Who is a chiropractor (doctor)? What is the correct name of the profession? Treatment by a chiropractor

In the old days, a person who knew how to set and replace dislocated bones, as well as correctly position broken bones, was called a chiropractor. Many people are interested in what is the correct name for a chiropractor (doctor) these days? Today it is a chiropractor. He now knows how not only to set bones, but also to solve many problems related to bones and the spine. Manual therapy (“hand treatment”) is a whole system where the doctor performs therapeutic manipulations with his hands. A competent specialist can use them to treat not only joints and the spine, but also muscle disorders, and even diseases of internal organs.

Chiropractor (doctor) - what is the correct name?

A chiropractor (the old-fashioned chiropractor) uses his own hands to treat his patients. His competence includes the treatment of pathologies of the spinal column, including its curvature, as well as various joints.

Before preparing a restorative individual course, a good chiropractor conducts a full diagnosis. After this, the doctor begins to implement his miraculous techniques.

The main advantage of undergoing a course of treatment with a chiropractor compared to other methods is that in this case there is no need to use medications. And besides this, manual therapy can sometimes help even in cases where conservative methods are already powerless and completely ineffective.

Doctors who treat back

The list is impressive, most of the positions are obvious, but many need explanation. For example, who would think of going to a cardiologist if their back hurts? Of course, this is a related specialty, and back pain may be of interest to a cardiologist only if it radiates due to existing cardiac pathology. But in this case, as in many others, back pain is only a symptom that helps to identify and begin to treat the underlying disease.

What methods does it use?

A modern chiropractor (a doctor, as we correctly call it, we found out) is a doctor who uses the most modern methods of both diagnosis and treatment in his work. Manual therapy sessions are carried out in combination with physiotherapy, massage, and hardware methods. As a result, there is a lasting effect even in such complex diseases as arthrosis of the joints, intervertebral hernias, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and others.

Some patients feel some changes and even improvements after the first session. After exposure to the manipulations of a chiropractor, blood circulation immediately improves, muscles are toned, tissue trophism is enhanced and metabolism is accelerated. Of course, one session will not be enough to cure. Most often, you need to visit a specialist 10 to 20 times. Everything is individual. If you notice improvements already in the initial stages, be sure to complete the course. Under no circumstances should you stop halfway to recovery. Listen to your doctor's recommendations.

What is the difference between massage and osteopathy?

Fundamental differences between the two areas include:

  • an effect on bones and joints that is not found in massage practice, but osteopathy does. An osteopathic doctor can “set” the bones, eliminate displacement, as painlessly and without any discomfort as possible;
  • craniosacral therapy - restoration of biological and cranial rhythms of the body. Normalization of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics.
  • In osteopathy there are visceral techniques (not to be confused with visceral massage)
  • providing a complex effect on the body, inside and out. Osteopathy has this, while massage only has an external effect on the muscles and skin.
  • In osteopathy there are techniques for working with muscles, but they are usually performed auxiliary.
  • An osteopath is a doctor, a massage therapist is not.

Osteopathy “turns on” the body’s natural recovery mechanisms, helping the body to heal on its own. The only thing osteopathy and massage have in common is that the specialist’s hands “touch” the patient’s body.

And one more thing, ladies and gentlemen. There is no osteopathic massage. This is a lie .

What to choose, classic therapeutic massage or osteopathy? Osteopathy does not dispute the advantages of massage. Massage has existed as long as humans have existed. In some cases (for example: myofascial syndrome) massage is very effective. But, if you want to get rid of the cause of pain and prevent its return after completing the course, then choose osteopathy.

What does a chiropractor do?

Who is a chiropractor (doctor)? It’s clear what it’s called correctly nowadays. How does a competent chiropractor work? A chiropractor, like no one else, is well versed in the physiology of the human body and knows all its functional capabilities. He bases his approach and treatment method not only on the underlying disease. The psychological state of the patient must also be taken into account. The main goal of his manipulations (impacts on the body with his hands) is the elimination of pain, as a result, compensation of frozen functions (joints, spine, internal organs).

