Puncture of the elbow joint with intra-articular administration of drugs of groups 2, 3, 4

Puncture of the elbow joint can be carried out both for the purpose of diagnosing rheumatic diseases and to act as one of the methods of their treatment. This procedure allows the rheumatologist to identify the presence of tissue lesions and their severity. To undergo diagnostics, you should contact highly qualified specialists who not only master the technique of performing it, but also study world experience in identifying and treating joint diseases.

The multidisciplinary Yusupov Hospital, located in Moscow, is formed by several clinics, so a patient who complains of pain and discomfort in the joints can receive comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease and associated pathologies.

Prices for joint puncture

ServicesPriceSign up
Puncture of the hand2000 rubSign up
Knee joint puncture3000 rubSign up
Puncture of the elbow joint2000 rubSign up
Shoulder joint puncture3000 rubSign up
Ultrasound-guided hip puncture3000 rubSign up

Indications for puncture

The elbow joint is an anatomical structure that connects the ulna, humerus, and radius. It is responsible for the rotational movements of the arm. Inflammatory processes in the joint lead to the accumulation of purulent fluid. The patient complains of pain, swelling in the elbow area, and limited arm mobility.

A puncture of the elbow joint is performed for the following indications:

  • acute form of inflammatory processes – arthritis, bursitis;
  • hemorrhages into the joint cavity (hemarthrosis) resulting from injuries;
  • allergic joint damage;
  • the risk of developing tuberculosis, lupus, rheumatism in the affected area;
  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • the need for surgery in the joint area.

Puncture of synovial fluid is necessary to determine the nature of the accumulated effusion. The presence of blood indicates damage to the cartilage.

Analysis of the fluid taken during the puncture for diagnostic purposes allows us to determine the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. Puncture of the elbow joint is also necessary for pain relief before its reduction.

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The puncture procedure is not performed if the patient has multiple skin lesions, such as open wounds, burns, rashes. In inflammatory processes accompanied by suppuration, the risk of infection entering the joint cavity is very high. In this case, the procedure is postponed until the moment of recovery from skin pathologies.

The list of contraindications also includes blood clotting disorders. If a decision is made to perform a puncture, the patient is prescribed preventive measures to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Other contraindications include psoriasis in the area of ​​the intended puncture, allergies to the anesthetics used, and taking anticoagulants.

Comprehensive diagnostics in Moscow

Joint diseases can develop over a long period; the resulting discomfort, pain and limited movement indicate serious disorders. When patients come to the Yusupov Hospital with signs of joint damage, a specialist conducts an examination and carefully studies the complaints.

After the examination, the patient is sent for instrumental examinations and tests. The Yusupov Hospital has the necessary equipment to identify joint damage, determine its nature and extent of spread. Experts give preference to the safest and most informative methods, such as MRI, CT, and ultrasound diagnostics. In some cases, puncture of the elbow joint is necessary, the indications for which are extensive, since its results allow us to develop the most appropriate treatment program for rheumatic diseases.

Breast puncture

It is usually prescribed after an ultrasound and/or mammography. The optimal day is 7-10 days of the menstrual cycle. Breast biopsy is performed for diagnostic purposes only and is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Detection of dense formations in the chest.
  • Changes in the internal structure of the mammary gland.
  • Deformation of the nipple, change in skin color.
  • Discharge from the nipple in the absence of pregnancy or lactation.
  • Enlargement or pathological changes in the lymph nodes in the armpits.
  • Pain, discomfort.
  • Cystic formations.

Puncture of the mammary gland is performed by a surgeon or mammologist using a thin special needle. The puncture is not traumatic and often does not require anesthesia. If the formation is located deep, then the puncture is carried out under ultrasound control and using local anesthesia.

Breast biopsy is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in cases of bleeding disorders and purulent processes.

Performing a puncture of the elbow joint

The puncture is performed on the outer or back surface of the joint. For the procedure, a needle with a thickness of 1-2 mm is used. The thickness of the needle is determined by the nature of the procedure: a 1 mm thick needle is used to administer medications, and a 2 mm thick needle is used to pump out fluid. During the procedure, the patient is in a lying or sitting position.

The puncture technique includes the following steps:

  • administration of anesthesia;
  • bending the patient's arm at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • choice of puncture site;
  • administering medications or withdrawing fluids;
  • treating the skin with an antiseptic solution;
  • applying a tight bandage.

Compliance with all requirements for puncture will allow the procedure to be effective and avoid the risk of negative consequences.

Treatment of rheumatic diseases at the Yusupov Hospital

Treatment of joints is a long process, during which the patient needs the support and assistance of a highly qualified rheumatologist and other specialists. At the Yusupov Hospital, doctors interact with each other, which makes it possible to build comprehensive treatment programs, within which it is possible to treat concomitant pathologies.

