Itching under the knees on the folds: causes and treatment of rash and itching

Asked by: Alexey, IrkutskGender: MaleAge: 21 Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, since January 2021 my joints began to hurt, the pain is migrating, I would say, it all started with the elbow joints, first the left one got sick, then the right one, then they calmed down and the knee joints started to hurt, then the shoulder joints began to ache, then it seems to calm down and don’t hurt. Now, the pain began to concentrate in the area from the knees to the feet. Yesterday the pain was in the area of ​​the tubular bones and when I stretch my foot down with my fingers, pain appears above the ankles. And also all the joints began to crack frequently. I donated blood to the UAC probably 8 times in January-February-March, the biochemistry there was all within normal limits. Rheumatoid factor and CRP were negative. I read on the Internet about joint pain and now I can’t get the fear of leukemia or lymphoma out of my head. I took my last test on March 19, everything was fine according to the tests. Is it worth getting tested again and who to contact? Today there is some kind of itching all over the body without visible rashes, like tingling with a needle and itching and the eyelids are itching. The rash is only on the foot, in the ankle area. It doesn’t seem to look like petechiae; the rash appears to be slightly above the skin, but does not completely turn white when pressed. Is it worth contacting a Hematologist in person or directly to an Oncologist? I had an appointment with a hematologist in the summer and had a Coagulogram and a detailed oak test - she said there was no evidence of a blood disease. I’ll also say that I’m overweight and don’t move much. The work is also sedentary. Anonymous Good afternoon, my husband is 48 years old, his knee joints and elbows hurt, everything crunches when walking. Do an MRI of the knees - a picture of synovitis. He was treated in the hospital and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of large joints, synovitis. ESR - 2 mmh, S-RB - 0.3 mgl, urinary acid 267.9 µmol. After the hospital, continued treatment was prescribed - injections of alflutop zinaxin and plaquenil 3 times a year. A year later, a burning sensation appeared on the skin of the shins of the legs and on the arms, increased sensitivity of the skin, as he says, even if you walk naked, the skin hurts from the elastic bands of the socks, there is a slight swelling and redness on the skin. The dermatologist prescribed prednisolone - the swelling and sensitivity went away, but after discontinuation everything returned. Tests IgM.IgG.IgE - negative. I took an injection of diprospan - prescribed by a dermatologist - I felt better, a month later everything came back. We are in despair, what to do, which doctor to see. my skin hurts and I can't sleep at night. We live in a regional center AnswerKanaev Alexey Semenovich traumatologist Good afternoon! You need to contact a rheumatologist. Consultation is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.Response published on February 10, 2012

When your knees are constantly itching, you need to pay attention to it.

Itchy knees may indicate problems with the endocrine, cardiovascular or nervous systems. They also itch during allergic reactions, so before making an ambiguous diagnosis, you should consider all the symptoms and consult a doctor.

My knees itch and a rash appears. What does discomfort in the bends mean?

The causes of itching on the bends of the knee or elbow do not always indicate foreshadowing problems; they often arise due to simple discomfort or rubbing with clothing.

Factors causing itching on the bends of the knees can be divided into three categories:

  1. Pathologies of internal organs and disruption of various body systems.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Irritation on the knees or elbows caused by external factors (weather conditions, clothing, etc.).

It is not always possible to easily determine why your knees itch; in some cases, you should consult a doctor. If the itching is caused by excessive sweating, insect bites and irritation due to synthetic fabrics and wool fibers, do not worry too much.

If your knees itch due to allergic reactions, you need to contact a specialist in this area - an allergist. When, along with itching, you are bothered by other symptoms that indicate problems in the body, you should not turn a blind eye to it.


With jaundice, the patient may experience itching in the knees. This is due to an increase in bilirubin and cholesterol, which are contained in bile, which enters the blood. In case of liver diseases, the plasma contains a larger amount of bile salts, because of this the lipid membrane of the cells is gradually destroyed.

Irritation inside the body affects a person’s desire to itch; the skin of the knees is especially susceptible to itching.

  • Knees hurt when squatting: causes of pain


An increase in blood sugar negatively affects the functioning of organs, causing pathologies. People with diabetes follow a diet due to which the skin of the knees does not receive the required amount of beneficial micro and macroelements.

The skin loses its elasticity, painful pimples form on the surface of the body, and therefore the skin of the knees begins to itch.

The areas of the body covered with a thin layer of skin are most susceptible to the appearance of plaques, so if your knee itches and small itchy pimples and blisters appear on it, it is worth taking a blood sugar test.