In the chiropractor's office, all problems associated with the musculoskeletal system, both congenital and acquired, are identified. A full course of manual therapy can restore health to many, and not only to the joints and spine. After treatment, the functioning of the endocrine and respiratory systems, the gastrointestinal tract is restored, the blood supply to all organs, as well as the brain, is increased, immunity is increased, and the patient’s emotional and psychological mood is improved.

Who is most likely to become a chiropractor? The specialist may have a diploma in an orthopedist or neurologist. In addition to this, he must also obtain a qualification in manual therapy.

The diagnosis is made by a doctor not only based on the results of examination, patient complaints, and palpation. Additional examinations and x-rays are often required. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition, monitor the dynamics of the disease, and focus on well-being.

What is therapeutic massage?

Classic massage is a procedure based on the direct impact of the massage therapist’s hands on the body. The specialist rubs, kneads, and stretches the muscles. Human skin has a huge number of receptors, which, in response to exposure, transmit information to the nervous system, which, in turn, helps to relax or tone the muscles.

Stiffness, twisting, and excessive tension are the causes of pain. These factors interfere with the normal recovery of the body after injuries and operations, stressful situations, even after intense physical and mental stress. As a result of the massage, all these clamps are removed, and the body finally gets the opportunity to properly restore its resource.

Typically, therapeutic massage includes a certain number of procedures; for example, a patient may be prescribed 5–10 sessions.

At the same time, classical massage does not aim to find the causes of torsion and stiffness. It works with symptoms and external manifestations, therefore it is often prescribed as part of rehabilitation procedures after various injuries and operations. It is indicated for both athletes who need to regain strength and ordinary healthy people.

With osteopathy it is a completely different matter. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of pain and tension in the muscles, which, as a rule, is not at the level of the myofascial apparatus, and, with rare exceptions, in the muscles and ligaments themselves.

Children's chiropractor

People of all ages turn to specialists. Infants are often brought to appointments. Common injuries are displacement of the cervical vertebrae during childbirth, congenital dislocations of joints, and hip dislocation. To prevent these pathologies from affecting the quality of life in the future, a chiropractor can help solve the problem. Moscow is a huge metropolis, and finding a good chiropractor here is not difficult. In the regions, many turn to such specialists based on recommendations and reviews from former patients of the doctor. A chiropractor has in his arsenal a variety of gentle techniques that are specially designed for young patients.

In childhood and adolescence, various diseases are accompanied by a whole series of varied symptoms. At home, it is simply impossible to independently identify the exact symptoms in infants; it is better to visit a chiropractic office with your child. Here the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose. The first sign of any abnormalities in infants will be loud crying during some kind of physical influence: turns, simple exercises, light massage. Older children may already complain of pain in any part of the spine, in the joints, or headaches (this can also be a consequence of problems with the spine). In addition, with kyphosis, scoliosis, torticollis, severe changes in posture and incorrect head position are immediately noticeable. A pediatric chiropractor knows how to help your child in these cases; after the first consultation, he will give recommendations on what needs to be done. A timely diagnosis and targeted treatment will make it possible to get rid of the disease. To confirm such diagnoses, the doctor will order an MRI, radiography, CT scan or magnetic resonance angiography. Any laboratory tests are possible.

Signs of osteoporosis

The first manifestations of the disease are considered to be:

  • decreased bone integrity;
  • depression of intervertebral discs;
  • vertebral deformity.

These signs are determined during diagnosis in a hospital using x-rays or ultrasound. Ultrasound can detect structural changes when tissue integrity decreases by 5%. If it is not possible to undergo an examination, then you should pay attention to the following indirect signs:

  • pain in the back (lumbar or thoracic);
  • the nature of the pain can have different intensity, but it does not cause severe discomfort, only after physical activity the pain can become stronger;
  • fatigue, weakness, rest takes longer;
  • leg cramps, palpitations.

Having determined the signs of the disease, it remains to understand which doctor treats osteoporosis in older women. Traumatologists and orthopedists note that in older age, bones grow together very slowly. Therefore, if you experience the slightest fracture or pain, you should consult a doctor.