Puncture of the elbow joint and other diagnostic measures are aimed at collecting information about the patient’s condition, the presence of the disease and its possible consequences in order to draw up an individual treatment plan. A well-performed puncture is an informative and safe procedure. If you are concerned about the symptoms of joint diseases or a diagnostic or therapeutic puncture is indicated, seek advice from experienced specialists. Appointments can be made by staff at the Yusupov Hospital by telephone.

What is a joint puncture

Joint puncture is a puncture of the joint with a needle that goes directly into the joint cavity. This procedure allows you to remove purulent contents, administer a drug, or take periarticular fluid for analysis. It allows the doctor to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary amount of treatment.

ATTENTION! Our clinic is equipped with a modern physical therapy room, classes in which allow patients to speed up recovery and quickly return to normal activity after therapeutic puncture.

Description of the procedure

Diagnostic puncture of the joint is a surgical procedure and is performed using local anesthesia. Depending on which joint is being punctured, different methods of inserting a needle into the joint are used. So, to carry out a diagnostic puncture of the knee joint, the patient is asked to bend his leg slightly at the knee, and the needle is inserted under the lower edge of the patella. When performing a diagnostic puncture of the shoulder joint, the needle is inserted in front, outside or behind the joint, depending on the location of the accumulation of pathological fluid.

The puncture technology is the same for any joint. First, the skin is treated with an antiseptic before the needle is inserted. Then the surgeon punctures the skin and joint capsule, and then uses a syringe to collect joint fluid. At the end of the intervention, the needle is removed from the joint, and the puncture site is once again treated with an antiseptic. A bandage or plaster is applied on top.

The Scientific and Practical Surgery Center conducts diagnostic punctures for spilled joints, including small ones like the wrist joint or ankle joint. The puncture must be performed in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis to avoid bacteria from entering the joint. In addition, in our center, diagnostic puncture of the joint is performed under ultrasound control, which avoids unnecessary trauma to the joint itself, allows precise access to the site of pathological accumulation of fluid and its collection for subsequent diagnosis.

Puncture of the hip, knee and shoulder joints

The procedure is performed by an orthopedic traumatologist. The main indications for diagnostic puncture of joints:

  • dislocation (carried out for pain relief);
  • formation of joint hematoma (hemarthrosis);
  • purulent arthritis;
  • preparation for endoprosthetics;
  • the presence of a cyst or bone fragments;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • injuries that led to fluid accumulation;
  • infectious diseases.

It is also carried out for medicinal purposes if it is necessary to introduce synovial fluid, a hormonal drug, chondroprotectors into the joint or remove excess joint fluid.


The most common procedure is puncture of the knee joint.

Joint puncture is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient is in a horizontal position. The knees should be straight, the adjacent muscles should be relaxed, and the kneecap should be mobile;
  2. The skin is treated with disinfectant solutions;
  3. Local anesthesia is performed using a local anesthetic. However, this stage is not always necessary and is used if the patient is sensitive to pain or a large-diameter needle is used;
  4. Next, the doctor inserts a needle through the surface tissue into the joint cavity;
  5. A syringe is put on the needle, which allows you to inject the medicine or, conversely, pump out fluid from the joint cavity;
  6. After the procedure is completed, the needle is carefully removed from the joint cavity, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and a compression bandage is applied.

IMPORTANT! Be prepared for the fact that, despite the pain relief performed, pumping out the joint fluid may cause unpleasant and even painful sensations.

Indications and contraindications

Arthrocentesis is distinguished by its high accuracy and efficiency. There are the following indications for joint puncture:

  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • presence of purulent arthritis;
  • diagnosis and elimination of fluid after injuries;
  • in the treatment and detection of systemic diseases, including tuberculosis, rheumatism, brucellosis, etc.;
  • during preparation for surgery;
  • if you suspect an allergic joint lesion.

Despite its diagnostic and therapeutic value, the procedure also has a number of contraindications:

  • deformation and loss of mobility of the joint being examined;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure.

Arthrocentesis is an unpleasant but effective method for diagnosing and treating joint diseases. But for the procedure to be successful and not lead to complications, it is important to trust it to an experienced doctor. These are the specialists who work in our clinic.

Types of puncture

Joint puncture is performed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. All joints can be punctured, but each has its own technique.

Therapeutic puncture involves the introduction of medications into the joint cavity. These may include the following:

  • corticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • preparations containing hyaluronic acid.

This therapeutic manipulation is used to achieve an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect for various pathologies of the osteoarticular system.

ATTENTION! The need for a puncture may increase several times if its main purpose is therapeutic.

Contraindications and complications

The consequences of intra-articular intervention are extremely rare (0.1%), expressed as follows:

  • Damage to anatomical tissues (vessels, nerves, bones, etc.).
  • Joint infection and purulent inflammation.
  • Hemorrhages into the joint cavity.

To exclude such conditions, arthrocentesis is excluded in the following cases:

  • Severe deformities and ankylosis of joints.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Skin damage (burn, wound, pyoderma, etc.).
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