Pillow under your feet: get rid of fatigue in 15 minutes

How often do you come home with a feeling of heaviness in your legs and pain in your back, knees, and neck? Remember that feeling when everything possible is buzzing, and even your favorite sofa does not save you from weakness and fatigue. This problem haunts many people, and we all need a comfortable holiday.

An orthopedic pillow under your feet will help you restore strength after physical stress or a working day. Even in 15 minutes spent on such a pillow, you will relax and fully rest.

How can a pillow help, since it’s just a pillow?!

Like any orthopedic product, such a pillow redistributes pressure and helps normalize blood flow in the legs. Blood circulation improves, and as a result, swelling subsides, pain in the legs and knee joints goes away. This is also an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

A pillow under your feet will help relieve stress on the cervical and lumbar spine. If you often have back and neck pain, then the pillow is simply made for you - the pain will decrease and you will feel all your muscles relax.

By placing such a pillow under your feet, you will relieve the knee joint, thereby completely relaxing your legs. Relaxing your neck, back and legs will leave you feeling rested and energized for the rest of the evening.

Description of product properties

  • relieves muscle spasms and spasms by increasing blood circulation;
  • relaxation of the muscles surrounding the spine;
  • Unloading of the ligamentous apparatus, which is not yet accustomed to the artificial prosthesis.

For the convenience of the pillow, Velcro is provided for attaching it to the leg - such devices are convenient when you need to turn over to the other side.

The store will help you find a model that suits you, and give you the opportunity to try it out and get advice on how to care for it.

Who needs such a pillow?

Answer: everyone. Both healthy people and people with diseases. A foot pillow will be your salvation if you spend most of the day on your feet or sit at the computer for a long time.

For office workers and people with a sedentary lifestyle, the pillow will improve blood circulation and prevent the appearance of varicose veins and similar serious diseases. For those who wear high heels, undergo heavy physical activity or play sports, the pillow will help relax muscles and relieve tension from tired legs.

Safe body position in bed

Immediately after surgery, the person should lie on their back with their legs moderately apart. A wedge-shaped pillow is placed between his knees, which prevents his legs from moving, crossing or turning inward. Please note that the pillow should not be placed in the popliteal cavity, as this will interfere with normal blood circulation in the lower extremities.

The next day the patient still continues to lie on his back. He is prohibited from crossing or bending his limbs too much. Until the endoprosthesis takes root, the patient should not turn the feet more than 30 degrees and bend the limb at the hip joint more than 90 degrees.

A person is prohibited from bringing his legs together - bringing the operated limb beyond the midline (a line drawn through the center of the spine that divides the body into right and left halves).

pillow bolster

When used, the legs are comfortably stretched and elevated to improve blood flow. This position will relieve tingling of the feet and swelling.

A universal pillow for the whole body, which is especially appreciated by pregnant women. Only with such a pillow will a pregnant woman be able to sit and lie comfortably.

Surgeons, orthopedists, technologists and designers took part in this invention. Anatomical products are made from high-quality combined materials. The fillers used are: medical foam rubber, natural or artificial latex, memory foam, polyester beads. Read more about pregnancy pillows in our article here.

Contour pillow for feet 77 cm. Transformable foot pillow Cushion cushion 170x38 cm.

What are the consequences of lack of proper rehabilitation?

If, after hip replacement, rehabilitation is not carried out in the required sequence or is absent altogether, then the injured muscles begin to lose tone, and scars may form at the incision sites. If the patient does not strain the limbs, the ligaments will remain in a stretched position, which will lead to the following consequences:

  • dislocation of the prosthesis head;
  • inflammation of the nerves that are located near the prosthesis;
  • broken bones near the prosthesis.

Selecting a pillow

The main selection parameter is the height of the product. Large sizes of 78x50 cm and a height of 22 cm are suitable for people with heavy weight and tall stature; short with low weight - 65x50 cm and height 16 cm.

It is better to give preference to models with adjustable and removable elements - such a pillow can always be changed “to suit you”. As for hardness, it is better to choose medium - it is universal.

An orthopedic leg pillow is a unique product that will allow you to support your spine, hips and knees at any angle. After resting on such a pillow, you will instantly feel the pain disappear and see that the swelling of your legs goes away. It is like an ambulance - it will relieve you of muscle cramps and aching legs, and give a tired person long-awaited comfort and rest.

