The ORTEKI doctor told readers of the magazine “Liza” how to avoid leg fatigue in the evening

Arthrosis and arthritis: what is the difference

Both diseases affect human joints. The quality of life of people who suffer from one of these illnesses is significantly reduced. Although the names of the diseases are similar, their symptoms and manifestations are very different.

Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage of the joint and nearby bones. It is more common in older people. It can be caused not only by age, but also by heavy physical labor or sports activities.

It is difficult to call arthrosis inflammation. But some doctors believe that it is precisely because of the inflammatory process that this disease begins to progress. The cartilage and bone tissues that are located near the joint undergo changes over time. This happens due to the stress that they experience every day. The disease develops slowly.

Arthritis is inflammation that occurs in a joint. It can almost completely destroy cartilage. Unlike arthrosis, this disease is more common among the young population.

The development of the disease and inflammatory process occurs due to autoimmune factors. That is, immunity independently affects the human body. This process can start due to genetic disorders or infectious diseases.

Inflammation is the culprit behind the onset of arthritis. Bacteria that infect the body's cells have antigens similar to its protein. Therefore, he begins to attack his own tissues. Most often, not only joints are affected, but also internal organs. It could be the heart or kidneys. Few people know that in this case, doctors recommend removing tonsils if a person often suffers from sore throats. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications in the cardiovascular system and other organs.

If we compare arthritis with arthrosis of the foot, the second disease is more acute. Its symptoms are pronounced, so they are difficult to confuse with something else. Arthritis manifests itself in the form of swelling, severe pain, as well as other, not the most pleasant symptoms.

How the disease will develop in the future depends on the type of arthritis. Almost always, after an acute form, the disease “slows down” and then becomes chronic. Some changes in the joints remain forever, so new outbreaks of osteoarthritis are possible. Sometimes relapses occur and the disease again enters an acute form, joint pain and swelling appear, and the temperature rises.

Osteoarthritis, an inflammatory condition, can be controlled with anti-inflammatory medications. But osteoarthritis is much more difficult to treat, since it mostly remains in a chronic form, changing and destroying joints over a long period of time.

What diseases cause pain?

1. Injuries

In the process of life, the foot is often subject to trauma. For example, something heavy falls on the leg, the foot gets twisted, dislocations, fractures, sprains and torn ligaments occur. The complexity of the injury is determined using x-rays.

Treatment involves:

  • reduction of dislocation;
  • plaster application;
  • wearing a splint;
  • wearing an orthosis.

In 85% of cases when visiting a traumatologist, sprains are determined. If the ankle moves outward, the reason why the talus and surrounding connective tissues hurt is a sprain, a rupture of the ligaments. The person feels severe sharp pain, swelling and hematoma immediately occur. Even after treatment, patients note instability of the joint.

If a person has suffered a sprained ankle, they may develop dislocation of the small bones in the foot, which doctors call cuboid syndrome. Symptoms are morning pain, swelling, redness, pain on the outside of the foot, extending to the toes. It happens that a person lives with this disease for a long time. Meanwhile, it is cured quite quickly with a professional approach.

A stress fracture, that is, a miniature crack in one of the bones, makes itself felt by mild pain, which tends to intensify. Practice shows that this type of fracture is typical for the calcaneus, metatarsal, and scaphoid bones. It is typical for injuries that the top of the foot is swollen and painful.

2. Gout

Acute pain in the foot near the toes on top often occurs due to gout. The disease causes a metabolic failure in which uric acid salts are poorly excreted from the body. They accumulate in joints for years, form entire salt deposits there, damage cartilage, and disable joints. This disease is typical for men, but also occurs in women. An exacerbation is manifested by such acute pain that it is impossible to endure. Without professional treatment, the patient eventually develops non-functioning limb joints.

3. Even ordinary calluses, if they have grown deep into the sole; a nail that has grown into a finger; warts - can cause pain.