Renal dysfunction

With kidney disease, harmful substances (waste) accumulate in the body, which are released through the skin, as the functioning of the excretory system deteriorates.

Urea and other fluids are released through areas where sweat occurs. The bend of the knee fits this description perfectly. The skin area is under the influence of an irritant in the form of toxins, and therefore is subject to itching.

So, if you have itchy knees, one of the reasons could be kidney dysfunction.


If a person is constantly in stressful situations for the body, his body reacts to such conditions with increased sweating and body temperature. Elbows and knees itch, swell, and bumps appear on them. Against the background of prolonged emotional stress, eczema can develop.

Common Causes of Itching Behind the Knees

Often this symptom can be a sign of a serious illness. Unpleasant sensations arise due to various factors.

Insect bites

The knee joint has a good blood supply, which attracts the attention of blood-sucking insects. Upon contact with the skin, the parasite injects saliva into the blood, causing local redness, pimples, and rashes. If a person has increased sensitivity to bee venom, then the knee may swell greatly, and changes in the general condition of the body appear.

Allergic reactions

Allergies occur to the fabric of trousers or tights, medications, washing powder or personal hygiene products. The main symptoms are itching, dryness, red spots under the knees and peeling of the outer skin.

When the allergen is eliminated and antihistamines are taken, the symptoms disappear.

Skin diseases of the popliteal region

The pathology may be detected for the first time or be a relapse resulting from the influence of provoking factors.


Atopic dermatitis often causes itching in the knee joint. The first signs of the disease appear in childhood and may appear several years later due to stress, hormonal changes or allergies to chemicals or medications.

Eczema affects certain areas of the body, often in the knee area. The skin becomes rough, flaky, itchy and covered with small blisters.

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If itching appears and disappears for no reason, then neurodermatitis can be suspected. The development of the disease is based on the weakening of immune defense after psycho-emotional overload. During an exacerbation, the main symptom is a rash under the knees and redness.


The cause of the development of the disease is stress, nervous tension, and hereditary factors. They lead to the appearance and spread of itchy, rough spots throughout the body with constantly exfoliating pieces of skin.

The danger of psoriasis in the area of ​​the knee joint is that it can lead to arthrosis and cause pain in the joint, swelling and a change in the usual range of motion.

Fungal infection and lichen

Injury to the skin or rubbing with rough fabric leads to infection and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the epidermis.

Weakened immunity (especially in patients with HIV infection and hepatitis) leads to the spread and development of the disease. Itchy red spots appear on the inside of the knees, accompanied by swelling of the skin around the inflammation and pain on palpation.

Knee diseases

Sometimes inflammatory processes in the knee are accompanied by itching and rash.

Stiffness in the joint in the morning, swelling and redness are a manifestation of gonarthrosis.

Bursitis occurs after injury or overload of the joint capsule and leads to pathological processes in the bursa. The pain is less than with arthritis, but there is hyperemia and a local increase in temperature.

Itching, burning, and swelling in the knee accompany a ruptured Baker's cyst. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment

The first step in proper treatment for itchy knees is making an appointment with a doctor. Despite the fact that the cause of itching may be ordinary irritation, you should not close your eyes and hesitate. Not everything is always simple, especially if a symptom in the form of an itchy knee or elbow indicates pathologies of internal organs.

To determine why your knees itch, your doctor (allergist, dermatologist, or immunologist) will order the patient for tests, which may include a smear or blood test. When the specialist receives the test results, he will prescribe comprehensive treatment depending on the diagnosis.

Differential diagnosis

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of the types of rash:

  • The presence of eczema under the knee is accompanied by the appearance of small blisters and dryness.
  • With a fungal infection, the spots have clear, even boundaries and are colored pinkish.
  • The symptoms of granuloma can go away on their own and appear again.
  • Allergies occur after changing your usual diet or personal hygiene products.
  • The skin after injury is hyperemic or has small wounds, without blisters or ulcer formation.

Treatment options

Treatment is prescribed depending on what diagnosis the doctor makes:

  • Knees hurt after training: when old age has nothing to do with it
  • If the reason that the knee joint is itchy is an allergic reaction , antihistamines are prescribed, and the irritant will need to be completely eliminated from life.
  • For skin infections, antifungal or anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • If pimples appear on the skin due to stress , you should consult a psychologist to solve the problem completely. A dermatologist can only select skincare products to get rid of pimples.
  • Serious pathologies are treated with the help of a doctor who is responsible for the specific area of ​​the lesion, and an appointment is written to him.

Pharmacy medications that relieve itching and eliminate rashes

If seeing a doctor is not possible, and the rash is not caused by serious pathologies, you can try taking the most effective medications.