Types of products

The following models of orthopedic pillows are suitable for people who have undergone joint replacement surgery:

  • Cube Designed for lying down, which is recommended in the first 3 months after surgery. The legs are extended and placed into the cutouts in the pad near the shin. The distance between the notches does not allow the legs to separate. Ask your doctor about the opening angle and choose an appropriate pillow.
  • The pillow has the shape of a semicircle. Suitable for sleeping on your back. It is placed under the knees or shins. There are models consisting of several rollers of different heights connected to each other. The shortest of them is placed under the knees, the tallest - under the heels. For sleeping on your side, use a bolster. To do this, he enters between the thighs so that the angle of their separation is at least 45 degrees.
  • Transformer. The model has 2 indentations for the knees and is used when a person sleeps on his side. The roller is attached to the top of your leg with Velcro, so you don't have to stand up after turning over.
  • Latex is a natural material with antiseptic properties. It is used to prevent bedsores and other skin problems. The material is durable and flexible. Does not change its shape after prolonged use.
  • Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. More rigid compared to latex made from synthetic materials. Cheaper.
  • Memorix. Substances that change its properties are added to polyurethane foam material. In this case, the pillow “remembers” its shape and retains it for some time after a person changes position. Such properties
  • they allow you to toss and turn less and fall asleep faster, because the blood vessels do not narrow, and the pain gradually subsides.

Styrofoam balls. The service life of the product is up to 10 years with proper care and handling. The material is soft and does not change shape under the weight of the body.

For patients with hip joints, it is better to use materials that remember the shape of the body.

  • Orthopedic pillows and headrests are selected according to size:
  • Long pillows are placed from the feet to the hips, which eliminates the incorrect position of the feet during sleep and the incorrect position of the legs. There are models that are used along the entire length - one part of the pillow is intended for the head, which is convenient to turn over to the other side.

Short. They are designed for a specific area of ​​the body - the pelvis, knees and shins.

Possible complications

Given the seriousness of the operation, the doctor must inform the patient about all possible complications or consequences. Most often, prosthetics ends successfully, especially if the patient obediently complied with all the requirements and recommendations.

The operation is an external intervention in the human body, therefore, you should be prepared for any situation:

  • bleeding;
  • prosthesis rejection;
  • displacement of the prosthesis;
  • infection in the wound;
  • the development of asymmetry, in which one leg will be different from the other;
  • dislocation of the prosthesis head;
  • pulmonary artery thrombosis;
  • complete destruction of the structure.

Also, the patient will be accompanied by pain for quite a long time. In a situation where complications cannot be eliminated using conservative methods, revision endoprosthetics is used. During which the implant will be replaced with another one, taking into account all the body’s reactions.

Rehabilitation for injuries and diseases of the hip joints should not be neglected. Yes, it can be hard, and it takes a lot of time. But without an adequate recovery process, returning to a normal, fulfilling life will not be possible in principle. Therefore, you should try hard so as not to receive disabled status in the future.

Shower benches

What to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. The bench should be light but durable. The best material is aluminum.
  2. The bench should be height adjustable.
  3. Check the legs or clamps on the side of the bathtub for anti-slip properties and degree of stability. Many legs have suction cups that add a layer of safety.

Types of benches

Stationary benches

Benches, chairs, armchairs are installed directly in the bathtub/shower. A person does not get tired while taking water procedures, and the risk of slipping on a wet surface is reduced.

Transformer benches

Specially designed to allow a person to easily move to and from the shower or bath. The design is based on simple mechanics and helps a person move without putting pressure on the hip. Benches can be placed for the entire rehabilitation period or removed if necessary.

The following types are most convenient:

Non-retractable swivel chair : located inside the bathtub, the seat and backrest rotate to the required degree. There are models that are fixed on the sides of the bathtub, and models that have legs for installation in the bathtub.

Retractable chair chair: the inner pair of legs are fixed in the bathtub/shower, the outer pair of legs are placed on the floor outside the bathtub/shower. The seat slides comfortably, moving a person in or out of the bath.

Additional toilet seat

What to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Height. You can choose a stationary unit with a certain required height or consider a design with the ability to adjust the height.

  2. Sustainability. The seat should not move or slide during use. For fixation, special latches, brackets or bolts are used.

  3. Weight, strength, presence of handrails. The seat should be light enough to be removed or easily disinfected and should be able to support your weight. Modern molded plastic combines lightness and strength. In addition, the seat can be equipped with handrails, which can be removable or built into the structure. The best material for handrails is aluminum.


They are relatively cheap, easy to install, and one of the easiest ways to ensure patient safety.

For individual selection, it is better to consider the following categories:

Wall handrails

They are fixed to the wall of the bathroom or toilet, differ in length, shape and material of manufacture. May have additional support. Some models are foldable.

Handrails that attach to the edge of the bathtub

Simple handrails and handrails with multiple areas for a more comfortable grip. May have additional support on the floor.

Handrails for the toilet room

Fixed next to or on the toilet.

Dressing aids

Everyday dressing aids allow users to get dressed painlessly and safely without any assistance from a caregiver. Recommended after hip replacement.

Devices for putting on socks

Devices for putting on trousers, stockings and tights (compression underwear)

Devices for putting on shoes

Multifunctional devices

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