the affected area with a gauze bandage so that the fatty ingredients do not stain clothes. The duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks.
  3. You need to mix fresh nettle leaves, butter and juniper (fruits) in equal proportions. Grind the berries and leaves to a paste and add a few cubes of butter. When the mixture is ready, it should be rubbed into the affected areas of the skin three times a day to cope with severe pain. It is recommended to store the drug in a dark room or in dark glass, in cold conditions.
  4. One of the simplest options for preparing an external remedy is to mix medical Vaseline with finely chopped horseradish root. The approximate ratio is 50 g of Vaseline and 30 g of plant. You need to apply the product twice a day. This mixture has a good anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. You need to melt a teaspoon of butter and mix it with chopped bodyaga. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, the product must be rubbed into the sore joint 2 times a day until completely absorbed. This ointment best helps in the treatment of arthrosis of the knees and feet.
  6. You need to mix burdock, calendula and chamomile in equal proportions. All these components are ground into crumbs and combined with Vaseline. Next, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. This must be done to ensure that the components are infused. Frequency of application – from 2 to 5 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​2-3 weeks, no more. If there is no effect, then you need to use more effective means.
  7. 4 teaspoons of linseed oil are mixed with propolis and turpentine, 5 g of each component. You need to apply the mixture 2 times a day to the ankle area.
  8. You need to mix Vaseline and fresh hop cones. Recommended proportions are 4 to 1 (example – 40 g of Vaseline and 10 g of hop cones). You need to apply the ointment 2 times a day for no more than 2 weeks. If there is no effect, the treatment method is changed.
  9. To eliminate pain in the knee joint, you can use onion decoction. You need to take several dozen onions and chop them so as to collect a sufficient amount of husk. You need to boil this husk in a water bath. Boil the ingredients over low heat for an hour. Then, when the mixture has cooled, the broth is filtered and drunk during the day, taking 3 times a day half an hour before meals. A decoction of onion peels is useful for improving metabolism.
  10. Cartilage contains useful elements that have protective properties in relation to joints. Therefore, traditional medicine recipes based on such ingredients are effective. Recommendations for use include long-term use so that chondroprotectors can accumulate in the body. You need to take a kilogram of pork or veal hooves and boil them like jellied meat for 3-4 hours over low heat. The hooves are pre-filled with 2 liters of water. After preparation, the mixture must be left for several hours. Jellied meat for joint pain is ready. Can be consumed before the main meal.

How to treat arthrosis with folk remedies: medicinal baths

If the patient is severely tormented by arthrosis, you can make relaxing baths at home for the legs or the whole body. Baths in combination with massage are a good way to get rid of chronic discomfort. It is important to take into account possible contraindications: pregnant women, people with cardiac disorders, hypertension and kidney disease should not lie in a hot bath. Persons with open wounds on the skin should not temporarily take baths.

What bath recipes are suitable:

  1. You need to mix 200 g of dry mustard seeds with 2 liters of water. This mixture is added to a warm bath. The duration of the relaxing procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  2. You need to infuse fresh mint leaves in boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Then this mixture is poured into the bath. You need to lie in a warm bath for 15 minutes, then wrap yourself in a blanket.
  3. Take calendula, St. John's wort and oregano in equal proportions. Then this mixture is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Next, the components and liquid are poured into the bath. You need to lie in the bath for half an hour. These medicinal herbs have a pronounced antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and are therefore suitable for eliminating chronic pain.
  4. You need to purchase 2 kg of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and add 5 liters of water. The mixture must be boiled for half an hour. After which the hot broth must be infused for an hour. When the mixture is infused, it must be mixed with water in the bath and lie there for 15 minutes. It is necessary to take baths with Jerusalem artichoke decoction three times a week. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks without interruption. If the pain becomes weaker, then the decoction is good at helping to cope with the discomfort that has arisen.

What rubs help in the fight against chronic pain?

One of the simplest and at the same time effective methods of eliminating discomfort in affected joints is the use of homemade rubs based on vodka, alcohol and medicinal herbs. Such remedies are effective in eliminating discomfort due to the fact that alcohol is a powerful extractant with a warming effect.