4. Systemic diseases

A common disease today that affects joints, damages blood vessels, and leads to pinched nerves is arthritis. Common types are rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis. The joints will be swollen, their work will be reduced to almost zero.

Osteoarthritis, i.e. destruction of cartilage tissue on the extremities affects the fingers and ankles, slowly leading to the proliferation of osteophytes and deformation of the fingers.

Osteoporosis manifests itself as pain in the foot during exercise. The disease occurs in older people and is caused by:

  • lack of calcium;
  • hormonal imbalances.

The diagnosis is confirmed by hardware texts, treatment consists of taking medications with calcium, vitamins, and hormones.

5. Developmental defects

Various physiological abnormalities can cause pain in the navicular bone of the foot, heels, instep, or outer part of the foot. For example, congenital pathology - tarsal coalition, i.e. fusion of bones leads to convulsions and abnormal gait. A disease with the romantic name bunion deforms the thumb. Bursitis of this finger has a genetic predisposition. Surgery may be necessary to correct the defect.

Deforming pathologies include clubfoot and pes equinus. Flat feet, no matter what type it is, always deforms the leg, complicates movement, and worsens gait. Pain in the top of the foot while walking and at rest should prompt a person to seek medical attention.

6. Inflammation

One of the common inflammatory ailments is plantar fasciitis. This is a connective tissue pathology that manifests itself as morning pain. Inflammation of the joint capsules, i.e. Bursitis is felt in painful areas near the fingers and in the joints. Ligamentitis and tendinitis—inflammation of tendons and ligaments—contribute to pain.

7. Infectious diseases

The reason that when walking the foot hurts not only in the middle above, but also in other places is infections, for example:

  • brucellosis;
  • Lyme arthritis;
  • pseudotuberculosis.

Streptococci and staphylococci lead to panaritium, inflammation of the fingers. Due to infection, the finger will turn red, swollen, and fester in a matter of hours. The surgeon will have to quickly open the abscess and disinfect it.

Symptoms of foot arthrosis

Foot arthrosis has a large number of symptoms. All of them can manifest themselves in different ways and directly depend on how far the disease has developed. This pathology in the early stages can be practically asymptomatic. This is where its danger lies. After all, any disease, including arthrosis of the foot, is much easier to cure at the initial stage.

At first, a person who has begun to develop arthrosis of the foot joints may suffer from fatigue after walking. Those distances that were previously covered without problems are becoming increasingly difficult to cover. By evening, a feeling of fatigue appears in the legs, the lower limbs swell and “hum.” Periodically, when moving, a crunching sound may appear in the joints. Many people do not take all these symptoms seriously and simply do not pay attention to them.

If treatment for foot arthrosis is not started at the initial stage, the condition will slowly but surely worsen. In the future, symptoms will appear that can no longer be ignored. These include:

  • Aching pain in the legs. They will occur not only after physical activity, but also when the body is at rest. Every day the pain intensifies and grows;
  • The bone on the big toe begins to “grow” and increase in size;
  • The gait changes and lameness appears.

The body becomes sensitive to weather changes. Before rain, snow or sudden changes in temperature, the lower limbs begin to “twist”. Such symptoms can reduce the quality of life. Many people are deprived of joy and cannot perform simple actions at home or at work. It becomes difficult to squat, bend, and do anything that involves bending and straightening the limbs.

The main symptoms of foot arthrosis include:

  • Feeling of stiffness in the legs in the morning after waking up. Joints don't move well. If you do a warm-up, the symptoms will subside;
  • Decreased physical activity. In the final stages of sling arthrosis, it becomes very difficult and painful for a person to move. Therefore, he tries to unload the leg suffering from the disease and transfers the weight of the body to the other. Because of this, the gait changes and a noticeable lameness appears.
  • Hyperthermia occurs over the lesion, the skin turns red, and the tissues swell;
  • During physical activity, the legs get tired very quickly;
  • When the joint moves, a crunching sound appears;
  • Pain in the joint initially occurs only after physical activity. Then they intensify and make themselves felt even at rest;
  • Meteosensitivity appears; in the cold season, aching pain is observed in the legs;
  • The shape of the foot changes, causing the bones to become deformed and calluses and corns to appear on the skin of the feet.