Indications for children

A good chiropractor was able to help many children, as any grateful review proves this: a chiropractor, according to parents, creates simply wonderful transformations with the child’s body with his manipulations. The main thing is to contact on time and immediately begin a course of treatment after diagnosis. In what cases does a pediatric chiropractor really help? If a child is found to have:

  • Incorrect development of the spine in infants or infantile torticollis.
  • Kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis in older children.
  • Infants have birth injuries.
  • Teenagers and schoolchildren have incorrect posture and scoliosis.
  • In middle and school age, various dislocations and injuries.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Some diseases of internal organs.
  • Muscle pathologies.

Forms of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can be primary or secondary. Primary manifests itself in the following forms:

  • postmenopausal;
  • senile;
  • juvenile

The last two varieties are dominant. The highest bone tissue density in humans is observed at the age of 20-35, after which it begins to shrink. By the age of 75, we lose up to half of our tissue mass. An irreversible consequence of the senile form of the disease is a fracture of the femoral neck. A person stops moving and spends all the time in a lying position, and this is fraught with heart failure. It is not difficult to understand who treats osteoporosis and which doctor deals with the problem. A traumatologist or orthopedist will make a diagnosis and prescribe a certain course of treatment. The secondary form of the disease manifests itself in the presence of disruptions in the body: hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system, arthritis. Experts note that malfunctions in the lymphatic system can also lead to a secondary form of the disease.

Relief from pain

Of course, it is possible to get rid of a vertebral hernia with the help of surgery. However, a chiropractor will help you overcome the pain. Moscow is exactly the city where you can easily find a highly qualified specialist. Pain is the leading symptom of spinal diseases; a chiropractor is able to restore biochemical processes at the site of injury.

Every chiropractor has knowledge of the principle that a leading disease leads to disruption of the functioning of other important systems of the body, since it is a single whole. For example, if a finger is damaged on the lower limb, this will lead to a change in gait, and as a result, arthrosis of the hip joint is possible. This will be followed by disruption of the functions of internal organs, displacement of the vertebrae, poor posture, and so on. It is for this reason that even minor diseases should be detected in the early stages and treated promptly.

What diseases does a chiropractor treat?

During an examination, any doctor may decide that you need advice from a chiropractor. The price of a given doctor’s services may vary and depend on the level of qualification of the specialist. The most common diseases that a chiropractor works with:

  • Migraine.
  • Osteochondrosis with severe pain, with pinching of the sciatic nerve, radiculitis, etc.
  • Poor posture.
  • Kyphosis.
  • Lordosis.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Scoliosis.

In most cases, a person can decide for himself that he needs to consult a chiropractor. Alarming indicators may include: frequent headaches that occur when turning the head, dizziness, pain in the chest, joints, as well as stiffness of the spine and joints.

Contraindications to manual therapy include the following:

  • Oncology.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Osteoporosis.

When is it necessary to contact a chiropractor?

Do you need a chiropractor (the price for doctor's services varies in Moscow from 700 to 1800 rubles per session)? Listen to your body. If you notice the following symptoms, you should consider visiting a chiropractor:

  • There is a feeling of stiffness while breathing.
  • There is numbness of the lower or upper extremities and their fingers.
  • Dizziness, as well as headaches with them.
  • Hearing impairment, vision impairment, memory problems.
  • Headache occurs when turning the head.

How is an appointment with a chiropractor?

You can understand how an appointment with this doctor goes by reading any review. The chiropractor will listen carefully to all your complaints at your first appointment. The doctor will find out if you have diseases of the internal organs and various concomitant diseases. In addition, you must bring the following results to the doctor, if any:

  • CT scan of the spine.
  • MRI.
  • X-ray images.
  • Neurologist's report.

After studying them, the doctor will begin the examination. Know that manual therapy uses not only therapeutic, but also diagnostic techniques. The doctor will definitely use them at the first appointment. The chiropractor will also feel your spinal column with his hands, determining all its deformations, bends, determine where the muscles are less, more tense, and determine hypertonicity. During the examination, the doctor may ask you to take one position or another (lie down, stand up, walk around), while at the same time he will look closely.

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