What tinctures for home use will help improve mobility with arthrosis:

  1. You need to squeeze the juice out of 1 kg of radish, add 2 tablespoons of homemade honey, pour in 2 full glasses of vodka and sprinkle a pinch of salt on top. This mixture is stirred and tightly sealed with a lid on top. It is necessary to infuse the components in a dark place for two weeks, shaking the jar periodically. It is recommended to take the mixture three times a day, half an hour before meals. Drink the mixture for a month. If there is no effect, you should consult your doctor.
  2. Treating joint pain with elecampane. For inflammatory pain, you need to prepare elecampane in the following proportion - 20 grams of the plant and 500 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a tightly sealed jar in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally. After preparing the medicine, it can only be used as an external rub, without being taken orally.
  3. For emergency cases, a mixture of 100 g of freshly squeezed aloe juice, alcohol and a few drops of camphor oil is used as an ambulance. When the components are evenly mixed, you need to add 2 ampoules of Novocaine. Then the product is applied to the limb at night and in the morning under gauze. This method can help you get rid of chronic pain.
  4. Dandelion flowers are poured with olive oil and left for a week in a warm place. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area several times a day.

You can use any recipes in your home practice, but you should first discuss them with your doctor.

Medicinal plants for joint pain

Prevention of joint arthrosis

There are no special methods for preventing the occurrence of degenerative processes in joints with arthrosis. Since the disease is often found in older and middle-aged people, it is common. If a person has a genetic predisposition to the occurrence of joint arthrosis, then the main rule of prevention includes lifestyle changes. The goal of any preventive action is to prevent complications in an existing pathology or to prevent the occurrence of a disease.

How can you safely prevent the occurrence or exacerbation of joint arthrosis:

  1. Increase the range of motion in the joints more by regularly performing therapeutic exercises and physical education. The main problem that arises with arthrosis of the joints is stiffness. Due to growing osteophytes, the joint loses its usual range of motion and a characteristic crunching sound occurs, which is one of the first signs of the disease. To slow down the processes that lead to a natural decrease in the range of motion, you need to regularly exercise your joints.
  2. Another important part of the prevention of arthrosis is proper dosing of the load. In this case, both excessive efforts and complete inaction are harmful. It is important to understand that in the absence of movement due to a completely sedentary lifestyle, the ligaments and muscles around the joint weaken, which automatically increases the load in everyday life on the affected area. As a result, stiffness and pain due to arthrosis progress greatly. To eliminate discomfort, exercise therapy and adequate physical activity are required. It is optimal to walk at least 3-5 km daily. Excessive exercise, including heavy lifting, is also harmful and leads to exacerbation.
  3. Wearing orthopedic shoes. Helps to properly distribute the load on the limbs.
  4. Use of orthopedic bedding. Such accessories help relieve stress from the spine, which is important in the presence of osteoarthritis.

It is important to take preventive medications (chondroprotectors), proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. It is also recommended to choose professions with a low risk of injury. Standing types of work (salespeople, teachers, waiters) and those associated with lifting heavy weights (loaders, laborers) contribute to the appearance of arthrosis of the joints.

Description of the pathology

The etiology is degeneration of cartilage tissue. Due to the natural aging of the body, cartilage is subject to wear and tear, and its elasticity decreases. This results in limited mobility of joints, making it difficult for a person to move, bend and straighten limbs. Injuries, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory processes also lead to the appearance of arthrosis.

The causes, symptoms and treatment of pathology have long been studied by specialists; the main thing is to use an individual approach to each patient.

The risk of developing the disease increases under the influence of such factors:

  • elderly age;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of essential microelements in the diet;
  • excessive stress on the joints;
  • hard physical labor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • surgical intervention;
  • infectious diseases.

The main symptoms of arthrosis:

  1. Pain, initially without clear localization, occurring after physical activity.
  2. Decreased mobility of the affected joint.
  3. Crunching sound when moving.
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