If you notice the first signs of foot arthrosis, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. The doctor will be able to prescribe you treatment that will prevent further development of the disease in the future.

Drug therapy

Treatment of burning sensation in the feet is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause that provoked this condition, and involves the use of the following drugs:

We also recommend reading: Acute pain in the foot

  • in the case where the diagnosis has confirmed the allergic nature of the burning sensation in the feet, it is recommended to take antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadine, Zyrtec, etc.);
  • for fungal etiology of the disease, antimycotic drugs are prescribed (Terbinafine, Clotrimoxazole, Naftivin, Miconazole, etc.);
  • to relieve pain and inflammation, it is recommended to take NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • for gout, Anturan and Colchicyl are prescribed, as well as corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • to normalize venous tone, venotonics are prescribed (Detralex, Aescusan, Venarus, etc.), and if the feet are burning due to thrombophlebitis, it is recommended to take anticoagulants (Heparin, Warfarin, etc.);
  • in diabetes mellitus, a burning sensation can be present not only in the feet; similar symptoms can also affect the palms, which requires mandatory treatment, primarily with drugs such as Bucarban and Glyurenorm;
  • To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin substances, oral intake of B vitamins (Neurobion, Tienshi, etc.) is recommended.

For burning and painful symptoms, intramuscular and intravenous injections of antispasmodics and painkillers (Analgin, Spazgan, Trigana, etc.) are often given, but the main role in therapy is given to physiotherapy (electrophoresis, paraffin-ozokerite applications, massage, exercise therapy, etc. ).

Causes of arthrosis of the foot

The risk group of people who are susceptible to arthrosis includes those who have reached their fiftieth birthday. After all, for a disease to gain strength, it needs time. The cause may be problems or defects of the musculoskeletal system, including flat feet. The load on the bones and joints begins to be distributed unevenly. Therefore, the cartilage tissue wears and wears away, damaging bones and joints. In overweight people, this happens much faster, as it increases the load on the limbs.

Not the last factor is shoes. If it doesn't fit, is too loose or, conversely, tight, it will only worsen the symptoms. If we are talking about women, then arthrosis of the feet can be caused by beautiful, but uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. In them, the foot does not perform its shock-absorbing function, and the entire load is transferred to the toes. This can cause arthrosis of the toe.

Often this disease can be a consequence of one or another disease. It can be:

  • Injuries. Fractures, ligament ruptures and joint dislocations can cause post-traumatic arthrosis. Most often it occurs in professional athletes;
  • Dysplasia and abnormal tissue development that arose during the formation of the skeleton before birth;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases that affect connective tissue;
  • Inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, which were not treated or were treated incorrectly.

All of the above reasons lead to poor blood circulation in the legs, and also spasm of some muscle groups. An insufficient amount of nutrients enters the cartilage tissue. Therefore, they lose their elasticity and collapse. The joint gap becomes narrow, and the development of arthrosis of the foot begins.

Folk remedies for treating “burning feet” in the elderly

To quickly get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Take a contrast shower. First, pour warm water over your feet, then with water at room temperature. It should not be too hot or cold. Shower duration is 20 minutes.
  2. Treat your feet with a moisturizer containing menthol. Make massage movements, starting from the toes, down the leg.
  3. Use medicinal baths with decoctions of linden, chamomile or calendula. Place two tablespoons of the herb in 1 liter of boiling water, cool slightly and leave on your feet for about 20 minutes.
  4. To do exercises. You can twist your feet clockwise as well as counterclockwise, and actively move your toes to restore blood circulation.

Classification of foot diseases and types of arthrosis

There are dozens of small joints in the foot. The problem can start in any of them. In modern medicine, there are different types of arthrosis of the foot, which are distinguished by its location. The disease can develop in:

  • subtalar ligament;
  • cuboid-calcaneal joint;
  • metatarsophalangeal joint;
  • arthrosis of the toe.