Doctors advise using:

  • Akriderm ointment. The anti-edematous effect of the drug relieves itching in the knees and helps with allergies;
  • Sinaf. Anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative action will relieve itching if your knees and elbows itch.
  • Beloderm will help quickly relieve itchy knees, and will also relieve painful plaques due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Attention! You should not use medications without first consulting your doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Homemade methods are famous for their availability and speed of preparation. Many people trust traditional methods because of the naturalness of the medicine. When using non-standard medications for itchy knees, you should pay attention to allergic reactions.

If you are allergic to at least one of the components, you need to stop this treatment, since there is a possibility of making the body worse. You should also consult a qualified professional.

Discomfort from an itchy knee joint can be reduced with salt baths or lotions with aloe or soda. In addition, decoctions of licorice, valerian, violet, periwinkle and nettle will help.

How to treat a rash

Naturally, a rash on the knees needs timely and proper treatment. In case of allergic dermatitis, contact with the active allergen (which, first of all, is detected) must be excluded. It is possible to prescribe the correct diet and follow a normal regimen. For example, doctors do not recommend consuming foods containing nickel.

For dry skin on the feet, salicylic Vaseline is usually prescribed, which is applied to the feet three times a day. In case of swelling, you will need lotions, as well as special baths made with boric acid. Antihistamines, such as Telfast, Zyrtec, Suprastin, and so on, can also be used during therapeutic procedures. It should be noted that hormonal ointments that act locally are often used.

Common symptoms and manipulations in dermatology:

  • Skin rashes
  • Calling a dermatologist to your home
  • Itching in the urethra
  • Itchy skin
  • Skin rash
  • Prevention of casual sex
  • Skin neoplasms
  • Pyoderma
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Streptoderma
  • Scabies
  • Peeling skin
  • Fungal infections
  • Skin infection
  • Pus on the skin
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Papillomas on the foreskin
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Skin structure

Preventive actions

To prevent discomfort in the knee area in the future, you should take care of the functioning of your body. It is important for him to receive vitamins, micro and macroelements. Due to poor nutrition, the skin may become covered with bumps and pimples, including on the knees.

A person can itch without any problems in the functioning of the body, but one should not turn a blind eye to it. By using medicated gels and moisturizing creams, problems associated with rashes and itching are reduced.

In spring and autumn, the skin needs additional nutrition, and in summer it is worth using repellents based on essential oils. They improve the appearance and condition of the body and repel insects, which often cause rashes and redness on the skin in the knee area.

Itching in the knee area in a child

One of the common causes of a rash in a baby is allergies or atopic dermatitis, which, if the allergen is eliminated, can go away on their own after reaching the age of three.

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Insect bites and infectious diseases can also cause red spots.

If you suspect an infection, you should visit your pediatrician for tests and timely initiation of therapy.

Rashes on a baby's legs are associated with prickly heat or a reaction to complementary foods or laundry detergent.

If a child has itching, irritation and a rash under the knee, you should not self-medicate, as this can lead to a worsening of the situation.

Features of treatment

To diagnose and treat itching under the knee, consultation with several specialists is necessary.

Treatment methods are aimed at:

  • elimination of the provoking cause;
  • relief of symptoms;
  • systemic effect on the body;
  • removal of toxins.


Treatment of skin diseases is conservative. Surgical intervention is used if there are scars or scars left from the opened blisters.

  • Sorbents are prescribed to remove toxic substances. Medicines should not be taken simultaneously with other drugs.
  • When eliminating allergies, taking antihistamines is indicated.
  • To relieve itching, local creams or gels are prescribed, which have a different spectrum of action (pain relief, reduce inflammation or cool the skin).
  • Taking hormonal medications should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist and last a course of no more than two weeks.

During the period of intensive treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, avoid contact with household chemicals, and use moisturizing creams.


Alternative therapy techniques will help alleviate the patient’s condition and relieve unpleasant itching sensations.

  • If it itches under the knee and on the elbows, you need to take a warm shower, wash off the sweat and dry the problem areas with a towel.
  • Dilute apple cider vinegar half and half with water and wipe the skin several times a day.
  • Decoctions of chamomile and string help well. Taking baths with these herbs should last no more than 15 minutes. You can also make local compresses or lotions.
  • Eating pumpkin seeds daily will reduce itching and help remove toxins from the body.
  • Drinking mint tea in the evening has a relaxing effect and reduces rashes.

Before starting treatment at home, it is necessary to consult a specialist to exclude the development of an allergic reaction.

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