Arthrosis of the foot is also divided by degree. There are the following types:

  • Primary.

    May occur due to pathology in the foot or after injury or damage;

  • Secondary.

    Arthrosis of the foot of this degree appears due to diseases that affect the lower extremities. This could be hormonal disorders or any other;

  • Polyarthrosis.

    This is a complex degree of arthrosis of the foot. The disease affects not one, but several or more joints at once.

Treatment is prescribed depending on what type of arthrosis affects the foot.


  • Causes
  • Associated symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Conclusion

Burning sensation in the feet is a common complaint among patients, and before starting treatment, the doctor should understand the causes of the manifestation. Heat in the feet is not a cause, but a consequence. 30% of women and 20% of adult men experience these unpleasant sensations. The symptom can be caused by various diseases and pathologies, so you should not ignore the manifestations.

Types of arthrosis development

For treatment of arthrosis of the foot joints to be successful, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Each stage of disease development requires a different set of therapeutic measures. Doctors distinguish the following stages of pathology development:

  1. First. At this stage, noticeable fatigue of the lower extremities appears, as well as “pulling” pain after long walks or excessive physical exertion. At this stage, the patient may not even suspect that he is developing a disease, because he attributes the symptoms to banal fatigue. But if you do not visit a doctor, the disease will begin to gain momentum;
  2. Second. All the symptoms of the first stage begin to appear more actively. The pain becomes longer and more severe. Calluses may appear on the heels due to improper foot position, the knuckles become thicker;
  3. Third. The joints undergo serious changes, so the person begins to limp severely. Joint mobility decreases. X-rays show that the gaps between the joints are significantly reduced or disappear completely.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor must conduct an examination and diagnosis. It includes:

  • taking an anamnesis, when the doctor asks the patient about all his complaints;
  • X-rays and other examinations that will make it possible to accurately determine the condition of the joints, cartilage and bones, and also identify possible changes in their structure;
  • examinations that will allow you to study the condition of muscle tissue;
  • tests to find out about the state of the body and the nature of inflammation in it;
  • measuring the size of the foot so that you can track the dynamics of treatment for arthrosis of the toe or any other joint.

Treatment of arthrosis of the feet

The “insidiousness” of arthrosis of the foot joints is that at the first stage few people notice it. This means that only a few turn to a specialist. And when the disease takes a more serious form, it becomes quite difficult to fight it. That is why it is important to pay attention to the slightest manifestations of this disease.

It is important to remember that arthrosis of the foot does not go away on its own. Don't expect a miracle. Over time, the problem can only get worse. If you begin to feel discomfort or experience regular pain, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

How to enhance the effect of a sign

If popular belief predicts the occurrence of desired events, you can increase the chance of their occurrence if you properly relieve the burning sensation. To do this, you need to properly scratch the soles of your feet:

  • You need to scratch the soles in the direction from the heel to the toes.
  • The action should be performed only with the right hand, even if it causes discomfort.

To “put out the fire” in your feet, you should not rub them on furniture or flooring - in this case, the omen will turn against you.

The outcome of mystical events is influenced by the person himself, his lifestyle and religion. Even if according to the signs it is known what it means, if the soles of your feet are burning and the belief does not promise anything good, you should not think about a bad omen and in this case, it will not come true.

Treatment of foot arthrosis

Unfortunately, even modern medicine cannot completely cure this disease. But this is not a reason to abandon therapy. Some procedures and remedies can improve the condition of the joints, as well as prevent further deterioration of well-being. With their help, you can avoid complete loss of the ability to fully move.

The following medications are used in the treatment of foot arthrosis:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    These medications can not only relieve inflammation, but also eliminate pain. Available in tablets or capsules for oral administration, as well as in the form of ointments, gels and creams. The doctor may prescribe a course of medications that need to be combined with drugs for external use. The duration of administration and dosage must be selected by a doctor; self-medication in this and any other case is dangerous;

  • Painkillers

    . They are aimed at eliminating acute pain. In the final stages of the disease, they can be simply unbearable. In this case, the doctor prescribes injections with corticosteroids. It is recommended to do them no more than once a week, and the course is repeated a maximum of twice a year;

  • Chondroprotectors.

    These are medications that show the best results in the treatment of joint diseases. They allow you to restore cartilage tissue and also prevent its destruction in the future;

  • Hyaluronic acid.

    Preparations based on it are injected into the joint. It increases the amount of lubrication around cartilage, improves tissue elasticity and reduces friction in joints;

  • Anti-arthrosis ointments and gels.

    They allow you to accelerate blood circulation at the site of the lesion, which leads to improved nutrition of the joint.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for the treatment of arthrosis of the foot is Artracam. This is a new generation product that belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. It allows you to establish metabolism in the joint.

The main active ingredient in the drug is chondroitin sulfate, which is part of cartilage tissue. Artracam not only has chondroprotective properties, but also inhibits enzymes that destroy joints. The level of proteoglycans increases, metabolism and phosphorus-calcium metabolism improves. Cartilage tissue begins to actively regenerate.

In addition, Artracam relieves pain due to arthrosis of the toe, as it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The production of joint fluid accelerates and increases. Therefore, the joints become more mobile, friction between the cartilages disappears, and the intensity of pain decreases.

In addition to medications, non-drug methods can help cope with arthrosis of the foot joints. They are no less effective, but their effectiveness and purpose depend on the stage of the disease. These include:

  • Applying a “boot” made of plaster. Such therapy will be effective in the last stages of the disease, when the pathology has already gone too far. Plastering allows you to completely immobilize the limb;
  • Wearing special shoes with orthopedic insoles and arch supports. In the early stages, this allows you to improve blood flow and increase metabolism;
  • Massage. For arthrosis of the foot, it is useful to do it in courses, but only during those periods when the disease is not in acute form. Then you need to first relieve inflammation, and only then start massages. They will be effective at any stage of arthrosis;
  • Laser magnetic therapy, UHF and phonophoresis. They are used in combination with drug treatment to enhance the effect of the drugs;
  • Mud. They will work perfectly in combination with other techniques at any stage. They help to “deliver” all the necessary nutrients to the joint for its restoration, and also relieves stiffness in movements;
  • Operation. Surgical intervention is a radical solution to the problem. It is relevant when other means no longer work. The operation is performed in the last stages of the disease. The surgeon can fuse parts of the joints or replace them. In the first case, the foot will remain completely motionless, which can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. Joint replacement, on the contrary, allows you to maintain her mobility. But the shape of the foot may change.

Physical therapy works well in the treatment of arthrosis of the foot. It will be useful at any stage of joint damage. Gymnastics can not only alleviate the course of the disease, but will also be an excellent preventive measure. Therefore, exercise therapy is almost always prescribed to patients who have been given a similar diagnosis.

Causes of peripheral neuropathy

The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes (also called diabetic neuropathy). Other reasons include:

  • certain types of chemotherapy; for more information, see the Chemotherapeutic Agents section;
  • certain medications used to treat certain conditions, such as anticonvulsants (phenytoin), medications to treat heart disease and blood pressure problems (amiodarone), and antibiotics (metronidazole); The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy® can give you a complete list of medications that may cause peripheral neuropathy. For more information, visit
  • lungs' cancer;
  • multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • some other forms of cancer (for example, induced neuroleukemia);
  • tumors of the brain and spinal cord;
  • Lyme disease if left untreated;
  • multiple sclerosis.
  • If you have any of these possible causes of peripheral neuropathy, tell your healthcare provider about them. Tell us which medications you are currently taking and which ones you have taken in the past. This also applies to over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements.

    Sometimes there is no obvious cause for peripheral neuropathy.

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